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haztbDaore C~~l'.'" 511 .... &wanlllllore.· Pa. VoL. IV, No. 18 MRS. ULLMAN STARS IN PLA YEKS' CLUB MAY PRODUCTION "Women of the Jury" Given a8 Tribute to the Late Mrs. Fiske CAST WELL SELECTED The first &eason of the Players' Club in its new clubhouse was brought to a close this week by the presentation of "Ladies of the Jury" a thre,!! act comedy by Fred Ballard in which Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman carried off the honors in anÂother of the fate Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske's roles. The play and the manner in which it was interpreted appeared to be more popular with the audience than anything else that· has been produced this year. EDMUND VANCE COOKE TO SPEAK AT H. S. Edmund Vance Cooke, one of AmerÂica's leading poets will appear in SwarthÂmore on Friday evening, May 13 at the College avenue High school auditorium in one of his most popular lectures "In Nineteen Hundred and Now" Mr. Cooke is not only widely known as a poet but as a story teller, entrrtainer, philosopher, sociologist, pacifist, and friend of chilÂdren. Mr. Cooke is being brought to SwarthÂmore through the efforts of Dr. Walter Hoff Seeley of The Swarthmore ApartÂments, an intimate friend of the poet. The program is being sponsored on a non-profit basis by the Ulverston school. Dr. Cooke will give a talk in the audiÂtorium of the high school to all of the elementary and high school pupils at 2 o'clock next Friday afternoon. The eveÂning lecture at the same place wilt begm at 8 o'clock. A nominal charge will be made in the evening to pay Mr. Cooke's expenses. This is Mr. Cooke's first appearance in Swarthmore and many residents are alÂready planning to take advantage of this opportunity to hear him. ••• Mrs. Ullman in the role of Mrs. CraneÂgave olle of the finest perfonnances of her long and varied career behind the Players' Club footlights. It is' said that the play was selected as a tribute to th~ late Mrs. Fiske and as such Mrs. UllÂman's performance was a sincere exÂpression of admiration and respect for that lady who originally made the role • famous. CHAPMAN HEADS TREE COMMISSION Will Meet Regularly to EncourÂ. age Planting Through.' out ~oro. Although the rest of the cast, with the exception of Elizabeth May Roberts as Mrs. Gordon, sufft'red by contrast to Mrs. Ullman's perfllnmince, on the whole it was the best cast play of the year. . Miss Roberts' performance' was a beautifully polished piece of work MRS. CARELS, SECRETARY neither over-done nor under-done; COll-vincing and natural. The other twenty- El~wood B. Chapman, Mrs. Robert one characters were more or less on a Carels, Dr. John A. Miller and J. ArchÂpar, with each displaying particular er Turner will comprise the Swarthmore ability in the role assigned. I f one stood Tree Committee authorized by an ordiÂout to greater advantage than another it nance passed by borough council week was probably due to the' part rather than before last.' At the first meeting of. the Swarthmore, Pa., May 6, 1932 $2.50 Per Yeat MAY FESTIVAL ON CO~LEGE COllEGE CAMPUS CAMPUS TOMORROW AT 2 P.M. NOW IN HEIGHT Preparations are well under way for Lamond, Lorraine Marshall, Elizabeth the annual May Day Festival, which. Jone~, a!ld Elizabeth Hodges. There will will take the form of a Nottingham be Slllglllg, as \~ ... Il ~s several dances, VI'l la ge ce 1c b ratI.O n, to be presented on Dthaen cfei rsbt y oft hew luvcilhla gIeSr s-the May Pole S-,~turday afternoon, May 7, at 2 o'clock, . A group of tumblers will aid the on the quadrangle in front of Worth merry-making with a demonstration of Dormitory and the women's fraternity their skill, followed by a Morris Dance. lodges. The audience will occupy The tumblers are Olive Adams, Helen bleachers on the terrace above the Annette Mitchell, Virginia Sutton, courtyard. The scene will be decorated Helen Townsend, Betsy Soule and DorÂto represent English country villages in othy Larison, while the Morris Dancers the days of Robin Hood. The entire are Carlyn Ashley, Elizabeth Chaney, production is being directed by Miss Abigail Dewing, Hilda S: Gruenberg, Virginia Rath, head of the women's Gertrude Hall and Mary Legate. The department of physical education, and Jesters of the Court, Louise Stubbs, is being carried out by the Women':; Mary Lu Spurrier, and Elizabeth Stir- Athletic Association. ling, will then dance. TI~e festival will open .with the m~rry- CrowDing of Queen makmg on. the Nottlllgham VIllage The crowning of the May Queen will green, preSIded over by the Queen of occur after a dance by the Queen's atÂthe May, Anna Kurtz, and the ladies tendants and their partners Nina VolkÂof her court, Yvonne MUser, Marcia mar, Eugenic Harshbarger, Janet Smith, ROOSEVELT LEADS AL SMITH HERE JUNIOR CLUB TO ENTERTAIN MOTHERS OF SPRING BEAUTY Hundreds of Tulips, Dogwood. and Azaleas Now in Bloom COLLEGE WOODS BEAUTIFUL The campus of Swarthm"re College has seldom If ever been more beautiful in the Spring than it is at this time due to the additional planting which has been done d~ring the past year. Over the apÂproachtng week-end spring flowers inÂcluding, several thousand tulips,' dogÂwood, and azaleas, will be at their best and are expected to attract hundreds of visitors. To really enjoy the campus this year one must go afoot, for an additional improvement over other years is that all of the new shrubbery and trees' as well as the old plants have been tagged. The John H. P' trees are marked with cop per labels )tman, won the Democratic The final meeting of the year for the fastened to their trunks while the small nomination for State Senator over his Junior Section of the Woman's Club shrubs and plants are marked by similar opponent John J. McClure ir. the Pri- will be held on Tuesday evening, May Copper tags fastened to copper rods maries over the entire county last Tues- 10th, at 7 o'clock, when the JWliors will alongside the plants. day. Mr. Pitman got all the DemOCratic close their season with a Mothers' and ~mon!f. the new plantings this year votes in ever ... precinct' except tlie~astern Daughters' Banqu~t at the Clubhouse, whIch VISItors should try not to miss are where McClu., re received two votes. -follOwed by a musi.ca iprogramd presente the rhododendrons which h a v e been Randall, Democratic candidate for under the leadership of Mrs. George T. massed about the Elm avenue entrance to congress also won the place on the Demo- Ashton, of Swarthmore. . the campus. N ear I y three hundred cratic ba.llot over James Wolfenden. In At the close of .the Meetlll"g, ~r~. clumps of thes€; plants ranging from 2 to the SmIth-Roosevelt contest, Roosevelt George. T. Ash~on will presel!~ A VISit 4 feet high have been planted about each carried Delaware 'County and in Swarth- to M.uslc~l Shnn.es of .Europe br means s!de of the entran'ce. They represent naÂmore polled 38 votes in the three pre- of ~tdl pIctures, 10 whIch a beautiful coI- tlve stock collected from the mountains cints to Smith's 17. lectlon of scenes taken ~t. the homes of of North Carolina. The Democratic vote in offices where a so.me of the: ~amous mUSICIans of Europe Along the trails in the Cnim woods, contest existed was as follows: wd~ .be prOjected ~pon the screen. Com- more than 2000 more of these rhododenÂposItions by the dIfferent composers will drons have been planted. A quantity U .. S. Senator N. E. W. be. played as the pictures are shown. In ha~e a.lso been planted near the' girls' CaSSidy 5 7 4 conj~nction with the glimpses of the SWI~mmg pool and near the inen's gym-to superior dramatic skill. Committee this week, Mr. Chapman was Helen Clark Reed and Dorothy Strode elected chairman and Mrs. Carels, secÂRiciiardsoi1,' lheTo'j-mer a!f'<ih e.X~chortis retary; ~ . --- .~. --" _. "'~~',-.- ..,~.-.. , -... ~ girl, and the latter as a reformer were The committee will establish a regular "Ladies of the Jury" who had good meeting time each month but for the comedy roles and played them for every present will hold even more frequent laugh conceivable. Mrs. Reed's par t meetings in order to get their work unÂgrew hetter towards the end of the play derway. Rupp 9 12 14 home ~f Bach, pieces by the well-known nasmm. . . . President ~aestro will be played by Miss Irma On the c~mp~s proper, the finest dis- Smith"~'- . '-",4- "'9 _c_ . 4' Zunmci", ~It55 Doreen ~fitC'hen- ail(] '"Mrs: .play. of ,*ull(\~ IS-c along- the -'\ynlk""f.l'Otn.'--"' ...... Roosevelt 11 II 16 Ashton. Accompanying the Mozart pic. the c?"ege ~nve to the fro~t door of the Delegates tu~es, Mozart pieces will be played by Meetmg house. Ot~er t~hps. have been Lynett 14 ]8 18 MISS Peggy James, Miss Betty Johnson, planted by the Fnends LIbrary and Campbell 7 14 16 and' Miss Katharine Warren, while a along the banks of the natural amphi-while Mrs. Richardson did her best work "At the present time," said Mr. Chap-in the second act. man, "we wish to emphasize that it is Niles 8 ]2 7 group of Junior Members will sing a theatre. Gilmore ]5 18 16 few songs written by Mozart. The. azalc~ gard~n planted last fall and Dorothy G. Smith as th;: college girl not too late to plant shade trees and was refreshing and added variety to the shrubbery right now. Residents of the jury and Aline C. Luff as the young borough should check up at once on their wife scored successful1y in an entertain- trees and any that appear to be dead or ing role. Mary Ryan O'Brien as Mrs. in an unhealthy condition should be reÂMaguire, an Irish character study, did placed." excellent work and was particularly ef- The committee also wishes the atten- Bard ]3 17 16 A~ the. close of the program illustrat- bl?"mlng thiS sprmg for the first time Van Dyke 9 13 13 ing the Haydn group,-"The Toy Sym- w1l1 also attract many visitors. The Donohoe 9 14 13 phony" will be played by an orchestra pl~nts ho~vever, .are small and the display ColJins 8 10 6 composed of :-Miss Peggy James, Miss ~hls .rear I; nothmg to compare with what Shull 7 7 10 Doreen Mitchell, Miss Betty Johnson, ~t WIll be III the future. The azalea garden Cassidy 0 4 0 Miss Irma Zimmer, Mr. Richard Kep- IS located north of the clUllIp of woods Short ]2 10]2 pIer, Mr. Guy Bates, Mr. Billy Bates, ~ast of the Friends Meeting House. It fective with her Irish dialect. tion of the public called to the beauty of The men in the jury were not far be- the dogwood in and near Swarthmore. hind the ladies, particularly Ned Pyle as Dogwood trees may be secured very reaÂa young candy merchant and S. Felton sonably and will add much to the beauty Bickley as a garage mechanic. Mr. Pyle of the borough at this time of year. Morris 6 6 7 and Mr. Billy Smiley playing the toy in- IS ~unded 011 the north by the Presi- Kistler 7 5 3 struments; Miss Esther Duke, Professor dent s lawn. . . McDevitt 1 2 2 ~ayes, ~d Â¥iss Charlotte Kimball, play- Ano~her pomt ~f IIlterest .on the cam- Congress 109 the vlOlms and the cellos; with Miss pus wll]. be the pllletum whIch has been Randall 14]4 II Katharine Warren at the piano. Mrs. started Just sout~ of the walk which and Mr. Bickley added youth and spirit The committee is now studying the to the production and gave natural, con- tree survey of the borough made last vincing performances which delighted year which points out places where trees each night's audience. are needed. This survey will be follow- Roland G. E. Ullman who directed the ed up shortly and every effort made to play with the aid of J. William Sim- encourage planting and proper care of Wolfenden 2 3 0 Ashton will direct the orchestra. lead~ from the ratlroad station and will State Senator ••• cHo ntmd ue up to the men's tennis courts. Pitman 16 17 21 un reds of varieties of pine trees will McClure 0 2 0 WOMAN'S CLUB HEARS eventually be planted in this area and Legislature ANNUAL RE~ORTS each will be identified by a copper plate. Kane iO 12 6 The most rec~nt planting on the cam- (Continued 0" PQ(le TAree) trees. McNamee to 11 8 Annual reports of the Swarthmore pus consists of the rambler roses which Chatham 9 13 II Woman's Club were given last week' at have been planted along the banks of the • • • "Shade trees may be purchased so in- SIMPSON RETURNS TO THE expensiVely this year that everyone can ThOlnas 3 5 4 the regular meeting in the form of a play underpass and in a few years will cover VIRGIN ISLANDS FOR SPRING afford to sacrifice some small extravÂAnderson 5 5 5 arranged by Mrs. William Earl Kistler, the ~ntire bank with a Illass of crimson Ogden 8 8 5 president and Mrs. Robert L. Coates. blooms. Below the railroad, Washing- Andrew Simpson, superintendellt of the college, and assistant professor of mechanical engineering, sailed Friday for the Virgin Islands. He was absent from College on leave during the season of 1931-32, working with the GovernÂment in the Virgin Islands for about six months, but returned to Swarthmore last September. He expects to return from this trip, which combines business with [lleasure, on June first. ••• JUPITER AND FOUR MOONS VISIBLE FROM OBSERVATORY The 1)lanet Jupiter and four of its nine satellites limy now be viewed through the 24-inch refractor telescope in Sproul Observatory. Of the seven reÂmaining planets, two, Mercury and Venus, can never be seen through the Sproul telescope due to their low altiÂtudes. The other five, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are either not at present in the evening sky or they are too far away to be easily disÂcerned. Other object!' which may now be seen are the various nebulae, stars, double stars, variables, and occasionally a comet. The observatory is opened to visitors on the second and fourth TuesÂday evening of each month. There is no charge for admission. It is felt that Swarthmore students have not· been taking advantage of the opportunities offered them for observing celestial obÂjects through one of the largest reÂfractors in this pa.r.t. .o. f the country. agance or pleasure in order to plant an additional tree or replace One that has died during the winter," declared Mrs. Care]s. Culhane 0 0 0 When the curtain was drawn Miss ton Oaks have been planted west of the District Delegate Alice Lukens was seen sitting in a nicely underpass along the newly christened Feeley 6 12 7 appointed room soliloquizing to the ef- Washington Place. '1. . Desmond 0] 1 . 9 fect that she had been on a trip around The greatest improvement in the cam- PEACE ORGANIZATION SPONSORS MOVIE Longstreth 9 7 10 the world and that The SwartlJlllorcall pus however, will be observed in the Johnson ]2 7 8 simply couldn't keep up with her, cOllse- woods along the Crum. In addition to Alternate Delegates quently she did wonder what had been the thousands of rhododendroms, hund- O'Donnell 2 to 4 going on in the Woman's Club. reds of azaleas have- been [llanted along The Women's International League Forster 4 8 4 At this moment the door-bell rang and the paths and promise to be in bloom this for Pcace and Freedom, and organiza- Weir to 8 11 in came Mrs. Jesse Herman Holmes and week-end. Hundreds of helmlocks have tion for the promotion of international Morley 8 to 10 Mrs. 'Clifford Buck who described th ... 2.!!'o been set out in the woods this spring. friendship and good will through litera- State Committee work done by the Literature section. This year the unemployed men have ture and programs I.S sponsor.m g specJ. a I McCormick 2 21 3 Mrs. Buck told of the convclltl'ons she c1I eased the woods the entire distance performances of "The Man I Killed" at Maris 13 13 14 as Contact Chairman had attended. a ong the Crum from the Baltimore pike the Media Theatre, Wednesday and Mrs. Murrey 3 4 6 Mrs. Robert L. Coates and Mrs. E. A. to the Strath Haven Inn. Paths with Thursday, M.ay 11 and ]2 at 2 :30, .7 :30 Mrs. Senat 13 13 10 Jenkins followed, telling of the Current natural bridges have been made and one and 9:00' o'clock. • ! • Events section and Mrs. Jenkins of In- may walk with ease the entire. distanc~. The League benefits financially on ternationaP'Relations. The paths have also been built suitable every ticket bought before Tuesday noon, PLA YGROUNDPROJECT These four remaiqed on the stage to for .rising horses and are being used ex- May 10. Tickets may be secured from BEFORE SCHOOL BOARD add remarks as the other chairmen came tenslvely for that purpose. the following Swarthmore women: Mrs:. in to tell their news. Mrs. J. Bernard E. Bonsall, Mrs. E. M.. Budener, Mrs. Howard KIrk, one o~ the fir-st backers Walton, Miss Mildred Simpers, Mrs. E. A. Jenkins, Miss Ada M.arot, ~Irs. °lf the Summer Pubhc Play~round at Roland L. Eaton, Mrs. Robert Chester Paul Paulson, Mrs. Joseph Peckerman, t Ie College avenue school, Will appear Spencer, Mrs. George Zimmer, Mrs. Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker, and Mrs. before the S~varthmore schoo.1 board ne~t Walter Fritz, Mrs. A. R. Redgrave, Mrs. Clair Wilcox. Thursday With recommendatIons for thiS William Raiman, Mrs. J. H. Turner, • • • year's playground program. Mrs. Roy Delaplaine, Mrs. John Brown- At a meeting of those interested last ell, Mrs. Harold Goodwin, Mrs. Arthur MAY FAIR FOR week, it was recommended that every ef- Bye, Mrs. Harold Griffin, Miss Martha TAYWR HOSPITAL fort should be made to aid the play- Haviland and Mrs. William Hanny also ground ·work. Those who have express- made reports. Mrs. T. W. Crossen rep"' ed interest in the project include: Mr. resented new members. Kirk, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. George Mrs. Kistler gave an account of herÂZimmer, Mrs. Lloyd Kaufl'i\lan, Mrs. R. self and told how she had appreciated the P. Lingle, Mrs. D. C. Prince, Mrs. Sam- help of all the members but especially uel Palmer, and David Ulrich. the work of the Program Chairman, 'I'. TRIANGULAR MUSICAL' AT H. S, TONIGHT A Triangular Musical Concert will be given in the auditorium of the H. S. this evening at 8 o'clock between musical organizations. of ~idley Park, Media and Swarthmore High schools. No admisÂsion is charged and the public is invited. , . ••• ORGAN RECIT ALGIVEN IN VESPE~S SUNDAY BY SHERO The annual May Fair for the benefit of the Taylor Community Hospital wiil be held on Saturd~, May the fourteenth at Tome Park in Ridley Park. There will be cake, candy, flowers, dolls, and all sorts of fancy articles for sale-and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Amh~sl ave- lois. of amusement for. every one. The nue will entertain at luncheon next Wed- ponies will he here again this year and nesday in honor of Mrs. Raymond WaJ- ~illiam Price of Rose Valley will bring ters. _ ~ ; _ ., .: i~ee marionette shows. The school board has allowed $I,OOOiti Mrs. Thomas McCabe, who was unable this year's budget for the playground to be present but sent an original poem provided a satisfactory program which covering the events of the year whictl will be an improvement over last year was read to the accompaniment of much The yesper service on Sunday, May 1, conSIsted of an organ recital by L ~. S~ero. It opened with the "Praelu~ dl~m and the "Pastorale" from WidÂor s Second Symphony and .. included among others, "May Night" by Palm~ gren and three short choral preludes by can be arranged. . laughter. Bach. l . : .... . ... . -:-- ..... , .. .' ..... . . t- ,
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~- ' THE SWARTHMOREAN colony at New Hope in the near fUI:ur,.1 gesticms for sUmmer food ~serv"-tj';;; Mr~. ~iichell; a Schumann sonata in G Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Dresden of Mrs. Strawbridge -is - cbairman of the minor, played by Mrs. Leonard C, Ash-avenue entertained at dinner Woman's Law. Enforcement Committ~ ton; a Katherine Mansfield story, Mrs. Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. of Philadelphia and the Main Line. The Eaton; songs, Mrs, Wickham; olas F. Minorsky, Dr. and program is in ebarge of Mrs. Edwin A. panied by Mrs, Ashton. Kline, and Professor Anna Yarnall, Chairman of Law Observance who have cars have of Bryn Mawr. for the Southeast District of ?ennsyl- neighbors who wish to ride will Mrs. William D. Wermouth has re- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates vania. The meetiug is also a stated so that all may go to this, the turned from a three weeks' visit Harvard avenue spent last week·end. meeting. Mrs. J. Bernard Walton and of the year. Contributions Washington, D. C. Miss Eleanor Wer- Avon, New Jersey, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Redgrave will he host- collected by Mrs. Simpers. mouth who is a- freshman at William Eugene S. Farley of Westfield, N: esses for the afternoon. The polls will Mary College in Virginia spent Miss Elizabeth B. Oliver of New be open at the club from ten until noon week-end wilh her parenls in W:.stlint~-Iwill be the week-end guest of Mrs. and two until five for the election of ward O'Brien of Palmers Corners. four new board members. ton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bunting Miss Dorothy MitcheH, a student , I • College avenue spent last week-end the Ambler Horticultural School, was NOTED PHYSICIAN TO Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Greene of guest of Mrs. William G. Vlacbos SPEAK AT TRINITY wood, N. J. Mrs. Greene W&S last week-end. Miss Charlotte Bunting. Mrs. A. B. Cbapin will entertain The Book Review Club met bridge club of which she is a membe..j Dr. Larkin W. Glazebrook, of Wash-sd M 2th ington, D. C. will be the speaker at the c\'ening with Mrs. Rosalie next Thur ay, ay I . South Chester road. Mrs. Frank E. Mrs, Walt.e r Roberts of morniug Service on Sunday. Dr. G1aze- _~ h be f brook, whose father was a clergyman of .. , Those from Swarthmore attending funeral of Mrs. Mary S. Faries in Smyr. na, Delaware last Monday were Rev. and Mrs. L10yd P. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S, Bittle, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. M. Boyd, Mr. J. Harlan Jessup, Mrs. Anna B. Price, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Faries daughter Carolyn. Iiams reviewed a Japanese best road entertaIDal t e mem rs 0 C . f h P , C' I the Episcopal Church, retired from the "The Mother" by Tsurumi, which Program omm,ttee 0 t e vets orc e NESTLE DE-LUXE recently been translated into English at luncheon on Wednesday. practice of medicine to devote his time the author. The teachers and officers of the Pres- to speaking in the Churches throughout PERMANENT The Primar)' Department of the byterian . SI uhn day Schho tt hhe ld ha Mm eetdin g theO nco Munotnryd aoyn af"tPeernrsooonna, l aRt eZl i:3g(i)o nh"e. will No machine attached to the byterian Sunday School will hold a and sOCia our at t e c urc on ay at the Folk House in Rose Valley evening. to the women of the Parish, under head. Comfortably waved. day, May 14th. Mrs. Alexander MI' tc he I I T he J uU.l or sce·tlo n 0 f . t h e W oman t s auspices of the Woman's F1' 0g er wav1' 0g u noe cessary• is, chairman of the comm,i ttee 1. 0 c h arge t,; Iu b WI- II h0 Id t he'l r annuaI. d ance on on Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, Al8 0 E ugene and Ke eo perma. . address the men at an infonnal of arrangements, Saturday, May 21sL- I .. noloer, nents. Come in and get two hot Miss Mildrid Spellcer and Mr. Paul Mr. and Mrs_ Clifford Buck are being I' oil treatments free before either Ferguson were dinner guests Saturday congratulated on the birth of a grand- The second of the Thursday night evening of Mr. and Mrs. William Hanny daughter born on April 20th to Mr. and Suppers will be held next week from wave. Try our oew 50apless of Yale avenue. Mr_ Ferguson who is a Mrs. John M. Buck of Lynchburg, Va. 5:3() to 7:3(). Tickets 6Sc. shampoo before having a mar-cousin of Mrs. Hanny has played the Miss Martha Haviland is spending the ' • , eel. For appointments call main viola with the Philadelphia Orchestra week-end in New Rochelle, N. Y., where Fortnightly or branch ollice. Swarthmore during the past season and is leaving she is attending the twentieth annivers- 542. soon for his home in Robinson, JIIinois. of the New Rochelle Woman's Club Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell will enter- GRACE M. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of which she was a charter member. lain the Fortnightly at her home on Swarthmore and Ogden avenues are at Mrs. William Hanny, Mrs. Robert L. Avondale road on Monday, May 9th, at SHIRER APTs. their cottage at Rehobeth Beach. Coatcs and Mrs. James E. Davis atteDlI~ 2:30 o'clock. AND Dr. and Mrs, J. R. Kline of Riverview luncheon and conference of Press The program will be as follows: A THE NEW Swarthmore avenue are entertaining at dinner Publicity Chairmen last Thursday. ~·~ne~a~ct~p;l;aY~b~y~C;I;ar;e~K;u~mn~,~er~r;ea;d~b~y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ evening in honor of Dr. Robert Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of Moore o[ the University of Texas, Aus- Swarthmore avenue are spending the tin, Texas. week-end at their summer home in Wall- Professor Richard Courant of ingford, Vt. tingen, Germany, was the guest of Mrs. J. Bernard Walton and Miss at a dinner given by Dr. and Mrs. R. Martha Haviland will entertain at bridge Kline of Riverview road last tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs, Reverend and Mrs. John Ellery Walton on Ogden avenue. and Miss Margaret Tuttle of • • • Manse" motored to W. Sutton, ~_a.ss~,~~_~IMOTION PICTURES week to open their summer home. SHOW FLOWERS are' expected to return to Swarthmore morrow. Allen K. White, a business man Mrs. Frank Windell cntertained at Atlantic - City, whose hobby iss o,~~~;l~: I last Friday for the member'ss~,o~~f o;;:~I!~:~~hl', has worked out a special C4 Ladies Aid Society of the ~ ance taking colored moving pictures Episcopal Church. of flowers bursting into b 1 00 man d Miss Miriam B. Watson of New through the kindness of his sister, Miss and Miss Alene Dicks of Natthc£;, Frances White who is keenly interested . a student at Columbia University, will in the, G~r~ ~ecti_o~, Ite. Y!'i11 show .. the guests of Mrs. David N':',lllrich of of these pictures at ·the Woman's Rutgers University over this week-end. this evening at 8:15. Mrs. Arthur- Edwin Bye attended a Dr. -Samuel C. Palmer, the meeting of the Art Chairmen of the 'of a member of the club, who is Delaware County Federation of Wom- professor of Botany at Swarthmore ColÂen's Clubs at ,69th Street on Thursday. lege, will give an illustrated talk Plans were made for a trip cto the art "Trees in the Gardens of England and ,francen ; pictures he took while travering during his sabbatical year two years Fifteen minutes of music will follow first series of pictures. Members of if club and their husbands are invited. MOTHER: had allower • • "Coming Home" Day "The S " ycamores ParI. and Michigan Avenues, Swarthmore Lovely spring-green tree shades and fruit hlossoms to see. Home-made ice cream Thursdays and Sundays. Sundays, midday dinners $1, $1.25, supper S5c, $1. Weekdays, e":ening dinner S5c to $1.25 Luncheon and tea. T.I.p],oneY lOO-w. MAY 6, 1932 " Spring Bricks J.>rotect your wedding gifts from theft, breakage, loss with INSURANCE FOR DETAILS PHONE Cheater 6141 Sweeney & Clyde CHESTI!R. PA. OPEN EVENINGS A. Little u 25~ a Day Pays for a NORGE CANTER'S Cor. 4th &. Market S10 Chester 991 JONAS GEE Praetieal Lawn Mower Sharpener and Repairer Saws reset and aU kinds of tools sharpened Work called for and 'deUnred 14 N. Morton Avenue P. O. Box 156 Morton, Penna. PhoDe-Swarthmore 1231-1 Swarth.761-762 Free Delivery MARTEL BROS. Fruits and Vegetable. Sea Food and Groceries Filled Quality of Birdseye Frosted Mea~ MEATS WITH A FLAVOR Loin Pork Chops Ib.25c Shoulder Lamb b'nlesslb.19c Rib Roastfirit 2 ribs Ib.39c Rib Lamb Chops Ib.35c Pork Loin Roast Fowl for Jiricassee Ib.19c H Ib.49c Golden Bantam Com, box 2~ Red Raspberries, box 27e "GARDEN FRESH" PRODUCE Freoh SUGAR PEAS, lA pk_ 1~ Sweet JUICY ORANGES, doZe 1ge Juicy GRAPEFRUIT S for 25e Fancy WINESAP APPLES, l/~ pk., 3~ FRESH CAUGHT FROM ; THE SEA . eVert/loVinq sacrifice An invitation was sent to the Garden Section of the 'Vornan's Club and their friends to attend "Coming Home Day" at Salem, N. J. on Saturday, the 14th, at which time seventeen old homes with their pre-revolutionary furnishings will be open to the public. Salem is the oldest permanent English settlement on Delaware and over thirty old ho-u .. ," built of the early blue and blaek ~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::~~ISF~E.Ah TROUT, Ib_ ISe her arms couldn't hold tbe bouÂquet! But just a few fresh, fragr .. i blooms on Mother's nay will teU her the message sbe longs to bear -tbat you baven't forgotten! Say.it with FLOWERS on ..Mother's may MAY EIGHTH .1}:lQ(CC-Marot Flower Shop 315 Dickinson A vc. Sw. 554 still stand in and near Salem. • • LAW ENFORCEMENT TALK ON TUESDAY Mrs. George Holt Strawbridge, of Bala who has made so many friends throughout the state by her pleasing way of presenting her subject. will speak at the Woman's Club on Tuesday afternoon on Law Enforcement followed by sug- TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH DINNER Thursday, May 12 5:30-7:30 P.M: -Menu- ROAST LAMB MINT JELLY NEW POTATOES WITH PARSLEY FRESH PEAS ROLLS COFFEE DESSERT PRICE6Sc Mrs. F. M. Hadley, Chairman • yes ,people are Buying Cars d~ring a cold rainy AprilÂWE SOLD- 1 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 2 CHRYSLER EIGHTS 5 CHRYSLER SIXES 5 PLYMOUTHS New Cars sOld in one month 13 before Spring weather actually arrived. and 7 Used Cars making a total of 20 cars sold This business reflects the confidence which the public has in Chrysler and Plymouth cars as well as in our firm. It may be real economy for you to turn in your present car now and buy one of the economical new Plymouths or Chryslera. Stop in and see the new models. HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVENUE Fre.h CAPE MAY GOODIES, lb., 1~ Fresh JERSEY STEAK COD, lbo, 1ge Fresh FILLET HADDOCK, Ib_ 23e GROCERIES AT A SAVING SHREDDED WHEAT, pkg., 6e ReI(. lOe Gorton Ready to Fry CODFffiH,am ~ Reg. 13c P. & G_ Naptha Soap, 2 ban, Se ReI(. 5c Large Pkg. R1NSO, pkg. 17e Reg. Z3c BON AMI POWDER, can 8c Reg. 12c Brookfield Butter 27 c CRffiCO, lb. can 19c Reg. 23. COMONT COFFEE, lb. 23e MONTCO PEACHES, \g_ can 1~ 3 for S4c Brookfiel4 Eggs _ 23c Freah lie -dOL Gold Medal Cereaota FLOUR, 12 Ibs~ 3~ STUFFED OUVES 25c Pillt Jv ;:)U'LSAI~, 10 Ib_ bag 3~ ~MA~Y 6~, 1~932~ ~ ___- ._ _______________~ ~THE~~ARTKMOREAN BRILLIANT MUSICAL of Philadelphia. Miss Nowinski played ., _PROGRAM AT TEA The Interdenominational Tea sponsorÂed by the Society of Friends for all the church wOtnen of Swarthmore was an outstanding success and those present enÂjoyed a program which concluded with several piano numbers of an internationÂal nature played by M iss Ella Nowinski PLAIN SEAMLESS BROADLOOM RUGS Hard'Dick & Magee Woven Fine quaUty carpel in the latest deC!Ooo ralive shades. ~n,.. size gladly cut to fil your needs. - Co.t.o/ Some Hand-bound Hug. 9x12 . $36.00 6x 9 9x 9 9x13.6 12x12 12x15 19.80 27.90 40.00 48.00 58.80 You can carpel with this quality at ,2.70 a sq. yd. (9 and 12 ft. widths),. MR. HARRY W_ LANG Reprellfmtati'tle HARDWICK AND uRSSulan' Lo ve Song" one of her own FINAL PRODUCTION OF PLAYERS' CLUB :! ~~ .by faTr the most interesting and of naming assistant di~~ctors this year co!"po~:tion5; "Prelude in C Sharp Mmor, by Rachmaninoff" "Arabian Love Song" by Mahtoof a~d "Nadjla" by the same comlJOSer. She also played two members of Chopin. "The Flatterer" by Chaminade, and "Rhapsodie HonÂgroisc, No. 12" by Liszt. be e . toting: he third act would have has been a step in the right direction but en 111 ensl6ed greatly to ,'t . 't Id b' . Ie b S Improve- I wou e II1tereshng to note tl,e result mOilS, gaveo n'ai ,usl~adt.ifsrftamcl toPGryg# i0n,t.e,)rp retation tmhern t h ut cues w~re t ak e n . up I I 5 Ow y with the director. concentrating all his f I 1 '[ oudg ou~ hthe entire product lOll and 011 energy 011 the production of the play and o tie ro e of foreman of the jury. It J.l hon ay nlg t the need of another week's I taking no part 011 the stage himself. was one of the longest and most difficult re earsal was very apparent. I· I .[ W f I h Sethngs for the play were excellent • • roI es .1\' .r . U. llman has ever attempted . eh ' Ie e . t at the play and the manner' wi.t I d' d 1 cre It ue Dr A F Jackson At a ong With hiS work of directing and he In w Ie 1 Jt was produced added further bert St f d J Â¥/'U: . S· ,- News Notes did it creditably. . eyidence to our claim that the average Roland aGm °E~ 'V'II I lafm t"hmmons and J dlrccto h h' h d .•. man or e scenery D oho R. Brownell interpreted a Scotch r t t has Is a~ 5 full managing the and Helen Robey Glenn for the stag~ r. and Mrs. E. Fullerton Cook left on character role delightfully. Mr. Brown- t:~e °a letade,_ncast WJth~out endeavoring. to decorations. The orcil'estra also did it- Wednesday to attend the Ameriean Medi- ell is a real actor a"d has d f g part IntSeif. The practice self credit during the week cal meeting in New Orlealis. They will aile some 0 ------ ' return by water spending a' few <.lays the best character interpretations the ----._- - --.- ---- ._------ with friends in Havana. club has seen. Donald Haviland Brown- S. ell and John E. Fricke, the former as a IX young women students at Tennent young poet nd h I College of Christian Education arc guests agent, also 'a:dedt n~at~trti~I;St~ ~I~:lh~:~; today at the home of Mrs. Ferguson 011 and elle t- f Swarthmore avenue. . . scenes. c Iveness 0 the jury room at SEE THESE GAMES SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Dr. Jesse H. Holmes spoke on "Faith In the first act, the \. ..· ork of Mrs. UllÂSATURDAY MAY 7 and the Mountain" at the Union College man and Miss koberts was outstanding. ~[emorial Chapel service Sunday, May J. Otto. Kraus,. ~r" was wlUsually good as BASEBALL Mrs. Morris Smith of Cornell avenue the J~dge glVIl~g a sympathetic and sin- LACROSSE Swarthmore vs. P. M. C. is visiting her son and family at Rich- cere .1I1t~rpretatJOIl of the part which add- Swarthmore va. Lafayette mond _ Va. _ Her SOli, Morris S. Smith, <'<I dlglllt~ to 'he scene and saved it when TRACK Swarthmore VB- Muhlenberg and Ius WIfe, Katherine Hill Smith. arc It occasionally threatened to become TENNIS ~hc parents of a young daughter Kathe( _ burles(Jue. S\varthmore va. Lehigh Ine Sparhawk Smith born April 10. . Gladys \V. Hayes gave an interpreta~I;Fr~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;;~;;~ The regular monthly meeting of the tlO~ to the role of Mrs. Gordon's maid Delaware County League of Women W~IC? was. entirely satisfactory and J. ~ --- Voters will be held at Pennhurst State WIlham SIIlUnOlls as a physician apÂSchool aoo\'e Phoenixville today under peared well cast in a minor part. The the au:pices of the Child \\'alfare and two a.ttorneys, William T. Brown, repÂEducation Committee A number of r~sentmg the defendantJ and J. William Swarthmore women led by Mrs. Yarnall SlmulOns, .as the prosecutor, represented arc planning to attend. exc~lIent Judgment 011 the part of those Mrs. Harold Goddard of Whittier castmg the production. Mr. Brown's sinÂPlace entertained at luncheon yester<.lay cere work aided Miss Roberts in winning in I~OI~or of Mrs. Raymond Walters of tI~e sYll1path~ of th: audience while Mr. \Vhlttler Place and Mrs. Dennison, ma- SIlI~1ll0n sua\"~ actlllg also aided in se-trOll of Worth Dormitories. cur~ng the deSired effect. " Dr. Frank E. Williams gave an illus- Comments on the cast would be far trated talk on South America last Fri- from c~mplete without reference to that day to the students of Swarthmore High Players Club veteran, Edward Elmslie School and Glen-Nor High School. Pyle who as a court officer won many a ~liss. Margaret. Allen, office s;cretary !augh .. During the second and third acts of the Community Health Center, was III particular he fitted the role perfectly taken to the Crozer Hospital last Thurs- and was ~he exact counterpart of several day, after (Jllite a severe heart attack \'eteral~ lIpsta~s who se~ve ~t the court caus<:d by asthmatic conditions. Although house 1.11 Media. SPECIAL SALE ON HAIRCUTS Beginning Monday, May 9 .BESTWORK 35c LOWEST PRICES BOBBED HAIR IS COMING BACK. WOMEN WITH LONG HAIR GIVEN FIRST BOB FREE she IS reported doing wen she will ic- W~lter H. Luff as clerk of the court. F'RANK'S BARBER SHOP main there the balance of the \veek. HenTl~tta ~ricke as SuzanneJ Mrs. The·engagement of ~liss Bertha Joffee Cranes. maId, Henry A. Piersol, Jr., ~~~:~~::::::~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~=====~~~~~~, 1219 North Marshall St. Philadelphia t~ as S II Dl, Eleanor G. R a r j c k, as Alexander Silverstein of 996 North a court reporter, and Joseph Reynolds, L~ _________ • Sixth St., Philadelphia was announced Albert Stamford, Jr., Parker Stamford, ill last week. Miss Joffee is a sister-in-law Herbert Downes, Robert Johnson and of Mr. Morris M<I.rtet and is employed at Wal~er \Vernher as waiters. all aided in the Martel Brothers Store. keepmg up. the general high quality of Joseph E. Quinhy Ernest G. Snodgrass, As&islanl the production and its cast. _ As for the playas, a whole, the second Mother's Day MAGEE C 0.- 1220 MARKET STREET pmLADELPHIA MRS. A~ J. QUINBY & SON Funeral Directors ~ACHMANS' Quality Market ,Sunday Ben Phone 4 MEDIA , PA. May 8 drive to the Harvard FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Fried chicken or roasts, fresh vegetables; salad . and dessert • • • • . SSe 1:00 to 2:30 Chops and Roasts to order SUPPER A LA CARTE SoUp; Waffles and Coffee 40c Chicken and Waffles 60c YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.183 FREE DELIVERY 1932 SPRING LAMB LEGS. 27c 19. lb. -IOe Shoulder. Habberaetta Bacon, * lb. pkg. LOIN LAMB CHOPS Rack Lamb Chops 45c 3Se lb. REMEMBER HER WITH A USEFUL GIFT Hosiery Handkerchiefs Underwear Dum ose PHONE SWARTHMORE 149 REAL STEER BEEF :j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 Round Steak R1,Ilnp RGalt r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.; Fresh Ground Hamburg 29. lb. 27. lb. 18c lSe lb. 19. lb. 390 lb. lSe lb. , . I r F aDey Chuck Roast I PENNCREST FARMS ! ~:rg~~~eal BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP Park Ave"ue Swarthmore · ' · ' I MEDIA, PA. I' ,I .I ,• •' Gran. Sugar any quantity IbAc ~~~~~~~~~:::::~~~~~~~~~~ -B-iS-q-U-iC-k....;,:..b-i-g-p:..k..::g-.---=---2-9c ti i I Announces ! •~ •t that they have been serving I Guernsey Milk since 1920. All I milk served is produced on this 11.. Farm.Theherdhas been Federal Accredited since 1922. The barns and dairy houses are inspected regularly by local and state inspectors. William P. Smedley, Lessee Walter Smedley, Owner Phone Media 1116-W i I ,I i i i ! I I 'f --..... -----------------------._------------------------------.. -_ .. ___ ._J' Sbredded Wbea', 2 pkg •• Peanut Butter, 1 lb. jar : 1!1e: 120 CampbeIlsBakedBeans can5c z CANS 9c Tartan Golden Bantam Corn, 2 for 2Sc Oakite, 2 for -25c Weslon Oil, pt. can 25e Keebler Saltines in lb. CallS 29c'l P&GwbileNaptbaSoap 8for25c' StrietlyFreshEggs doz.car.23c; Cloverbloom Butter Ib.27c Extension-2 Right in the Heart of Swarthmore Here's an opportunity for you to save $10000 cold cash, on a large corner home in Swa~thmore. This beautiÂIul home has 6 bedroom., 2 baths, 120-ft. front, century old shade, 2-car garage, and near to everything. Sold 2 years ago for $25,000, At present it is financed up to $20,000. Today you can buy this home for only Can be purchased with approximately $1,500 cash: NOTE:-.We will consider equity in a small property on aceount of the purchase price of this marvelous home~ Why not let us show you Ibis barllain? LOUIS COLE· EMMONS Baltimore Pike and Chester Road, Swarthmore Phone Swarthmore 1600 or Call 256 After 6 P. M. . _. ~'.~.- .~-... ' .i , '
---------- Page 3 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE _l ____ ~ _ ~ ___ ,_------_--------,---..:THE~~S~W~A~R~THM~~O~RE~A~N~:.,-,--___________ , ___ .~_ MAY 6, 1932 cololl\" .. t N t'w Hope in thc ncar [ulu"'.1 gcstioJl~ for s~lI1me~ (ood, C0l1scr\.atio~1·1 M.rs. Mitchell; a Schumann !'onat;l in G Spring Brides Dr: lind ~\In;. Arnold Dresden of Mrs. Strawbridge IS chalflnall of the, 1111110r, plaYl'tl hy ~Irs. 1.(~(Jllard C. Ash-an'uue cntcrlaiul'd <It dillner \\'om,II1's Law Enforcement LOllunittl'l'l tOil: it Kathl'rinc ~tal1sfll'hl stnry. ~(rs. Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. Nich· of Philadelphia and the Main I.inc. The I HatcJII; sungs, ~tT!'. \Vickhall1, aeculII- 01a5 F. )'Iinorsky. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. program is in charge of Mrs. Edwin A, pallied hy ~trs. Ashton. }'Iim: •• ultl Professor Allua Pcll Wheller Yarnil1l, Chairman of Law Ohscn'ilnce' Members who han.' cars han' asked of Bryn Mawr. for the Southeast District of Pl'nnsyl- that neighhors who wish to ride will call :\irs, \Villiam D, \\"erlllollih ha:- rl'· ~lr, ;:l1Id :\lrs. H.ubert L. Coates of \'ania, The meeting is also a stated them so that all IlIa\' gu to this, the last tUr1ll'(l from a thrl'l' wl'cb' visit in JlaT\'ard il\'CIlUC SIlent last wcek·end at meeting. Mrs, J, Bernard \\'al1ol1 :tUG meeting of the ye~r. Contrihutiolls tu \Vashil1gton. D, r, ~Iiss Ell'anor \Vcr- 1\\'011, New Jersey. with Mr. ancJ Mrs. :\Irs. Arthur R. Hedgra\'(' Will he host- milk fund collected II': :\Irs, SilllJ1l·rs. muuth who is a frl':-hm:U1 :It William ami Eugelic S, Farley of \Vcstfield, N. J. esses for the afternoon, The (K.Jils will • 1 ~ ~Iary Colh:gl' ill \'ir~inia !oPl'ut last Miss Elizabeth B. Oliver of New York be open at the club from tCIl until noon weck.('nd with ill'r parl'llb ill \Vashing- will hl' the wcck·cnd gucst of Mrs. Ed- and 1\"'0 until five for the elcction uf tOil. ward O'Bricn of P;:llmers Corncrs. four lIew lK.Jard mcmhcrs. Those from Swarthmorc attl'lItiing: tl1l.' fune .... 1 of ~Irs. 11ary S. Fal"il..'s in SmyrÂna, IJcl.aware last ).Ion<lay \\'l'n' l{e\'. and ~I.-s. I.1o}'d P. Stc\·cns, ~I r. and 11 rs, \\flll. S. Bittle, ).(r. alld .llrs. Ed\\,. ~1. Bo.rd, ~I ... J, l-Iar1an Jessup. ~Irs. Anna B. Prin', ~Ir. and ~tr:" Gilhert S, Faril's and daughter Carolyn, ~Ir. and )Irs, Charks A, Bunting of :\ti~~ Vorothy MitchcH. a student at Collq:-e a\'CIHIl' ~IJl'nt last wl't:k-end with tht: J\mbler Horticultural School, was a ~tr. and :\Ir,.. Shddon Grl'l'lIe of H.idge- gUl':;t or ),11'5, \Villi.un G. Vlachos over \\'ond, ~,j. .:\1 r:-;, en'l'lIl' w"s furmcrly la"t \\'cek·end, I • NOTED PHYSICIAN TO SPEAK AT TRINITY ~Ii!o.~ Charlottl' nUlltiu).!, )'Irs, 1\. 13. Chap. in will entcrt1aI'i<nI1 ,bt<hre-1 Dr, Larkin \V. Glazebrook, of \Vash- TI1l' I :"lIk Hc\"il'w Cluh Illl'l Tlmr:-;t!ay hridgl' c1uh oi wlllch she is a f .' 'I 12 I ington, D. C. will he the SIJcakcr at thl' n'l'nillg with :\Ir~. I~o~ali(' I~ohl'rts 0 m'xt Thursua)" ., ay . t 1. \' I f I '1 morning Ser\'ice 011 Sunday, Dr. Glaze- Soulh l'lll,,,tn road, ~Ir~, Frank E. \ il- ~Irs_ "'alter U.o >erts 0 Jrovnencc ;===============:::; I . I I I f I hrook, whose father was a clergyman of liat1l~ rl'\'it.'wt.'d a Japalh'~e 11i.':-t sci cr Hlad t.'ntert3. 11H.'( . tIC [JI)le lll 1Jc rs • 0 C' tIIe the Episcopal Chul"ch, retired from "TilL' :\tllthl'r" II." Tstirullli, which hIa s l'rogram lOlllllu\ ttee u t Ie 'oct s Irc e practice of Illl'(licinc to deyotc his NESTLE DE-LUXE I'lTl'lllly Ill'l'n tritl1~lated into El1g1i~h »)" at luncheun 011 Vc.d, l1cfs1~i !ay. f I I' to silcaking in the Churches thronghont PERMANENT thl' author, Tht., te.lchl·rs anu 0 ICCI":; 0 t Ie rcs- I . I II the country on "Pcriional l{l'Iigioll". Tllt: l'ril1lary Ikpartllu:llt I/i thl,I'res. · h)·tl'ri.1Il . !-=umay SchUIL he ( Ia 'I I On 1-1011( Ia y afternoon, at 2 :30 he will No Dlachl'"e allaclled to the ihlt\ ,tl'rian Sunda\" ~choHI will hoM a Iliclllc anti SOCIal hOllr at t 11! churc 1 ., Oil( ay the FtJlk IIt;lbl' ill I~o:-;l' \·.alll'Y S;:ltU'-- l'\"cllillg', SIJeak to the women of the Parish, under head. Comfortably waved. . II J ., I \\f ,the allspiccs of the \Voman's Auxiliar.v F'n w '", Ulllle e sary day, ),I:IY 14th, ~Ir.~, :\kxantlcr )'htchl' Tht.· uniur SCctlOll of tiC . oman s I ger an g c s • i:< chainn:tn oi tht.' ol111mittl'l' ill chaq;l.!, llub will huld their ;ulIlual dunce on and on :\.Ionday evening, at 8 o'clock, hc Also Eugene and Keen perma- , will address the men at an informal of arralH!elllL'l1t:;, I ~atunlay, :\Iay 21st.· nellls. Come in and get lWo hot ~Ii~~ :\Iildri<i ~l'l'nCt'r ami ~I.r , P.a uII.I .\Ir, and )'Ir:;, ClitTol"<l Buck arc being smokcr. oillreatments free before either I I I - _I The iiccond of the Thursday night Fl"f1!lbOI1 wcrl' dilllH'r ).!lll'!ob SatIuI Tllay I l'onj.!ratu atl.'(l on ti\C '1) Irth o( a granu- , 'I I ,,'a,'e. Tr)' our Ile,. soapless _I Suppers Wl I hc lcld next \\'l'l'k from C\"l'Il,illg oi ~l Land ),1 r:-, \\'illi:lI11 a~UlY I daughter horn 011 1 1''' 20th tu )'Ir. anu 5 7 3 . k 5 h b I J • of \ all' aHlllll', ~Ir. h'rg:ll~oll who 1."' :1 ~Irs. John ),1. Buck of Lynchburg, Va. :30 to : n, TIC 'els 6 c. s ampoo e ore lavmg a mar- (Ot1Sill \If :\Irs_ lIa1111\' h:1S played thl.· i ~I i!o ... ~Iartha Ila\"ilalld is sllendillg the • • • eeL For appointments call main \'ilJla with thc I'hil .. ;klphia (}rclH.'straiw('l·k-l'IHI ill New l{ochelle, N. y" where Fortnightly or branch office. Swarthmore during the past .. l':lStJll and i!o leaving I ,.he is attending' thl" twcnticth ann ivers- 542. suun hlr his hOllle il1 Rohil1~(ln, Illinois, ary oi the ~cw Rochl'1le \Vuman's Club :Mrs, Charles D. Mitchcll wilt entcr- GRACE M. S1\·fITH :\lr. ,lIul ),1 r~, ~;lInud I), l'ly(1e of oi which she was a charter member. tain the Fortnightly at hl'r homc 011 In S",'arthlllort.' and Ogtkn (\WlltlL·S are at ~Irs, William I-lanny, ~lrs. Robert L. Avondale road on Monday, May 9th, at SUIRER APTs. thl';r l'utt;ll!.l' at Rt.'hu!.dh I;l'al"il. Ctl;ltl".'" awl ~Irs, James Jo:, Davis attelld~1 Z :.10 o'c1ock. AND Dr, and '~1rs, J. l~, Klinl' oi Rin:r\,it.·\\' a IUlicheon ;lIld confcrencc of Prcss and Thc program \\'ill he as follows: A THE NEW Swarthmore an:llm' are l'1lt~rtaining aI dillnL'r this Puhlicity Chairmcn last Thursday. ~~";<~a;c;t~PI~a~Y~h~Y~C~I;ar;e~. ~K;·I;n~"~"~";.r~r;t'a~I~I~I~)};. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'\'cning in honor tli Dr, l~o1Jt:ft Lce ~Ir_ and ~Irs. I{. Chestcl" Spencer of ),Ioore of the L'llin:r .. ity oi Tl'xa~, :\\1:-;. SW.lrtilmOfl' avcnue an: spending the tin, Tl'Xil:;, weck·l·wl at their s\1lHlllcr home in \Vall- Professor Rirhanl COUr<lllt of Gocl- ingfonl, Vt. tillgen, Gt.·rm,lIlY, wa~ Ihe glll·!ot of honor )'Irs, J, Bt.'rnanl \Valton awl ~liss at a dinol'r ginll 11)' Ilr. anti ~1rs, J, H., ).tartha lIaviland will l'nlcrtaill at brid~<11 I,-line of I~i\'(.'n'll'w rn:ul la!ot Sa111rday, t01110rruW l'vcnillg at the home uf ?\lrs, l~eH'rc1l(1 anti ~Ir!o, John EIl~r)' Tuttle W"ltull 011 Ogden .lVt'11l1C, awl )'Ii~s ~la1")..:afd Tuttle of uThe • I' ~lan~C"l1Hlton'f! tn \\', S\lI~I!:l, :\Ia:-;~" thi:, MOTION PICTURES wel'k to oJlen tlll'ir !ollnmH,'r h0111e, Thl'), SHOW FLOWERS arc l'xlIectl'd to retnrn tn Swarthmore to-morrow, )'I.-s. Fr;:lI1k \\"illtldl ~'l1krtailll'd at tl'a last Fridav ior thl' llll"ml1l'rs of the Laclil's Ai(i ~t!cidy oi thl' ~Idhndi ... ;t Episcopal Chmch, ~Iiss ).Iiriam B. \\'al:ioll uf XI.!W York and :\Iiss Alelle Dicks of ~;ttl:hez, ~Iis~" a studeTlt at ColumiJia L'ni\'cfsity, will he the guests (Ji ~Irs, 1J~l\·itl i'-J, ulrich {,i H.utgers Ullinr:;ity O\'cr this week-l'lId. ).1rs_ Arthur Edwin B)'c attt:nded a m~eling oi the :\.-t Chainne:l oi thc Delaware COllnh' FL'(lcratioll of \VomÂell's C1uhs at 6Yth Strcet UII Thursday. Plans \\'l'rc 111<Idl: ior a trill to the art ~f MOTHER had (I /-lowel' .\Iil'1I K. \Vhik, a busincss man of :\tlantic City, whose hobby is photoÂgraphy has \\'(ll"kl'd \Jut a spccial countrh'Âann' for takin~ colored moving pictures oi !lowers bursting into h I () 0 111 and through the kindness of his sister. Mis!' Frances \Vhite \\'hu is kcenly interested in the (~arden sectiun, he wil1 show oi tht'Sl' I,icturcs at the \-Voman's :his e\'Cuing at 8:15, I lr_ Samuel C. Palmel", the hushand of a member oi the club. who is protl's:-'Of oi Botany at Swarthmore ColÂlege, will gi\'e an illustrated talk on "Trees in tllC Gardens of England and !:,rancc"; pictures he took while traveling during his sahhatical yeal" two ycarii ago. Fiitcl'll minutes of music will fullow the I'irst serics of pictures, ~Iemhers of thc dull <IIul thcir hushands arl' im'itl.'(L I • I '~Colnillg HOIIIC" Day "The S " ycamores Park and Mic11igan Avenues, Swartlllnore Lovely spring-green tree sllades amI fruit blo.<sollls to see. Home-made ice cream Thursdays ,ltul SUll{lays. SunJays, midJay dinner.< $1, $1.25, supper 85c, $1. WeeL.days, evening Jinner 85c to $1.25 Lunclleon anJ tea. T./el'/lOnc:> 100-11'. • • elJerl{ lOlJtnq ,fuc/'ijice . An iuvitation was scnt til the Garden Sl-ctiou oi thc \~"'uman's Cluh and their friends tv aUl'lul "Coming Home I )ay" at Salcm, ~. ]. on Saturday, the 14th, at which time seventeen old hOl1ll's with thlel l'oirp cnp rtlo'· rtehveu lplulthiolinc.a ryS afilu'mrn isish itnhgcs o ldwcisltl ~~=========================::==:::=~ \It:Tmanl'llt English SeUIl'tlH.!l1t on the ~~, -(- ber arms couldn't hold the bou· quet! But just a few fresh. fcagrae.t hlooms on Mother's Day will tell her the message she longs to hear ·-that you haven't forgotten! Say.it with FLOWERS ou.Jv/otber's'Day MAY EIGHTH Marot Flower Shop 3lS DickinsOI\ Ave, Sw. 554 III I I II II I Delaware and onr thirtv old houses I hl~i1t oi th,e early hlul'. an;1 black hrick stilI slaml HI and near Salem_ , . . I LAW ENFORCEMENT , TALK ON TUESDAY ~1 rs, Gl'orgl' Ilult Strawhridge, Bala whn has mm:c so many friends : throl1ghout th~' state by hl'r Ille~lsil1g way 'oi IITesl'llting her snhject, will slll'ak at I. the Woman's Cluh on Tuesday afternoon 14111 I.aw Enforcemcnt followed hy sug- 1-------------------------~ TheModernTouch ••• TWO TELEPDON~S ...... One upstairs, ·~Ii·tf:· down _ •• saveeoilntl""" Steps! THE COST IS TRIFLING I Extension-4 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH DINNER Thursday, ~lay 12 5:30-7:30 P. M. -Mcnll- ROAST LAMB !t.tlNT lEU.Y PRICE 65c II NEW POTATOES WITH PARSI.EY FRESH PEAS ROU,S COFFEE l)ESSERT Mrs. F. M. Hadley, Chairman I I I yes, people are Buying Cars during a cold rainy April - WE SOLD- 1 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 2 CHRYSLER EIGHTS 5 CHRYSLER SIXES 5 PLYMOUTHS New Cars sold in one month 13 before Spring weather actually arrived. and 7 Used Cars making a total of 20 cars sold This business reflects the confidence which the public has in Chrysler and Plymouth cars as well as in our firm. It may be real economy for you to turn in your present car now and buy one of the economical new Plymouths or Chryslers. Stop in and see the new models. HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVENUE Protect your wedding gifts from theft, breakage, loss with INSURANCE FOR DETAILS PHONE Chester 6141 Sweeney & Clyde CHESTEn., PA. OPEN EVENINGS As Little as 25c a Day Pays for a NORGE CANTER'S Cur. 41h & Market St. Chester 991 JONAS GEE Practical I.~alt·n Mower Sharl.ener and Repairer Saws reset and all kinds of tools sharpened Work called for and delivered 14 N. I\Iorton Avenue I'. O. Box 15(, Alorton, Penna. Phone-Swarthmore 1231-J Swarth.761-762 Free Delivery MARTEL BROS. Inest Fruits and Vegetables Sea Food and Groceries Fined Quality of Birdseye Frosted Meats MEATS WITH A FLAVOR Loin Pork Chops Ib.25c Shoulder Lamb b'nlesslb.I9c Rib Roastfirst 2 ribs Ib.39c Rib Lamb Chops Ib,35c Pork Loin Roast F owlfor Fricassee Ib.Ige Ib.49c Golden Bantam Com, box 29c Red Raspberries, box 27c "GARDEN FRESH" PRODUCE Fresh SUGAR PEAS, lJ4 pk. 19c Sweet JUICY ORANGES, doz. 19c Juicy GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c Fancy WINESAP APPLES, % pk., 39c FRESH CAUGHT FROM THE SEA Fresh SEA TROUT, lb. 15c Fresh CAPE MAY GOODIES, lb., 19c Fresh JERSEY STEAK COD, lb., 19c Fresh FILLET HADDOCK, lb. 23c GROCERIES AT A SAVING • SHREDDED WHEAT, pkg" 6c ! Reg. IOe ! ----:=....~--- i Gorton Ready to Fry , CODFISH, can 9c Reg. 13c P. & G. Naptha Soap, 2 baro, 5c Reg. 5c Large Pkg_ RINSO, pkg. 17c Reg. 23c , BON AMI POWDER, can I ; Reg. 12c : Brookfield Butter i CRISCO, lb. can Reg. Zlc COMONT COFFEE, lb. 8c 27e 19c 23c • MONTCO PEACHES, Ig. can 19c 3 for 54c Brookfield Eggs 23c ! Strictly Fresh Cooking Egg., 19c doz. ,----~~~--~~~~~~~~ Gold Medal-Ceresata FLOUR, 12 Ibo. 39c STUFFED OLIVES 25c Pint Jar ,SUGAR, 10 lb. bag 39c MAY 6, 1932 :;.:~~~~==:---_I-----------------;--]:T:!:HE SWARTHMOREAN HIULLIANT l\IlISU:AL 1 f 1'1'1 I '--:-:~~===~~---,--------~--~ 3 )'IlO(;IlAM ' • , ,. :: .". :"kl"hia .. II i~~ Xuwill,ki "Iaynl i FINAl, l'IU)()lJCrIUN :.. .. . -. --~ A I lEA ,Hn~st:~Il. 1.1:\'e ,,~ong (Jill: of ill'r OWII; Oi' "LAYllItS~ CLlJ8 I'~c~ .\~:I~ ,hy f.a~, till' 1I.lOst illtt.·rc."tiug: :Iud ~ of Il<llllitl.g a .. ~i.~tallt din'l"ttJrs thi..; n"lr ., .,'.. cO~IIPO~:hOll~, I'rcltltl~ III C ~1I;~rp ~ L !~I~.t.:r'.I1I11.ng":, Jill' thIrd act , would han'. has Ill.'l'u a !otl'll in till' right dircL'ti;llI·h;lt The JIltcrdcllUllllIl.tlulnal lC<l Sl,un_so r- J~1 11Iur,S "II) Hadn11:l1JllltlfT•' "'.\r-.I)',I'II ,I (C fI" d f P !1 hHII I1ll tl'lbllll'cl ~fl';lth.' tv 'It..; illlllfO'·".: ,', \\ .O tl ItI I, t.' .I II Il'·l l '~tl. l1" to noll' the n·~ult l.d hy the Society (Ii Fricnds ior all the I'~)\'~ : 1.~lIg ~JY )'Iahluoi. and "X;:uljla·,lIllQlh gal';' ;:"~,,:lti!of::~to~:" 9~~) ,,' 1 ;~ll'lIt .ttt ClIl'~ \\"~rl' l41kl'1I, up .. lowly: with tin- ciirl'l"Ior' O~lL'l.'l1triltiug all· hi .. church WOlIIl'lI of S" I . ).\ tIe S.III1l' (1/1II110.WI", Shl' .d"u pl;:an'd I _. III cfJlrll,ttlUlll Inmg Wilt tltl' l'lItlrl' pfoductloll awl till l'IIt.·I""\' ull II· 'I' " . .' ".ITt 1I110re wa" an tWtJ Illl'lIIhcr ... ; of Chopin. "Thl' Fhlll'r'l'r": of IIII.' roll' Ilf lon'man of till' jun'. It! .\Ionday night the- !lcl'(l of :U1oth'r \\"l' 'k' : t- k' t--. ,1(:, fifth tldloll 01 tl~l' play illHI ~l1Itstamhllg: SlICCl'SS at~d those Il rCSl'IIt Cll- h)" ,Ch;u.nil1<uk, ;111(1 "'Rh,IJlSndic' lion. i was 0111.' ui thl' IOllgt..:-t ilntl most diniCtlltl' rl'ill'arsal \\';IS n.ry allllan'IlL l l:--.I .1I,lg, 11".1'.111 Ull tin- ~tagt' lum:-;oelf. Joyetl a program winch clJnclwll.t1 \\'ith grolSl', :\0, 12" h\' I i.~zt II roil'S ~Ir L'llnl'lll ". \\·c fed tint th' ,I' , I 1 Sli 1 lIlg!o for thl' tJby "'t'IT l'xn·lil'nt sen:r,,1 piano nltlllhl'rs of ;:m intern-,, t,'o" . .•' ,. ' .'1I . " . . 1.1:-, en'r <lltl'lIlPlt:t1",. I· I .' t; l.1y.l1]( tIL' lIlillllll'l, \\'ith cn'dit dill' l)r \ F 1.".1. .... 0 " \1 (111" with III· "rk - I" II \\" lit.' I It \\"1' I' I I II . . " '.' to, .' • al nature Illayt;.'(} lIy ~Ii!os Ella Xo\\'il1~ki News Notes . ~ ,:-' \0 ' 01 (Irl'(t111.g anti Itl'] , ," I tl( 11l'1'{ al (t'el lurtltlT hl'rt Stalllior I I '\"II"'~' ., I . jlll1l II crcdUahly, I'l'~"denn· to our cI;liJll that thl' ;1\"er;1"" l~ohl1 I (" I'~' 'L:II \ ,I 1.1[111 , 1IIll11l0Jl!o ,1111 :~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~ I)r ' .- .' I J t)1 1 11 k" I.TOWlll·1I illtl'l"prctnl a ~cotch! (rh'n 'ctu,rl .II· ~, ".~I,~ IJ'.l 1~tJ:,. 'lu l1 m:tllagn. .lg ti1l">l'' auti • Itl l'!t-"n l~..t lllt.., y 11(1.;1k11l lllo ri utrI et h:l-' il'l:'-U-tla'rg"l,· i \\_ .,' .1111(_1 ~IJ!>, l.. I ullertoll l tJtlk ldt 011 L'har;lckr wit: tlL'liuhtiull" ~Ir P . I t,l~t tit I tilt, C.bt \\'ltl~tJut l'mIN\'orlllg ttl <In'oration,., Tilt.' ordll·:-tn -II .. " (lid it- .. l'{IIt"~(:lyt~l at~l'lIti thC.\llll..'fll'oI11 ~Ictli. l.11 is' ,'1" ~ .'., ,rm\lI- j .1 (. a ('adlng part hnll~-:lf. Thl'l,radit.'l· ~l'lf l"l"l'tlit durinJ.! I, ·"k .. PLAIN ~,II Illt:cilllg III ~ C\\' ()deall~, Thl'Y \\" i Ii t h. - .~ .. n:, 'I, :I~~(~r .'1I1(~ ha~ dOlle, SOllie of IIF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~IC~\\~'~'~. ~~~~ .t.',turn ,by \\'atl'r ~Pt'lltlillg a iew ,lays 'I \ h~. t ~,h.lI.lctlr IIlterpr,etatltJlIs the with fnt'llIl:, in Ilayallil. . I.: U J h.I" :-l'UI. lJunald I !anl;lIld BrowJI-. .. I'll ilwl j'11111 F Frick· th' i: SEE THESE GAMES SEAMLESS SIX young \\,0111t.'11 ",tudl"llb ilt Tl'IIIll'llt: \"lnill' Ill' ," t, e "rUll'r as <t: I ~. I 1,llt-gc of ell ri .. 1 iall Ed m:a tioll a rl.· g lIl'~b ! ;lgCll ~ ;1, b~ J\:~:;~~tlt II\~ ,,\;~,tl~i~;1t ~~!o t a ;t·a II e:-;otat c I nUOADLOOl\l :" ") .11 .tlie h,,,,,,· "f ~Ir,. \'erg",,,,, ""I' a"d dfel·li .. e"," • "j • tl' "- 'e 111111°"1 at SW ART HMO R E COL LEG E ,Swarthmore "l\'Clll1e ... ,. l~ Jun' roum, , " ~t.'('lIl'.~. . I SA : I):,. )L'!o:'l' H, llohllt,:, SPUkl' nil "Faith I In the tir.~t ;lCt, thl' \\"IJrk i:\1 ' lJJ1-' TURDA Y MAY 7 ' I aInI t.i the'. I~ Itl"u lltaill". at 'th.e L 'nioll Cullt.· "... l·IIll;J1l au,tl ")'Iis . . 1,'01/,·,1.,. " .. , " ,,'t ·t~:-'· I' I, <.~ (J ::. .IU{ IJlg_. :. U1I.J1"1,1 l h,llll'l !ot.T\"It:t: Sunday. :\Ia\" I lOtto I"raus )r \\'"b """·"'11 I: BASEBALL • • - , ."", !! .1 " gOUt aSI RUGS Swarthmore \'s. P. M. C. : '. :\I,r~, _ ).Iorri:-, ~t1lith oi Corm'l! an'lIut: thl' J~ltlgl' gi\'iug " "Ylllpathl'ti~~ and siu·, LACROSSE i b \'ISltll,lg" Ill'r ;-..,11 anti iamily at I~iclr. CL'rl.! ,nH~fprdatitJlI ()f the part which add-! S,varthmore vs. Lafayette . ; IHond. \ <I, •• llt-r. SOil, :\Iorris S. SlIlith, ~'d tllJ.':lIIt.\.· ttl !Ill: :,n'nc and ~a\'l'd it "'h",,' TRACK S I I I I ' 1 wart lIuore \'s. Muhlenberu ,an( 11:; \\"Ill'._ ":lIlu:rilll' Ifill ~mith. an' It ul'ca:-wlIally thn'atl'l1cd to hccomc TENNIS h ~ht.· p:,n'llls 01 a, -'"t,lml).! dallghtl'r Kathct, Inrr:k~lllIl', , i S,vartlunore vs. Lehigh 1I1~·, Sparhawk SmUll horn ,\Jlr;1 10, . (JI;ltb'~, \\, Ila~·e .... gal'C an illtl.'rpfcta-: ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~ elJoi('e J hl' rl'gl1lar monthly Illl'ctillg oi tht: tltJl~ to tIll: ruk oi ~Irs, Gordon's maid I ---- --- -- -'- --- ._- -- ----- ---- -,- ------- l/o?l~~:Jof: I \1 ~c1a\\"<1re 'I COllllty I.caglll' oi ,,'nlllL'1l ~\\·I.l'.'I"I·I,~, \\'a~, l,utin,'J)" !>ati:>factury <lnd J·I - - -- ~.... . ,utl'r~ WI I hl' held at I Jelll1 lrur,.t Stilte . 111 .JIIIII1I\!t1~ a:-, a physiciall al)- 'lurl'IllI/Jl' I Sdltl(d. :~ho\"l' ,IJhtlt.'lIix\"illt.. t'KI,I)" lIIltll'r Jll',arl'~1 well C~lst ,i,Il,a lllinur vart. Thl'i :!roi!,~aJ- tl,lt· il!l~ll1l'l'S III tIll' Child \\'it! i<trl' ami 1\\0 .I,Hurtll"Y:', \~ dkllll T. Bruwll, reI'· 1 Htlrtiu';ck 1"~~~~ 1:,thu.:atltJll COl11ll1ith:l· :\ IllllnhL'f of I r~"l'lItlt1g thl" dL'll.·lldallt, alltl J, \\'illiam S\\ art 1IIII0fl.' W1Illll'1I I t.'t I lIy ~ 1 r~, Y a rnalll S I1llllllJlb, ,a!o the IJTtJseclttur, rl'llrc~l'lI1 ed i & ~lt,gt~f~ Wove" ;m' 1)):111I1ing I" attl-ntl. Il.xn:lkllt Jt1(lgllll'llt ()n the part of those I ,'" ...• .. ,.:\11'''' Ilal"l.)I<I (;otld,lnl (Ii ,,'hilticr l:." .. 'I.I111-..' '.h.<.I~ro)dlll'ti.Olr. :\Ir, Br.uwll.'s s.in-II "'int~ (Iuulit.,- (·arlwl • Ihl. lal L I (Ic u,· ,I Ioll"l' t'l1ll.'rtallll'crl at hll1cl;l'(l11 .k\"l"..,knl;I\' (l C \\01 .\1 1 Il '( I. ,'\I l~S Rllherts III \\'lIllllng r~lli\'(~ shndes. Any SIZ.~ glUfIl~' ('ul 10,111 JIIIllllr IJi :\Ir~, i{;n'lIIt!nd \\"altl'r..; l;i t~~l' ,.ynlpillh~ III thL' alldielll:e while :\Ir,! fit your Ju'(~d!!i. I \\'hittiLT Placc anti ).irs, Iknllisnll, ·ma. :-;lll~l1l4!n' .~1I'l\·t.· adillg als" ilidl'(1 ill Sl'- Co.' ,,/ 9xl2 I tron of \\-nrth 1 )orlllituries, Cllflng thl' dl· .... irl·t1 dIect. Sf'''''- IlIlI"I-lu",,"1 Rugs 1 1)1', Frank I·:. \\'illiallls ga\'l' ;111 illtl":. " l umlllt'llt:, IJ1l ,till' ca:-;t Wlndtl he far . $36.00: tnlll'ti talk \/11 SOllth .\I11l'rica 100st Ffi_111,t~1l.1.t;·C:lllf~ktc \\'ItI1Ull1 Tl'.iercllce to that Id ay to tIll' :-tudl'nb Ilf SWilrtl111ltlrC lli"h Ild .• lL.. . llu!, \"l'll-rall, J'.dward Elmslic 6x 9 9x 9 9x13.6 , 19.80!Sl"hi~ol. alltl (;It.'I1-.:\'or Iligh ,~ChlJI!l. ... 1,ly~~, who a,.~:t nJllrt otliCl'C WOIl ~l1any all 27901 .. \ll'>s :\iargarL't ~\Ilt-n, ollln' . ..;cerdar)" ~,t1I""h, .lhllll1g th~' ~L'COlltl anel tlurd act:-. • I ill tht· Ct'l11l1llltlity Ill'alth Centn. \\';b 111 parlK'nl<lr hL' httt.'d the role pt.'riectly I' , 40.0() t;:~k.t:n :~) thl' l'~t.JZt.T Ilu!ol'it;a1 last Thnrs. a.'~d, ~\·as !he ,I.').;acl .cOll11ll-rpart oJi sl'rcral: SPECIAL SALE ON HAIRCUTS Beginning Monday, May 9 BEST WORK 35c LOWEST PRICES BOBBED HAIR IS COMING BACK. WOMEN WITH LONG HAIR GIVEN FiRST BOB FREE 4,8 001 d,l) , .tltl'r '1lllk ~I "u'l'rc Ill'art attack \tttr.lI~ tlp,.t.I~r:'o \\h., :-'l"fH at the court: . . • Cillb:(1 hy a:,thlllatlc condition,., Althongh JIOU~~ 1I1 ~ll:(!la" . 'FR 12xl5 .. ,. 58.80 .. hl·, IS n·pI.r1l'd d~lillg well :-;hL' \\"ill re- \\.~ltt'T JI'.I:lllf 11:- cil'rk oi the court. ANK'S BARBER SHOP 12x12 \'. . hI' I. Il11illl1 then: lhl.! halallL'C oi the \\"l"l:k J iL-llrtdta I, flckl! as SUZanllL', .llrs,. S2,7O0i lu 1',i1s1(1l. (,.'. u..r.l l(c9l wnmit l 1I 2li Sf lI. luwiad l1i1". ~)a.t i '1'1 Ie .cngilgl'IIll.·llt Hi ).Iis.-; Bertha J.O lTl'C, IC..r ''l llc.':". , 111.1'1I1" II l'nry:\' , I)'I cr~ul, Jr", ;,:::::::::::~~~~~~~~~;=~~~~~~~~~~~J 1219 :\urth ~Iar:-,hall SL I'bilacldl'hi'l to·b S 11 Ill, 1'.Il'<llIor G, l{ a rIc k, as I :\II.!X<lllclcr Siln'rS1l'ill ui lJ{)() ~tJrth;l cultrt rq)orll'r, and Joscph h:'c\'nulds :.;o ••••••••••• ti ! Sixth :-;t.. I'hilatil'lllhia was al1l1.'~I11Cl'cl :\l1lcrt ~talllford. Jr" I'arkt;·r Stil~l1iord: i la;..;t wel'h:. :\1is.., Juli"l'e i:, a !oi"ter.ill.la\\" 1I,l.'fhl'rt ~)O\\'lll'S, HulJL'rt Johnson .md iut :\Ir. ).tofri~ ~lartcl antI is l'111111oHti at \\al~l'r \\l'rnher as waiters. all aided in Mn. HAnllY \Y. LAN(; II till' ),Iartel Brothl'r. .. ; Sturl', . kCl'l'lIlg 11J) thl' p,t:I1t:ral high quality of __ _ ___________ ,__ __ tlte production ;me! its l'ast. i :\'" illr thl' Illar ;t:-, a whok, tilt' second n"11r,'S"" I al i t'e HARDWICK I Just'l)h E. Quin"',' I Ernl·~t (;. Snuclgrllss, Assbjlunl ,\NU MAGEE co. 1220 MARKET STItEET PHILADELPIIIA I MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON Dirt'ctors MEDIJ\,IIA. drive to the Harvard FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Fried chicken or roasts, fresh vegetables; salad and dessert . . . . 1;00 [0 2;30 Chops and Roasts to order SUPPER A LA CARTE 8Se Soup; Waffles and Coffee 40c Chicken and Waffles 60c PHONE SWARTHMORE 149 BACHMANS Quality Market YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.183 FREE DELIVERY 1932 SPRING LAMB LEGS 27c 1ge lb.' 10e Shoulders Habbersetts Bacon, J2 lb. pkg. LOIN LAMB CHOPS 45ci Rack Lamb Chops 35e lb., REAL STEER BEEF , , Round Steak Mother' Sunday Jl1ay8 REMEMBER HER WITH A USEFUL GIFT Hosiery Handkerchiefs Underwear s Day 2ge lb. 27e lb. 18c Rump Roast ·r=-----=-=-"O-"---------==-=~-="'".---=-"-~---=----.=---=------~~-----~~~-·II Fresh Ground Hamburg , ' I • Fancy Chuck Roast ISc lb. , BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP ! PENNCREST FARMS f ~::rg~~~eal H;!L Park Ai'L'IIUC Swarlllmol',' ,, '' --------~----------------~~~~ i MEDIA, PA. i Gran. Sugar any quantity Ib.4c ;~~~~~~~~~::;;;;;;:;;;;;5~~~~:~~~~ Ii: 1: Bisq uick, big pkg. 29c -----.- • .! 1 1 Al'11'10Ul'1l'fl'S 11 Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. ~ '" "t...-&,:..-, Peanut Butler, 1 lb. jar , ' 19c 12e , ' I I CampbellsBakedBeans can5c 1 that they have been serving r 2 CANS 9c , ' i, Guernsey Milk since 1920. All 1' , ' I milk served is produced on this I Tartan Golden Banta.m Corn, Z for 2Sc Oakite. 2 for 2Sc Wesson Oil, pt. can 25c KeEbler Saltines in lb. cans 29c ' I F 1;,'1 ! < arm ,The herd has been Federal III P&GwhiteNapthaSoap8for25c· I II I 1 Accredited since 1922. The barns I: Strictly FreshEggs doz,car.23c : : 1 and dairy houses are inspected Ii' Cloverbloom Butter 1 regularly by local and state 'i' ============ Ib.27c I inspectors. III' ,I II'I • If ,: 't ' ! William P. Smedley, Lessee ! , ' I Walter Smedley, Owner i , ' I Phone Media 1116-W II! I, II' f :: , 1 ....... _-----_ ... _---------------------..... _------_ ..... __ ... _----... -.. ----..... --.. -----------":~-----"!..; ... : FOR .:~on,Ye.lienee "011 :.0'11 •• .\NOTUtiR Ttil.EPHONE upstairs ••• cesaves time , nnd trouble. THE COST - IS TRIFLING I Extension-2 Right in the Heart of Swarth,nore Here's an OI'))Ol'tunily fo .. you tn sa\'e SIO.,OO() cold ('ash~ 011 a large ('or ncr hOIJ1c in Swal·lhnlol·c. This hcautiÂrul hOlllC ha!:! () hcclroOIlIS., 2 Imths~ 120·£1. frnlll~ ('entn .. \' old shad(~, 2-(' ... r gurugc, and lIe .. u· to c\'crythillg. Sold 2: ~'(~at·s ngo fOI' S':!5~OO(). At I"'c..~sclll il i~ finanl'(·d III' to $20~O()O. Torlay ynu ('an huy Ihis lunne for only <:all he I'nrdulse" wilh a,'proximately S I ,500 msh. NOTE:-"'f~ will ('on"idl'r 1'(ltlil~' in a ~m .. 1I1'''t)I ... rly on :1('('011111 or tl1(, InlrdHIS(~ Ilri('t· nf Ihi" llIun:,·lnll~ hnnH'. ,,'h,- nol It'l 1I~ .!<ho,," you Ihb har~ai .. ? . LOUIS COLE EMMONS Bultimore Pike und Chestel' Itolld, Swarthmore I)hont· SWOlrthmort' )(,00 ur (:,,11 256 Afh'r 6 II. M.
---------- Page 4 ----------
.. 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN PublUhed Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharplee. Editor and PublUher Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered as Second Ct..ss matter, January 24, 1'29, at tbe Post Office at SwarthÂmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1932 . THE SWARTHMOREAN Robin Dear Robin, dear, With thy voice of gold, Sing to me now As in days of old I Sing to me now From thy crimson breast Glad-heart songs That I love the best,ÂThy simple joy In the golden grass And the elfin winds That whisper and pass, Thy simple faith In the bloom of May, Church. When a yOUDg woman she eame to this country to visit her brother, Rev. Enoch Stubbs, at the time pastor of Asbury Methodist Church, Smyrna, Del. While there she met William Faries, a local preacher in the same Church. and they were married and resided in Smyrna until after the death of Mr. Faries. She was a sincere Christian woman, a good wife; a loving mother and a good neighÂbor. HOUND·TRIP FA RES Tabor Ashton, a contest for essays on Dogwood wild subject of the program was And apply spray, D1lI!IIT!} . Trees Jor Remembrance t o How shall we honor Washington? What tribute shall the nation bring To him whose deeds lorever .fling Acl'OB8 the land, their benison? The following entry won first prize: All the Springtime's OVER Dear Mrs. Ashton. Joy untold.- I moved away from Swarthmore a Sing it, Robin. Goodyear Speedwa, Two hundred years have played their part Since old Virginia gave him birthj ~~:r;:;::. a~~u:~tro~r::::lh~~ ~tu~~ With voice of goldlJ. R. H. WEEK-ENDS day was especially n ice. Perhaps. I --_, --.-:.... April 29 to September 3 . Fall Oftnlze Price of Bada'" _b Pain Two centuries have proved his worth, Have set h1s name In every heart. thought so because I 311\ interested I. Reciprocity Luneheon 8"U5-19 $S.1S $4.9'7 music as I take violin and piano lessons Between all 5~tions on the Pennsyl. It ~as interesting to see the slides of On Tuesday, May the vania ~ilro4d ~nd gcnr::fally between 10:04.50-21 ... ~'7 4oSS, 0,,3~ ~.S'7 ~.4'f A sturdy IELd. unschooled except 10 simple lore, but torest.Wlse'kl The w1&dom of the trees, tbe 1:\ es IIlB strength for tuture service kept. Across the thickly wooded slopes, Along the trails by red men made, the composers' houses. You c~td aI- Club will have their ~':ii~r~~:::r,~:~n:;~ I stations in the East, Middle West most pretend it was. Mozart playmg eon at which time they the and Eastern C4nad". HANNUM- 0-WAITE By mountain stream, by forest shade, piece he compo.sed hlm~elf at the age of presidents of other clubs in ?elaware at . I t rlsed to see an old f th t I of fichu good IEo!vin, lroll noon F,ld4V to He dreamed blB dreams and wove h1s hopes. SIX, was qUi e surp . County and some 0 e sec lana - III'Ildnlgnt So!turd.,y. RoElumin'JludlO. Ic,v1d ~~ Ch ter Road and 'Twas he whose steady, guiding hand, When low the laborIng nation lay fashioned girl sitti.ng at the plano the ficers. Aside from the good food there tlnation any lillie: to .,nd lAd Ins&,:: 91 es first time the curtam went up. It made ill be music by the chorus a ~:i~nth~n f:~0:!~en~o1 ~~9ul.r P~lIl1101: Yale Ave. In bItter birth pangs, brought the dar Of Uberty to bless the land. a very pr~tty picture. They an played ;ram from the drama section. MeITlbers \ cMrscs. Ubil:ral stOP-OVUI rdurnlng. sn'ARTHMORE. J PA. very beautifully. and their guests are urged to make \ R.\ d 'ft When I first saw the Toy Symphony I reservations now accompanied by Ch''''kl\~~P~e~n~n;s~Y~V~a~n~i~a~~a~l~r~o~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Twas he who set Its lalterlng tiead Upon a smoother path; who taught The way a nation, dearly bought'd :May Uve and thrive and forge Rhea • tbought they were going to play. ($1.25) to Mrs. Walter J. F~itz 209 Col-thing funny. I really !,as surpn~ed to lege avenue, before next Friday. No marble shaft to him we ralse; No monument of masonry; The living tribute of a tree hear them play a real piece. • • 1 suppose you have guessed by now tbat I liked tbe piano playing best of all, WiU better tar enshrine our pratse. though 'it was very hard to decide. • • • Come with shoveJs; turn the loam; Make the roots a COsy home. Deep)Y dig, tor greater strength. Stand the tree erect, ita length ReaCh1ng upward. to the sky Where Its glor10us goal wlll lle. Spread the Umbs, that they may know GUts 01 SUD and rain and snow. Drop within tlJe earth a prayer Tha~ ita roots may Courlsh there. • • • Strike roots, strike deep Into the solI rtb And c1Taw trom swarthmore's friendly ea The strength to bear aloft your gilts Of gracelul beauty, slender girth. Mount upward, tree, the sky your goal:' In sbock of storm or glow of SUD Baise high your STeen and glOriOUS bead, You bear the name 01 WASHINGTON. E:l"HEL G. COATES. Other times when I went to Story Hour everybody was so no!sy. .1 glad they didn't make any nOise thts so I could hear. I thank yOll very much for such a nice· program. I hope you will have an· other sometime again. Yours Sincerely. ADELE MORGAN Age 10% years South Hillcrest Rd. Springfield, Penna.\ Honorable mention letters were mitted by Beatrice and Diana BI·e"rst.,r,\ Bob. and Richard Delaplaine, Alice (For tree planting at the Swarthmore grave and Genevieve Revis. ClUb, ApJ;11 1B, 1932. I • I • PRIZE ESSAY ON STORY HOUR PROGRAM At the. lasl program of the Story Hour under the directi~n of Mrs. George Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins of Nortb Chester rd, entertained the Poetry Circle at the last meeting of the season April 27th. Mrs: Emily 1. A. Ellis poe~s of Mrs. Browning and uA Happy Journey" by Thornton Wilder. ONLY TWO SUNDAYS MORE Only two more Sundays remain, ere the Men'. Bible Clus of the Swarthmol"e Pl"esbyterian Church ad-journs for the season. .. These two sessions will be devoted to a diSCUSSIOn of the depression in the light of the Bible, led by Dr. William T. Ellis. EVERYBODY WELCOME! Have Your Winter Clothes Cleaned Before Storing BRlNG-THEM TO JAKE, THE TAILOR REASONABI..E PRICES GOOD WORKMANSHIP FREE CAI..1.. AND DEI..IVERY CALL SWARTH.401"W 21-23 so. CHESTER 1>0. ABSOLUTE REMOVAL SALE Ground must be Vacated by JUNE 15 :evergreens, Shrubbery, Ornamental and Shade Trees- Freshly dug as ordered. .4 Flowering. Shrubs $1 while they last. WE WILL NOT BE UNDER50LD . SPRINGFIELD GARDEN NURSERIES Baltimore Pike at Saxer Avenue, Springfield LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Sow OLD ENGUSH Lawn G1"II8& Seed Plant Sweet Peas-FertiU"" the Lawn Vigoro-Boue MeaI ..... Sheep Manure-Baugbgro Store Open S.turday Eveninll Tin 8 P. M. Dorin« Spri ... Our Stock b Larp QaaUty Bes. Buy Now-Avoid Raob LalerOa MeCALL'S SEEn STORE : 6th & ·MadiSon StB. ... (:au for Cataiope Chester 9245 Plenty of PutdDIl Space - Madison Street is two-W&7 tiamc Mary Stubbs Faries Mrs. Mary Stubbs Faries passed a~ay at the home of her son Gilbert S. Fanes. 239 Haverford ave .• last Thursday mom· ing, Apr. 28th in the 82d year of her Born in Glossop, England she early life joined the Primitive Extension-l Church News THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF PRIENDS "Nothing 18 adequate for man that stops short of binding the human and the Divine together tnto one single llfe--Pro· cess." -I\ufns M. Jones SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. - Flr&t Da.y School in Wh.lttler House. .... tin 9 '45 A. M. - Morning Forum in.-.ee ~ • House. Subject on May 8th. Forum omitted for Yearly Meeting_ 11:00 A. M, - Meeting for worship In the meeting house. WEDNESDAY Q'30 A. M. to 2~O P. M.-Sewlng and QuiltÂ' lng In Whittier House, Box luncheon. 0\11 are cordially invited to Join In these se"lces. TRINITY CHOROH Protestant Eplscopal Chester Road and Collega Avenue Opposlte the COllege Campus Rector Rev. J. Ja,rden Guenther. S. T. M. 8:00 s. m.-Hoiy CommunIon. 9:45 a. m.-Junlor ChW'Ch. 9:45 a. m_-Sunday School. 11 -00 a m -Morning Prayer_ . .. Larkin W. Glazebrook, M. D., of Washlngton, will speak.. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIURCIl LLOYD P. STEVENS Minister WiLL NEVER GO PURÂGOES DEEPER." 9:45--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 ·QO.-SPECIAL ADDRl!BS BY DR. HOWARD E. MUBSERÂ" The Man trom Borneo" ., '45-A service In keeping with. the obsenanee of Mother's Day ATTEND SOME CHURCH WELCOME HERB THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTE8lAN CHURCH ReV. John Ellery Tuttle, Minister Invites you to aU services MOTHER'S DAY Honor your mother In the worship of ~ SUNDAY 11 :(»-Morning Worship Sermon by the Pastor "THE BLB88ING OP OBED-BOOK'" Vespers at 4:45 Pltteen minutes of beautiful organ wOl'8hlp Pastor's message: "THE BRBAD OP LIFE" WedneodaY.8:OO A stucb ot the Letter to PhIlemon "MASTBB AND MAN" 'PIBST CIIUBCH OP CHRIST, SCIBNTIST, OF SWARTIDIORB Park Avm.ue Below Harvard GOLF AT Swarthmore Golf Course LONG HOLES WIDE FAIRWAYS GREENS FEE 50c ANY TIME Sproul Road at Providence Road Motor Out Next Sunday Dine amid our beautiful Spring flowers. A wealth. of glorious apple blossoms. Ten acres of lawn and flowers, Special Dinners $1.00, $1.25. StrathHaven THE INN WITH PERSONALITY Swarthmore, ·PeDlla. HOT WATER all summer AUTOMATIC GAS. WATER HEATER Special offer now, NodownPayment Thirty Days Free Trial Woodward, Jackson and Black 333 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 43 .Justsuppose Tomorrowdidn 'tcome! JUST SUPPOSE tomorrow didn't come - foryou-whatwould itbringfol"yourfamily? Truly, as is jokingly said, "your troubles would be over"-but would theirs be just beÂinning? Would they continue to enjoy your . ClIl"eful provision and loving Pl"otection, Ol"ÂAn hour with our Trust Officel" will take uncertainties out of tomorrow. • • -WHEN SHALL IT BE? Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co, ''SeN>l"g S_""'",o,., Since 1904" MAY . 6 J 1932 CLASSIFIED FOR RENT POR RBNT-Two attractive bOueekeeptna apartments at 317 North Che.ter Rd. 81& rooms and bath each, electrtc retrtaerat10n and all conveniences. Albert N. llarrett Pennypa.cker 4442 or Swarthmore 489. ' POR RBNT-Very a_vo __ ... t. HOWJelr:eeplDa, Pwuiahed or UD.furnJ.ahecl. The Harvanl. Swarthmore 149. FOR SALB FOB 8ALB--Cheap. Second·band "Quallty" Gas Bange. 18 Inch oven. Good. conCUtton. PrIce '10.OU" O. A. 8mltb. Phone Swarth. more '105. FOR SALF--Whtte Prost Refrtgerator-re. volvlng shelve&-large sanitary water 'cooler attachment. perfect conditIon. Phone Swarthmore 323. One thereol beitnnll1l' at a point on ibe northeast side of GreenwOOd road at the ell.ÂtalK'e 01 fi.8 hundred and .8fb'-e1,bl tee .. northwestwardlY from the norlbwe.t IJide fJf Poplar street; 'hence exteDdlD8' nOl'theutwlll'd on a Hne a' rll'M aDJ'IH to Greenwood road Ieventy-.8ve feet to a point on the northeaat lide of a certain siz:teen feet wide drlTeway fez:tendlnl" norlhweetwanl from Aid Poplar Itreet. oCI'088ing a cerlain twenty feet wide dl'ivewtol" which ez:&enda southweetward 10to laid Greenwood. road, to a certain elch" fee' wIde drIveway .hich a.l.eo utenda lOuthweelÂward Into ~d Greenwood road.): tbence 9- tendlnl' northw~_wanl alonl' 'he noriheaat lids of the said Bixteeo fee' wide drlvewQ twen&7- O'-e ft'el to Q point on tho northwest eldo of aald eIght leM wide drIvewQ: thence ex'endÂing louthwestward along a line at rlgbl an,.lee to Greenwood road aloog the northweat aide of said eigbt. leet wide driTeway aeTenl.)r.ftTe fee' to a point on the northeast Bide of aaid Greenwood road: and thence extendinl''-aOuthÂeastwaM along' said GreenwOOd road twentyÂfive feet to the Orst. mentioned polnl and pla(e of ooglnnin,.. Twenty-five others thereof sUuate on the northeast side o[ Greenwood road at the reÂpe( tive distances of five bnndred and ten leet, four hundred and nlne17-four feet. foUl' bun~ FOR SALE-IS" Lawn MOWer $3.50. T. H. dred. and eeventy-ei,.ht feet four hundred and Brown, 320 Cornell Ave. alxty·two leet, four hundred and lourteen feet. three bundred and ninet7-eil'ht feet. three hunÂdred and eighty·two leet, three hundred and PERSONAL lIuty·slx feet, three hundred and :flfty feet, t.bree ------------______ hundred and eighteen leet two bundred and fortY-siz: leet, two hundred and tbirty feet, PERBONAIr-Old. pine RtalrB recovered with two bundred and fourteen feet, one hundroo oak. Hardwood floors laid and reflnlshed. and nlnety·elg-ht feet, one hundrod and elgbtyÂEsttmate& furnlsbed.Somerhalder&Bchelble, two feel. one hundred and eix:ty-s1x leet-. one P65a8r kT 1e1n3t6h- WA. ve.. Moore, PB. Phone Ridey hundred and flft'~" feet, one hundred and tblrt"'_ ___________________ four feet, one hundred and eighteen feel. on01 e I hundred and two feet, eigblJ'.six leet, I!Ievenl.)r WANTED feet. mtJ'-[our feel, thirty-elgbt feet, and tWenty,two feet northwes,ward from the north. west side of Poplar street: and each respeetlve WANTED-Woman tor hC'U5ework_ Steady lot thereof containing in lront. or breadth on po<lon. Ca.1I Bwarth. 1098. the said Greenwood road e.ixteen feet and ez:· WORK WANTED tcndillg of tbat width In length or depth northe88f,ward between parallel lines at rightÂangles to aald Greenwood road sev~n1J'-ftve fee' including on the rear thereof tbe soil of a WORK WAN~'" amart Spring dr ..... certain sixteen feet wide drivew~ (ez:tcnding ... ~ nortbwestwan! from sald Pop)ar street, cr088' cawa.t~~ .:id -:r~:!~n=k.dtA.l. t.e ';aatT:~. ~~ll log a certain twenty leet wide drivewQ which p,g. extends uouthwestward Into Greenwood road. modeling. Phone Chester 2·2728. Ito a certaln eight feet wide driveway which W.IO . WORx WANTED-Woman wiU care for children or other llght duties, day or evening. Sharon HIll 1646.J. LOST LOST-Black and white cat with collar. Reward. Swarthmore 1098. green L08T-6mall black leather Change' purse containing bllls. Near Park Ave. parking space. Reward. Return to Swarthmorean OftIce. l<'OR SALE Brick Stueeo dwelling-7 l"OODlS and bath-$3809. $300 in cash. E. c. WALTON 112 PARK AVENUE AttracUve second floor apartment. Rent f7:s.. I' rooma-. bath, porch, eleetrJo l'fIIrtc- :rator, electrl~~ pl'lvate oU burner, entrances. P on May 1. . WM. S. BITI'LE No.ary Public Real EOlale Bwa. 111-3 extends southwestward into said Greenwood r oad)_ t I , , , I •, I •• I , One other ,thereat beginning at a poInt on he northeast side of said Greenwood road at he di8tance of two hundred and nine,,. feet northwest ward from the nonhweet side of Poplar atreet (said point being in the middle of a re ..... aln 'went,. teet wide driveway bereÂuafter described): thenee extending north. weqtward along tbe northeaat side 01 said Greenwood road twenty·elght feet to a point: hence extending northeastward along a- line at rhrht angles to Greenwood road aevenlJ'-:flve leet to a. point on the northeast side 01 a ('(lMain slz:t~n feet wide driveway· (extendinl' lorthwestward Cram said Poplar street, ('J"()88. nlG' the saJd twenty feet wide driveway which x,&ends Southwestward into Bald 'Greenwood 'Oad, to a certain eigllt feet wide drivewu which also extends soutbwestwani Into G~n. wood road): thence extending- lIOutheastward along- the northeast side of wd sixteen leet wide driveway twenty-ej~ht- leet to a point in be middle of said twenty feel wide driveway; nd thence extending southwestward on a line t right angles to said Greenwood road along h-i! middle 01 said twenty feet wide drivew..,. sevellty-ftve feet (0 the Ors, mentioned point Ut1 placo of beginnlnl'. I • 1 a r e I d I Cne other thereof beginning- at a point on he northeaat Bide of said Greenwood road a' hfJ distance- of> two -~huDdred... and sixty-twO. eet northwestwani from the norLhweat aide of Poplar .. treet: thence ez:&endlD&' northeastward 101J1' a line at r1ght angles to said Greenwood oad seventY·1lve feet to a point on the north~ ast side of a. cert.ain sixteen feet wide driveÂway (extendillg' northwestward from said Pop. ar street, craBBing a certain twenty teet wl~ driveway which wenda BOuthweatwant Into Greenwood road. to a certain eight leet wide rivoway which also ez:lendB southwestWard . THE SWARTHMOREAN Pop)ar street, CI'ONInl' a certain twentT feet wide driTew.,. whicb Plend. northeutwant Into Greenwood road and aouthweatward Into Laurel road. aDd also crouing a certain twelYe toeL wide drtyewQ' which extende DOrtheMtÂward Into Greenwood road, to a certain eJc'bt leet wide driTewQ wbich uteDde 6Outbwes&Âward Into said Laurel road): tbence extendiDC' BOutheaatward a1onl' ,he middle of ea1d. uÂteeD leet wide drlTewQ' tweolJ'·eeTeo aod alI::C7. one one-hundredtha feet to a POint on ,be northwest Bide of Poplar etreel: and then~ e:cteodll1l', (north twenty-.8ve detrJ'ee;t tlfb'-four mlbutea twentr ..'O Dd. eut) alOnl' the north. weal .tide of eald Poplar "'reet alx17.llve and fort7·two one.huodredtbs feel to tbe am men. tioned POlnl and place 01 beginnlnl'. Twenb'-flve othe~ thereof situate Ob tbe 8Outb"l!st aide 01 Greenwood road at lbe reeÂpectlTe distance. of twent!" and twent1'-two one. hundredthl leet. <tblrt,.·eiE and twent74wo oneÂhundredthl feet, .8fty-two and twenty4wo ooeÂUUdredUlI leet. 81xty-elght aDd ,wen17-'wo oneÂhundredthl feet. elgbQ-.four and twentT-'WO one· hundredth. leet. one hundred leet and. t.wentT·two one-hundredths of a fOOl, one hun. dred and IIdxteen and Iwenly·two one.hund. redths leet, one hundred and thirty-lwo and twen17·two one-hundredtbl feet. one hundred and forty-elght and twent7-two one-hundredllui feet, one hundred and slxt7-four and twen(yÂtwo one-hundredth. feet. one hundred and elght7 and twent,.·two one.hundredtha; leet, one hundred and ninet7-Mx and twenty-two one. hundredtbs feet, two hundred and twelve and twent,. ... wo one.hundredthl l.:,et. two hundred and twent7-eisht and twentY-Iwo oDe.hund. redtha feet. two hundred and forty.four and twenty·two one-.huntiredths feet. three hundred and twen17-two and tWent7-two one--hundredLbs reet. three hundred and thlrty-e!ght and twenty·two one·hundredths fee'. three hundred and fifty. lour and twenty-two one-hundredths leet, three hundred and seventy and tweo17. two one·hundredths feet. three hundred and eighty·six and twenty-two one·hundredtbs feet, four hundred and two and twen17·two oneÂhundl'edUlI leet, tour hundred aDd ei!,hteen and twenty·two one·hundredths feet, four hun. dred and thirty·four and twent,. ... wo one-bunÂdredtbs feet, foUl' hundred and fifty and twenb-two one-hundredths leet, and four hun. dred and fJiz:t,.·s1x and 4wenty.two one-hun' dl"edthIJ leet nortbwestward lrom the northwea' side of Poplar street; and each fe8DecUve lot thereof oontaining in tront or breadth on the said Greenwood road fJixteen leet and extending of that width In length or depth southwest. ward between parallel linel!l at right angles to the said Greenwood road IIlxty.Bve leet to the mIddle of a certain sixteen leet wide drivewQ (extending norlhweatward from Poplar IItreet. crosainl" a t:ertain twenty feet wide drivew..,. which extendl northeaslward Into Greenwood road and southwestward iD&o Laurel road, and also uO.!l8lnk" a certain twelve feet wide driveÂway which extendll northeastwanl into GreenÂwood road to a certaln eight teeL wide driveÂwn. y which extends BOu,thwestward Into Laurel road. One other tbpreol beginning at a point on the BDuthwest side o[ Greenwood road at the distance of two hundred and aixty and twenty. two one·hundredths leet northwelltward lrom the northwest aide of Bald Poplar atreet; thence extending southwestward along' a line at tight anglt>s to said Greenwood road Sixl7- five feet 40 Q. point in the middle of a certain sixteen feel wide drivewQ (extending north. WCfltWard from PapIni' street, croasin .. a CJer· twn twent,v feet wide drlvewQ which exCendl llorthcastwnrd Into Greenwood road and south· westward Jnto Laurel road, and also croasing a certain twelve lee' wide drlvewllJ' which ez:. tends northeast.ward Into Greenwood road, to a certain ehrht 1eet wlda drivoway which exÂlends BOuthwealwanl Into Laurel road) : thence extending- northwestward alonK' the middle of the said aiz:teen feet wide driveway thlrty-one feet -to a point In the middle of the said twenty· feet wide rlrIveway: thence extending northeastward on a Une at rlJrht angles t-o said Greenwood road along the middle of said twenty feet wide driveway alx&y·ftve leet to -R pOint on 'he 8OuthweB& Bide of Greenwood road: and thence extendJ~ southeaatward 81ong' said Greenwood road thirtY-Dne leet to the ArlIt mentioned point and pinos of beginning. kcepU" Iherwut: AU thOM three certain lots or pieces of P'OuDd. wltb 'he buUdlnp aDd improvement. thereon erected. deKoribed .. foUOWI: One tbereof bednnln,. at a pojnt on the northeast llide of Greenwood road ... the di. tance 01 fiTe huDdred and 1I1t7-eJ. .. bt leel northtrelltward from the northwest slde of Poplar .treet: thence exteudlDa' nol1heu&Âward on a line at ti!'hl anclea w Greenwood road aevent7·.8ve teet to a POlot on Uut north. e .. t aide 01 a certain sixteen feet. wide drive. W8J' (&tendJoS' northweelward from aaId Pop. lar sl.ree" c.'I'OI8iDB' a certain 'wem7 leet. wide drive .. .,. which ex.teods lIDutbweetward 10to Bald Greenwood road, to a cer1a1n ell'h, feel wide driveway whleb WIlD mends lOutbwee'. ward Into saJd Greenwood road): thence u. tendJq northwe .... ward alahi' the northeat lide of the eald shdeen leet wide drlvew87' twent7- .8Te It'e' to a POiot on the DorthW6lJl side 01 aald eight leet wide drivew.,.: 'henre extendÂInc BOutbwea,tward along a line a' right ~JCII to Greenwood road alonS' the nortbwa.t IIlde 01 .ald etcht. teet wide drlTew.,.. &eventy-.8ve leet to a point on the northeut slde 01 eal.d GreenÂwood road: and tbence exteudiul' BOutheas&Âward alonl" said Green wow, road twenty.five lee' to the first mentioned point and place 01 besinnjng. One other thereof beginning at a point on the lIortheast side of said Greenwood 'road at tbe dlatance o[ ... wo hundred and nlnet7 feet northwealwani from the northweat 81de of Poplar IItreet (Bald point belnc In the mIddle of a certain twenty leet wide driveway here. inafler described); thence extendin,. norlhwee&Âward alonl' the northeas& llide of IJaid Green. wood road twenty-eJght. feet to a point: 'hence utendiDC' nOJ'theastward along a line aI. right aDglell "0 Greenwood road seventy-1lv\1 teet to a point on the nortbeast aide of a certain eixÂteen fee' wide driveway (extendJnl' northweat.. ward lrom said Poplar street. tt'OsaJnl' the said twenty feet wide drivew~ wbllh extends soutbweatwanl Inlo said Greenwood. road, '0 a c:ertain elf;h' leet wIde driveway wbleb also eztenda southwetJtward Into Greenwood road): thont:e ez:tendln8" BOutheaatward alonl' the northenst aide of Mid IIlxteen feet wide driveÂway twenty-elght feet to a point in the mlddie 01 aaid twenty leet wide driveway; and 'hence ez:tendinl' BOuthweatwaril on a line at rilIb, ang)es to said Greenwood road alODl' 'he middle 01 said twenty leet wide drivew8J' sevent,..five feet to (.he first menUoned POlni and place of besinnlng. One other thereOf beginnlnl' at a point on tbe (.orner formed by tbe intersection of the northeast aide of Greenwood road wIth the uorthwest aide of Poplar &treei; thence extend· ID.,J' northwe.tward along the nor'heast sIde of Greenwood J'oad twenl¥·two leet to a point: thence extendJDIr northeaatwaro along a line .. , right angl@fi to ARid G''eenwood road seventyÂfive leet '0 a point on the northeast side of a certain sixteen leet wide driveway (ex&endlng northwesi.ward from said Poplar street, croseÂing a certain twent,.- ff'Ct wide drivewa,y which extends ROuthwest-Ward into Greenwood road. to a mrtain eight fee' wide driveway which al80 extends soutbweBtwaN Into laid Green. wood road): thence ertendlnl' Southeaetwanl alonl' the northeast aide of B8id IJixteen leet wide driveway thirteen and lorty-elgbt oneÂhundredths leet to a point on the northwest side of Poplar street. and thenCe extending (south twent,v-1lve degrees fifty-four minutes twenty seoond west) alODg' the north weal side 01 said Poplar atreet seventy • .8ve and for&Â¥Âeight one.hundredths leet to the :61"11' mentlon~ ed llOint- and p)ace of ~glnninl'. Improvements oonsia' at 66 houses each two-at~ry brick houlle8, 16X33 tee&. Poreh fronts. One·stol'7 s'uCCQ addition. 7x4 feet. Basement., garage. (Firal DescrlpUon) 7-TwoÂIItOry brick houses. each 16x33 feet. porch fronta. One-story stuc..'CO additiona, 4x7 feet. Basemen' gara,res. (Seoond Descripllon). Sold as the proPerly of I. Cla,.;;n~ 'Pen: 1.1lnl1on. CondiUon&--$lOOO.OO cuh Dr certlfted check on day of sale; balance In &en d8,J'8. Further conditions announced at sale. A. D. DEWEES; Attorney, Fieri Facias No. 1050 5 thereon. deec.Tibod accord1n8' to • RrYq and pi... 'hereof made March 22Dd. 1928, bT J)a.. mOb and Poater. Ch11 Bnaioeen, .. _tuaCe on tbe soutbwest. aide of Laurel road (fol'l7 feeL wide), at tbe distance of aIz hUDdred and thlrl7·three 1eel norl.bweet.ward from the borthw_, aide of Poplar 8tI'eet (ft.f&7 feet wide), 10 the BoroUJ'b oj: Sharon HIll, CollDty 01 Delaware and State of PenDQ'IVania. ContainlDC' in lront or bread&h on the aaid Laurel road "deen feet abd ex&eDdlq of t.h. width In le-'h or depth lOuthweatwanl be· 'ween parallel Hoes at ria'ht 8DC"1eII to &he eald Laurel road IISTeDt7.lIye feet. includinl' on "he rear thereof tbe .all of • certain si.1r:leen leet' wide drivew.,. ex(eodiq' nor1bwestward from said Poplar _ree' (""0I81h1,, & cenaln 'went7 feel wide drlvew8J' whJcb mend. nor1heaatÂward Into said Laurel road) to a certain cla"ht. leet. wide driTeWIQ' wbleb. extends nonbeastÂward Into eald Laurel road. Improvement. conalat 01 two-story brick .h'OuWccIoe, 16x33 feet. Porch Iron'. One-etory addition. 7z:4 leet. Bawment- I'lY'ace. Sold aa the Propert7 of Frank F. Barker. CondiUons-J200,OO caeh or certified check on d8J' of Bale; balance in ten day •• Funber eonditlon. announced at. eaJe. A. D. DEWEES, Attorney. Fieri Fac1e No. 1016 March Term. 10a2 All those two certain lots or pIeces 01 ground with Ihe bulldJOI' Impro.ements thereon erected sUuate In the ToWDllhip of Haverford. in the Counly of Deiaware and Sta"e of PennÂsylvania. known as late numbered 155 aad 160 In Block nwnbend a on a certain plan of lots called "Oakmont" made June 28, 1920. by Robert P. Green, C. E.. and described acÂcording "hereto as lollowa: BeciDninll' at. a point on the 8Ontheasterl7 aide ot E8&'le road (11[", leet. wide) al 'be dJstance 01 one hun· dred feet and ell'b, one·hundredtba northeaatÂwardJ. y from the northeaster},. side of Belve-Âdere avenue (fifty feet wide) thence extending along the said Eagle road nortb 1orty·nloe degrees twenty-one minulee eaal IIlty feet and four one-hundredthu tu the comer of Lot. No. U,7 aD said plan: thence southeastwardl,. aJOIlC' Bald Lot No. 167 and parallel wKb. Bel· vedere avenue one hundred and &evenly·six feet and aeventy-nine one--bundredtba to the line of Lot No_ 33: thence south fifty-two degrees BUeen minutes weat along Une of Lots Noa. 33 and 67 fift7 lut 40 a corner of Lot No. 164; 'hence northwe8LwardlJ' ala11K' Lot No. 164 and parallel with Belvedere avenue ODe hundred seventy-four lee' eleven oneÂhundredths to the point. and place of beginÂning. Excepting' tbereout, all that certain fifty feet of the rear of Lota NOli. 166 and 166, Block a. on a certain lJlan of lots called "Oak. mont." made b7 Robert P_ Green, C_ E .• dated May 24, 1921, recorded at. Media. in Deed Book No. 619. pap 264, and delKribed aceordÂlog to said plan as folloWB: Beginninl(' a' a point in the nortbeaaterlJ' line 01 Lot No. 166, sald point beina' one bundred feet. louth ftft,.-·two degrees fifteen minutes west. from the 9Outhw~terl:J side of Oakmont avenue Uort.J'-elcht leet wldo)._thence extending along the said northeasterbr nne of Lot No. 166 aouth thirty-seven degTeee lorty·ftve minutes east ftlty feet to a potnt in line of Lot No. aa on said plan; thence ez:teadlng BOu&.b fiftyÂIwo degreea :fifteen minutes west along said line fllty feet to a point lormed by the InterÂIlecUon o[ lines 01 Lots Noa. 166, 154 and 67 on eald plan: thence ex&.endlng along line diÂvtdlnl' Lot- No. 166 IroJn 164 nort.h thIrtyÂseven degrees lorty-Bve binulea west Bf&Â¥~feet ,to a point; thence extending north flfl¥·two de&TeeS fifteen minutes eaat fifty feet more or leSs to a point. the .8 ... t -mentlol!ed POtn' -and plaee of ~onlnl'. Improvements conal.t 01 two-story frame and alone house. 24z:33 leel. Frame garage. 9x18 feet. Sold as the property, o[ 'l'bomae J. Brown. CondUlon&--l260.00 cuh or oertiBoo. check on day of sale; balance tn ten daya. Further eonditions announced at we. Stop! Look! Listen! •• d nl0 GreenwoOd road): thence extending northÂwestward along the northeast Bide of aaid bleen feet wide driveway twentJ-eJl'ht feet to point In the middle of said (.wenty·leet wide riveway; thence ex.tending- southwestward lonG" a line at right ang-Ies '0 Greenwood road along tho middle of said twenty leet wide rh'ewB,V seventy·fIve fee& to a point on the o:theaa' side of Greenwood road and thence xtendlng southeDlltward along the northeast Ide of Greenwood road twenty-eight teet to he first mentioned point and place of beliuÂinC". One other thereof beginning at a point on the southwest. aide of Greenwood road at. tbe distnnce of two hundred ILnd nine&y-one and ,"wenly-two one-hundredths feet northweBtW&rd March Term, 1932 A. D. DEWEES. Attorney. from ·the northwest. aide of Popular street All that. certain lot. or piece of ground wlth a A real Swarthmorean Home of .·'bedroo_ &lid d up-to-date iD n every reapect, for aale at about e • $.12,000, includin .... arqe and nice I buildiq loL Partie. leaving to ..... n Worth the mone,.. One other thereof beginning at a point on he {.'Orner lormed by the intersection of tbe IOrtheast side of Greebwood road with the northWest aide 01 Poplar street; thence exÂemling northwestward along the northeast side of Greenwood road twenty·two feet to a point; thence extendinG" northeastward along a C. A. SMITH Pbooe Swarthmore 705 SHERIFFS SALES Sheriff's Sale 01 Real Estate A, tbe Sherifl'd Office COllrt House, Nedla. Penll87lvanla SaturdllJ', May 21. 1032 8.30 O'clock_ A. N. Eastern Standard Time Fieri Facias No. 1001 Marcb Term. 1032 ,t I ne at right angles to said Greenwood roadÂsc' ·enty·ftve feet to' a point on "he northelUit ide of a (ertain elz:teen feet wide driveway extending northwestward from said POPlar street. crossing a certain twenty feet wide rivewa,y whim ez:tends lIOuthwestward into Greenwood road., to a certain eight leet wide rlvaway which also extends southwestward. nto said Greenwood road): thence ez:tending southeastward. along the nortbeast Bide 01 &aid ix.teen feet wide drivewBy' thirteen and for'U'Âight one·hundredths feet to a point on the orthwcat side of Poplar street; and thence xtendingo (south twenty·Jive degreeS fifty-four minutes twell!y seconds west) along the northÂwest side .of said Poplar street seventy·five and orty-eight one-hundredths feet to the 1il'8t lenUoned point and place of beginning. II , d d I , e n e 1 n L All those sixty-five certain lots or pieces of KJ:ound with tbe buildings and improvements n One olher thereof beginning at a point on be COrner fanned by the intersect.ion 01 Ihe BDlJ.tJt,west side of Greenwood roAd with tho orthwest side 01· Poplar street; thence extendÂnr northwestw8r-d along the loutbweat side of rcenwood road twenty and t""eniy4wo one. undredtbs feet to a point; thence extending , thereon erected. described aceordillg (0 a lur_ G ve.y and plan thereol made March 22nd. 1028. by Damon and Foster, Civil Engineers, as mtu-ate In the Borough of Sharon Hill. County of b BOuthwes&.ward along a line at right angles to said Greenwood road sixty-five leet to a point n -tbo middle of a certain sateen feet Wide rivewllJ' (eztending northwestward from said Dcla!"&rc, Slate of Pennsylvania, as foUow8, to Wit: , d COMMUTERS! Save Money Save Time Co-Operate DO YOUR BIT in helping tbis Company maintain its high standard of aervice • • • • • †_ • • • • • • DO YOUR BIT in ma~ing it possible for the public to ride cheaper BUY THE FIFTY TRIP commute .. tickets AND SAVE two and one half cents • ride. • • • • _ • • • .. YOU CANNOT LOSE MONEY_o ... ed ticket. will be ndeemed at 69tb Street Terminal. A charge of lllc wiD be made for each ticket used. .. .. • _ • • .. • • • • • Thi. plaa I. 00 three mootha' PROBATION and only the public'. cO-OperatiOD to the fallest extent will eaable 11& to offer thi ... Yinc after that period Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. Aronimink: Transportation Co. (said point being in the middle of a certain "'be buildings and improvement. to be erected twenty feet wide driveway hereinafter de- JOHN J. CAIN, Shertfl'. scribed) : thence extending northwestward along the 8oUf,hweat side of Greenwood road thirty·one feet to a. point;· thence 6Ztendinl' southwe8tward along a line at. rlcht anKlea (0 said Greenwood road sixty· five feet to a point in the middle of a certnin sixteen feet wide driveway (ex·tending' northwest.ward from saId Poplar street, crossing tbe sald twenty feet wide driveway whic:h extends northeastward into Greenwood road and southwestward into Laurel road, and alaO c:roBSing- a certaln twelve feet wide driveway which also extends northeaatward into Greenwood road, to a cer· tain eight feet wide driveway which extends southwestward into Laurel l'Ood): thence uÂtendiOJ' southeastward along the middle 01 &aid aixteen feet wide driveway thirty·one feet to a point In the middle 01 the said twenly feet wide driveway; and thence extending north· eastward on a line at right angles to GreenÂwood road along the middle of said twent,. feet wide driveway sizty·ftve feet to the :flrst men· tioned point and place at beginning. One other thereol beginning at, a point on the southwellt side 01 Greenwood road at tbe distance 01 four hundred and eighty·two and twenty·two one·hundredths feet northwestward (rom the northwest side of Poplar street; thence extending BOuthwestward alona' a lIne at right angles to Mid -Greenwood road aiz:ty· ftva feet to a point in the middle of a certain sixteen feet wide driveway (eztending northÂwestward from said Poplar street, crossin .. a certain twenty teet wide driveway which ez:Âtends northeastward into Greenwood road and 80uthweatward Into Laurel road, and also cro88lng a certain twelve leet wide driveway which extends norLheastwani into Greenwood road, to a rertnin elght feet wIde driveway exÂr. ending' southwestward Into Laurel road); thence eztending northwestward alonG" the mld· dIe 01 said lj.iz:teen feet wide driveway thirtyÂone and seventy-eIght one-hWldredths feet to a point on the extended line of the northwest. side 01 IJBid twelve feet wide driveway; thenee ez:tending northeastward. on a line at right angles to GreenwoOd road. partly along the northwest. side o[ said twelve feet wide driveÂwa, y sixty-fiVe feet to a point on the southwest side of Greenwood. road; aod thence extending southeastward along said Greenwood road thirty-one and seventy·eight one·hundredths feet to "he first mentioned point and place of beginning. Aud the other 8e"en thereof siluate on the northeast side of Laurel road at the respective distanres of four hundred aDd thirty teet, four hundred and fourteen feet • .three hundred. and ninety-eight feet, three bundred and ei&"hty-two feet, th.ret: bundred and aiZty-alI leet, three hundred. and 6fly feet, and three hundred and thirt)'-foUl' feet northwestward from the norUtÂwest. side of PolJlar street; and each :rellPK1ive lot th[!l"e()f containing in front or breadth on tbe said Laurel road aixteen leet and extend. inl' 01 that width in leDl'1h or depth northe ..... ward between parallel linea at right. angles to the Nid Laurel road. aixty·6ve feet to the middle of a Certain Bilr:teen feet wide driveWQ (extending north_t.wanl from said Poplar street. «oeailll" a certain twen17 fee' Wide driveway wbich eztenda northeastward into Greenwood road and 90utheastward into I,aurel road. and alllO .croeeing a certain 'twelve fee' wide driveway which extends nonheaBlWV"d into Greenwood road. to a certain e1gh, feo' wide driveway which ez:t.ends southwestward into Laurel road. Enio:va "New Floor" in yo .... Ho_e ·tld. SaDlDler :;;:NSTALL AUTOMATIC GAS HEAT NOW Act now .... and have the benefit of your cool, spodeas new baement apace all· summer long. Use it for a playroom for the children, for a party room fot younelv ... Then in the faD be ready with a beating system that'. fairly magicl Now as Low as Installed No Down PaYJD.ent First Payment with October Gas Bill All Oar Sal,. • ..,,_ Store. Or_ :vo-P1a..beror Head ... ·COntraaor PHI L PHIA ELECTRI OMPANY
---------- Page 5 ----------
, THE SWARTHMOREAN MAY 6, 193Z ~ -----------------------------~r----------=====::~==:_----------~::~:;~::::~::~~~~~::~;.:T:an~d~d~~:~~~~~~. ;._ ~Lo~~~N.~.~ -=,~83;_;.;D;d~&I;rO~n~da~y:;o1~~;;e~;~hO~l;a;,~;oe~In~~;:D~da;;yo:-~Pur;:~- \ BBCBIVB BIDS Count,. 01 Delaware and St.ate of PenDQ"lv&- OD the plan 01 Iota of Chester Ten'ace tber condltloDl announced. at aafe. COLLEGE ENGINEERS TO The School District 01 the Bo",US~'.!'b' nla, being known .. Lo. No, '027 on a cortaI. .. recorded In the omce IOJ' the Recordlrur HOLD OPEN NIGHT Swarthmore w1l1 receive bids at th_~O plan of "South Ardmore", made by Juaepb WI' of Deeds 01 Delaware Couuty aforeea1d at WM. B. HARVBY. Attorney. to 4 m Hunter. d,yll engineer of Jenldnlowo, Pen...,. - N 342 624 and g~~,Â¥~~.foPncla", ~j W,'l932. tor vania, on AprJl 26th, 1906. and recorded at ::~~X::T~:ml~ of c&::~ in the JOHN J. CSAINrbi ll general school 8uppUer, art. shOP. scJence, Media In "be oftice for the Rerordlnar of DeedII CountJ of Delaware and State of Penns,l- e . 8hd Janitors 8upplles. and fuel. The School In and for the CODnb' or Delaware, In Deed vanta, and described 88 tollows: Beglnnlng District reserves the right to reject an, y OJ'to Book X. No. 10. pap 644. and deJCribed ac-- at a point on tbe northwesterly aide of ' .. H ... H ... H+~ ..... H+H+~ .. ~~ all bids In whole or In pv.t and or -cording to said plan as 'onowa, 10 wit: Be- Oranclvlew avenue at the dLstance of fltty I award contracte to other than the low ginning a& a point. on t.be northweet IIhle of feet measured northeastwardly from the blddel'8 on any Item or ltems·ured t the Belle Mead avenue (forty·Bve feel wide) at northerly comer of the &aid Grandview Specl1lcatlons may be sec a tbe dialance of two hundred -twenty·flve feet Avenue and.. Seiger etreet. thence extend- School Dlatrlct omee in the Swarthmore measured 8Du,h nineteen depeu, thIrteen 1ng northeastwardly along the said Grand-I High School. ELIZABETH A. LtrBDBBS, minutes west along tbe northwellt IIlde of Bello view Avenue fifty feet and extendlDg In Seeretar)'. Mead avenue from a point of tannnt. which clepth northwestwardly contt.nulnS the Jmint of (angent is 011 tbe nor&hwest lide of .arne width eighty-five feet. Belle Mead avenue at. the dilltanee of one hun· I EBTATE OP HERBERT MANNINO, De- dred four feeL and fiUy.two one·hundredthe of Improvements CC1DSlst of twCHItory 00· I ceased a loot mea8ured lJOuthwealwurd along tbe ment block house, 18K28 feet. Porch tront. Notloo'ls hereby given that Letters Tes- northwest side o. Belle Mead avcnue on tbe Friday and Saturday "SOOKY" I tamentary have been granted in the aboth·e arc of a circle having a radlu8 of one hundred Sold as the property ot Joseph B. White· with estate and that all persoDS lndebted to e bu d ley, mortgagor and real owner. I said Estate are requested to make pay- thIrty·seven feet and twenty-seven one· D- JACKIE COOPER aDd ROBERT COOGAN Added: Our GaDIl Comedy Cartoon ment, and those bavlng claImS, to present redths of a foot (chord bearing to the leU) Condltlons-$250.00 cash or certified check the same without delay. to froID the Intenection of the northwest llide of . 305 8. Chester Road, Coopertown road: containing' in front or and 1 LAURA V. MANNING, Belle Mead avenue with tbe lIOuthwest aide of Swarthmore, Del. CO., Pa. breadth 011 the said Belle Mead avenue twenty- I Executrb.:. fivc feet and e.J:wndin&, of that width In length lOr to her attorney, or dellth north-westward bel ween paranel Unea SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY. at right ahg'les to the eald Belle Mead avcnue PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING IDterior and Exterior Monday and Tunday FREDRIC MARCH In 'I 216 W. Front Street. one hundred twenty feet. (Being lIouse No. Media. Del. Co., Pa. 2HH Belle Mead avenue). I };S'l'ATE OF CHARLES E. rELLOWS, Ia.te of Under and lIubject to ('('rlain building reo I the Borough of Swarthmore. Leiters of Ad· strlctions. rel'Orded In J>etod Book 2. No. 13, Imlilistrntion on the above Estate have been page 1110, whl('h have since expired by IImltaÂI j.:r.lllied to the undersigned. who requeet8 aU lion. : 1)( rFllms having t'laime or demands against lilt Estate of the decedent to make known the And It it! hereby expreS81y certified and j ~,IIIH.'. and aU persons indebted to the decedent declared that. this It! not a pureh88a money lu make payment, without delay. to mortgage and that it is subject. both In lien The Bruce.MacBeth gas engine, I CHARLES E. FELLOWS. JR.. aud paYment to a certain mortgage to l'ccure d· I . lh b 511 Harva.rd Ave., Swarthmore. Pat the p;U'ment of forty.three hundred dollars which will be on ISP a~ In e. alle~ Or to hllJ Attorney. with mterest. given by the said mortgagors to menl of Hicks Hall during Engmeerll J. KIRK McCURDY. MarkeL Slreet Tille and TruaL Company. dated Open Nighl next Monday. 1218 Chestnut Street, the "Nenly.sixth day of April A. D. 1028, and )'hlladelphla. Pa. intended to be forthwith recorded; and that Hicks and Beanlslcy IIalls w:U ~e the scene of the sccond allllual engiÂneers' "Opcn Night" on }'101~d,,:y eveÂning'. ~lay 9, frolll the hours ot SIX until ten. "Open Night," which was s~ar~cd la~t vear for the Imrposc of aC(IUallltmg the Ii.on-cngincering students of the ':,01 lcge and the public with the work helllg done by the memhers of. the. SwarthÂ-,-.,--=-:-=---=::-:-=:--:--::::-:-::::::::::-::-::;;;;;;;;-, the lien of said morlgnS'e shall not be affected ESTATE OF CLARA BRANSON PARKER. or IDlpaired by a Judicial sale under a Judg-lale 01 the Borough of Swarthmore. !.etten ment recovered upon this p~aent indenture or Testamentary on the above Estate have been Ullon the bond secured hel'eby; but any J:luch granted to the undersigned, who requests all sale IIhall be expreB!lly advertised and made persolls hal'ing claims or demands agatnst 8ubJe(:~ to the lien of the said mortgage. the Elltate of the decedent to make known the same. and all perSOns ind~bted to tbe Improvements <.'On8Iet of twO and one·half decedent to make payment. wilbout delay, to IItory stolle and roughcallt house. 10x38 feet: CHARLES PARKER, one-story addition, 6x8 feet; porch front; gar- No. 21 South Chester Road. age, 12x18 fffit. Swarthmore, Pat more DCI)artmcnt of Engmeenng, COll- Or to hill Attorney. , 'I J. KIRK ?>lcCURDY, Sold ae the }Jroperty of Joseph Lawson and sists of \\orkillg cxhiblts 01 tIC ma- 1218 Chestnut S1root, Mary Lawson. hie wife. ~hincn' and apparatus used in the rU11- Ptliladelphia. Pat lIing ~f ntoderr~ ill(t.ustries and in, tIl( -::..::==:...:..::...::..:....-----------=---~ S01\'i11g of engll1eerltlg problems. rhe ESTATE OF ROSALIE B. PUSEY. Dec:eaaed. affair is being sponsored by the Swarth- ha~~ttebr:e~es=~'100n~:e =:~r::e:. more Engineers' Club, whose president who request all pel'8ons having claims o:r is lim\ anI Johnson, '32. demands against the estate of the decedent Condlti.ons--$25000 cash or cerUfied cheek all day of sale; balance In ten days. Further condillonlJ announc:ed at sale. HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorne). , I • to make known the aame. and all persona Levari Faclas No. 120 Presbylerian Noles Indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay, t.o H, CARROLL PUSEY. MARY S, PUSEY. March Term, 1932 411 North Chester Road. Swarthmore, Penna., Executors. james Douglas, olle of the church stuÂdents, a senior at the college, leads the young people's meeting Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. \-Vednesday cvening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Tuttle gives a special study of Paul's letter to Philemon with the title, "~Iaster and .Man." Or their attorney, All that certain brlck messuage and lot or piece of land. situate In the Borough of Darby, County of Delaware and State of Penru.ylvanla. bounded and described acÂcording to a survey thereof made by A. F. Damon. Jr., Borough Englneer, on the twenty-seventh day of December, A. D. CLAUDE C. SMITH. Esq., 161'7 Land Title Bldg., Phlladelphla, Penna. 1906, as follows. to wit: Thc Young People's Guild meets next Thursday c\'ening with Mis~ Allen, 28 Linden avellue, H.utlcdge. Miss Doctor leads the devotions ilnd M iss Bond reÂviews })upin's autobiography, "From lmmigrant to Inventor." ESTATE RAY S. LIPMAN, deceased, Jacob Van Sclver Blshop, Executor, Real ~tate Trust BuildIng, PhlJadelphla. Howard Kirk, Att.y., 302 county Bulldlng .. Medla. Penna. Beginning at a point on the northwestÂerly side 01 FIfth street at the distance of two hundred and thlrty·three teet southÂwestwardly from the southwesterly corner of the said Fifth street and Spruce street; ex.tendlng thence by the northwesterly side of said Fifth street. south seventeen degrees ~lrty-five minutes west. twentY-five feet. and eight one-hundredths of a foot to a cornel of lands of W1l11am H. PhUllps ~md Sarah Louise Ph11ltpa. his wlfe~ thence by the same north s1Xty·seven degrees fiftyÂfive minutes west one hundred. slxty·slJ: teet and forty-five one-hundredths of a foot to the southeasterly side of Moore street; thence by the southeasterly slo1e ot the same north twenty-two ~egrees twelve mlJ;1utes east twenty-live feet to a comer of lands now or late of W1lliam T. MorriÂson' and thence by the same south siXtyÂseven degrees JUty-five mlnutes east one hundred and sixty-four feet and fortyÂthree one-hundredthS of a foot to the place Under the leadcrshil) of Mrs. j. V. S. Notice is hereby given that Letters 'resta· mentary have been granted In the above Estate, and that all persons Indebted to the above Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to preÂsent the same. without delay, to the ExÂecutor or his attomey. SHERIFF'S SALES Sheri IT Sales of Real Estate AI the Sheriff's Offiee Court HOllse, !lletha. Pennl'lYlvania Saturday, MI\Y 28, 1932 Bishop, the cooperative shol) of the Woman's Assodation has re-upened 011 Thursdays in the basement of the l)arish building [rom 9 to 5 o'dock. Mrs. Bishol) is assisted hy :Mrs Gecr, Mrs. jones, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. GilfilJan, :Mrs. \Vood, .11ld Mrs. E. M. Bassett, Because of the extreme distress among the mountain people in charge of Miss Cochran at SUllset Gap, Tenn., the WOl11el1 are preparing boxes of clothing for children and adults. The destitution is most serious. The shOll urges generous contribulions of any serviceahle articles at once. They may be sent to the parish huilding. At R::JO o'clock A. :ft.1. of beginning. Eastern Standard Time ]~\'arl FaCiaS No. 14t Improve~ents conalst of two and oneÂhalf story brick house, 18x45 teet. One-&.tory addition. lOXIa feet. Brick garag", 2~16 .-------::---- SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court ot Common Plea3 of Montgomery Count.y, Penna .. to me d.1- rected. will be sold at Public Sale on . . WEDN&SDA Y . MAY 25, 1932 At 1].2:00 o'clock NOOll Eastern Standard Time. In Court Room "0" at the Court House In the Borough of Norristown, said County, the following described Real Estate: Tract No. I-ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate In East Norrlstown TownÂship Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, boundeq and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point In the middle of a private road between these premlses and land of Dr, J. R Care on the North side ot Qld Germantown Turnpike Road, thence along said side of said Turnpike Road, North 46 degs. West 33.08 perches to B point a corner of land now or late of Charles Doran; thence by said Doran's land the two next. following coun;es and distances, to wit: North 40 d.egs. 20 mins. East 51 per¢hes, South 50 degs. 25 miDS. West 32.54 pert:hes to a point in the middle of the firs~ above mentioned private road, thence aloJl,g the middle of the same by lBild of Dr.' J R Care, South 40 degs. 20 mins. West 53 29 perches to the place of hegtnÂntn~. EXCEPI'ING lot of land and house thereÂon 'erected begInning at a point on the l'lortheast side of tIle Germantown Pike Ro~d and land now or late of Charles Doran. thence South 46 degs. West along said Germantown Turnpike ROad 95 feet anq extending with that width In length or depth between p8t'allel lines along said Dor-an's land. North 40 dcgs. 20 mlns. East 203 feet. March Term. 1032 All that c('rlall1 lot or lIle{'(l of ground with the hUlldlngs and tml)rOVemenl8 thereon erected 8ltuale In the Township of Haverlord. COdnty Df Delaware and Slam of Pennsylvania, being known as Lot No, 1028. on a reriain plan of "SDuth Ardmore" made by JOSC)lh W. Hunter. CiVIl EIl~lIeer. 01 Jenkintown. Pennsylvania, on April 25th. In05. and recorded at Media. In the office lOr the recording' of ·deeda in and tor the Count)· of Delawaro In Deed Book X No 10, page 644, and de~ibed according to flauJ I,lan as follO\\;a. to Wit: Beginning at a (loil1t ~on th(" northwest side of Belle Mead M'CllUl' (forty-Rve feel wide) al 'he illstancc nf two hundred feel measured south nmeteen dl·grees thirteen mmutes wcst along the north· "cst sule of Belle Mead avenue from a point 01 tangent, whi('h point of tangent is on the 1I0r~hwest side of Belle Mead a.venue at the du;tance of aile hUlidred foul' foot lind flftyÂtwo one-h'lmdredths of a foot measured southÂwestward along the northwest Side of Bene Me.ul avenue on the arc of a. CIrcle having' a radlllS 01 one hundred thlrtY-&even fcct and t wenty·seven one-hundredths of a foot (chord ooarlll.g to the left) Irom the inlersection of the northw(,st side of Belle Mead avenue with the southwest side of Coopcrtown road: con· tnmlllg' In front or breadth on the said Belle Mead avenuo twenty-five feet and extending- 01 that width m lcngth or depth northwestÂ\\ ard oot'l\cen parallel hne~ at rIght anglell to tJu· sald Belle Mead avenue one hundred (wenty feel. (Being House No. 2100 Belle :Mead a\'enue). Under and subject to certain budding reÂ!; lru:tlons, recorded ill Deed Dook Z No. 13, 113ge 190 which have since eXPired hy limitaÂhOIl Anti It IS hereby expIT'5s1y certified and dcdarcd that thIS is not a purchase money mortgage and that It il!l subject \)oth in hen and payment to a certain mortgage to acwre the payment o[ forty-three hundred dollars With Interest. !'nven by the said mortgagors to Market Street Title and Trust Company da.ted the t'l\enly-sixth day of April, A. D. 1928. and lIltendctl to be recorded; and that the lien of sald mortgage shall not be affected or impaired by a judlClal Sllie under a Judgment recovered upon thls present indenture or upon the bond !l('('urt'i.l hereby; but any su('h sale shall be ('XI1J'f'1''''ly ad\ ertl8e(1 and made subJcct to the hell or the salt! mortgage. feet. Sold as the property of Richard H. Hom and Jemima P. Horn. his wlle, mortgagors and Martha E. Maxwell and Ellzabeth Hom real owners. Conditlons-$250.00 cash or certified checlc on day of sale; balance In teu days. FurÂther conditions announced at sale. ARTHUR L. REESER, Attorney. Levari FacIas March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected Situate on the south side of Fourth street In the Borough of Media. In Cle county of Delawa.re and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a point one hundred and sixty feet east of Olive street. Containing In front on said Fourth street twenty feet and extending In depth of the same Width. between lines parallel with Jackson street one hundred. forty teet to a twenty feet wide alley, runntng from Olive street to Jackson street. The easterly Ilne thereof passing through the center of &. party wall between a dwelling erected on the lot hereby conveyed and. the dwelllng erected on the lot adjlllning to the east. Together with the right of said alley in common with the owners of other lands abutting thereon. Improvements conalst of two·story stone and brlclc house. 16x34 feet. Two·story adÂdition. 12x12 feet, Sold as the property of Samuel Bruskln, mortgagor. and Peter J. Smlth. real owner. conditlons--$250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance In ten days. Fur· ther conditions announced at sale. ALBERT E. HOLL. Attorney. Levari Facias No. 164 March Term. 1932 All those two contiguous lots or pieces of land with the messuage thereon erected Tract No.2-ALL THAT CERTAIN lot OT plete of ground numbered 64 on the plan of jlands of the College Tract Residence Company. as recorded tn the Recorders Offlce at Media. in Deed Book No 6 page 262 said lot being situate in the Borough of !swarthmore, In Delaware Couuty, and lo~ted on the Northeasterly corner of Ch ter Road and Harvard Avenue. con· tat ng in front OT breadth on said Chester 113.72 feet; and extending in depth g the line of lot No. 85 on satd plan Bnd along the Northerly sldc of .saId ant Avenue 232 32 feet to lot No. '18 ImJl)'o\'(~menta consist of two and one·half story stone and roug-h east houae-, 18x38 feet. One-story addition. OxS feet. Pot't'h front. Garage, 12x18 leet. on Id plan. Contatnlnll on the rear along lot lNo. 78. 8Q teet. BCT as to the first described tract to certaIn mortgage to secure the pay-me t of $7.000.00. ~' lzed and taken In execution as the p rty of Jean P. M:or..on, Real OWner an to be sold by -~, I, I HASELTINE S. LEVER. ,, Sheriff. DoWn money $200.00 Sheriff's omcc. Norristown AprU ... 1932, Penna. Sold aa the property of Joseph LawlSOn and Mary I~'VIillon, his wife. Condltions-$250 00 cash or cert1:8ed. check on da) of sale; balance in ten days:. Further conditIOns announced at sale. HAROLD L. ERYIN, Attorne,. Levari Facias No. 146 • March Term. 193" All thaI ('Cl'lam lot 01' pleC'C of groitcs with tbe buildlnn and improvements thereon erect· ed &lluale In the Township of Haverford, Extension-3 Wall Paper Clew .... STEPHEN BROWN Morton P_ O. Box 144 Swarthmore 1056 ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING Located In Thompson's StoretJdorton, Pa. &'ennanent wavlD. Every Day EJ;eept Saturday 3 Specials ,',00 'Phone Swarthmore 19M-W Open evenings by appolntment MEDIA LAUNDRY. INC. PHONE MEDIA 174 "SERVING SWARTHMORE SUCCESSFULLY SINCE 1900" FINISHED LAUNDRY SERVICE THE THEATRE BEAU1'IFllL" A WARNER THEATRE LANSDOWNE LansdoWDe Avenue &I Baltimore Pike NOW PLAYING Frida". and Sa'urday MARLENE DIETRICH in 'SHANGHAI EXPRESS' With CLIVE BROOK I Monday.Tueaday, May 9-10 CLARK GABLE MARION DAVIES In POLLY OF THE CIRCUS Wedne,day, May 11 BILL BOYD in "CARNIV AL BOAT" Oriental Rug Given Away 9 P. M. Thllr.day, May 12 "BAD COMPANY" with HELEN TWELVETREES RICARDO CORTEZ 2 large lllumillated parking lots LSlde of theatre. Free parking. "DOCTOR JEKYLL and MR. HYDE" Wednuday and Thurlday LIONEL BARRYMORE The Broken Lullaby from "THE MAN I KILLED" Benefit League Woman's Intemational for Peace and Freedom. Has Come eq with it the age old disturba.:qce, kn!lwn . as "Spring Fever," Notlung serious - not alarming ---'Âbut, at times, very-aimoy-mg. ,- PURE SPRINGFIELD ,.- WATER and plenty of it eVery day, during this period. pbyslcllUl8 tell us. wlll do much to banish the sluggish conÂdition of both the mind and body. Its Invigorating ell..,t will de-Igbt you, J)rlnk eight to _ gla8&es a day for H ... IlIt, Philadelphia Suburban Water 11111."11111111111111111111 ••• 11111101111111111.1111 It's Too Bad About The Lawns In Swarthmore •• 1111111 YOU HAVE A LAWN. LET'S MAKE IT PLEASÂING TO THE EYE. We have a formula prepared by two leading greens' keepers at nearby country clubs. This grata .eed mi:..ed in proportions ~hich they recommend, we have in stock. We abo have the fertiJizen which they recommend, namel,.: Bone Meal, Hydrated Lime, Ground Limestone, Sheep Manure, Baughro and the famous HYPER-HUMUS In other words we have everything necessary to produce a beautiÂful lawn. We furnish worthy men who are without jobs, fully instruct them and then supervise the work. The JAPANESE BEETLE i. now near the top of the ground. KILL HIM. We have arsenate of lead and oand_ Let'. make Swarthmore the mOlt beantiful town, not only in Delaware County but in Suburban Pbiladelphia. 1I1111III H.B.GREEN NO.1 PRINCETON AVE. Swarthmore 1234 P. S..-If your coal bia if; empty, 60 iL That's oaJ' specialty • fMarthmare College L1bi'U)O THI: Vol. IV, No. 19 Washington Bi .. centennial Program , At C~othier Memorial Tonight Herbert C. Tily To Lead Chorus In Concert Sponsored Jointly By Borough And College One of Swarthmore's most significant musical programs of the year, which un. fortunately has not been sufficiently emÂphasized, is the George Washington BiÂcentennial Mell10dal <..:oncert to be heJd at the Clothier Memorial this evening at 8 :15, There is little doubt that this will be the'" outstanding event in Swarthmore's celehration of the Washington Hi-cen. tennial. The general public is im·itcd without charge and the concert is being sponsored jointly hy the College and the' Bicentennial Committee of the Borough apJJOinted early in the year by Uurgess \\Tilliam R. Landis. The program will consist of selections by the Strawbridge and Clothier chorus led by Herbert J. THy and assisted by 01 i v e Marshall, soprano, Fn'lleric George, baritone, and Wmialll S. ThUll. der at the organ. The two outstit~]dil1g numbers are "'{he PhaQtom Drum," a Legend of the RevÂolution by )ames P. DUlin and "The Can to Freedom" a patriotic ode by Vic. tor Herbert. The program will consist of pa.triotic songs and marches. . Organ Preludc-\Vashingtoll's March, Fraucis Hopkinson. Thc Stat Spangled Banner. The Phantom Drum, James P. Dunn. (A legend of the Revolution), Ode for Washington's Birthday, (Adaptation of a chorale from the .. ROSE VALLEY CHORUS TOMORROW EVENING DR. IIERIIERT J, TILY Niuth Sympllolly-Becthovcn-Arrang_ ed by N. C. Page. 'fhe Glorious Name of \Vashington, (Ellg1ish Air of the 17th Century) ArÂranged by \Villiam Arms Fisher. ' The Call to Freedom, (A patriotic odc). Victor Herbert. Organ J>ostlude-fl'he Stars and Stripes Forever-Sousa. C. D. MITCHELL TO HEAD,PL4YERS' CLUB Questionnaire Said to Show Overwhelming Vote for Present Plays Swarthmore, Pa., May 13, 1932 $2.50 Per Y car DRY LEADER TO SPEAK HERE MAY 27 ~r. Daniel Poling of New York City, chairman of the Allied Forces (or Pro. hibition. will speak at Clothier llclllorial, May 27 at 2 :30 p. m. Oil the subject, "\Vhat America Thiuks About the Eighteenth Amendmcnt and the Liquor Referendum." CURRAN QUITS ASSESSOR JOB; , GEITZ' APPOINTMENT LIKELY Original Appointee Unable To Carry On Work Due The meeting will be held under the To Pressure of Growing Legal Practice auspices of the \Voman's InterdenominaÂtional Committee of Swarthmore and the --------------------t local chapter of the W, C, T, U, Jt will COOKE TO READ assume county-wide importance and sev-eral IliJndred persons arc expected to fill the auditorium to hear Dr. Poling. POEMS TONIGHT Preceding the address, IUllcheon will be served at 1 o'clock in the Friends' AT HIGH S 0 .Meeting House. At 2 o'clock an organ CH OL recital by 1Ir, Hormal1 of the ~Iethadist Church will be given folJowed by Dr. Pollllg's ~ddn.'ss at. 2 :~O. Scats will l>c ,I Program Sponsored by Ulverslun resc~,'ed U1 the auditOrium for those at· Sehool Brings PopUlar Poet tendmg the lunCheon. H f F· T. I I • ere or Irst Ime PREP SCHOOL TO BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE JUNE 4 Real Estate in Parcels an.1 Entirety 10 he Offered al Premises in SEVERAL BUYERS RUMORED The second lJUblic sale within the past few years to mark the passing of a long estabHshed, widely known Swarthmore institution will take place early next month when the Prep School grounds and furnishings go under the hammer. The first sale referred to was that of EXPECT GOOD ATTENDANCE It was reported from authentic sources late yesterday aftenloon that Thomas A. Curran, tax assessor for Swarthmore, l<utledgc and Morton had resigned and that Frank Gettz, tax assessor' for Swarthmore for five years prior to this year, would receivc the appointment withÂin the next (ew days. Mr. Curran was appointed early in February. He is a ~hester attorney who resides in Upper Darby. His apÂpomtment was fO!.loweG by rumors that the man who would really do the work was his brother Eugene Curran of MorÂtOil and political leader of that borough. Last month Eugene Curran was convictÂed of violating certain election laws and is now confined to the Delaware County prison. The assessor's position pays $2OO0'-a year and as now constituted requires more time than .Mr. Curran the original appointee could give it. .. Friends of Frank Gettz who was orÂiginally elected tax assessor of SwarthÂmore borough in 1926 have carried on a persistant campaign to secure his appointÂment in case of Curran's resignation. It is said that this work has brought re. suits and that Mr. Gettz will be named for the position. I , JIIAIN UNE ORt.:HESTRA TO PLAY THURSDAY the Swarthmore Chautauqua where tents, In an effort to secure a second scholar-scenery, hundreds of costumes, and ship in addition to the one given by the pianos wel~t for a song. This time the Home and School Association, the High sale will include such items as swimming I school is sponsoring a concert by the pools, gymnasiums, and general school EDMUND VANCE COOKE ,\lain Line Symphony Orchestra at the eCluipment. I _ . ~ ~ _ # Clo~hi~!,; ~f_~~orial next T~~rsdar, ... l1al: # Tiie rsaJi ha; beer) ordcreil oj.' the! ,,\11 l"xccJknt attendance is promised J9' ..... t d. b. l"'lte orcheSira w'JflCll IS <bÂcourt and a complete Jist o( the articles for the lecture Ihis e\'ening at the High lccled by A~olp.h Vogel t co~ductor and available may be secured from the of- .. ~ vr. W. F. G. Swanll, associate condueÂfiee of Samuel A. Montgomery, 216 West school audlto:IUOl by Edmun~1 Va~lce tor, will present as Its soloist J.\liss Helen Front street, Media, one o( the two re~ Cooke, Amencan poct, who IS bemg ...... Iedncns. piamst. Mr. Henry ,Hotz, the well-known diÂrc.:: tl1l"; suioi.!ot and vocal-teacher Is pntÂting the finishing touchcs on the Gilbert and Sullivan opera "Patience'\ to be given hy The Rose Valley Chorus at the Swarthmore Players Club in Swarth-' more .. at 8 :30 011 Thursday and Saturday cvening~, May 12 and 14. This is the first opera given at this new Thr-atre which is very modern and suitable for larger groups. The production promises to be a fitting celebration of the twentyÂfifth season of the Rose Valley Chorus. The l)arts of the two poets, Grosvenor and llullthorne, will be taken by BerÂbert L. "'alton oiUld J. Craig Janney. Several years ago, when this opera was presented in H_ose Valley, these two players made an outstanding SllCC~SS in the same parts. The 11art of Patience wi1l be taken by Dorothy M. Swisher. Others included in the cast are Diana Purinton, Helen Janney, Isobel Price, 'Evelyn Nicholson, Francis Markland, John Clothier, Wray Hoffman and \ValÂter Yarnall. NEW DIRECTORS-ceivers. The real estate, subject to eer- brought to Swarthmore through the ef- The concert is being sponsored as a tain mortgages totaling $63,750 and cer· forts of Dr. \Valter Hoff Seeley o( The whole by the entire High S h 1 with NAMED tain other Hens, will be sold either as an Sw.arthmore Apartmet.1ts. Dr. ~eelcy, thc (aculty worklllg .particufar~ hard cntirety or in parcels. The sale will take retired I~ewsp~p,:r edlt.o: and. corres- to make it a success. The need for fi. ------~ .... ~.------- County Women Thursday, .May 26th, The Delaware County Federation of Women's Clubs will have their last meeting of the sesÂson at the Bywood Woman's Club. Mrs. Grace 110rrison Poole, of MassachuÂS(; tts, will be the main speaker. :Mrs. Poole will be the next National Federa· tion President and those who ha\'c heard her, say she is an entertaining and 111- spiring speaker. ------~ ... ,~.------- Expression of Regret Statements from an unofficial but place at 11 o'clock D. S. T. Saturday pondent, IS an .1I1t.I11Jate Inend 01 the po.~t nancial aid for graduating students is authentic source indicate that the answers morning, JUlie 4, and an interesting and through h~s mOucnce ;lIr. Cooke wlol obviously so lUuch gre3.ter this year than to the Players' Club questionaire favor meeting of possible great significance to also speak thts afternoon at the High cver before that the concert was arÂthe continuance of the present type of the future of Swarthmore it may be. :-ic~lool to the stu~ents. rangcd so that at least one more member play by an overwhelming ,'ote of at least \Vho buys the chairs, hooks, and office ' I he progran~ IS hC~l1g sponsored on a of this year's graduating class might tell to one. The (IUestionaire was passed e(llIipll1"nt means little to the horollgh as nOll-profit !Ilakmg basts .hy the Ulverston continue his education than would otherÂout at the )'Jay Ilights of the club to a whole, hut who buys the property as a school. Tickets are bClllg sold b} stu- wise have done so learn whether a change in the kind of whole or in part may meau a great deal. dents at the School and by th~ Scouts The evening's p~ogram aside (rom aid-ilia) ~ presented was desired by Ihe mem- Thtre are a number of r\ltl1or~ as to and Ctlb~. The ~couts arc \yorku!g hard iug an excebent cause should prove a de-hers. the identity of several parties said to he to. sell, ttckets slllce the pnce a! evcry light to music lovers. It wilt be of The unotlicial but authentic source also interested. One of the most pre\'alent is tlllrd t.u:ke.t they sell goes t~ their (und particular interest I>ccause the opening stated that it was not likely the exact re- that the property will either go into the for shmghng, the Scout Cabtn on .Crum number Schubert's "Overture to RoseÂturns of the questionaire would he made I hands of certain individuals who will ~r~e:. ~~]C mterest ,o.f th~ Cubs 1Il the munde," will be directed by Dr. Swann public sinc~ the results were sought only I tl1~n the buildings to th~ use o~ a Cath- IC e se tng c~mpetltlon IS dl~t: to. the of the College. Mrs. Swann and Doris for the gmdance of the directors. ',olIc school. The oU,ler IS. that It wIll be fact that the pnCe of cyery tll1r~I ~lcket van de tlogart, both of Swarthmore, At the election for the coming year t a k en over by Il Us~ness men w h 0 'leIe they se~l may bI e uI sed tLm ,\'Ia rdsC bmldl11g ka also piaJ" in the orchestra, held last week, Charles D. Mitchell was' that they cannot fad to pro~t one \~'ay ~wlmmll1g pOD a ong Itt e rum cree The second number will be Tschaikow-named president Dr A F Jack or another by the purchase at the bulld- Just helow Yale avenue. sky's "Andante from the Fifth Sym-vice- president, H'erhert T. 'Bas~ett Se~~~~ in?s and ground~ for the low figure they • phony" which will be followed by HVar_ tary. and Thomas 'V. Andrew, treasurer. Will probahly brmg 011 June 2. George W. Wellburn iatious Symphonique," by Cesar Franck The following directors were elected: ~ plady ed" Gb yI I' ).iiss, DCie drichs. "Arabesque" R - • L h Funera1 services for the Rev. George an 0 I\vog sake Walk" by De-for three year terms, Roy C. Comley and cClproclly onc eon \V. \\'ellburn a form'er resident of bussy and pla}'ed by the orchestra will be J aIm Dolman, Jr.; two year terms, D. S tl I I I presented next. The program wI'11 close .\ a co III o~ ge an( ahl Olmes' h I C with von \Veber's "O,'erlure to Oberon,.' '[ I I II I I C \V The Women's Chorus of the \\roman'sl war, ltl10re, were ,le d ast Thursday Olle year term, J. Kirk McCurdy. ' C I u b with Mr. \Villiam S\'lvallo e\'cmng at IS lOme III rafton a suburb , • Thunder, directing will cntertai:l- those of Pittsburgh. Interment was at Ston- Edward W. Smith attendlllg the Reciprocity luncheon on mgtOl1, Conn. • Honored Tuesday, also' :\{iss Dorothy Forrest, a .Dr. \\rellburll became pastor of the Edward W. Smith, a resident of MorÂreader, who comes well recommended. First Presbyterian Church of Crafton on ton since 1872, died suddenly Tuesday Mary Crist of the llary Lyon School, Many acceptances have heen recei\'ed l[~rch 8. Prcvious to that he was sup- morning at his home on Morton avenue. Swarthmore, Pa .• a junior at Radcliffe from State and Counh' Officers and an ermtendent of the State Sabbath School He was a brotherof Charles A. Smith of The ~[CIl'S BIble Class of the Swarth- CoJ1ege, Cambridge, },[ass., has just been interesting time is l)r~mised those who Association. H~ is survived hy his wi- Swarthmore and was known by many of more Presbyterian Church has learned elected president of \Vhitman Hall, the attend. This is the last day for rcserva- dow, )'Irs, Fanme \Vcllburn, two daugh- lae older residents of this community. \vith sincere and pcrsonal grief, of the dormitory in which she Jives, (or the tions which must be givea to Mrs. \Val- ters, Miss }{uth Wellburn and Miss He was seventy-eight years old and is sudden death of our friend and former year 1932-33. ter J. Fritz, 209 College avenue. Rosamond \Vellburn and two sons, survived by his widow, May Smith, three neighbor, and sometime teacher, Rev. ----- G\Vecolrlgheu rn\.Y . \Vellburn, Jr., and \-Vllliam d aug Il ters, Mrs. Grace Smith Moore, George W. \Vellburn, D.D. S h Ch'ld W'll B May aud Eleanor and one son Edward. While words arc futile in the deel) wart more 1 ren 1 e ' , • The deceased was long aad actively tragedies of life, we desire to engross on "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" idclltined with the best interests of Mor-our minutcs, and to convey to Dr. \Vell- Featured In Special Edition Soon' AT STORY HOUR tOll Borough, having years ago organized burn's family, this expression of our and established the Morton Chronicle, sincere s_vmpathy in a loss \\ hich while ! ' He \\'as one of the charter members of S\\arthlllorc is '10 ha\C its 0\\\1 ohscn'- most <iecilly felt by thcl11, is shared by a \ "1'1 \' I t<,'.\1"e 01" tl," Ce'.t"",'al 01 Le\,','O Carroll's !h, e 1IJ;0rt011l Publ d ic L Llbrar A '" PI' n Issue oi Ie. 'l~'d,.t IIUOJ't'all de- I y()ullg~ters who~e parents would like ... ........ .. y and, th,e Mor- Wide leIIo\\'slup through-out ennsy - birth. At the Children's Story Hour I un .UlI( Il1g~] oan SSQCtatlon and vania. We of Swarthmore mourn the voted almost exclusively to the younger have them appear in this special issue of Ma 19t1 . tl W 'CI b "AI' ' I was ViCe- president of the latter organi~ passing of an esteemed neighbor and generation will make its appearance with- The. S·l.CJ(lrtll1ll~rcall. ~arents may either ~ ~V d" 'In I,l,e 'Iolmlan s . u , lIce zation at the time of his death. He was ' d I h dIed I' get III touch dlrect1v wtth the studiO they 111 01] er all< WI )e gIVen m t Ie aI' I t b inen W 10m we a earn to va ue 111 the next few weeks The photographs I prefe. or with "The S'Warllunor~aJl. lorm of a :Marionette show. I so lor severa erms a mem er of the for this sterling personal qualities as a f close tid d S th Pit I l'I,',s ,,'ell lo'"cd story I,as bee" adapted Mh,ortod~ School dBoard. AI t the time of gentleman, in his abilities as a preacher 0 ~ a lUll re war ~nore otograp IS o( children taken hy other & • C·, IS .... ease an severa years prior an d as a Ie ad er among men, youngsters will make up part of the Issue photographers will also be used and Irom LeWIS a r r 0 I s book hy two thereto he was mag,'strate of Morton I M th It' f th f . t h I 'I I "I I b I h d ed' I' , Swartl 'I J A d II ' W 11 e t lere \\'11 a so t! p 10tograp s an cr It IDes glVen. l1nore glr s, une very an ar- Borough ,I; ay e conso a IOns 0 e a I articles descriptive of a1l borough activi- I The Swarthmorean will be \'ery glad ~tet \Vickham and will be staged by them ' • , • which he so faithfully proclaimed, be t,'es '''h,'ch arc c0l1c"r,,-1 I' fl 'th' f h . & III lheir p t th t (\11 Id I real to his dear ones in this hour, • ... ..... c 1Ie y WI or t. e ~oope.ratlOn ol.any parents or • O~"I~ lIPP~ ea ~e .... OUt w. C. T. U. • • , children. organizations mterested m children. In- that the ongmal Alice who IS vlsltmg tn I Dr. Michael KovaIenko, Mrs. Kova- Lewis Studio, of Chester, and Under- formal photographs of individual chil-I this country now could be our guest I) The regular monthly meetin f tit lenko and Madame Kovalenko, of wood and Underwood, of Philadelphia. dren or groups of children, childrens The Kinde'l'gartclI Class of .Rutgers \V. C. T. U. wiII be held on Jayo 18 i~ Swarthmore avenue, left by motor last ha,ve taken. scores of photog~a.phs ?f programs etc" will be particularly wel.! AY.enlle school under )'hss Margaret the parlors of the Methodist ehurch at Thursday for Sharon, where they were chIldren. dunng. the past week \vl11ch Will come. Pnce wilt also give a puppet show "The 2:30 P. M. All members are earnestly cal1ed by the illness of Mrs. Kovalenko's appear 10 ~he Issue. Thes.e two pltoto- The children's issue will be published Story of Peter Rabbit", which the) have I requested to attend. Everyone will be father, A. S, Stevenson. graphers wilt gladly take pIctures of any the latter part of this month. made in school. cordially welcomed.
---------- Page 6 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 C {ILl U.L I NC.INJ.I,!{" 'I {I llOU) OI'LN NIC.II'I The Bruc;e M;-lI::Beth gas engine, wluch v. all bc 00 display In the baseÂment of Hides Hall during Engmeers Open Night next Monday ------ II, I I It I ~ II .II I I t l I ('1 1 :\, 1 I lllll!..! \1 \ II 1 1111 It II fll I :\ 1 "I 1 I I \ l I I 1 '" "'1. h 11 III HI , 111111 II I I \\ II I I 111 11111,-. I' 1Il~ 1 I 1141 I \ '- 1111 \\I! , ' PI ( .. In lei Mil Nute!; 1111 It tl t I) \I 1, 11 1 II II ,11_ IIIIHh "'In h"l ... tll RECEIVE BIDS Th(" Schoul District of the Borough of S,\.urthlllur(' will rccch:e bids ot the High SdlUOI Dulldlng UI) to 4 I) m Eastern tHandurd Tlmc Monday May 9 1932 for I' J1('rul schoul supplier ort !;hop science II d JUllltors supplies and (uel The School Dhtrlct n'S(,r\('s the right to reject allY or ull bids In whole or In I)art and/or to I\\urd cuntruct.o; t..., other thun the low hld(i(:rs on 1111~ Hun or Items Spedll('atluns may be secured At the t'j{ 11001 District oUlce In the Swarthmore n'J.;11 Bcllu< I ELIZABETH A LUEDERS Secretary FsrATE OF HERBERT MANNING Dc CI l~('d Notice Is hereby ghCll that Letters Tel; tamcnt In lune been granted in the above (st Itl nnd thot all persons Indebted to the <.: tid E.. tatc tre requested to make pay IIIl1lt nut! those ha\lng: claims to prescnt tin <.; Imc \\ Ithout dcln~ to LAURA V MANNING 305 S Chcster Road Swarthmore Del Co Pa Executrix: Or to III r uttorncv Si\ M UEL A MONTGOMERY 216 W Front Street !\Ie(Jia Del Co Pa I "I \ It 01 t:II \HJ In.: Ii III I h .. \lInll \ , 1\ IU 1\ '1 CI lun 1 IS (II tU11l ''!It.1 I 'ull 1 II I I I ]:1 S" Irl hili In I I U \1{ \ lilt \:sso:s I) t hI \1( 111\ I Idl\l\ '\1 CI !tIn I I s (II Inllt Slrt('1 I II 1 I I 111111 I I'l E::; I A fE OF ROSALIE S PUSEY DccellScd ~ ~tt(lS Testnlllcntnry on the abo\c estate 11 l\t b('('n grontcd to thc undersigned \\ ho rNI\II st all persons having claims or t/('111 IIIds aj.;nlnst the estotc of the decedent tu Illlk( known the same and all persons Imlt IHE'li to thc deccllcnt to make pa\ffiellt \\Ithollt dela, to Ii CARROLL PUSEY MARY S PUSEY 411 North Chester Road Swarthmore Pcnna \1111, . ., If III lIll III ..... 111111\ ~\tlllll_IOI tll{'lr attorne\ Executors ,I I II k \\ 111 \ l\tll111 Lt:-'; CLAUDE C SMITH Esq 1617 Land Title Bldg d d. Ilr I mill _IH I \llll tl ... tll h Phlllldclphill Penna I ,111 It til I I I Ih 1II I! \\ 1111 Illl _ - -----~~~~----------- I,tk \11 tlr 111 \1111 I ESTATE RAY S LIPMAN dcceased Jneob I I I VUII Sct .. er Bishop Executor Renl E.o;tate 11Il \ 1111 .... I I ]ll~ (111 I1ltl I 11:-;1 Trust BulldlnJ.; Phllndelphla Howard Kirk 111111 I \ e.:\tllll1 \llh \11 \11111 2x ALt\ 302 COllnt} Building MedII, Penna r r I 1 \1 [) Notice Is he-reb\' gl\en thut Letters Testa 111 II 1\ 1111 \lIt l ,.., 1 d I Ul<'lltar} hn\c hecn granted in the nbo,e It Itl II It\ 1!l1I ! I \11 wi It &o;tat(' nnd that all persons Indebted to I I I I tile II\)IHe E<;tnte are requested to make ,It\\... Uplll !III !.! 11'1\ I 1111 IUI~Il\(!nt ami those hu\ing clnlms to pre. 111111I1 .... rllll t [mutt I sent the slime wIthout delay to the Exw L IHI I t'lt I~ 1 It 1111 1\ \11'" \ s eeutor 01 his nttorney I I 1 I II l L 111\l I I II till I SHERIFF'S SALES \\ 111111 \ 111111 II 1\ pUHI I" I hll1 1 \ 11] 1 I till I t I 111L III II 1- -~~-- 11I11111llJ.!: Ir tJ ... III \k \Ir '" \11 (.t~1 \Ir Ill" \11 1)1l :\Ir ... ( 111111111 \\ III!! \11 \1 I I II I I II l I th~ \xll 1I1l III III 1111 11 ... lilt 111 111111111 Ie..: 11\ 1\ l I! 11,..,1 I \11 " l t 111 11 II ..... llll It t tp I t'1I1l Ihl \ 111 1 I \ PI 1\1111,., 1 ~ I thlll,.., II (Itllrlll tlld Hll1lt 11\.11. 1111111 II I \ 11 1 l11 11 I hl I! I ~ 11 1 II 1 tnlll!1 I 111 ... 1\1 11 It. 111 I tIlt Ih 111\ It Ih JI11h 1 wi I , ~lIEnlI'l S S \1 I " \1 Iii Siu Ilff Olh 1\ '\1 I I It .... ,1\ 11111 S II I 11\ :\1 1\ III \1 S I I I, • I. \ , " Itln "111111111111 " :\llIhl(1111 1" I I I I l II I PI I II III lin I~ Z Xl '" '" THE SWARTHMOREAN MAY 6, 1932 I ("Ulll.,\ or In II" In 1111 51 III t r 1'(111111)1\ a I and designated as Lotti Not; 63 and 64 011 day of sale balollce In ten days Fur 1111 1)(111 IUllmll , .. lui No 111'7011 l.trllUI 011 the plRn of Lots of Chester Terrace ther conditions announced at sale 111 \II 01 ~ S Huh Anhllon 111111 11.,\ JII~qlh W as recorded In the OlUce for the Recording 1IIIIIti I 11\ 11 (I I!III( I I of J( uluuto\lll I~ IU''''): J IOf Deeds of Dclowarc County aforesaid at WM B HARVEY Attorney \ I II "II \111.1 • ,III 11111 IIUI rl(' .r.h'tl It Media In Deed Book No 342 page 624 and JOHN J CAIN !I1('t1 I'" II". (III fur till U(IOIII r ~ of Thill>! situate In the Township of Chester In the SherI" IJ I I Couut30 of Delaware and State of Pcnnsyl~ III Iml rll ttl Clunt) .. f 1J111'\ln III (II \anln and described as follows Beginning Huok X No It) 111 ... 1 till wt! IIUI( rlb("tl Ie nt a point on the northwCliterly side of un!lm: 10 1"1111 ,,1111 I'" f II 1\\" III \\It ,~ Grandview 8'\enue at the dLstance of fifty 1I11111~ It I 1011 t 011 III I Irll!\\It<1 !'1I11 uf feet Ineasured northenstw8rdl~ (rom the HI. Ih :'.h II IHIIU, j furn 11\ ff"l. t "1111 J It northerly corner o( the said Gmndvlew Ihl 1.11 .. 1 lit I. IIf I\\u hUII.lred hHIlt) .hl ftll A\cnue and Sdgcr street thence extend III I"'UII II 01l1h 111111 It I II Ie 1'( I" uurle (II Ing northeastwardly along the sold Grand 1111111111" "I til 11m ... II! I url1l\\l "I !'1I11 of HI. II 'lew AHmue fifty feet and extending In :'II III 1\ I. I W flonl I pOIIII til I 111 ... 1 lit "hI! h depth Ilorthwe",twardl) continuing the I lit IIf 1111 ... ' I t HI I II Ihl IIlIth\\( "'I I'll" uf ,,81ne width eighty Ilve feet HI. II '\10 I I .\1 I 1I II th •• It I'" '( oJ 11111 hUll Ih ... 1 ft II It t I III I It fh 1\\0 uln hlllllile dlh" "' 'uot III Isun .. 1 !'I Utll"l 1'1" ud IltllI til IIIIIIII", .. t "lit II BIIII '\hll 1\ III! uutllt ImprO\cmcnL<; consist of two story cc ment block house 18x28 feet Porch front rllt hl"" .. I rulill Ilf om hUllhlcl Sold as the propert) of Joseph R \Vllite tllIIl \ • \ I I 'I I 1111 1,\. nl\ "'I \ (n om hUIIII ley mortJagor and real owner Cotlditlons-$250 00 Casll or Certified check I Ith .. ,I Ilunl 4ehllli 11 .. 11111 ... tel thl 11ft) 'JlIIIl "I 11111. 'I" 111.111 1.11 Ihl • rth" I 1<11 of J~ II! :'II~ II 1\1 11111 "llh Iht " ulll\\I "t "III. 1.11 (1~llrlu"" lUll .. JIll 1111 III Irolll ur -------------------1 hll 11th urI til sud 1111 MI II 1\111111 1\\llIt\ PAPERHANGING AND 11\ fill 1I11,Xltlllll ... ollhll \'Hllh III 11.11 Ih I Illh IIllh\\l;:;t\\lnl hlt\\'111 I Irlllil hilt .. j II hi 11 ... 1 s I I till II I lSI II :'lit II.I 1\ IUl PAINTING 1\ hlllulll I 1\\1.111:\; f II Ilklll,... 111111'" ;-.;" 10 J lSI Ih :>Oh I I tll. I I ) 111m III I JoiUIJJI I 11 ~, ell .. 1 III \\111 h hl\( \11 I II I h l"t 1.\ I IlIet! Ih I tins \" 1111.1 I III I Ih II II :... II I" thl 1111111 11\ IIf II ~III\ I \"11 II" ",r. ('J! hI! 1/1 _<0; II 1m I I"h " .1 n I I h I IItI 1\1 II II I uu lit II II" IIII1C III"'~ tI II .. III 1I\1l01UI "H\I~ \11111\ Le\url fuclos March Term 1932 No 12a All thut certain brick messuagc and lot or piece of land situate Ln the HOrDugh of Darbl County of Delaware and State of Pc ln~l'l .. anla bounded and described ac cording to a sun ey tilereof made by A F Damon Jr Borough Engineer on the t\H'nty seventh day of December A D 190B ns follows to wit BeginninG at a point on the northwestw erly slde 01 Fifth street at the distance of two hundred and thirty three teet southÂwestwnrdly from the southv.esterly Cf}rner of the snld Fifth stl eet and Spruce street extending thence by the northwesterly side of said Fifth street south se\ eDteen degrees thirty five lnlnutes west twenty the feet and eight one hundredths of A foot to a corner of lands of Wllllnm H Phillips nnd Sarah Louise Phtlllps his Wife thence by the same north sixty se' en degrees fifty the minutes west one hundred sixty six. feet and forty fh e one hundredths of a foot to tile southeasterly side of Moore ~treet thence by the southea.sterly sl1e u1 the same north twenty two degrees twelve minutes east twenty U,.e feet to a corner of lands now or late of WlIlIam T Morri !>Oll and thence by tile same south sixty J:;e\en degree,. fifty the minutes ea.')t one hundred and sixty four fect und fort) three one hundredth!> of n foot to the plnce o[ begLnning Impro\emeuUi cOllsist of t\\O and one hilI( story brick house 18x45 feet One stor) ndditlon IOxlH f('et Brick garage 24x16 feet Sold as the propert) of Richard H Horn and Jemima P Horn his wife mortgagors and Mnrtho. E Mnxv.ell and Ellzabeth Horn real 0\\ ners Condltlons----$250 00 cash or certified check on day of sale bnLanee In teu da)s Fur ther conditions announced lit sille ARTHUR L REESER Attorney Levari Facia,,; Marcil Term 1932 I ntenor and Extertor Wall Paper Cleaning STEPHEN BROWN Morton P. O. Box 144 Swarthmore 1056 ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING Loc."\ted 1n Thompson s Store, !\Jorton, Pa Permanent Waving E\,ery Day Ex.cept saturday 3 Specials $100 'Phone Swarthmore 1994wW Open eventngs by appointment MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC PHONE MEDIA 174 SU'SCECREVSSINFUGL .SLW.YA SRINTCHEM ORE 1900' LAUNFDIRNYIS HSEEDR VICE THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL A WARNER THEATRE LANSDOWNE Lansdowne Avenue & Baltimore Pike NOW PLHING Frula" and SRlllTflt", MAnI.ENE D1ETRJ( II In 'SHANGHAI EXPRESS' With CliVE nROOK lIom/oy-Tru'$tlny, ~Itn 9 10 ( I AIIK GAIILE MAniON DAVIES '" POLLY OF THE CIRCUS If' ,.tlnt'stl"" Uti, 11 1111 L llOYD '" "CARNIJI AL BOAT" Oriental Rug GI\'cn \way 9 P l\I TIWTlu/flY, \lflY 12 "BAD COMPANY" .vlth liE! F N 'I WEI.VE !HEES IU( AIIIlO (ORTEZ 2 large Illummatcd parkmg lots ISlde of theatre Free parkmg I I ,. rulay anfl Sarurday "SOOKY" "lIh JA( KIE COOl'ER and HOIIEHT COOGAN Add,d Our Gang COllud" ami Curtoon U(JIu/(lv tlntl Tllf~Jitla,. IIIEDIII<; MAil( II "DOCTO'R" JEKYLL (IIul itfR. HYDE" Jf t·t/nutlav ami Tlmr/fflflY UONEL BAIIUYMOUE I he Urok. n l.ulJub" frUll1 "THE MAN I KILLED" UI Dl ht Womun~'" InlernatlOnal I tagUl' for I'eucc and I<rlcdom. -- I Has Come I and WIth it the age old disturbance, known as "Sprmg Fever" Nothing senous - not alarnung - but, at times, veryannoy· ing, PURE SPRINGFIELD WATER IIIlI 111(>nl:\ of Jt e\ t'n 11.01 durlUg tins III dt'd. Ilh~ sit I lIlS tell us "dl do 11111( h to hUUlsh the sluggish (011 thllllll of huth till mind uul hotb Jt~ 1U\lgUl thng .. nut "rI. dfllght )011 1)1 mit: eight to t~n gllsses., d n ftll I11~llth PhIladelphIa Suburban Water In other words we have everything necessary to produce a beautiÂful lawn We furnish worthy men who are wIthout Jobs, fully Instruct thetn and then supervise the work T~e JAPANESE BEETLE IS now near the top of the ground. KILL HIM. We have arsenate of lead and sand. , " II I I I 1 III ,,"' II I 11,\" I :unl Let's make Swartltmore the most beautiful town, not only in Delaware County but in Suburban Philadelphia. t'w n t (j(':>{ nh('d tract to ('(,Hrl thl pn\ :>ot \ I Sf' Z d lid t k n pr<lJlt I t\ I r It Ul lÂtud t I (' old 1)\ In ('X('('utIOll as tlw II \IUII U I l.Iorton Hl'tl Ov; ncr H \SEI TiNE S LEVER Shenff I 'III ,. I I 1- It \ I , :'Ituh1,m ~rlint .. l ellt'lCk 11\ • lIrtin r N I ].I') .11111111 upstairs assures Privacy NO.1 PRINCETON AVE. Swarthmore 1234 H.B.GREEN THE COST IS TRIFlINGI P S -If your coal bm IS empty, fill It That's our specialty. I 00\\ n IlH ll(' "2UO no Shenn Olhu N lrn,.,tO\\ II April 26 1932 Pc-una \11 11 II III I III1 I \I II It 1111 III II' III" of rim I "till " 11 I linT r l\fllU III tlllrfoll 1.1'('.1 111 lit 'TO\\I hll .. I 111\ rfortl ExtcnslOn-3 1II1I11111I1111111111111111111111 j - -~=::-~~====~ Vol. IV, No. 19 Library Sn artlUllorc, l'a '(a .,' !V • ~ 13, 1932 $2.50 Per Year W ashington Bi~centennial Progranl At Clothier Memorial Tonight Herbert C. Til y To Lead Chorus In Concert Sponsored Jointly By Borough IlIn 1.:: UJEJ( 'I I) "1'1'. \K III.HI. \1 \\ 27 Dr \) IIltd 1'01111 I I \: \\ \ I" t 11 \ III tlI11l11l II IlIl \1111 I I Ilu I, I I 1111111 II \\ III I't I It II 1111, I \llIll 1\ I II CURRAN QUITS ASSESSOR JOB; GETTZ' APPOINTMENT LIKELY \1" 27 Lt 2 111 I' 111 11 II ~ 111 JIll And College \\ II II \ lilt rtl I 11 II \11 II! III~ I II-.hhtlltl! \111\1111111111 1111 1111 11111 1 1 1'-\ I trill IUIll lilt Illl: 1111,.., \\ III II ht Id unfit I thl 'IIII'll .. 1\ Ihl \\ 1Il11l ... Inllltllllll1l1lll 111 1111 l, Illlllllh I ~\\ II 111111 It \11 I 111~ III, II I.:hIPI~1 I I II \\ ( I l It \\111 Original Appointee Unable To Carry On Work Due To Pressure of Growing Legal Practice (Jilt III '-;\\ Irllllll Il" 111 ... 1 1 .... 1]111l lilt ]l1I1 II II III I ",I IIlh I till 'l It \\ hllll till I IIUlIlhh iii .... II I IIllll "'l1ll1lllllth till ]Ih ."11.111 h II!\ (.1. I ",t \\ 1 ... 11111,.,11 II I I Illllllllltl ~Itlllllil lll~llt t lllltld II IlIl II tllll' \llllI II II til nllllll,.., II ~ h Illlrt I 11111t til III t tlJ It 1111'" \\111 Il lht I II hI tllllll-. lHIIt 111 S\\ 11111111 t' ... ult.l rill III I Illl \\ 1 ... 11111,.,1011 11 I.:t'll III III I tl I '1~ gtllli II puhh 111\ till I \\Ith, lit dlllgl 11 I Illl I.: IIlUlt .... hI. 1\,., :>111 11 orld J'1I1tl\ 1\ thl' l 1I1,..,l ull tli l.ll.:t'1l llllll II '- Illlllllttll I the.: I 1101l,..li II P mlul llrl\ !11 lilt \t II 1 \ I 1I .... 1 LIIII\lI1l1l1\\\11t 111\ Ill1tl I I l\ Ilrtlllll1lhl:! plr 11 L11 l'lllh I t hI! tIl 1111\1\ IlIlltll 1\11 l.r I',hll I I 1 Ht 1111 I I( I hit I Itllll h~ 11 \\ III III n, I It I I, I 111 III I r 11 I I \1 U 1111,.., 11111 \t..! tl,l 11111_11 !lui II 1\ \1, 1111111111 I. t Ihl \Iltll, hi COOKE TO READ POEMS TONIGHT AT HIGH SCHOOL T ! Jt \\ h rtJl Ilul 'rom tUtllt'litlC SOllrC(.':> lilt \1 ... I~rcll\ ttllrn 11 thll I!JOlllbo A Lilt 1111 t IX I'" t ... or lor S\\ lrtlullun 1\ lllh d,..,e.: III I \Ie rt 111 Ii 1(1 It 1,..,1It'(1 md thlt I rlllk (.tlt...: Ilx 1 ..... 1:' .. 01 for S\\ Irlhm, l I I 1I\t H lr .. pt I II 1< tIn .. \llr \\1 uld rUU\t the..: 1I)[lUII1I'1II..1I1 \\Ith 111 Iltl lllXt Il\\ dl\s I lhu'~h \\111 II !-;l\tll ! II \\ll 1\ III I II 1.... Itld I 1\) 1) ~ It \\ 111 Il I - I rl I \ I !11 III Illltt 1111111' til tlll 1111_ LIlt 11I1Il11l II , I : PREP SCHOOL TO P. n;"'1 ~un SpUIlSUI .. rJ In ( I\('r~t()n S( hunl HI in~!oj PUlJUr .. 1I Pu'" HI It· ittl I'll ~t 1.lIu \1 r lllrr III \\ Is 11'IlIJltlted t.: Irl) III Ill'llIln III h I ,--hl .. tu IttOrtlt.:\ "hI) n""k .. 111 lpPl:1 J)lrln Jh .. II) I tI Iltl111111 \\ I I )litJ\\ td h, rUlllor:" th It Ihl 1II111 \\ h, \\ollid rt'tlh do Ihe..: \\ork \\ t-. 111" hI tht'r I l1,..,Ult Lurr U1 01 ~lor t Il 11111 IH htll: Ii 1(' ukr 11 th It loruttgh I I I III mth I 1l~1I1l' (, un III \\ IS 1.:011\ IctÂld 01 \IOIllllJg I.:tltllll lll:ctlOIl 11\\:<0 <II HI \\ 1111 1111 h. I lIlel .... I X 1'1' , I (,OOU \ I I END \N( ~, lilt ]lllglllli \\111 till I I l .... tlut1tln 11\ thl. '-;(1 1\\ hlUI,..1 III I II 11tIL I lull" II\rllrt J Ill.. LIlli I I 01]\1 \llhl1tll .... 11"1111 I (.~ Ji,..,l hlfllllill lId \\ 11111111 S dt:r II the..: Ir,.., 111 Iht 1\\1 mt lllldlll,.., Illllllhll .. In J IILIII 111 Ilnllll I 11,.,1.1Ie1 I lilt I~l\ ollltl III I, J IlIll.... I Ilunli tilt! I ht: (, III 10 I IlUlulII I] III It Ill: Ill' 11\ \]C I Ir Ilab~rt I Ilt pro~1 till \\!l1 II I"'ht 01 I 11111 tiL "'Clll~" 11)(1 III 11 I.. ht .. ()rg III I'rt huh - \\ blllllgt 111 .... \lul h r IIIU .... I h'pklllSOIi I h .. SI II 'P lll!-,dl'd I 11l1]~ I I h~ Ph IlIlum Ilrum J 11111" I' I hili 11 \ l(gllld III the 1\l\(c\utH Il) {)cit ]Ir \\ 1"llIlq.:toll .. 1.llthlll\ ( \fIIJlI 11111\ cl tllOr tit III III tll(' .. I BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE JUNE 4 Ht-.. li t.",t .. lh III P .. 11 (.'j!o\ .. nul IJI I .I 11111_11k\O I ... Ofl"1 (ti .. i Prt mJM ~ me III \ I .-::---;--;---:----,----__ SI,' Ell \1. 11'1\ EH" In )WIILI) :\lIlth l II 11\ I III ll:1 lid lull Il Lll \\ lIltl" Il I , ... t I lilt (III It U .. \: IIIIl t I \\ \Sltlngl III tl \\ \t: Ir" t 1Il11 J..: tilt' \11 "'111) I Lilli .... ~ l1glt ... h \Ir I lilt 171h (1111111 \) \1 1(' t Ihh .. hl I \\ 111 , k""" C I r IIIt.:l d 1\ \\ lIh 1111 \rlll 11,;JH~r '" I I I . .,\\ Irt 1111 It II l II . I II Ie 11 \\ III , Ii.;, I I " . ,"I " I It I II I flultll1l (\ [lLtntltH: ~, lS lilt) \Ilt I Iltrlllrl 1IIlIJIlth \\hlll till Irl)l ..... ll 1,..1 tllll! (h gil Ilt ... tluclt _ I ill' ~I Ir:> Ltld III I turlll hlllg:-. ,., ) \II](kr IIIl Ii Ll1llllel ~lrlJ11 Ilr \~I-S(USl lilt Ilrt d rcltlrl:d to \\1 Ihtlol tltl S\\ LnlH 1 Irl l II 1\11 IUlJ\!' \\ hl It Ilnh IUl',I, '.~\~~II~~{~:~~~H~I~LNING IC. D. MITCHELL TO II" "", ",I;,Jlf:':,~"I,' ',; , l'I~~"n;,~", :;~,I I !ll'l 'D \ \'.( Il IOOKI 11 \\ I.: IlII 1I11ul I Ihl.: 1 )1.:11\\ Ire lOUtlh In n J hl' IS .. t: ,> .. or... I ""'Itl III PI) ~ \ I.' II tnt! h II \\ u I]"lltntul 111 Il tllllt Iht1l \Jt lurrl1l th~ Lill' II Uti I: IlIld r-.''l 11 ~2()OO r~qll1r('s Orte II I II I II~ IId~ ul I r l1Ik (.t'llz \\ ho \\ h or 1 1Il til.. d tlu! ! IX I l ....... 'r of S\\ Irlh III In h.lrlll,.,h '11 lIJ2() h l\t.: C .rrted 011 I I I. r I t lilt l IlIlpugn to '>tCttl t: 111:-> appolllt lIle.:nt 111 I: 1 l IIi (, Ilrr Ul,., nSIMllltlfJll It I wi III II Ih"" \\ Jrt.. hi:> hrought rc ult JlIel thlt \11 (.e.:ttz \\111 he lIulled I I tilt 1'1 ..... 1111 II ••• LlNi-, Ui{l HE::;TRA TU PLAY THURSDAY III III t HOI t 10 .... t:curl.' I sl'colld scholar ~ "I' III I !chuml to thc UIle gl\ CII oy the Ilolll t llle! Sl.:h I I \..S )UII] 11 the High I:h I 1 I" '>pOIl~ )rlllg I UJIlcert lJ) th~ \1111\ I lilt: ~\tII])hl 11\ Urdll.' .... tn It the lllllull \Illll nt! lllxt Ihur"dl\ \Ia) \1 r II, nn I,:,:z, Ih~ ::,,1: ,::" :'" P::: IfF.A D PLAYERS' CLUB J ~,~~J,I,I::::~:;:'~~~::::~II":'::' '::~I'.':~':::I':; "n:;::::~ II", lilt: 11111 hlllJ.!: 11111 hI ... 111 th\ ( JIll n 1 \; /UrI L1ul L t 1111] It k It .. l I Ihl Irlldl 11 I Xli I I ," I, JI 'HI t 1 l I lit: I l Ie.: 1'1 \\tlll:1L b UI I In \ I lph \ 1 ..,1:1 c Indllctor ami \\ I (. :"1\\ 11111 I .. OUltt.: I.:ondue \\111 Jlfl ... lllt I It.. IIJht \11'> .. Ill:il'n \lui SIIIII\ II 1]l1I I I tllt1l1 l Itl II _ _ I II I ,...,1\1111\ Iht htll \ ,11L\ lh Ill .. II Ihe.. 1)lustU)nn~lilC' S.nd 10 Sho\\. I\Il I)t.: 1111\ It: Hurtl Ir III lie.: ,I I {) I! I Jtn II c.; IItlllll \ \Ij III"" III I '! \\ S\\1I11J11l11 Ill\tr" lltlh III :"'!\\Lrth \f'll' )('nlln~ \oh" 01 Ilr III .. trllt ~hhl 111 Ilh t\\J II HUill II K 10 11 I hur ell\ Illd ..... llIIr 11\ PI" "'4"111 PI.l\!-\ 1\t'11111 \11\ 12 1111 1-1 1111 ... b llil 1 1.:1I\t r I hl rt il l I III 111 J~ t I I t 1111 111 rl,.., L"I: I I 11m ... "I 1 I () I 1 u hr .... 1 IIJlIII .... I\lll II 1111:-. IIl\\ Ilu:ltrt NL\\ nuu (ItH{s NAI\IJ<I) I I "1,,,1, , I ... 11111)1 III Illh ,\dl III 1111111lr I II \II \ 111 III 11111 .. lilt till I r I II ,.,ll I I lit II J! It nl1lth 1 111 I lIul 1111 t! \\111 t rl t ,.,111]1 Ihl III dill II III IJ10lllll" ~llltlll lit 11111 1 1111 1111111 hill plltl Lt 11 I'lk I) .." 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PI till 1\11 II till lulllr I I '> I 11111 " I Itt 1 UIII I \ I '1 11111 ~ ) l \1ll I I I I I \\ I I II ht ~\\ \I tbm II t 1111 III,.,h 1 rl I I III \\ tilt, II 11 Sull\ .... \\ 11 tbm, n \1 I 11Ill 1\ 1)1 l 111!!h \ IIll 1 I III,.., tltt It f I I ht' I III, I 11 \\ II] I lill III I II rt; "IIIPlt l ,k. \\ III It II I LI1 1111111 I lilt II /111 111 11 1 III 111111 11 \Ir I t II In Iltl II 111 h I t II I I 1lI I' ltll e.: I IJlIII!'>1 I h t tOllnrl h !Jt:1II,., .. p 11"011.'<1 IS • \\ hI h 1)\ Ihe.: ('lit II t.: Illgh School \\ Ith tit I lIll" \\Orklll,., ] Irtlt..:ullrl, itlrd I I11lkl II I IIUl'" lIlt.: 1Il't:d hll h , 11 II tl 11 I J 1 ,..t nlu Itm.... ..tude..:nb 1:Â\ 1 III "ll1llllh,..,It'ltlrlhb)llrlhUl I:H 1 Ih It thl: C 1I1.:1I t \\ I:; Ir Illd I IlllthUllll \\ III )1 I ,.., I ... I II It I t \lrnlulllllll \ I I II II "'1 \\h I 111\ Itll \\ 11t011 II" "'l\ll rl \1 Ir I IjIll 11 I1IllI \\ I II II lfjlllllll 1111 11 tit u ... h I '11 I IJI tllb \t'lr ,.,lldllltm,., d 1:-. II1lght 1 l 111\11111 III ultll. III 11 th t1I \\oulcl olht.:r ... - \11111,,11 III lui II I\\hl 111\\11 IIl\ II t \\ .... t h l\ e.: d lie.: Jllt"tllhd 111 ht ... t I 11 III!! 111 II Imlll \1 It 11111]11 III 11e.:111 1 .... 1 Icl tI )lIn I.. 111 I II III 11l!ll \\ I 1\ Ill! 1\ tlrl lllllll IIUI Il 111 III \r I lUll 1 I Ihl .. 11ll1 Jlllt 11111 I I I It 11 11111\ II , tI P IIH I I I , I \\111 Il 11h:t1l 1\ 111 Ih\ \1 I 1111 U II I lUI ,Ulh 11111 til II l1lIt I e.: II: I (hi I tht III I 11 \ III II! 1 (hh(l ... lII(lutiul I 11111111111 11(llll JIlIIII\ t III I It \\ I'" 11 I Itllh tit, l"llllt thll Ihl I" Itll\ \\111 til I '" II Itlll I 111m II Illlt \\ III I II I1lltll hllll" II 11111 IIld\II11.! III \\\1 I \thl1 :\:Ilh ,I ... 11 1IIIIlI 11111 I I I In ttd.; Ihlll1ll I t\lI) 1 Iii 11 lund I 1 111 t I II I II j., \\ It 111 hi 111\ hilI! 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I I III 11 111 I, I III II \.l\t I 11 1 \ ()II I I I III I 1 1Il1 I I I " It II 1 I \ I I I 1\ L I r Ihe.: t III \\ 111 Ii 11111 \lll \11 \\t1 I h r J I nlz 211' l 11\ 1\ 1I IH 111 Il 1'1{ \ tt" 111 l hurt It I I \\lIh lII(lll I1lcl]u lit! _llll "\I lit II <ll It Ii til '111 III II I 1111 II 1 III r 1111 111l 11IIH I ll:hll (l I l \\ \\~llhl1lll 1)1) Swarthmore Children Will Be ltl 11 111 ] I \\ \ , II l\ll1lll , • \\, \\ ,-IIIIlI111 1111111 nll II> kl \ l r,..,c I 1111 I Il "Iult I I \HI I I I II 111m <11 \ 11 111 III l, lit I I '>\llml \\ \\dlllllll :-..\\ t 111111 I \ II II III Ilttl1111 11I\l.11IIt:11I \\' It '-;t'lL I ~ I 1111 11 \\!.:I11 1111 Itl 1111 1'1 1 01 Ihl 11 t I l\hlll1l llnlt il lrllttlllll \lltll:--; Ilt\111 II Ihlt Itt \\1 :-.11]) llllll I II I III :--'111.: ..... tli ,tn ""lh I, 1\ Ill. 1] I ( l I l \ \ \\ 11 1111] II 11111 • • III I I, 1\\ III III I \\ till 1111 \\ 11I1~ \\1 I I lie.: tullh \ll""uill" II !ttl \\l Il III III 1ll11l1l\t 111 I, l 11\, \ III Iht' ~I~tl till_I 11 I I)r \ \ II 111111 IlIIl1h 1111 1:,\I'l I II III Featured In Special Edition Soon .. \l I~ I 1;\ \\ O>iIll.IU. \N[)" \ I ,,'lOIn HOl It " \I1II1LIII\ II 1 \ I \1 lit It pI tll! 1\ thUll' hi el 1\ I \\1 1~1I \\ 1]1 1111 II-Ii III I \ I III \1 \ 1111 I \\ t ~\\ \1 thlll I III 11111 t It 1 1 ... 1Il" 111 I t ~ tllul I .... I!h 1 til I rlt lid \, III III \\ l hac I It tllll(1 to \ IInc 111 thh hrllll,.., jl('r ... III t1 'ill Lhlll I ,...llltl~1II11l 111 Ill ... 11 dllll. I Pll II III IIld I I It Idll 1111 1\1 tnl n \1" tllt ( 11 nlltl II II thl "Illh h\ 11111111111 I, \ I It Ilk I 1111 I" 1\ tlt n1 I I S\\ Ilhm rt "UItH It It 1\ 111 I II I Ihlll ... 11\ I r shlrtl\ \\lIll, th \ \\lr' t.: lll('d I" thl tllt 1: ..... III :\11'" I, \ Illllko lathn \ :-:; S1l'H'Ihllll " dill \ 111 1\ " I I I I fit \ 1111 t\ 1 \\ II I I r III , " .... l1l1111 11 \\1111 " J 1 III 11 ~t I \\ \\ II-.. 'Ii 11 , lit \ 1I1l-.11 I III ~ \\nh ph te .... ral)h .. I l\l tllllll !Jlplll 111 tIl t II I 11\ I Ill' ) .. 1 fill I II III~II !Ill' tlh\1 ,.,t'l III tllldl Illt Ih \\1111 thl 111 II lit \ , I plctt:r 01 \\Ith Ih(' ) Ifll/ hU1l1t1f1 S\\ lIthtllort.! I'll" nph ... I. t dllid III t Iktll I" I I Ithll lip PilI II II!~ 1 Ill. ph 11,.,II1'hlr \\111 tI II II I III I r pi I Ilph \1111 Irulll hill .. ",,1\t1l \\ hi 11 111 I \I h adl\l I h~ S\\ Irtll1l1 Il III \\ II It \l , ~III 1It1lltl dlHlh \\llh III till I.: [l111111 11\\ 11I1I1 II , , Idllllnll 11\\1 ..... 111 11 l h Ilr 1111 L Ilfl~r I \\1. Ii III llllln, II II IlllllltlJhl1 111\ Itl":tll \ rl 11 t ,..,rIJlh ... (hdclllll dunll,.., Illl ])1 t \\uk "!lith \\111 Ijl]ll: Ir III thl I III I h ,,, ph Itt rlll!t\r \\111 ,.,lllh tlkl !l\llIIt .. III lll\ tlr~l1l1zltl I mIla ltd 11 thlllrll III I Inll II 11be I I""r tph.. 01 11](11\ I III II I. 1111 dllil tr ,.., Il1jl I 111111rlll lhddnn Jil ,..,rllll tIt \\lil 'I: ]laltl~ul\ll\ "d t 1111 I ht dill In II Illl Illtt.:1 p Irl I ... lIl \\ III I (' I llhJt III I th .... III IIlh 1 I ! I li, \I 1\ I 111 till \\ I. III 11 ~I 1\ lllll '" \ lit t' \\ n41llu I \\111 I ,..,1\\1 III I I :\11 Illldtt h 1\\ \I the.: I h \\ III I \, I t I \ hi .. lun I 1.llll I II III 1\\1 l II r 11:-. I ,k 1\ t\\U ~\\ IltlJlll r ,.,111 h1lll hln 1111 Illr lIlt \\ I kh III 111 \\111 II t lull" Ihl1l\ III lilt I \\11 1111111 llitlll\ (\\11111 11,1 lIlt 11 11 \11 1\\1 thl t I ntr\ 11 \\ t 11' \ 1 1\111,., III 111 ,.., lIt t I ) II 1"lIhl,..llhl1 til II 1\III"ll ... \\111\ III 1l1HIli \11 ... \llr,.,Ift'1 I 1Ju \\ III tl _1\ t I 111])1 I h \\ I hl' SI 1\ 1\ I'dl! halln \\hlll tlu hl\e.: til 1 IL 1ll I he e\t'llIlIg .. ]In,.,1 1111 bldt: Ir'lIl wi '11,.., ill I: X( d ul\ l III t h 1111 I" I \t: I dl' 1 1,., 11 t ttl 1l1111C I"\ll.. II \\111 ht' 01 1111111.:11111 !lilt'll till.: 111 l lilt: IIJlt.:llIlI", 1 IIIlI I '-;lllllllll!.. (hlllllrl tt h.o~e I 11111 Il ,,!II III dll~ltt'cl II, 1)1 S\\allll 01 Iht: Collt",t.: ~lr:-. S" UUl IIId Don~ \ I I II I '"' LI t ) Ih I S\\ IrthlilUrl: tl pll\ 11\ the rdll ... u I i hi ,.,te.: )]Jc! 1II1J1lht'r \\ III It.: I .. (halku" .. I \ \lId lilt II 111 the tilth S)1ll lit 1\ \\llIch \\11\ ht.: loll 1\\ cd h) \ .If ... 11111 II S'lllpliOlllC]l1t! h\ tt'''1\ 1 r lIlck IIII\u! 11\ \11,., Ihllndl \1 iltMltI(.' 111 I (, 111\\ I,..,:.. llkt' \\ ilk \)) Dc 1111,.,\ 111(1 )111\ t:d 1)\ the.: til dl(,,,tr I \\ III hc Jlllllllul mxl Ihl IIIU",lltll \\111 clbl' \\ Ilt. \ II \\ bll ()\l'!lllrt.: t Oh('roll • I I 1:,1." .. ,1 \V, Smith I aI\\ II tI \\ Smith I rl'~lde..:nt ul :\Ior II "Ill"~ ~ 1'-,_' ',1c,. I :>11( I(I l:1l I \ I ut':;d l) 11\ 11\111,.., It III h lilt.' 111 :\Iurtllll nenlle III: \\ I l II Ilhu I , l harll'> \ Smuh ot ~·n\ II till II lie..: 111(1 \\ b knu\\ 11 11\ man\ 01 I t I III I e..: .. 1 IUlt.. '11llS C01ll1l111111t) 1I~ \\a~ "l'\t'lIt) t'1,.,ht )car~ uld .md b Ir\l\llll \ I",> \\1<1)\\ ~II\ SUlllh thret.: 1111 hill.... \11 (,r In Snuth ~loorc \11\ 1II<l 11\ 1I11r 111e1 olle ~ III I d\\ard Ihl' dece..:I:..l:II """ long and letl\eI\ lcltilil lui \\Itll thl hl~t IIlll.'rc:..b 01 ~Iorw I I I I 1 m,.,h h 1\ Ill,., \ l' II .. Ig or ~all1z('(1 II \ tl' 1 h I II! \1 rt II lhrotltclc..: II \' t1 I II! hili 1 1I11l1!lr II the..: ~lortun luhho.,; I Ihl In 11<1 Ihl: ),1 II I II 1011111\111"" 111 I I III \:-. Clltl011 and \\ I \ IU pr(,'>ldl:lll {i tht: latte..:r orgalll /. 111 11 II Ih~ t IIIl It Ill ... (II.' Ith lie \\ h 11 lor ... e.:\tral It.:rm .. I llIunhu 01 the \Iorh II Still 01 Board \t tht.: tllllc 01 lih (lll.:l. I t' lilt! t:\ c]"1 \ ears pnor Ih rdl he.: ,\.,., III I",btratc..: 01 :\lortol1 II IrtJl1,..,h , • \\. C. T. U. I hI. n ,.,11111 III 1I1hh lIIt'dlll~ of the \\ l I l \\ III hl Ild<i Ull ~II\ IS ltl lht' ]llrlur... It the ~IClhodtst church elt .! lU l' ~I \II 1ll(,lIIhu,., aft' earnestl) Il'llh he! Itl tttllul I Hnone \\111 he I mil Ill) \\~kulllcd
---------- Page 7 ----------
THE SWARTHMORBAN MAY 13. 1932 MAY QUEEN'S COURT. from St. Petersburg, Florida, where she such French artists as Rayel and RIband. spent the winter. They have Itmtr with the Symphony O~- The members who have been appointed by. the Swarthmore Friends to att~nd the Yearly Meeting in -Philadelphia tl11S week are~ Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes, Miss AnÂnie Hilbaurnc •. Mrs. J!dward A. Jenkins, Mr. Jrwili .1). Wood,· Dr. tercy M. Dawsoai,and Mr. Albert L. Bullington. D_ Raymond Walters spent Tuesday in New York Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange will enterÂtain the members of the Alpha Upsilon N u Fratcrity Saturday evening, May 21st at their home all Baltimore Pike. A daughter was horn on May 11 to chestra. of Boston, Cl)i<agband DetrOit, Mr. and Mrs. Newell K. Chambe!li,! of and are everywhere· ~o~ledged t~ !>" Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. ChamberlUl I. a the greatest exponent. of· ·Negro spantÂdaughter of Mrs. Minnie Alger of 400 oals in the ,"orld today. Park ave. ---........ --- FISK JUBILEE SINGERS AT CLOTmER FRIDAY The Fisk Jubilee Singers under the management of Fisk University of Nash· ville, Tenn., wilt give a con c e r t in Clothier Memorial at Swarthmore ColÂlege Friday evening, May 20, at 8 o'clock. The concert is being sponsored by the Peace and Service Committee of the Swarthmore Monthly Meeting. Tickets may be secured at the business office of the College. E WIRING L REPAIRS Mrs. S. C. Palmer of Ogden avellue will entertain at tea tomorrow afternoon in honor of Mrs. Paist of Washington. ~frs. \V. Carson Ryan of \\'ashingtoll, formerly of Swarthl11vTc, is cxpt'Ctcd to ColtrlcS)' Phocnix t------~~~~~~----- The Fisk singers are acknowledged to be pre-eminent in the field of Negro en· semble singing. The original Fisk jubilee singers were established sixty years ago. The present group, a sexteUe is the third generation of these singers, which has E RADIO WASHERS CLEANERS Tel. 1896 FIXTURES AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE • be olle of the guests. Mrs. Wilmer Whites<:ancr and two children arc sl)Cnding two wecks in Salcm, New Jersey. Mrs. Dean Parker entertained informÂaJly at tea Oil Sunday afternoon in honor of her guests from New York. Mrs. E. Morris Fergusson of SwarthÂmotc avenuc entertaincd at luncheon on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates spent last week-end in Vienna, Virginia. Ralllh }. Reimanll of 13uffalo, N. Y., a student at Princeton Unh'crsity, was the guest 'of Samuel S. Butler o\"er last week end. Mr. aud h.hs. Samuel Dyer Clydc of Swarthmore, and Ogdcn avenues arc at _____________ -'-__ _ their 'summer home in Rehobeth, Vel. Mrs. Arthur Scott of Brookha\'ell and Rose Vallcy roads, will open her garden to the members of the. Swarthmore \\'olllan's Club this Illoming. Mr. and Mrs. H. Roger Coleman and family of South Chester road spent last week· end at their farm "\Vake Robin" at Nottingham, Penna. Mr.· and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee 01 Swarthmore a\'enue are entertaining at a supper' party tomorrow evening. Miss Helen Taylor, daughter of )hs. \VilJiam C. Taylor of Riverview avenue, who has been seriously ill with pneuÂmonia for the past month at Northfield, Mass" where she is a student is recoverÂing. The Swarthmore College chapters of Chi Omega, Pi Beta .Phi. and Kappa &appa Gamma fraternities entertained at tea last Sunday afternoon. bridge party Friday afternoon gh'en by ~Ir. Lloyd Gorman of Chester in honor of Miss Olive Deane of Ridley Park and Miss CaroHne Robison of Lansdowne who will be June brides. ~(r, and ~Irs. Jolm Fricke and family who ha\'e been spending the winter with Mrs. Fricke's mother, Mrs. Sargent Walter of North Chester road, have reÂturned to their home on Hilbourne aveÂnue. Mrs. C. A. Stern and Mrs. ]. T. Schammel of Baltimore Pike are spendÂing a couple of weeks at Mrs. Stern's summer home in Atlantic City. Mrs. Je5s~ H. Ho1mes of Elm avenue will entertain at luncheon on l<'riday" May 20th in honor of Mrs. Raymond Walters. Mrs. \Valters will leave in September for Cillcinnatil Ohio, where Dr. \Valters has been appointed llresident of the University of Cindilllati. Hundreds of residents of SwarthÂmore trooped to the College campus last Saturday where in a perfect setÂting west of Worth Hall, the annual May Day exercises were held, This year's May Queen was Miss Anna Kurtz. In the lower picture the Queen is shown being crowned by her attendent, Miss Betty Hodges Miss Hill died at her home on Saturday following a week's illness. Besides Mrs. Sewell she is survived by a nephew, Col. Walter M. Hill, 01 the United States Marine Corps, Washington, D. ,C. Mrs. Henry Smith, 01 Wallingford Hills, entertained her hridge dub TuesÂday afternoon. Mrs. \Villiam Jaquette, of Elm avenue, recently entertained informally in honor of Mrs. Bayard Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme, of Og· den avenue, will entertain a contract club of which they are members next 1 Saturday evening. Mrs. Harry Gi1es of Providence, R. I., is the guest of her son and daughter.inÂlaw, Mr. and llrs. Walter Giles, of Ru.tÂgers avenue. Mrs. Giles is returning always been composed of graduates of Swartllmofe Electric Shop C Fisk University. 411 Dan-atb. A~.. SwattJ..oe,'a. The timbre and quality of their voices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= individually and the perfection of their ensemble is the admiration of many musÂicians, and they have the endorsement of Walter Damrosh, David Mannes, Frank la Forge, Eva Gauthier, Alma Gluck. Roland Hayes, who was formerly one of their group and also a Fisk student, and We continue our Sale of Haircuts 35c Frank's IIl __ .. B____a__r__b___e___r__ _S___h__o___p___ _____ ~ Swarth.761-762 Free Delivery MARTEL BROS. Finat F",ibl and V.ptahlea Sea Food and Groceria Fia.at Qualit,- of Birdaeye Froated Meabl MEATS WITH A FLAVOR Boneless Pot Roalt Ib.29c Legs Lamb Ib.33c Ib.33c FRESH NATURAL M\LK~:~:~I~:.: Ib.19c .~J .l:;:Mr. and Mrs.' :Roy'·:Oberholucr of Reading, Pa., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Meschter of Dickinson The Horticultural Society 01 Rutledge 7'1 '11l h d h ·l'.J d· k h ld b L· P k Ch in which several Swarthmore residents .I. lIe m, t at you an your c t uren rtn s au e om or . ops Ib.25c avenue. Major and Mrs. R. L. Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bates attended the Gold Cup Race at \Varrentoll, VirÂare actively interest~d, will hold a FlOW-ISO clean and so I'resh as not to require any heating: --.....,..---;,... ----,...-'-,.-- er Market next Fnday, May 20th from J' LB. HAMBURG 79· C 9 to 5. BOX PEAS ginia, .last week. Mrs. J. S. Bates 01 Haverford avenue Is- pasteurization BOX RASPBERRIES lIfrs. Prescott Willi. and Mrs. T. R. left on \Vednesday for Bridgeport, Conn., A Meal for Four Maxwell were among the guests at a to spend several days with her parents an advantage to milk? Colc;.nel and Mrs. S. W. Roessler. BEDDING PLANTS In Great Variety MAROT FLOWER SHOP 315 Dickinson Ave. Sw.554 PENN CREST FARMS GUERN.SEY MILK Federal accredited herd since 1922. Barnes and dairy houses Insp.::cted regularly by local and state Inspectors. . Phone Media lU6-W Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Kline of Riverview avenue attended a dinner and bridge party at Trenton, N. J. last Saturday evening. This was the annual reunion of the Alpha Tau Omcga classmates of Dr. Kline. lIr. and ~lrs. J. Donald Gibson, of Hillburn avenue, had as their guests on Saturday evening, Mr. and :Mrs. \Valter Giles, 1Irs. Harry Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders, Mr. and )'lrs, AlÂbert S. Johnson, llr. and Mrs. \\ra1tcr R. Shoemaker and llr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd. 11r5. S. S. Rutherford, of Strath Hay· en avenue, will entertain at a dance on May 21. Mr. and lhs. Norton Landon, of BenÂjamin West avenue, entertained inÂfurmally at cards 011 Saturday evening. Mrs. Doris Sewell, of Swarthmore, has received word of the death of her aunt, Miss Florence S. Hilt, 31, former assistant treasurer of Haverhill, Mass. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, INC. . Pursuant to Order of Court, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell, snbject to the approval of the Conrt, . All of the Lands and Bnildings of the Swarthmore PreÂparatory School, Ine., together with the personal propÂerty of the same, at the premises, on Satnrday, Jnne· 4, 1932, at 11 A. M. (D. S. T.). The real estat" will be offered in parcels and also as an entirety, snbject to certaln mortgages totaling $63,750, ami free and dear of certain other liens. All as more I,articularly stated in Sale Bills, to which reference is hereby made for descripÂtioDS. and other details. Information and copies of Sale Bills may be obtained f~trl the Receive ..... Address: 216 W. Front Street, Media; Telephone Media 902. No! Because the heating or cooking proÂcess destroys many of the vital elements conÂtained therein. Does pasteurization make milk safe? "The popular notion is that pasteurization makes. milk perfectly safe. It does not, in some reÂspects milk is less safe after pasteurization than beÂfore ·for the reason that sour milk germs which are present in the milk are destroyed by pasteurizaÂtion, and the consequence is that the putrefactive germs, which are not destroyed are permitted to grow without hindrance; the presence of the sour milk germs prevent their growth in raw milk" - Dr. J. H. Kellog, Battle Creek Sanitorium. Drink Riverview Farms "Golden Guernsey Raw Milk" We recommend it to you unadulterated, unpasteurized, unstandardized, in other words, just as the cow gives it to us - its flavor and natural richness make it a delightful addition to any menu. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY For service or a sample call George Sullivan, our Milkman, (Swarthmore 102). R\VERV\EW FARMS "GARDEN FRESH" PRODUCE Criap ICEBERG LETTUCE Finn RIPE TOMATOES Large RIPE PINEAPPLES Tender STRINGI.ESS BEANS 3 for 25e lb. 18c 2 for 25e box·l8c OCEAN FRESH SEA FOOD Freah SCAI.IOPS Fresh SEA TROUT Fresh CRABMEAT OCTAGON SOAP . Reg. Z for 13c UFEBUOY SOAP Reg.8c Bar Ib.29c Ib.17e Ib.3ge 3 fOl' lOe bar s., QUAKER CRACKLES pkg. 7e CLORAX bot.lOe For Bleaching-Reg. llc Bot~ SWANSDOWN FLOUR, pkg.24c WILBURS COCOA 1& l' Ih. pq. DUTCH CLEANSER 3 for 20e STUFFED OUVES pt. jar 26c Brookfield Butter Ib.25c Gold FLOUR Medal-Cereoota 12 lb. bag 39< Brookfield Eggs Ib.23c Stl'ictl,. F....Ja CooIdq E ... lie .... ROBERT W. BEAnY, Esq., E. WALLACE CHADWICK, Esq., jar 19c LOUIS COLE EMMONS • OWN E R CRF5CA R~~!, Attorney .. Jor Reeeit1er •• JOSEPH S. BATES, SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY, Receit1er.~ COMONT COFFEE GRAN. SUGAR, 10 Ih ..... 39c ( MAY.i~. 1932 CLASSIFIED FOR RBNT PCR RBNT-TWo attractive housekeep~~ apartments at 31'1 North Cheater Bel. 8lA rooms and bath each, electriC refrigeration and all conveniences. Albert N. Garrett, PennJ'packer 4442 or 8wart~ore 489, FOR RBNT-Ga.rage for rent. Comer WestÂdale anel Comell Avenues. Call Bwartb· more 12'14. FOR RENT:-CompletelJ furnIshed. modem apartment. Strictly private. Large grounds. Garage if deelrecl. summer or yearly lease. Write Box V. The SwarthÂmorean omce. ' FOa RENT-Nicely fumlshed. airy _room for a reftned lady in a privaw horile. All the prlvlleges of borne. Board optloDal SwarthÂmore 1274. FOR RENT-Medla-$38.00 per month. Fur· nlsbed Apt., four rooms. Beautiful out~ look. Medla P. O. 532. WANTBJ) TO RENT WANTED TO RENT-Want ft:.."'Illshed house in Swarthmore or ,,·Iclnity. 'Phone BwarthÂmor~ 1412, MEMORIAL DAY PLANS UNDERWAY Swarthmore's Memorial Day t)rogram will be sponsored this year as usual by the Harold Ainsworth Post of the Amer~ iean Legion, There wilt be the usual parade in the momil1g followed by a program of addresses and music at the Borough Hall according to Colonel John A. Murt}hy, Commander. The Norwood Drum and Bugle Corlls has been sccured again this year. While several speakers have beel; approached the program will be announced ill uetail later. Colonel Murphy reports that 'the cam~ paign for jobs for the unemployed of Swarthmore and vicinity is bcing brought to a successful dosc and that the Spring· field Township Lcgion post is interested .THE SWARTHMOREAN in the· Swarthmore plan and is meeting with members .of the local post to Jearn the details. At the last meeting 01 th. local Post, the members went on record as opposing the building of additional Veteran hosÂpitals. Lare of the' veterans in. regular hOSI)itals near their homes was reco,"Âmendf..'( l as more desirable. ••• Presbyterian Notes The YOUllg Woman's Guild holds its annual banquet at the Strath Haven next Friday evening. Sunday evening, Dr. Tuttle is the sp.caker at the service of the Mary Lyon School,' to be conducted by the Wildcliffe seniors. Next \Vedncsday evening, Howard Kirk, ES{I., will lead the midweek servÂice. The tOlJic will be the Ethics of Jesus in relation to the life of the illÂESTATE OF HERBERT MANNING, De- dividual, to suciety and the state. ceased. The morning service, Sunday, will be Notice Is hereby given that Lettel'8 TetS~ tamentary bave been gmnted In the above appropriate to Whitsunday, Dr. Tuttle estate, and that all persons indebted to the will llreach 011 "The Spirit of Power. said Estate are requested to make pay-, TI .. ~ ·f I ment, and those baving claims, to present Ie U\:autl ul decorations of t le the same without delay. to church for ~lother's Day, last Sunday, LAURA V. MANNma, 305 S. Chester Road. were Ilres(,'nted and arranged by Mrs. _____________ Swarthmore, Del. Co., Po. Crist ill memory of her mother, Mary A ~~ ___ I Executrix. L . Or to her attorney, cavitt. l~ev. Dr, and .Mrs. Leavitt were PBRSONAL PERSONAL-Old plne stairs recovered with SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY, missionaries in Japan under the Board of Girl Scout8 The Girl Scouts who are studying rocks and m:nerals spent a most interÂesting afternoon last Sunday at the home 01 .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clay. Mr. Clay talked to the girls about minerals and showed them his collection. On Sunday afternoon Naomi Wright, Syh'ia Swann, Anne Wray and Elcanor . Smith of Trooll 194 gave a tca for their parents and friends at the home of Mrs. Vaniel Goodwin. These girls arc workÂing for the Hostcss Merit Badge. On Saturday morning Trooi) 6 cnjoyed a Breakfast Hike and Troop 16 an early morning Bird Walk. Troop 16 is planning a Lawn party and Court of Awards on May 21st at the home of ),1 rs. George Zinllilcr', • I • I wonder why The Spring and J, Let every carping care go hy, And greatly in our hearts rejoice, That God hath made the earth so choice. , . S. F. K. Sword Dancer .3 to Coney Island, and fadill& from one scene to another until the final curtain brings the play where it started. In contrast is \Vednesday's play, "The Sea Gull" by Chekhov, which was first produced about forty years ago as· an important performance of the Moscow Art Theatre and at that time was conÂsidcred as ultra-modern in treatment as "Pinwheel" is now. Frances Torchiana plays Nina; Ferd Nofer, Trigorin; MirÂiam Phillips, Arkadina; and Thurston Shays, Kostya. Two Shaw comedies, "The Devil's Discil)le" and "Arms and the Mall" are scheduled for Thursday and Friday eveÂnings respectively. "Sweeney", a success of two seasons ago, returns to the repertory next Sat· unlay night. It is a satire on waT, big business, and communism by The SpeÂwacks, authors of "Solitaire Man". Ferd Nofer, Cele McLaughlin, William Price, and Edward Ginsburg head a large cast. • • College Club Elects The Swarthmore Club, known as the oldest luncheon club in Philadelphia in Continuous existence, he 1 d elections \Vednesday, May 5 at the Penn Athletic Cluh. The following officers were named : oak Hardwood. floors laid and reflnished. 216 W. Front Street, M' . : Esttm&WSturntshed.Somerbalder&SCheible, Media, Del. Co., Pa. ~ IS510115 of the Congregational Church. 658 Tenth Ave., Moore, Po. Phone Rldey 4·1ii·6t The \\'oman's Association held its last Margaret Little of Swarthmore was a sword dal~cer in the Robin Hood pageant, which was a feature of the demonstraÂtion by the student body of Boston Uni~ versity's Sargent School of physical eduÂcation at the Arena in Boston last Friday evcning, May 6. Guy Da\·is, '24, l}resident; Thomas DoyÂle, 'IS, secretary; William Tailor, '22, treasurer; and Thomas Nicely, vice _Pa:r::k~1:'3::.:..-.W.. :..·--:---------_-I-----------------lllIcetiug of thc season at the home of _ ESTATE OF CHARLES E. FELLOWS, late of 'I ' WORK .WANTED the Borough of Swarthmore. Letters of Ad· Jo.\ rs. rleury L. Smith, \Vallingford Hills, WORK wANTED-Smm Spring dress .. made by experienced dreSSmalter. W1lI call for and deliver work. Alterations. He· modellng. PhODO Chester 2-2728. FOR SALE Brick Stucco dwelling-7 rooms and bath-$3800. ministration 011 the abo\'e Estate ba"e been yesterday. The guest spcaker was 1\Irs. gp-erla'8nOteIldS thoa \t'hlneg uncdlaeirmsisg neodr. dwehmo anredqs ueasgtsa inasllt 1)1 I I . C W k A D yt le, lcad of the ountry ee s-the Estate of the deecdent to mako known thc sodation. The Association has had a eame. aUtI all Ilersous indebted to tho decedcnt ycar of unusual success in attendance to make payment, without delay. to . '. CUARLJ'.s E: FELLOWS, JR., and the nccessary funds have been 'raised. &11 Harvard A\'c .• Swarthmore, Pa. Or to his Attorney, J. KIRK McCURDY. 1218 Chcs.1nut Street. PhUndelllhla. Pa. -l·liHlt ••• Friendly Circle h ESTATE OF CLARA BRANSON PARKER, $300 in cas • late of the Doroug-h of Swarthmore. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate bave been E. c. WALTON granted to !he undersigned. who requests all _________________ C I persolls ha"ing-, elalm8 01' demands against president. .- -~ ••• ... --.,--- "PINWHEEL" OPENS Mr. and Mrs. Edmond B. Geurge of v..'ashington, D. C. who formerly lived HEDGEROW WEEK ill Swarthmore annuunce the birth 01 a daughter, Sally Ann, born on Monday. "Pinwheel", an impressionistic play in May 9. the movie manncr, is the opening bi1l of BACHMANS Quality Market the Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley for the week beginning next Tuesday, May 17th. It is the work of Frands Faragoh, who has cast aside the cusÂtomary restrictions of stage presenta~ tions and written his play in scenes which begin with a New York street, magically changing to a. subway. thence YALE & KENYON AVES. 112 PARK AVENUE the Estate of the decedent. to make known the same. and all persons indebted to the The Friendly Circle met recently at the home of }"lrs. Lewis A. Yerkes, 326 Cornell ave. Mrs. \Vm. F. Bitler was assisting hostess. It was voted that the sewing committee. ~hs. joseph Seal and )'lrs. \VI11. )'loore, buy olle dozen each of stockings for women and children, and socks lur men to be used at the health OPEN EVENINGS Swa.l83 Attractive' ,second Boor apartment. Bent .$15. 6 'rooms, bath. porch, electriC refrlg .. , :erator. electric riii&e, private oU burner, 2 entrances. possession May 1. decedent to make payment. without dclay. to CHARLES PARKER, No. 21 South Cheater Road. Or 'to bis Attorncy. J. KIRK McCURDY, 1218 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Swarthmore. Pa. celller as needed. The sewing committee As Little· as 25c a Day suggesh.'f.1 that those doing their own sewing bring remnants to the circle Pays for a NOR G E ~;~~~~~llgS as a USe might be found for CAN T E R ' S FREE DELIVERY Cloverbloom Sweet Cream Butter Ib.25c .. , :, • WM. S. BITl'LE Notary Public Real E.ta,s 8wa. 111-01 Stop! .Look! Listen! A real Swartbmo~ Homo of ..... -u.u .... .. ~ .".l.-o·.~.i-!I""'··' 4 bedroom. anG up-to-ua e In every: reaped. for .ale at al}out $12,000. including garage and mce building loL Partie. leaving town. Worth the moncy. C.·A.. SMITH Phone Swarthmor~ 70S .J.·16·ot ----------------- ESTATE OF ROSALIE B" ;PUSEY. Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the' undersigned, who request all persons having clallruJ or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all persons Indebted to the decedent to make :9ayment, without d.elay,- to H. CARROLL PUSEY, MARY B. PUSEY, 411 North Chester Roa.d, Swarthmore. Penna .. Or their &.ttomey, . CLAtmE C. SMITH. Esq., 1617 Land Title Bldg .• Phl1adelphla, Penna. 4..22.Qt Executors, ESTATE RAY S. LIPMAN, deceased, Jacob Van Sclver Bishop. Executor. Real Estate Trust Butldlng, PhUadelphla, Howard Kirk, Atty .. 302 County Building, Media, Penna. Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Chairman, re- Cor. 4th & Market St. Chelter 991 ----------------- ported the purchase of a surgical belt for a women who did washing and was badly in need of one. The covered dish luncheon to be held in june at the home of Mrs. Lange on the Baltimore pike was next discussed and Mrs. Henry Hanzlik was appointed chairman of menue and Mrs. Paul C1eaver of transportation. Two ncw mcmbers were reported. The next meeting will be on 'May 19, at 230 Lornell ave. 1\Irs. joseph Seal and Mrs. \V m. Moore will be hostesses. JONAS GEE Practical Lawn Mower Sharpener and Repairer Saws reset and all kind$: of tools sharpened Work called for and delivered 14 N. Morton Avenue P. O. Box 156 Morton, Penna. Phone-Swarthmore 12l1·J Fresh Eggs 23c Right from the fann-carton of lZ Shoulders Spring Lamb' Breaat Spring Lamb Freshly Ground Beef Fancy Chuck ·Ro_t, Sirloin Steak Bolar Roaat Ih. 19c lb. ge lb. 17e . ,. lb. lSc lh. 37e lh. 23c SuperRuous Hair Removed by ELECTROLYSIS Painless - no scars. Approved physicians. by Granulated Sugar 10 lb. 37 c S. LEVIN, Electrologist Keeblers Saltines lb. pail 2Sc PARENTS ASSN. TO 182 Saxer Ave., Spnagfield MEET NEXT FRIDAY ~~;;;;~_;p;h;on;_e;;s;w;a;.; IS;2;7;;;;;;~ ,.C_arD p _b_e_ll_. B_ak_ecl_B_"""_a_ ___"_ ""_ S c_ Bartlett Pears 19c The final meeting of the year of the All Lines of Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testa· mentary have been granted in the above Estate. and that all persons Indebted to the above Estate are requested to make payment and those bavlng claims to pre· 5: &ent the same. without delay. to the Ex-ecutor or hls attorney. Parcnts' Association of The School in Rasc Valley will be held in the Folk Hall, Rose VaHcy, on Friday evening, ~lay 20, at 6 :30. Parents and gues.ts will bring box suppers and iced tea Will be sen'ed. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Chipso lar"e pk", 19c Small pk". 3 for 25c a INSURANCE § -:I.·22·m !i!!i INCLUDING LIFE ======== ~ PETER E. TOLD OLD BANK BLDG. Call Swarthmore 1833 .. = ~ .~. ICE DEPENDABL~ CHEAPER· You will find our service convenient to your needs. Ye Old Swarthmore Ice Service. 210 Dartmouth Ave, Phone 894 D. F. GERNER THE ALYS SHOP Dressmaking 1 Park Avenue Suite 5 SWARTHMORE 1611 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Phone. Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring FRED J. HARLEY ANTIQUE REPR.O . DUCTIONS Awilings . Orien.al Rugs Davenport Suites Lamp Shades Hair Mattrene8 Box Sprina:s Chair Canina:· Rush Seats Palnti,.. PaperhaalPng Custom Made Furniture S".rIh. 144.1 SHERIFF'S SALE By vIrtue of a writ of Levari Facias Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennll .. to me diÂrected. wlll be sold at Public Sale on WEDNESDAY. MAY 25. 1932 At 12:00 o'clock Noon Eastern Standard TIme. In Court Room "C" at the Court House In the Borough of Norristown, sald County, the following described Real Estate: . Tract No, I-ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate In EMt NorristoWn Town~ ship Montgomery County. pennsylvania. boundcd and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a. point In, the middle of a. private road between these premises and land of Dr. J. R. Care on the North side of Old Germantown TUrnpike Road, thence along said side of said Turnpike Road. North 46 degs. West 33.08 perches to a point a comer of land now or late of Charles Doran; thence by said Doran's land the two next following courses and distances! to wit: North 40 degs. 20 millS. East 5 perches South 50 degs. 25 millS. West 32.54 perches' to a point In the middle of the first a.bove mentioned private road; thence along the middle of the same by land of Dr. J. R. Care, South 40 degs. 20 mlns. West 53.29 perches to the place of begin· nlng. EXCEPTING lot of land and house thereÂon erected beginning at a point on the Northeast side of the Germantown Pike Road and land now or late of Charles Doran, thence South 46 degs. West along said Oermantown Turnplke Road 95 feet and extending wIth that width tn length or depth between parallel Unes along said Doran's land, North 40 degs. 20 mlns. East 203 feet. Tract No.2-ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground numbered 64, on the plan of lands of the College Tract ResIdence ,company as recorded in the Recorders Office at'Medla. In Deed Book No.6 page 262, said lot being situate In the BOrough of Swarthmore. In Delaware County, and located 011 the Northeasterly corner of Chester Road and Harvard Avenue. con· talning In tront or breadth on said Chester Road 113.72 feet; and exte~dlng In depth along the Une of lot No. 85 on said plan 215 and along the Northerly side of saId Harvard Avenue 232.32 feet to lot No. '18 on 88ld plan, Containing, on the rear along lot No. '1~. 80 feet. SUBJECT as to the first described tract to a certatn mortgage to secure the payÂment of $7,000.00. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Jean F. Morton. Real Owner and to be sold by HASELTINE S. LEVER. Sherifi'. Down money $200.00 Sheriff's Office, Norristown, Penna, Aprll 26. 1932, At thc mecting, which will begin at 7 :30, plans for next year will be anÂnounced and discussed. Members of the Rose Valley chorus will then sing songs from Gilbert and Sullivan's opera "Pa· tlt'IlCC" and there wiU be English folk dancing in the old mill. • I ~ Grass Seed 25c lb. Contair.ing Red Top. Kentucky Blue Grass, Timothy, Rye, \Vhite Clover SUPLEE'S STORE SWA. 105· Valencia Oranges doz.19c Premier Salad Dreuinl' Large bot., reg. 3Sc. . Joseph E. Quinhy Ernest G. Snodgrass, Assistant 23e MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON Funeral Directors Pittinger Speak8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D~C~II~p~h~o~n~e~4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;M~E~D~I~A~,~P~A~• At the 112th Anniversary of the Uni- I vcrsity of Indiana held by the Indiana University Club of New York on \VedÂnesday evening, ~Iay 4th at the Hotel Piccadilly in New York City, N. O. PitÂtenger was the main speaker. PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that appllcatlon has been made for a special perm·.t to erect a two story addttlon to consist of stores and. two second floor apartments on the property of Joseph and Mary Cella at No. 102 and No. 104 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, P&.. This application Involves a request for a. special permit to build the said properÂties out to within one to five feet of the front property line on Park Avenue and Involves a violation of Section No. 301 of the Zoning Ordinance which provld.es fQl' a set back of twenty-o.,'e feet for all build· Ings In the buslness.,dlStrlct. COMMUTATION RATES ON ELECTRIC CARS AND MOTORBUSES S A V E, • FOR DAILY RIDERS { 50 Tickets for $3.75 Good for 30 daYBÂBearer Only FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN \ 50 Tickels. for $3.75 . I Good Until Used On Sale at 69th Street Terminal Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. Aronimink Transportation Co. • A PubUc Hearing" it which all citizens CInotuernecsitle adn Idn wthilil sb me ahtetledr owni lTl hbuer sbdeaayr de vbe· yJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nlng, June 2nd, 1932 at 7,:45 P.M., E. D. S. T. In COUDell Chamber, Borough Ball. ALBERT N. GARRETI', Jr .. Borough Secretary. NODuser--4 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Sow OLD ENGLISH Lawn Grass Seed Plant Sweet Peas-Fertilize the Lawn Vigoro - BOllC Meal-Sheep Manure - Baughgro Store Open Saturday Evening Till 8 P. M. During Spring Onr S ...... is Lars .. Quality B_ Buy N\> .. -Avold R ..... . Later on McCALL'S SEED STORE 6tb & Madison Sis. <;an f9r Catalogue Cheoiter 9245 Plenty of Parking Space - Madh;OD Street Is two-way ~lIlc ,,---- '
---------- Page 8 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN --- ----- MAY QUEEN'S COUIl.T I i rom St Peh:rshurg. Flow I •• , "hcre she SI)lCllt the \\ IIIter. .\ d.ltIghteT \\.ts horn 011 ).ta} 11 tu )Ir .• l1Id )'Ir'" Xc\\dl K. Chall1l)1.~rhn of Cle\ d.llut, Uillo. )1 r.. Chamherllll is .1 d.lu~htt.'r (If ),Irs. )'lulI1lc .\tgeT uf 40() Park .I\C. ••• FISK JUBILEE SINGERS AT CLOTHIER FRIDAY MAY 13, 1932 snch French artists as l{.nc] and Hahaud. They ha\c SlIlIg with the SYIIlI,hony Or· chcstr.ls of Uosloll. Chicago and Detroit, .nul arc cHry\,,;hcTC acknowlcdgl'f.l to be the gTe.lt!:s' l'xl'olll'nts uf Negro ",(liT itÂuals III the \\orld today. E WIRING Jilt mtlllhlr" \\11<1 ll.l\l hUll ,Q'l'ollltl(1 11\ thl' S\\ ,II thlllol II. I flllJ(l ... to dttllH\ lhl \ l'.lrh \Intlllg 111 I'llIi.uJdpllll tllb \\td..: I .LTC. \IL~ It."''''l II 1I()llIu .... \11~ ... \n' nil Ilt'hollrJlt. \11'" 1 tI\\.lIfl \ IlILkm .... \1 r r nUll !) \ \ 011(1. Pr I l n , \l. 1>.1\\ ... 1/11 ,l1lel:\b \llIlrt I 1:1I11111~lol1. I)t.11I Hd) 1l1.llId \\ .11I1I" 'PlIlt I til "11(1) III Xl \\ '\ (Irk '1 he Fi,k Jul"lec Singc" undcr Ihe L REP' A.l'RS 1 1I1'1II'lgl'1lltlit of l'lsk ClliHr<;'lt) of 1\.I"h- M :\Ir .LIIt! \Ia... () I lII~l \\111 I lilt 1- \111t:'. 'h11l1. \\111 gl\t a conl.:crt ill Clothlt:'r ~1l:lllOrt.l1 .11 S\\arthlllurt: COl-I E k~l' Fmlt1) l'\l1l1ng, \1.1\ zn, .It S o'clock Thl' com:ut b hl:lIlg: sIIOII<;.ort:'d h) till: WASHERS RADIO CLEANERS Tel. 1896 FIXTURES l.ul1 tlH: lIIu1\l,ll" 01 tILt .\Ipll I L p ... lllJlI '\11 Illtllll\ :;lttl1d.l\ i.\dll11g \i.n 21,,1 It Ilull h'llIll 011 i:tUl\llllrl I'lb Po.:.ICt:' .lIld Sen iet· ClIllImiltn of tht:' S\\.lrtluIlOfl' llonthl\ ~1t.:dl1lJ.:". 'I ;ckct" 11M) hl sccnrt'<1 .11 the hllsillt'ss uOlee uf the Culkgl·. \11 ... ~ \. 1'.lillll'r 01 {)t.:dul IHI1\1l: \,111 l!lLllt.lIl1 .It 1t,1 tom'lrr"" .llttrIlOI>1\ 111 h'1IU! ,,1 \tr" 1'.11"" III \\.I"IIIIl..!tnll \\i ... \\ l.lr ... oIl 1{,.1I1 01 \\.I ... II1Il~t"\1 I '111I11h HI ~".Ir!llIIlnll. I'" l'P,lhri (" lot 'IK (II lht gill "L" 111I1Idlul" 01 fI.:<;ldlnh ot 1Il"ll' lro1'plll tn till l'ol1lgl c.l1llptls 1 .... 1 ;--..ltllnlol\ \\ittefl' 111 .1 IIlrll'ct sltÂtlllt! \' t ... t lit \\ tlrlh lIall the allllll<ll \1.1\ \).1\ lXtrU"lS \'lre hdd I II", H.lr ... :'1.1.1\ (Jllllll \\.h :\Ii ...... \1111.1 I-..urtz In Ihl IO\\t'r 11Idtlre thte (JUltll I ...... 1]1,\\11 IJl111g t.:fll\\lIlIIIJ\ hl'r .llIuulult. :\tt ..... nett). Ilod,",t ... 'I he FH.k smgt rs ,Ire acklluwlcdgl«l to he pn-l'1ll11l1lIt III tlte held of N't'gro ellÂso.: ·mhll' smgmg. 'I he ongmal Fisk Juhllt.:e ... ill/-tlrs \\at' l' ... t.lhli<;hed sixty )c.lrs ago. As NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE I 1 he pnst'1l1 gronp. a sexteltc IS the tll1rd ,:\11" \\llllltr \\llIll"l.lI\tel .1111 t\\" IlnldrUI ,In.: "pelld1l1t... 1\\0 \\lll,,, III '-i,dUII. :\l \\ It r"l \ gelu."roltloll 01 tltl'St' sl1lger:;, \\ Illch h.ls "!"")', "«I, c,""p",,,1 of grad".,lcs "f Swarthmore Electric Shop C hs, k Clll\crsl.h. . . ! 411 Dartmollth AYe. Swarthmore. Pa. \lr .. l)llll j'.III'lr tllltrtdlllld mlollll lil\ .It III (111 SUIH\,\ dltUlI!l1I1I 11\ II< 11"1 ,,' hll ;':lIl""'" 11"111 :\ql \"rk I b.' tllnhrc .1Ild (Iualth' of their voiccs. ~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~:::: IIUh\ldu.lll) and the lJufectJun of their ~llsullhl~· i:;. the .ulnllration of man) lllus41 ICI.lI1S •• md thc) h.l\c thc cnd()r"'emcnt of I \V.lltl'r D.unrosh. Da\ i<1 llalllll:S, Frank 1.1 I-orge. 1',,\a G.mtll1er. \lm.1 Gluck. \Ir... )'I(lrn ... Ill,..!U ...... "1I 1,1 ..... ,\drtll I IHolro..: .IHllUt lllllllllllUI .11 It.llhll,n "III 11It ... <1.11 vI till, \\tll, I \Ir .Uli! \b" .1"" ph ..... !lltt" "Plllt II .. t \Htk-llid III \ IlI11I1 \ lr!!,11l I \11 ..... II III dlul .It her hOllll 011 Satut'd.IY tollo\\lI1!-:" .1 \\tt:k\; IlInt's" Bcsuk ... :\Irs. !-1l\\tell ... hl I ... sunl\cd h\ .1 1It1,lu.:\\. ('1)\ \\ .l1tl r :\1 11111. oi 111l' L'1l1tul St.IlL'~ \1.lf1l1te <. orp .. , \\ .1"llIngtoll, I) C Rol.Hlt! 1I.1)(,s, \\ho \\.IS furmerly one of Swartb.761-762 thelr group .md also .1 Fisk stUd~lIt, and Free Delivery H.• llph J I~tellll.lllll III BuILt!· '\ \ d .. twllllt It l'rtllutnll lIlHtl'I!I. \\.1" thl gue .. t til S IIII1H:I :-; Bulllr "Hr II t \\lll, tnd \Ir .1IIt! \11" !-1 \l111ll'1 I»)tl (hdl "I '-'\\.lrlhllIOrt .lI1d Ogdlll l\l111It .... lll It Il,t 11 "'Ulill IL r h'111lt 1Il I~Lltllhl th I It! \Ir ... \Ithllr :-;t.:ot! 01 Bt""klT IHl1 .11111 1{1''''l \ ,.110.:.\ ro.lIl" \\111 IJjllll hlr g.ln.kll III thl' 11 11Illhter .. III till: :-;\\.11 thllltJl \; \\ "Ill III .... Clul, tIll'" 11111111111_ Ilrtol~l 1'111\ 11[(1.1\ .littrtIO()l1 gl\lll 1.\ \11 11(1\11 (,1,1111.111 ~II litl .. tlr III h"nor .,1 \1, .. " ()ltH Ih.lIll 111 1~lIl1te) 1'.111,; .l1ld :\11"" L.lflll1Ul 1-\1I1Ih"!1 ui 1..111 ... (101\\ lit :\1 r .ml1 :\1 r... 1/ I~ogt r llllllll.11l .lIld \\Jt, \\111 ht ,1l1l1l hndo.:". 1.1111t!\ III :-;lIlIlh lhl .. tll 10ld "'Plllt 1.1 ... t \\l:tk-t!1d .11 tltllr Ilnll \\ .d..:e l{ulJll1 II \11 mel \11" 1"ll1l 1·lllko.: .lIul 1.IIIIIh \\h I h,l\l hU:II "i'lllellll~ tilt \\l1lltr \\llh \\1" ! IllI,l'" IlJlItltlr, \lr" :-;.Irgtllt II liT.tllu (II \\ dill ~! '\'Irlh lill"llr 1.,.111 h.l\te rl UIILlt.lIIl1llg .It t1l1111(1 tOi Ihllf IIUlIlte Ull 1II1I1IIlHilt .11lÂX 1 ltll1l~h.1I11 \1 rand S\\.I nimH lrl 1 't nll.1 :\11 ... l .ill .1\ llllU ,Ill .1 ... lIJ1lll r p.lrh toll I IrrO\\ t \l1111l'~ I1l1l \Ir ... l \ !-'ttlll .1l11! '1 \lr... Illtl1) SlIllth. of \\'.Illtngford I hi\", tellit rl Ullllt hl r hrulgc cluJ, TUt'sÂd. 1\ dlhrWlllll. .:\11 ... \\ Illt.lIlI J.Ull1dlL', of 1·.1111 a\t'llllt'. nlllltl\ teHIlrl.tlntl! mformally III honor 01 \Ir ... H.IFlrcl :\l(1rn::,oll :'I.lr .11111 .\\r ... Xorm.lII II ul 1111..'. of Og- I (itll .1\l1l1H. \\111 l'lIttrt.llll .1 ((Illtl.lct c1111~ (Ii \\ Incil til('\ .In~ 1llt.:lI1hl'rs 1lt xt I ~.lllIId.l\ llllllllg . \Ir ... 11.lIn (~lll'" 01 I'ro\ult'lll:t'. R I. h tlit gm .. t of ht r soli a1ld d.llI!-\htcr-lIlÂI. l\\. \Ir .mll \lr" \V.IItU Cdc .... of l{ut-1 !!,lr ... l\llltll :\trs Glle!'> h returnlllg i -,---------------------------------------------, ,• .• , . ,l We continue our Sale l I: : I!,, of Haircuts !, , l l 35c Frank's Barber Shop ,,. •• • \_~---.. --.. -........ ----.. -----.. -.. ---------.. - .. &' MARTEL BROS. Finest F1'Ilits and Vegetables Sea Food and Groceries Fin~.t Quality of Birdseye Frosted Meats \Ih .. lIt!tell J.1\1~11. d,IU!.dltlr ot ).11 .. MEATS WiTH A FLAVOR \\1111.1111 C 1.1)it)r (It l\1\lI\Il:\\ .tHlllll. \\ho h,I'" htlll ... lnOlu .. h til \\Itll pnlllÂllIum. 1 lur Ihte p l ... 1 I'llillth II :\nrthlu.:ld. ~t.", .... "ht.:fl "Itt' I'" .I .. Iudtnl I .. IllO\el- ..... (hollllllltl 1)\ 1!.i1II11HII(, l'lkl lit· "'lllllll- "'g ., , .. "ph , .. " .. k, .11 \lr, Slern',I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IBonelessPotRoast "IlUUlll f hllllll 111 \ll.lIItll llh I \II .. Jl"~ it 11(lllIll"'U 111ll.I\UIlIl\ L L b \\ 111 tillt rt.111l .11 lum Ittl III Ull I I \(1.1\", egs am Ib.29c Ib.33c Iht S\\.J11111110rt lollt~te d',lptlr" III \1.1, 2ilill III it(1I111r 1)1 \11"', I~ l'IIlOIHI Cht Ollll'gd, 1'1 IkLI Phi dllli 1-..'!J'p.1 Rib L b Ch I (' I \\.lltU'" \Ir .. \\ • .JIll'" \\111 h.IH HI F N MIL K am ops "'I'IM .. UI11l1, Ir,lhrllllll'" tlltlrtdlllt.:( 1 RES H AT U RA L Ib.33c S'lllte1ll1'lr IIlr l11ll11l11lll. ()llIn \\ht'lte .It h'.1 1,1"" .:1111111 II <Itht'l1l1l111 ' ~" .,,,01 ~I" H., UIo .. h .. llm .. , i ,I,~r II;: .'~.,:,~.I:·:;I>~:; t::::':,'.I,~:.\,I"""""I: Shoulders Lamb Ih.19c Ib.25c j{~.ull1lg. 1'.1, \HIl tlTl ~t1l"t.. III :\Ir. , , I ,mtl \Ir ... J. I, .\Ite .. (hlo.:r (II 1)11:1,;111 ... 011 lilt 11"lllluItUl.tl ~lIl1lt\ 411 kllllte(k t l ",Z 111 \\!tH.h "0.:\1.:1 t1 S" IrtltHlllfl rl"ldlllh 1 ,Ie lIlil/~ that you and your children drz"nk should be Loin Pork Chops a .. t:lllIe .\I'lJur ,lilt! \11" I{ \11 .1l1t1 :\11" ,1u .. tepit thte Cult! Cup l~ II t .11 AI11I.1, 1.1,,1 \\llk I. \ .llte .Idl\(h l1ltlll .. llll. \\111 h'll.] .1 HOI\ ~t.lx\\dl .1I11t II \I.ul-.:tl III xl 11)(I. 1), :\1.1\ 211111 Irom ..""l 0 clean and so fresh as not to require any heating. \Jr .. Jire"lHtl \\ 1111 ... \I.lx\\lll \'lll .11I1'Jl1g n.llt:... Itlllldted \\ .Inteutl.n. \ 11- .IIU\ )'1,,, I..:. thl' gllt .. l .... It .1 CJ tI) .:; \1 .... J ~ g.th" 01 II.IHfI'l1d IHIlIlt.: hit "11 \\uhll"ol.l\ lor l~r[(I~~lloll tlllUr, tH ",p~lld "l\ll t1 It " ... \\Ith lilt 1)·lrUlb l, [,lIId .Ultl \11" ;--. \\ HilL ...... !\ r I \)1 .11101 \Ir .. I 1\ h:ltlll ,II hl\ll\le\\ [\tllth .lllllldu! .t dllllllr .11101 hnol!..(ll pUI, .It illll\l,n '\ 11,,1 ""'.ltllrd,l\ I l\llllng '1 Ill .. \\.1 ... th, 11l1lUIll0.:1l11l1J1l ot thl \11)11 I I III ()1lll!.!..1 l1.I ...... lll.llt ... ot I)r 1 Is pasteurization an advantage to milk? No! Because the heating or cooking proÂcess destroys many of the vital elements conÂBEDDING tained therein. PLANTS " Ilnl \11 .11111 \It ... I) III.tld l,11 "'1111, 1 D . L· ,,' oes pasteunza~lon make In Great Variety Iltll\)'Jlll .1\Ullll h.ld .1" tlhll ~m ... t ... ull milk safe? SdtLlldl\ l\llllll~. :'I.lr 111d :\11" \\.llllr "The popular notion is that pasteurization makes milk perfectly safe. it does /lot, in some reÂspects milk is less safe after pasteurization than beÂfore for the reason that sour milk germs which are present in the milk are destroyed by pasteurizaÂtion, and the cor.sequence is that the putrefactive germs, which are not destroyed are permitted to grow without hindrance; the presence of the sour milk germs prevent their growth in raw milk" - Dr. J. H. Kc/lo.~, Hattie Creek Sa/litoriulII. MAROT FLOWER SHOP i,(,til" \\t ... 11111\ (r1h~ \11 .Ull! ).tt ... 111"111h II I,lholtl-. \It Illd :\1, ... \1 I \'ell ..... Jill", '11. \11 .llld \! I .. \\ dIu I~ I '-,h'I(1l1Ikll III I :\11 IIltl \11"' ~.llIl\llll ,H.~ Uk klll~on \, c. PENN CREST FARMS GUERNSEY MILK r('dl~r.11 accl('dilld h(,ld Sllle(' 1922 B.ut\l,. and d.\'I , hmh(''j Illspl-'ctcd H gUllll~ In lu('al lIud state IllSpl'ctnrs Phone M(dw. 1I16-W \1 I)" If I I \lr" ..., .., l~lIthllllJlol "I .... 11.111t 11,\- I III .1\LllIlt, \\111 lnt'll.tlll .It .1 dUIl( 1111 \1 1\ 11 i :\11 .lIlt! \It ... :\,,11 In 1.11ld"l1 ,i[ BUI'I J.l11111l \\ 1 ... 1 (\ L 1111l l lltt n.l1Il" III I 1<JI,II.l1h 11 I lid ... ,,11 :--.Itllroll\ \\11111l..! I \11" 1)'111-. ;--'l\\tll ,oj ~\\ Ilt'ljn'JIl. h,I" ltlln{,1 \\ lid III Illl .\,It\1 III Ill'r l .111lI! \11"''' 111<.1111 ;--. 1lt1l, 11, 1"lllIlr 1""I"II11t l1L.l"ll1l1 ,d 1l.I\tllnll. \1.1"'" I'UUUC SALE OF HE \L I~ST \TE \ND PEHSONAL I'HOI'EHTY OF s\, ,\H.TIIMOI{E PUEI'.\H.ATOHY SCIIOOL, 11\C. Drink Riverview Farms "Golden Guernsey Raw Milk" We recommend it to you unadulterated, unpasteurized, unstandardized, in other words, just as the cow gives it to us - its flavor and natural richness make it a delightful addition to any menu. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY For service or a sample call George Sullivan, our Milkman, (Swarthmore 102). LB. HAMBURG BOX PEAS BOX RASPBERRIES A Meal for Four 79c "GARDEN FRESH" PRODUCE Crisp ICEBERG LETI'UCE 3 for 25c FtrIIl RIPE TOMATOES lb. 18c Large RIPE PINEAPPLES 2 for 25c j Tender I STRINGLESS BEANS box 18c OCEAN FRESH SEA FOOD Fresh SCALLOPS Ib.29c Fresh I SEA TROUT lb. 17c Fresh CRABMEAT Ib.39c I OCTAGON SOAP I Reg. 2 for 13c: I LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 for 10c bar 5c Reg. 8e Bar QUAKER CRACKLES pkg. 7c 1-------------------- I CLORAX bot. 10c I For Bleaching-Reg. 19c Bot. , I SWANSDOWN FLOUR, pkg.24c ,WILBURS COCOA 15c I J. lb. pkg. , DUTCH CLEANSER 3 for 20c I STUFFED OLIVES pt. jar 26c i Brookfield Butter Ib.25c Gold Medal-Cer~sota I FLOUR 12 lb. bag 39c Pur~uant tn Ol'tlt'l' uf C()UI·t~ l1w tlllllt·I· ... igIH·tI \\ill nfTt'I' 101' ~al.· aJul M'II. ""'lIhj~·(·1 In 11U' app.'u\HI ol tl .... (:ourl, \11 of the Land!<i l.l1ul nl1i1(lin~~ nt tl ... ~\HlI·thIlUH"" ('n-· l) .. ,.'atory ~dlnnl. lu(',. tn~.!(,th('I' \\ ith lh., IIt'l'Muml lU'ul'· .·rl~ of Ih., !<\am.'. al lh,' prt'mi!"\('JoOa un ~alnl',la~. JUIU' t. 19:32, al II A. ~1. (n. :-;. T.). 'I h.· I"'al "-Ial<' "ill h.· nfT'·I·.,.1 in 11:11,(· .. 1:-; ~IIHI al!>Jn .'!oJ .111 t"l1lil·('I~. !"\uhjc'('1 tn ('('rlain Innl'l~a~t'!"\ tutalin!! ~():\,' :In •• 'IH I h'('(' .. lilt I (,It·a .. uf .·,·rlain nllwr Ii(·n~. \11 a .. JUnrc' IMI'li('utirh ~lal("" in Sail' nill:;~ tn "hit·h ,·(·f(·r.'lw" i!<i I ... r,'h~ Iliaci., f~ ... (It·~wl·i ... tinns allfl nll ... r d(·tail~. IlIfnrnlalinn anti ,·ul.it·!'i nf ~alt· llillJoO lIla\ Ill' nhlaitu,,1 fronl til(" Jt(·(·(·iu·r!i. Addrt"f'"!'i: 21ft \\. i'~I'unl ~h·.·(·I~ :\I •• dia: T.·I'·l'hntw l\le.lia 9()2. UOBEUT ". BE,\TT\" E.q., FAR M S !~~.:I~.~~ .. p ~:2~ E. "AUA(:E (:II \D\\ I(:K. E.'I·, LOU I S COL E EM M 0 N S • 0 W N E R: CRESCA RE~!!~~ jar 19c AllorllPYs lor "(,('(·if·f·I·S. JOSEI'll S. BATES. SAl\IlJEL \. MOl\T(;O~IEUY, R(·('(·i l'(·rs. Ib,23 .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l I,C- -O-M--O-N--T- C--O-F-F-E--E- ---------- GRAN_ SUGAR, 10 lb. bag 39c 3 M=A:.:Y~I=.;3,:..._1::.:9:.::3_=2 ________ _,__-------------------_;_-~T~HE SW AR'l'HMOREAN IMEMOlUAL HAY I'LANS liNIlEUW",\ CLASSIFIED 1ll Iltl' S\\.lrtI1l1l0It 111.111 .11111 I'" lIlU.:tiIlA \\ Ill! lIIulIht r .. til th te IIK.l\ 1'11 .. 1 to )tolnl till 4 !t: 1.111.. I Iht Clr1 :-;l,,"t .. \\It" .'rl ... tt1lh111~ I" l (Jill \ bl.l1lll •• l1Iel iadlllg frolll onc '''It III 10 .lIIulht"r IIl1tl1 thl' 1111,11 curtam hll1l~ .. till 1,1,1\ \\hterc It st.lrtl«1 111 ll'lItr.l ... t h \\ l·dlll ... d.I)·S pl.IY. uThe Sl.1 (;011' II) 1'1Ilkhu\. \\!lIdl \\.1" tirst Pll11hltl41 0Ii101l1 tort) )te.lr ... ago .IS ,III IIlII"III.lltt IJtriclIllldlll.:C 01 Ih\: ~Ic",cow \1 I 'I ht.ttro.:· .11J(1 .It th.lt 111111..' '\.l~ CIJIIÂ" llllIl(1 .1'" 1I1Ir.llIIudl·rll 111 trc<ltl1ltellt as S,\.lrtllltl In's :'I.lll1ll)11.11 1).1\ Ilnl~I.llII \t thl' 100 .. t lIli.ttlllg III till loe.l1 l'lbt. l llllk .... lllcl lI111ur.ll ... "'plill .1 1I1"~1 IIIIt:r- II I I I tIlt llltllllllr ... \'tllt 1111 fll.:llrd .IS t'I'llu"lI1g t .. 1111" .llIt-IIOIOIII II .. t Sl1l1'\I\ .It tht h0l1l1t FOR RENT-Two nttractl\:e housekeepinG \\1 It <;IIOI1'ooI'U t II-. ~l.lr a~ lI"u.ll 11) '"' apartments at 317 North Chester Rd Six 1 II II \ 1 I' tltte I,tllillillg til deltlltlllll.11 \·llll.t11 hos- 111 ~Ir LIId :\Ir .. \\ I {Id\ :'1.11 t 1.1\ rooms and bath each. elcctrlc refrigeration I I H'; .Inl I l1 .... \\Olt I n .. t "I till \11Itt - 1111.11.. l.lrt (11 Iht \t:tll<1l1-. III It"ul.11 II t1kul to !lIt "III .. oIhoU1 IlII1H r.lI ... mel and aU conventences Albert N Onrrctt.1 H 11I I "1011 II 11 I tl I I I I I " " FOR RENT Pennypacker 4442 or Swarthmore 489 I' .t,., Illt \\1 Il It 11 ... 11.1 1" .. pl\l .. IIllr lltll 1I11i1l.' ... \\.1:-0 ruom-I ... hll\\ll! Ihuulll" llllltdlt'll IMr.ult 111 Iht IlIorlll1lg lollu\\ul 11\ .111Ihlldul I'" mOlrt (It"'lr,I:'I~ I ()IT Stllldl\ .lllllll'II'll '\101111 \\llght. FOR RENT-Garnge for rent Corner WCi'iot-1 progr.t11l ot .I(bhl ...... l .. 1111\ 11111 .. 1\' .11 thtl • ....'hll !-1\\ 11111. \11I1l \\ 1,1\ ,III I l.1t.11101 l'II1\\ht'll' I ... "0\\ I·r.tlllt.:s TOfl.:iU.l11,l modraele 12a7n4d Cornell Avenues Call Swnrth~ I', ortlltgIl II .1 II .In''fllII I;,: til (O• lIl IHI .11,1111 1 I'l 'c8I) )ICriull NoleS :-;1111111 III 11""lt 1',-1 !.!.I,te.1 h.1 t·1 thl1l .\. ).Iurpll), l·(IIIIIII.lIIdll I _____ 1'11l1lh .11111 Intluj,., .It Iltl It''11l1 .)1 \lr .. FOR RENT-Completely fUrnh;lted modern 'Iht ;\on,ood DrulIl.11II1 Hl1gh l'OfJh ' '1IIl \1I1111~ \\"1110111'" t~uTld huld ... It ... II).IIUd (;IIHI\\1I1 Iltl"'l glll" I1l \\nd,- IILI\ ... ~11J.l; I'tld :\C)llr. ingorm ).llrÂ!. IIII I'llllhl's. \1 k.ul1ll.l .lIut I hllrstoll ~II.I\ .... 1... . ,,'ot)oI 1\\11 Sh.l\\ 1.:11111.(111..' .... "Ihl J)~\lr ... apartment Strictly PTIV"stc Large 'I h.h hUll "lCllllI1.lg.1111 tIll" \111 \\ll1ll .1111111.11 h.tlHI1H.:1 oil thi.' SII.tth 11.1\lllllo.:·xt III' lor tIll 111, ... 1t- .. \Itllt B.ldl gyreoaurnlyd !>l eaGsca raWger iteif Bdoexs irVed. Thue mSmWelrl rtoh-r "'l\l'rd I "'Pl.lI" t·r ... 11 I' I • ' - III hllll .lpPIII.Uitld 11401\ l\UJlI1!!, I (JJI~.lllm1.l\ 1II"nllll:!. Ir"'I"'tll}"\U\ moreao Oftice thl Ilrll~l.l1n \\111 hl .tlll1',\lIHU! 111 .kt.111 :-;IIJld.1\ l\llllll~ I)r 1 ullit. I" thl.1 l:n.lkl.l .. t 11",( .11111 11'~'p 1(1.111 llr!) I )I .. uplo.:"' 011111 •• \rlll" .11Itl thl :\1.m" an° .. , hulnlul iur '1 hur ... d I) ,11111 I·nd.n CH;- 1.1Itr ... pt.t}.;lr .11 tlT l "l1\lll 01 IIIl ~1.1f\ 1.\011 IJlIIIIlIl1;': I:JrlI \\ .t1I~ P~Rre~~~JIu~~e~~i !tt:'~ll~!I~dl~~!"K/oXirit~~ L"lolltl ~\1tlr[l11\ flJl"rh tlt,lt tilt l.llll- ~ch,,()1 II) ill l'l1cil1llul 11\ thl \\llddllle 11"'lpIII I" IJI.I1111!11:!..1 1.1\\11 ]1.111\ .nul prhllege~ of home Board optional Swarth- I.II).!11 TIIf Joh ... 1111 tlTl 1111l mpl.l\td 01 "llllilr.. LIlli! t 4>1 \"dld ... "11 \1.1\ 21 .. 1 II tilL morc 1274. IS\\'lrllulltJlt .mel \lll1l11\ I~ hlJII, hr'Ju:!.hl l :\t:'\t \\t.:dm ... d.H l\llllllj.!. 11'I\\.lrli hOllll "I \11'" (~llllgl ZIIII111l1 $ " F tn.l "Ulll: ..... lul clo"te.t1l1lllt.11 tIll ..... pIIII:!.- I'll" 1 .. 11. \\111 hul tltl IIlHh\l'tek "U\-, ---~ ... FOR RENT-Media- 3800 per mOll 1 ur-I I I I I I I ! \\,11101 r \\ 11\ nlshed Apt. four ro()IOS Benutifulout- ht I u\\I1"'lIp ,<glnll p)-.t h 1IIttlt"It~11ILt J1l Iuplt \\t11 hl 11Il' I,thlt: ... 01 look Media. P 0 532 I 11t .. \ -. II r l l"ll'III I., tITl hll 01 the 11l- Iltt :-;Jlll1l"! .1111\ IESTATE oI-~ HERBERT MANNING. De_ldl\I~II1II,I'1 "lllll\1 .11111 tITl ... t.ltl ,I I tI (\ll\ lllpl1l,..! l.lrt ~"II\, I ceased I Ihl 11I01lllJl!!, "fIlll ~t11HI.l\ \\111 ho..: \1I11;.:n II" III I1l1r Ill.llt .. 1!J'lltl, Notice Is hereby ghen that Letters Tes- \\ • 1"lhll C."I ITllil 111111l IlIl L.lrlh ... lllh"lll ____________________ tameutllr~ hale bl."eu granted in the ahmeldPPlllPIl.lh t" 1111 .. utTol.l\ Ih luUll: • WANTED TO RENT IIIlIg .. fl"l'lCtlllh ..... \\lll1\\· .• 1 .. lI~t.:l"'" 01 t\\O "l'.ISOlb I;':". Itt\lr;.,., t" th~ rt:ptrlor) IIlxl ~.ltÂun!." IIl!.!ltt It h .1 ... .thn: 011 \\<lr. IJlg: },l1"ll~l ...... 11It! tll1l1111t11lhlll b) "I he S)lI.:ÂI \\.Itk .. , .1IItll'lr .. {,f ·~oht.lIrl :\1.\11" Fenl ; \:"I( I. l dt \ld .. lIl!!,hltll, \\ IIh_1111 I'nct·. .IIHI I .1\\oInl (.1I1 .. hurg he.HI .1 1.lrgl C.I ... t. .. I I Co I "'g" Club EI,·.·I. WANTED TO RENT-Want furnished 110US!!' estate. and that ull peniOlIs IlIdebte(1 to the 1 \, III prl.ldl "11 I III '~Plrtt 01 1'0\\1.\ ! :-; I I, I " nSwor Imorcorvi cIn itl.i 'Pho n e Swnrth- smaeidn t.& n'inladt et h.olr~ee lreu(nlli1negst ccd\1 11tln1: ; mtoak pe n:ll;oclny-tl II 11 I 1\,111111\11 dt:Ulroltl'Jlh ul thl I S\\Ol'ccl l):• II1("'" IlTl S\\.lrlll1l1on l'llIh. k1lO\\1I .1" the more 1412 the "'ullIe \\1thout del.\~ tu Illil1rll, 1111 \1"lllu", 1)1\ II .. t St1ud" I ,,\dl~t hllldlL(lll lll1h III I'h11.111..-111111.1 III LAURA V MANNING ' • . '. , • 305 S Che:;lcr Road 1\\tlt l)ll~lll\ul .IIHI .trr,lIlgl(1 11\ \11-.1 \\,lr!.!.t1i.l I.lltll 01 ~".lltllJlI"n \\.1-. tI l1l1l111l11nl1 .. tXI .. ltIlU. llteld dectiolls ____. ___P_E_RS_O_N_A_L_ ______ I Swurthmore. Del ECo XPul cIulIIt ..r. t l111x Il,It1 1lHf\ , I , I,.r ",,,II0,,. :,'.I\., r\_ \ "'\\,Jld I\I1Iltl 111 thte J{"b1ll11()od IJ,I~te.UIl, \\ tl I, It .. II.,\ ..'\ I .1\ .'' ,tI IiI,' lI' ,".I \ llllcl,·..'. lOr to her attornc,' l.l.I\I!t hl\ 1)1 .tlllI \11" I.l.l\ltl \\0.:1\: \\lI1(IT \\.1" .I IloitUrl 01 tITte dtmoll .. lr.t-' {I,,]' I he lolll)\\I11g otlllcr" \\t:rl n.ll11cd PEoRakS OHNaArdLw-Oooldd pflionoer ss tlaaiirds arencdo vreerfeindi swheitdh 216 \V FronL SLrt2et IIU .... I'JlIIIU ... 111 1]lIIII1II(o.:r 110.: 'IJ.tn ot U"n 1/\ Ih( ... 11 11 \0.:1 It 11014" (II B.j...t.,11 Lill 1,11\ ).1\1 .. -"1 Ilfl"UlJlt. IOIlMS 0)- I SAMUEL A MONTGOl\tERY I I I I' I I ')' I II I) Esttmatcsfurnlshed.SomerllAlder&Schclble Mcdill Del Co Pu \IJ ..... I'.11' III tlh \llll!!,rtj.!.ltl tllldl lllllll.:ll l\lr"lt' .. S.II 'lill ~lll",i ul pln ... ll.:ll ul\1 ll. '15, "'lllll.ln; \\,III.11lI r.lylol. '22. 6P5a8r i:' l'1e1n3t6h- WA. ve • Moore, Pa Phone Rldey II I ,1,1 lIT l \\ ·,111111" \ ",,,Ulld I 1"11 I IIIII I I S I ,I~ I' l'.llltill .11 tltt - \1 lit.! 111 J:"~t,m 1,I .. t • IlltI.1I 11l.I .. l1rtr; .1111 I II 11>111.1 ... ," IlI:t:) ....•. ,.".". J..sI\'JI'.oJ.'t.:JI\HL"~I': I'J.:JIO\\S Jill or IUltll1l'.iI Iltt "l.I .. "Il.tl tho.: hUllIte Olll\tI1I1l";- \1.1\ (, I'll""llll! lh, no,,,,,_h ui <';\\11111111"11 1'1101-. nf \,1 1\11 .. IlulI) I .... 1111111, \\.tlllllgl,'ni 11111 .. ,1 - -----<_-7 ~ = 11)1111 .. 11,11011 011 Ih. ,h,,\! 1 .. ltlo hi\! 101,11 \l ... hld.11 Iltl htll~t ... pte,ll\o.:r \\0\ ... :\lr ... ~~I'IN\\IIEEL'I" CH)":NS ).Ir .tIl,1 \Ir ... l'dmll11d B (;lorgc of _1,"1<01 10 Ih IIlld''''1 I),d \~h" 1I.,IiI"I" ,Ill 1'1 I I I I \\ k \ '\\ I, I" I> l' "I", I.,r""rl· 1,,,.1 d ,Ill I ,I l I III'U",'I")"-' ,,·rl'~!·~K .1'" III)!. (I • .. •• ... WORK WANTED WORK WANTED-smart Spring resses ,I'll" 'II>' 111\111_ ""I1l_ '" .10 III 11111.. 1_ III) .. t' l II 11 Ie ~Jllll r) It :-0- ... , ... " '" n _I". I I d d k Will I II \ I III S\\.trllllllllll .11111111111\t Ilil blrtll or a made by experence ressma er Ilh' ,-1111 of til( <It,,,,II,IIII'' mtl,~·I,n')\\JI Ih. 1~"lI.ltI'lI " .... lIll.ltI!JII It.l-.. I.HI.I I call (or and dellvcr work A27lt2e8r utions Rc- "Ililt Ilid III [III-Oil, 11101 h1ft! 10 111 1,,, •• 1."'" \~ 11 "I lII11I"tl •. J "W.:Cl ...... 111 IthmluKt: 1I. lll:!. II Il l •.c~ ., ll \ \1111. IJI)nl "11 :'I.1'"Ul,I). modeling. Phone Chester 2- II" 11111" 1'1\1111111 "'lhull1 11011\ I..' • I '1'11l\\htd ' •• Ill 11lI})It;"'''lOlIll-.tll 111.1\ 111 \1.1\ I} . II ( 1I \HLES 1': I ",1,10\\ s IH. 1I1o! IJ1\ III < t" Ir\ IUIUI .. h.l\ te hllll 1.11 ... ell Ihl IlItl\ Il 1lI1Imi r. h tho.: "PUIIIl:.: hili III II FOR SALE ,11 lilt' lid \\C ~\\lIlhll1l1l( 1'1 • " 0, til Ill'" \110111'\ I Ithl Iledg ro\\ Iht.tlfl 111 !{Ihl \.llIl\ -- I 1<l1t\{ 'I,CIIU)) Frit.·II.II, (:il'dc 101 Ihl \\ld\ 11l!!,1l1l1J1l:!. Illxt IUl"dll, II -I l'ISl'h~_tlluISlllo( Brick Slut-CO dwe illg-' l'hllllllll,llIc. I', I \\.\\ 17th It I .. tilt \\olk OIl I' r.tlll I'" I BACHMANS I I ""3800 11-,1,1 I Itt I no..:ndh I..lldt md IntHtl) .Il thl' loIl.I!!,Clh. ,,11\1 11 • .,., l:d .. t ,1"lIitc till UI'" I 1'001118 aud )Ul l-do • --....-::cc--------------- II hU111l 01 \1 I...I...','' ''' \ ') ker l ',.,. ,P_I, tlllll.tn ft~tndltjll-. III ... 1.lg(' pn"lIlt.I-1 $300 ill cash. t'~~,~I(~i- I~:I' II~'::'~II~I; l):II~\~~,~i!I~"I~··\:\I~:-:~to.;!Corndl lit \11-. \\111 I Ihtlcr \\.1 .. 111011" .111(1 \\1lttlll 111 .. pll\ 11L "'llll .. 1 Quality E, c. WALTON '\'. ... 11111111111\ nil Ih, ,hml 1': ... 111f 111\1 101111 ....... : ... t11lg h""tt" .. It \\,b \.,Ited th.11 lhl \\111lh II ~11l \\III! .1 ~o.:\\ \ulk ... tn<.:t I Market _I III to 01 III Ihl IIlIlhl"I,.II.,1 ,\hn )1'IUt .. t" 111 ... t \\ I"..! t'l1lllll1tll~ \Ir ... ,1(I"o.:l'h ~te.lI .lnd m.!!,H.t1I\ \;h.IlI!!I11.! t" .1 thlllll.: 1"'"''"''' ]),\111_ .1,1111" ,,1 ,11111.1111. ~1\lI"t \ -'" ... nll\\.t).. I 1111 .1" .. 111, of I])l' d,,"tdlllt I., III d •• 1.110\\1\ \Ir .. \ III \1')llll 1)11\ Onl dllZo..:lI l_ICII(111 __________________ _ lilt "1111, ,n,1 ,II JI"""'h md 1011,1 1" II\( ... tll\I,III":" I Ir \ ,>llll'lI ,111<1 chlldn:n • .11111 YALE .'t KENYON Swa.183 AVES. 112 PARK AVENUE Attractive second floor apartmcl).t. Itent $15. 6 rooms, bath. porch, cleetflc refrlg4 erator. electric range, pflvate 011 burner, 2 entrances. possession May 1 W~I. s. m'rJ'LE l\'oltlry 1'"Mic Real EsrlllC Swa. 11l~J CII •• tt'"1 ~:~I'~II~~'·I"~III\/~':{I:~E(~\IIIJI)Ul 11111\. t"I""lll, ... 1"1 II1ll1 III l)t t1"l~1 ,11 tIll I1l .. lth OPEN EVE.NINGS :-:" ~1 SUl11h Clot':11 Hnltl lllltll .I~ Illtelkil IlTl -'l\\llIg o.:l)nllllltteo.: As Little as S\\lnhmnlt.I'1 l"'I1~~l"'ht1 thlt tllo~l dUlllg tlzllr 0\\11 25c a Day Or tn III, AttullH\. 1 P f NORGE "11th '\I,C1 HiH "l\\lll~ "rlll~ Il1l1l11111-. til thl t:lIt:k ays or a J 'IH Clu"I11111 Stilt! IllItltlllg~ .I" .1 l1"'l 1l11~ht hl I Olllllli tori CAN T E R'" I'holilio 11,111' 1'1 '10.; l I • hi thun U _______________ , _____ 1 \11 ... 1 11.111' I:ro\, 11, Lh.l1llll.llI, ro.: 'e • I ,- ,. k " or. "111 ......... Ir ct ;:<or. Ch{~tct' 9QI ESTATE OF ROSALIE S PUSEY. D{'ceascd portul tltte pllrlh.hl 01 .1 ... Urgtc.LI bdt FIl.EE DELIVEIl.Y , , Cloverbloom Sweet Cream I Butter Ib.25c ;===================,1 Fresh Eggs 23c Letlus 1'~stamclltllry on the abo\e estnte I ha\e bl:CI1 ~rllnted to the lll1d~n;lgned t<lr.1 \\11111111 " I II) !lui \\ I'" I ling .1111 I \\.h 'ON '\S Gl?E J who request nil pcrsons hn\ ing claims or I I ,[111\ III Iltlll 111 01lt'. I" ~ .. ~~1~~~~~~" ~~I{~~~I~t L\~l~ ~~~~c ~:H~hglldC,::c\~~~!~ . . I1 lltl lo\Uttl dhh lUllcheon to lJIC ht:1d I.,. \ n '" I cI1'r.11"Ii{.ll I I" Right from the farm--carton of ]2 U\\ ('r .:"I hlTp_'Il(Or ""I "'p.llr.'r I Indcbted to the decedent to mnke pa~ ment. 111 .I nlll' .1\ tlTe hum-.: 01 \1 r... 1..11lgte on 1 S.l\\S rcset .uul .111 !;;ind~ of tools sharpcned Sh Id S' L b lb. 19c Stop! Look! Listen! A real Swarthmorean Home of 4 bedrooms and up·ta-date in ~very respect, for sale at about $12.000. including garag~ and nice building lot. Parties leaving town. Worth the money. without dchl~' Hto CARROLL PUSEY I tho.:I,' I It I1nurte '}II h:e \\.h lie xt (Ib lU ..... l'( I \\' or k c 1 "e.l, r or.1ll d t" l' \I ere'd I B ou eSrs ' priLn g ba m lb. 9c • I 'I II II I I I I-t N :i\Jorton \u'lInc reast pnng am l\IJ\RY S PUSEY. .till .\ I" Ulf\ .1Ii/. I, \\.1-. .IPIJI111ltt:( I' n n I~(' :\1 I' Freshly Ground Beef Ib.17c 411 NSO\I\tuhl tCluhn ...o.. trecr Road. I I , I 'I' I' 'II •• IIX ,)' urlHII, C'IIII.I. I"h ' Ib Penn.l. ll.l1!lIlnl I' 11lllllll ,1111 .\".1 I'holll,-S\\.ulllluun'12JI-J Fan.:y,"" UCK Roast • ]Sc I Exccutor,. Illt.l\t I 01 tl I1hlJ(11 {.tIlOll I Sirloin Steak lb. 37c I \\~J 11l\\ JI1llllllll~ \\t:lo.: Illhlrhll lilt I Bolar Roast Ib.23c 1 01 th(-'il nttOlucv. CLAUDE C SMITH R.,q 1617 Laud Title Bldg, , Phlladelplun Penua II~;~)[ Ill"L IJlte,llIlh "III lite lin :\1.1\ )lJ .• It 210 Su~eTfluous Hair Removed by 1-------------------- ELECTIl.OLYSIS (1111ll11 .I\t \11 ... J('''l ph ~t.11 .11111 \11... Painless _ no scars. Approved Granulated Sugar 10 lb. 37c \\ 111 \ltI.,rc \\111 hl' hll ... tl ...... t;.. physicians. by C. A. SMITH IESTATE RAY S LIPl\IAN. dccca:; .. d. JAcoh Vnn Sch CI Bishop Exccutur R(-'nl E.,tate Trust Blllldlll~ Phil.l<!clplua How.lrd Kirk Atto,; 302 Count); llmldlllg M('dla Penna i .. I',\HE'ITS A~SN. TO MEET NEXT I S, LEVIN, Electrologist Keebler5 Saltines lb. pail 2Sc I 182 Saxer Ave., Springfield FIUU \ '\' Phcne Swa. 1527 CaITlpbells Baked Beans can SC Phone Swarthmore 705 I Notlce Is herein gilln that Lettcls Tt'sLa-1 mClltnl~ illite> bt'en glllllted ill tlIl' abo\e '.- ::==================::1 ! Ethseta t.fl'b Il\iln' d E:L;th.lat<t anlIl( ' IIIIC r :;IoIllfl:'f;. .tc1dI 1dtco\} tcIldl aktoe I hl hll.ll Illtl1mg- ul tit" \-.:.Ir 01 thc j'.lrllTl... \"~IIt.I.ltlon 01 I he Slitul)1 1U 1~'hL \ .tllo.:). \\111 ho.: hdd 111 Ihl: lolk 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~II_:B~a~r~t~l~c:t~t-P~c~a~r:s~------______________ ~19::c large pkg. 19c Sma.1l pkg. 3 for 25c ~,pll}llll'nt .I1HI Lhus£' hu\ing claims to PIC- All Lines of == sent the san\{' \\ Ithotlt del.l" tu the Ex INS U RAN eE§=l_ "l'C\l tUi UI his _l1torll(,~ hi I 11.t11 I~""l \ dIn. ull 1'11(1.1) teH1111l!j, E \1,1) 20 .It (I J() l'"rt:1lt.. .uul 611t: ... t.. INCLUDING LIFE \\ 111 bl11lg IlllX ... upper ... <!.lld Il:cd te.l \\ 111 SHERIFI S SALE PETER E. TOLD E~I, Ih \Irtlll' of 11 \\liL of L{'\.ul F.lCI.b 1",~\I(d I" \,t- rIIChtd.: 11I0.:ltl1111.', \\Im:h \\Ill bt:).?:11l .it OLD BANK BLDG. == out of Uw C('l1rt 01 Common I'ltots of 1-' I II I _ == 1\ionthotnClY CUlInt\ PCllUU to me (11- I ,1, (I_lib 11I1 11000xt \tedl \\ I lte ,til =-_C_a_l_l _S_w_a_rt_hm__o_re_ _1_83_3_ __~ rlCcLu' \\lll h(' ~olCl .tt. Public Sale Oil Il'Jllllled ,lIlel fll"l.:lt~"ed ~lo.:lIIhlr .. oi the WI'~DNESDAY MAY 25 1932 I i{'hl \ .tlle\ thHrtl-. \\111 tht'll .. lilt!: ,,()ng~ ICE DEPENDABLE At 1200 o'dock Noon E.l"tl'rn t:itand.ud 11111111 (.Jlllut ,11111 Sn11n.tII ... opcr.l P.l- 1 Hill III COlli t R:Jom C .It the COU! L tl 11 .tIl 1 Iht:ll \\ 11l hL." I ug11 ... 11 lolk CHEAPER I HOll ... I' in the Em ough of NOIIlstO\~ n f;aid ,ll I COUllt\ thc [OllOWlllg: desnlbNI Retll l l1.I11111l-! III tho..: tlld !ll11l You will find OUL sen ice con ..... enient I E. ... tI\h ---~,~+<---- to your needs. Ye Old Swartlunorc I TllIet No 1--.".r.LETHAT CEurAINTtl,.ct 1','11,',,""'" SI'.·.·,k- lof l.lUd !'oltn.ltc' III ;'1"t NOlrl;;tO\\1I O\\U- ....... Icc Service. I slnll. i\lontgolllCl Y COUll t\ Peun;,~ h allta ----- 210 Dartmouth A\·e. Phone 894 boulldoed and doe"Cllh((1.1S follo\\::. to Wit I \1 tIll 112th \llll1\l:r",\t\ lit tl1t: Lll1 D. F. GERNER I BEGINNING ,It.\ pomt III tile Illlddle of \ll"lt\ III IllIhanl ht:I.1 11\ till IlHli.llloI 1\ pII\.ll(' 101HI 11I.'l\\een thc"c JHl'nltse" IIuli • \ \\ I _______ I.uut 01 Dr J R Cure on the NOith ~Idc L lI1\ll .. lt\ lllll) ,II :\l\\ ork Inl \;(- THE ALYS SHOP 10f Old G(,lnHl.lItOwll TurnpIke Ro.HI tl1l"n~c 1I,,,lil\ t.\llllll" \11\ 4th .It tITt: Ilotcl ltiong s.lId slclc of ;;.\ld Turnpike RO.HI . _.' iNOlth46dcg;; Wl'st,330HllClchcstoaplltnt 11lttldJ1h 111 '\l\\ '\urk L1I\.:\ 0 Pa- 1 .\ COIlIel 01 1.1I1d no\\ ur late of Charlc, I 1t.·Il"tr \\,1'" thl 111.1111 ~i'l.lko.:r D,lr III. till nel' b) sud DOlun;; I.HUI the ,., t\\O IIpxt tllllo\\lllg COllrs{S .Hld dbtanc('s -- --- - ------ to \\It NIl'th 40 d('cis :W nllns East 51 Ilclche; South 50 dq~,., 25 IIlIlH' \Voe,t 325-11 PUBLIC HE.\RING Dressmaking 1 Park Avenue Suite 5 }lllel\(' tn.\ IIOlllt III HI(' mlddh of tlw Nutice b ltC'fdn glH'U that .lppltcntlOll i 1U'it .liJn\{ UU'UllOIH'd plnato:· HJ.ld, tllunce I h.ls bllU Ill.,de f01 ,I ~peclal P(,IJ1l1t to ('Icct I along: till' Huddle til tile ",IUI(' 1>\ Il1n(\ of I I t\\O stOI\ .I{!(htwn to (OIl5t...t of HtOH'~ S\VARTH~10RE 1611 Dl J R C.lll South 10 dc,.;*"' 20 Ulmsl.llHI l\\O s('cond !lOot .lpflltlU('nt. 011 thl _ ___________________ 1 We~t 53.!9 1H'lcillS to the 111.It:c of beg ill- pn I_ll t\ of .Jo~cJlh und ~Ial) Celi,! .It No 1l111~ 102 .mel:No 10'; l'llk j\\I'IlW' Sw.lrthmore S L I P ro -tT E R S P.l Til,... lllplic.ltlOIl in\ol\l's a requc;;t for ~ V i EXCEPTIN(. 1I)t uf llild .IIHI !lIHl<;l' tlU:-IC: ,I SIHCl.d ]lCltnlt to l)mld the s.lld propet- E S on Cluct('c\ lw:..,I1I11I11!-; .ll .t POIIlt. Oil .tho.: t1{'~ ndt to \\lthln olle to tnc fecL of thc DRAPERI i NOlthc.lst s!{i(' of till (.enn.llltO\\1l Ilk('hont 1)1011('lt\ line on Park A\'IIUC and Ho. d .Iud IIUd 110\\ 01 I.ttl' of Charle" 11l\(11\('~ I \lOlltton of Se(l1on No 301 of ANNA SCHALLES DOl.1Il thrncl' south 46 (\l',.\" \\' .... t along tht' ZOIlI;l!-; Oldmallce \\hlch }llo\lde" for I "1\1£1 G('1111.llItO\\11 Turuplke Uoall 95 feet n set l)nck of t\\('ut\-II'C fl'l'l, fOl ull hulldÂaud extl'lldlng \\ Ith tllat \\ Ilith in 1('1116\,11 Ing:s In·t.ill' bU;;\ll{''-s dl"UICt or d~pth h(>tw<'l'lI p.llalld HIlCs .110 \g :;.lld A PuhLlc H(allll~ .It \\tlleh nil CltiZ('Uf; Phone, Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge Downs land NOIlh 4.0 d~gs 201)11lb E.lst Intl'I{,,,ttd UI thl:; IIlltt<'1 \\111 he IIclnl l)~ 203 fc('t Cml'llCII Ind \\111 hc lu'hl on Thursda\ e\eÂumg lUllc 2nd 193~ .It j 45 P 1\1 E D TI.lct No 2 -AI L THAT <. LRTAU~ i<IL 01 S 'I in (;ouut:ll Chrl1l1llt'r Borollgh BaH •• 3...£3...£..L..LIIII'~~~~++++++. I1It:ct" of g:IOllIHI UUlllhl'lld 61 on lilt' pl.tn 3:' II t~VVT"T HT"T'~ ~ I of Inn(ls of th(' ColhciP 'I).ltt H(,,,IUlCIlCoe + CmHIl.llI\ .IS l('CnJ dc II In tlh' Rt l oldl r" + I 01110' .It :\11',11.1 In D( cd Bonk No (l Jl,~e ++ UPHOLSTERING ++ 2obf2 ~:_h~ti.dll thlnoltt J1l1) lIJWIII "nIt.l\l,l,\l\l 11111 1 (I,l,u\, \1B1O\ lOU.{ln.';idI + + ItH.ltld nn lil,' NOllh,l"lll\\ ,<11.{1 ,>1 + Furniture Restoring + Clu",ttl H,(l,ld ,Iud h'I\.lld \\lIH[(' (On .. t.lIHill~ III frunt or hre,ulth Ull >' lid Cill "to.:l FRED J. HARLEY I lto.ld II i 72 fl'o.:L .\lld ext<'llChul; III (h'pth alog Ow 1111<' of lot No 85 nn ... lId plan 215 ,tIId .llollP, the Nurtht'rl\ sale of ton~d Hll\ur<l A\cll!l(' 23232 (pct to lut No 18 Al\TIQUE REI'RODlJCTIONS on said pl.1ll Contalllmg 011 till' ICat nlollg + lot No 78 80 feet A",ning:-; Orit'nlnl RtI~... + SUBJECT af> to t11(, hr"t dt'SCllhl'd trn<'t Din enllOrl S .. i ..' ~ Lump Sh:ul.,~+: t() .1 l"ertain mort~age to s~cur(' the pa}Âmen t of $7 000 00 1I;lir MUllrc'~~('~ Box 5llring~ Chair <:;ming n .... h S"nb I Painlin;t: I' .11'('rllom~ing C"~lont 1\ladc }~ .. rnitllr(· S"ar,IJ. 1441 '41"'I'tl+IJ1111tllll'tl~ Sel,'C'd Hid take 11 Jllopert .. (jf Jcan }o~ nnd to be sold In In <,~('C\1tll111 as the ~101 ton HI nl O\>;llcr HASELTINE S LEVER Sht'rltf Dnwn mon{''' $200 00 SI1('rtli s Ofllc<' Norll~t()\\n April 26 1932 PC'nml t\i BERT N GARRETT Jr BOlOUp;h Sl t:rcta: \ To help you make Appoin t:ro.en:ts yOU need a TELEPHONE in your home! Konuser--4 ••• you ean Lave one for les8 than a dime a day! SPECIAL THIS WEEK ChlPSO Grass Seed Valencia Oranges doz.19c 25c lb. CUIl'tllI'",! Red Top, KcntuL:ky HIIII.· (,r.lss, Timot1I), R') ,-', \\'hitc Chl\ cr Premier Salad Dressing Large bot. reg. 3Sc JU!'o('ph E. QUlIlhy EIIH'!'o1 (;. Slltul~rnss, Assi!SlUl1.t 23c SUPLEE'S STORE MRS. A • .I. QUINBY & SON S\VA. 105 Fllllt'r(li Directors MEDIA, I'A. CO~llVJUTATION RATES ON ELECTIUC C.UtS AND MOTOn BUSES S A V E, • FOH HAlLY Hll)EHS l.')t) Tick.·ts fur ::;.\.;5 Guml fur ;U) tlnysÂUC< lr(Or Onl} I'on SCHOOl. CIIII.UnEN \ :;~I Tickcls. for 8:1 .• 5 I ( .. 0011 Vnul U~etl 0" Sale aL 691h Slreel Terminal Philadelphia &: Wt'st Chester Traction Co. \1'()l1imink Transportation Co. LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS :-;"" O!.D l:l\I;J.I~1l L"'I\ .; .... __ S.,,·.l Plan t S\H~('I Pt.·~l!';l -li'."l'liliz(- tht, La\Hl \,i;,!ur .. - Hill ... ~lt·~ll-- Sht.·.·p iUUIlUI"C - Baugllgro Slur.' O"('U S:llurd.l~ E,,'ning Till 8 I'. )1. Durin" Spring Our Slol"k is I.urge QunlilY Best nll~ No" -A~oid Rush I.ater On McCALL'S SEED STORE Call {o .. C"lalogue Chesler 9245
---------- Page 9 ----------
.. THE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN Viell PennhUl'llt MAY 13, 193:l process IS mlrtcale II bemg necessary 10 sCloollfically put logetber The program time tne pictures so that one IS taken was sponsored by Mrs Artbur Redgrave every three mtnutes or as the partIcular and the Garden Sectaon of the Woman s flower reqUires Then Ihe pholos are Club Published Every Friday al Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples, Edilor an4 PublUher The Delaware Counly League of Women Voters enjoyed an InSpectlOll Inp to Ihe Pennhurst School for Mental Defic.enls on Friday May 6. The parlyl----------------..:....--·------------- Phone Swarlhmore 900 Entered as Second Cia .. mailer. January 24, 1'29, at Ihe Post Office al Swarlh more, Pa, under Ihe Act of March 3 1879 FRIDAY Swarthmore's VOl.,., Swarthmore spoke With a louder vOIce at the Pnmar) electlOll thiS year than for many years III the past Instead of the usual forty percent of the RegIstered \oters alJpeacmg at the 1>0115 more than fifty percent mampulated the voting macinncs Of e,en greater SJglllficance was the fact that the 1I1cumbenls 111 at Orgamzed pohtu;s 35 a factor for ac cODlIJhshmg a deSirable 'Cnd IS on trial m Delaware County and particularly JO Swarthmore Let Us hop e t hat our spokesmen rIse to the occasIon and make the VOice of Delaware County 5 voters felt III \Vasillngton I I • Correspondence of forty one women was shown the large fann WIth Its samtary and attractive buildings and was gIVen a program of musIc and dancmg by the less afDlcted. chIldren Interest culminated In a talk by the phYSICians In charge who ex hlblted type cases to Illustrate their re marks and gave an OPPOhUruty for quesÂtions These phYSICians assert that fifty per cent of the cases of mental defic lency are due to here(hty and tifty per cent to disease or aCCIdent which may occur III any family The triP took the place of the regular monthly meetmg of the Delaware County League Those present declared It a most unusual op portumty to study the work of .Pennsyl vama III thiS direction • I • Flower MoVies most ever} IIlstance were favored by the l11e ""Ilor The Suurll.".oren,. ,ulers J..:,"I'" The Woman s Clubhouse was filled on 5mce the election a greater mtcrest 10 We are hvmg III an age of cigarette Friday evcmng to sec the PKtures shown county state and national polltlcs has smokmg and what an age J Of all the by Dr Samuel C Palmer and Mr Allen been apparent III thiS commumty Those dcslJlcabte habits the people of thiS Na K White Dr Palmer S pictures of Wh 0 vot ed I 0 rct urn II Ie presel. 1 office hon have acqUIred that of cigarette England and Fra:1ce S beautIful gardens holders to Washll1gtoll and Harrisburg were apprec ated Unfoldmg of l10wers are ta k IDg a more proprletory attltud e smoklllg has no equal for mtemperance were shown by Mr Wh.te some haVIng towards thes~ offiCials and mtenslty-not even the drinking of taken a day or more to photograph The DUring the past week we have h eard hpuqrueo r unnaodru lbtearnadteItdr y decgaenn ercaocm parSe mofokr ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; 110 less than a dozen people COlUment to y I the effect that they voted for Congress IIIg IS not Immoral-and most men ( W If nd SID and the do) enjoy a smoke-and for Ihal mailer man 0 e en ena or aVIS a drmk of good rum too -but to become other mcumbents supported bv the Reg 1 t h b t t th I t ular Republican Orgamzatlon III the be a save 0 any a I IS 0 say e eas hef that by so dOing they were unlfymg most degradmg All pubhc and many Ih t Ih f Ih R bl I be Private places are covered With cigarette e s reng 0 e cpu lean par J h hillel PreSident Hoover stumps and one cannot go anyw ere to Today PreSident Hoover 10 Ius ef aVOid the detestable stench of the cigar f I I Ih I b II H ette Restaurants hotels pubhc halls or 0 secure e approva y Ie ouse I I I nd h and Senate oC a balanced budget and a lomes hasplta s Jal s a eve n t e SUitable tax bill needs the support of the churches are permeated With the rotten Republican OrgamzatlOn of Delaware odor That IS not all-look at the young County If thiS Orgamzatlon of which men and Joung women also the old has Senator McClure IS the reputed head heens who cannot do WIthout their elg Wishes to keep the confidence and sup arette They disregard all sense of rea port of Swarthmore It Will throw the III son and propriety Agato the Iymg ad fluence of Its votes and Its office holders verusmg that would have all believe per strongly behmd the PreSident fect health IS the result of cigarette In the past Swarthmore has nearly smokmg What a Pity our boys and always registered a vote of pro t est gJrls cannot see that they are acqUlrtng agamst the estabhshed political leader a habIt that cannot be broken-what a ship of Delaware County At the last tragedy! electIOn a turn m the other direction was T Harry Brown Sunny Circle 1\ Art <?,lasses n 215 COLLEGB AVENUE BORO June 28 to Sept. 3 10 LESSONS Children $3 50 Adults$S 00 Payment made by week or month Spec.al cour5e5!essoos$2 50 - INQUIRB - ISABEL P BUN rING THBSUNNYSHADESHOP 419 Dartmouth Ave Prmters JOHN SPENCER INCORPORATED EIGHTH STREET NEAR SPROUL CHESTER PENNA WHAT IS WORTH PRINTING IS WORTH MAKING READ USB SPENCER PRINTING •,- -----.---------~---------- --_. .._ ._------------------------------=-------------;;• III HOT WATER all summer I ! . AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER Special offer now. NodoumPaymetlt Thirty Day. Free Trial I Woodward, Jackson and Black 333 Dartmouth Ave Swarthmore 43 I. II -~ -~----------------------------------------------------------.-------------~I r---~~~-~~~------ apparent State Senator McClure U S Senator DaVIS Congres~man Wolfenden MRS and other IOHuentlal leaders now face a splendid opportunity to show the mHu STRAWBRIDGE AT WOMAN'S CLUB i THE foundation of all fortunes-i2JRlllllllnllnnllimllnlllnllllnmllmllllllnllnnlllmllllll~ t all financial success in life, great : Church News i I or small-is based upon bank aCc01U1ts. l enee for good which may come from great pohtlcal strength hemg placed 10 a few spokesmen SPECIAL THIS WEEK Grass Seed 25c lb. ContalmnB Hunger c a use s lawlessness was stressed by Mrs George Colt Straw bridge m her talk to the members of the Woman scI u b on Tuesday afternoon iii 1 There is none other upon which can ;111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;;:' 1 be erected the structure of successful THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OP PBIENDs The constant standard of truth and goodness is God In the consCIence and Uberty of conscience is therefore the moat sacred right and the only avenue to re Ugion - Wllliam Penn SUNDAY I) 45 A. JI - Plrst Day School in Whittier House business. • • • • • • -111111- Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co. Red Top, Kentucky Blue Grass Tilmothy, Rye, White Clover Food cOnservatlOTl will help lawen forcement she conttnued urgl"'g all clubs to prepare to can excess food matenal thiS summer Mrs Straw bridge urged more readmg of the real facts 01 hfe saymg that 75 per cent of readlllg IS fictlOn and tHat the general public IS not readmg 111 an effort to understand the present state of affaIrs In speakmg of law enforcement she emphaSized the fact that law 01 servance should be taught m the home Anarch IStS are agamst the Fifth Amendment 9 45 A II - Morntng Forum in Meeting House Subject on May 15th Reports of Yearly Meeting and Suggestions for Next Years Porum ---..-..-...-..--..-.--.-..---....-..-...--..---..----..-..-.-......... ~ SUPLEE'S STORE SWA lOS To Lelp you get Infor:mation you need a TELEPHONE Nonuser-l 11 00 A II - Meeting for worship In the meetlng house WEDNESDAY Q 30 A M to 2 30 P M ---sewing and Quilt lng In Whittier House Box luncheon PolItiCians don t hke the 19th one so that All are cordially Invited to Join in these If everyone dldn t obey the particular servIces olle they dldn t hke where would It end') -----THE--S.:.W:.:AR.:.:.:.:.t:.:a-u-O-RE----- In rebuttal of the more dnnkmg PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH now c-he asks do you see as many Rev John Ellery Tuttle MinISter Extends a Oordlal Welcome to All drunks' In closmg she agam spoke of food conservation remmdmg us that If SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP POR Wm:t'SUNDAY there IS no real hunger next wmter the At 11 00 0 clock depreSSIOn would not hurt us much Sermon by the Pastor A SOCial hour foUowed while the mem THE SPIRIT OP POWER bers greeted Mrs Strawbndge There VESPERS AT 445 I PASTORS ADDRESS were several ovcly pastels on the wall SOWING AND REAPING hung by the Art Sechon done by Mrs AI E I h d At seven 0 clock Ice mmons w lIC a ded to sprlllg THE YOUNG PEOPLE S SERVICE I atmosphere of the clubhouse The dec lion board announced the election of the WEDNESDAY---8oo Service lead. by Boward Kirk Esq I followmg new board members Mrs E THE ETHICS OF JESUS AND THE LIFE o Lange Mrs Thomas McCabe Mrs OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE STATE C C West and Mrs Alfred Gary WE NEED GOD I White THE CHURCH HELPS YOU FIND HIM AND KNOW HIM ~ 1111111111 nn 111111111111111111 11111 nn n 111111111111111111111111 n 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_ ;;; TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH DINNER SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P STEVENS Minister 5 Thursday, May 19 5:30-7.30 P.M. -Menu- = 5 NEW ENGLAND BAKED BEANS PRICE 6~-' ..... -:;c; 0 =: .. ~ iffiIlIIllIIlIIlIIllIIlIIllIIlIIlIIlIIllIIlllIIlIlIIlIlIIlII 11111111111111111111111101111111 nlllllllllllllllllllH 1111111111111 II "11111111 RlIIIIIIIIIIIII if. ONLY ONE MORE SUNDAY for the MEN'S BIBLE CLASS of the Swarthmore Presbvterlan Church to meet At this last meetlOg Dr William T Ellis will lead a diSCUSSIon of the curNnt depression in the light of the Bible EVERYBODY WELCOME! FUled first with the SPIRIT OP WORSHIP-The Church becomes the normal center OP SPIRITUAL LIFE Services fot' Sunday May 15th 11 :OO-W E M. S DAY Guest Speaker -".-qs H C LEONARD I 7 45-Worsh-1v and sermon LESS BARTH-MORE SKY' GO TO SOME CHURCH-WELCOME HERE TRINITY CHllBCH Protestant Eplscopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev J Jarden Guenther S T M: WffiTSUNDAY 8 00 a m -Holy Communion 9 45 a m ----,JunIor Church 9 45 a. m -Sunday SChool. 11:00 a m -Holy Communion and Sermon Mr Guenther will Preaeh PlRST CHtIBCH OP CHBlST 8CIBNTIST OP SWARTlDIORE Park AVlDlue Below Harvard Bemces 11 00 A. M.--8~ l'bott 11:00 A. M ---Sunday Lesaon-8ermon Wednesday evening meettna each week.. 8 pm_1m< room 0I>eIl dally except Sunda .. anll bOlldarB I P. IC. to 4 P M. Church edlft.ce AU are cordlally invitee! to attend \be aentoes and use tbe Q.dlne :aoc.. --Good-Lookins:' Really Means -·How well-sroollled!" And how hard It I. to be perfectly groomed If hot water isn't instandy at command In a home I Here IS an extraor<hnary opportunity to install an Automatic Gas Water Heater in your home Hob;one $76 and up Penfield $6350 and up Raad $7250 and up StazLot 56850 lind up $2 Donn I PrIces Include Installotwn 24 months to pay All Our Sabarb ... Store .. 011'''_ 70_ PI-"beror Heatiq Contractor PHI L PHIA ELECTRI • M+Y 13, 1932 THB SWARTHMORBAN PILGRIMAGE TO NEW DOPE JUNE 2 or deplh Dorib wealward bclween p,arallel Unea at rlgh, 1Ull'"1e. to abe said Belle Mead annue one bundred twentT foea (BelnS' HoWIe No 2104 Belle !lead avenue) Vf!!y and J Ian thereof made MQI'("h 22nd 1928 by namoh and Fostt'r Civil Enginoon a. situ &te III Ihe lJoroueb of Sbaron Hill County of Delawaro 81ate or PennQ'lvanla as 101l(lw. Mrs Arthur Bye, Art chairman of the to wi' Woman 6 Club, has JOIDOO art chaumen of Delaware County 10 arrangmg an art pllgrunage 10 New Hope Penna (20 miles North of Trenton) on Thursday June 2nd The group will meet al 69th street where they will he lak.... by Grey Hound buses MISS Ehzabeth Price one of the Ten American Women Pamters will meel Ihe group and will walk and talk thru some of the famous studiOS of the colony ThIS IS Ihe home of Ihe Delaware Valley Pamters and some of the mosl famous landscape arllsls of Ihe country, hve there The walk will also IDclnde a VISII 10 Ihe Old Mill where the alUlual exhibition of pamtmgs Will be VIewed The busses will leave 69th Under and subject to '-""'lain buildln .. re Btr1(Uon. recorded. ill Deed Book 2: No 13 pap 190 wblch bave "noo expIred by limitaÂtion And It 1. hereby exprcsal,. Cl'rtUlcd. and declared .. hal this Is oot 8 Imrcba80 11 oney mOMeap and tha' It is subjed. both in lien and plQ'ment to a certain mort.ago to &l.'Curo the payment of forty tbree bundred doUW'8 with Interest Jiven b,. tbo said mortgBl'Of'B to lIarket Street 'I'ltlo and Tru., Company dated lhe twonty sixth dll7 of April A D 1028 and intended to be lortbwith reconled and tbat 'he lien of saId mortgage sball not. be affected or impaired b,. a Judicial sale u der a jude ment recovered upon tbls present indenture or upon the bond secured hereby but u lY sucb sale &ball be elI:prehlT adverlltled anti made subje<.t to the lien of the t.aid mortgage Iml rovemcnls colisist of two an 1 0 e half 810ry stone and roughcast house 10x38 feet one slor,. add lioll Ux8 f~oet I or h fro t gar age 12.d8 l~t street at 9 30 and everyone IS priVileged Sold as the I roperly 01 JOller b Lavison a d to take hiS own lunch or can obtalll Mar,. Lawson hi. wife o e tbereol berinniR3 at a point on the orlheaat aide 01 GreenwOOd road at the illa tanoo of 11.\: e bur dred and Oft,.-elgbt feel I orth\1i(,BtW31'tIly from tbo northwest side of lophlr atreet then<."C extending northeastward on a II c at right DI glea to Greenwood road lIC\elltT fiVe feet to a point on tho lorlbea.et .8lde 01 a o~rtlLln sixteen fcct \\ide drhe"DJ' (extendlll~ north"'estwnr'tl from said Poplar slreet crosah g a rerta t\\enty feet wide driveway wbleh extendB aoutb"'('sl",ard 1 to Ball G~nwooc.l road to a. oortaln eight fecI. Wide drlvewD,J'" which also extt' da soutbwest "art! h to ii3ld Greel "'ood road) tI ellOO cx Icnding' 10rthwest\1iaru alo g tbe northeast Bide of the Bald aixteen feet w de drhewa,. t"ent,. five f oet to B polnt on the nortbWt'8t aide of said eleht fcct Wide dnve"'3,. th ce cxten I 11 g e:outhwe~tYODrtI along a 11 e at right DI glea 10 Greenyoc )(1 roa I alo g the northwest lide 01 Raid eigh' fcct \1iide drheway selent,. five feet to a loinl on the lIort) eallt B d of said Gree wooo road a d thenee extel dl go lIOuth eastw "1 alo Ilf eall Gn..'t' I\1iO)(1 roa I t"cntT nve Iet't to the Ors' me tlo ed 101 t IWd I la(e of begl I I &: lunch at a tea room 10 the colony The $1.25 d CondiUons--$"oO 00 cash or (ll!rUOed check tnp IS an anyone who 15 mterest on day 01 sale balance in tell daya Furtl er Twe t) Ove otl ers ibereof situato on lIort! east side of Greenwood ro:ad at the J'"C l~cthc IIsta <.'e8 of fh:e hu Ired a d lell feet f ur hu Ired D I lin Iy lOur fed four hu Ired a J seve ty ght leet fo r hundred and s xly two fl.'Cl four hu drcd a ld fourteen lecl three I urnll'(!d a d n el,. eight leet three hUll dred til I eighly t",o ft.~t tlrec hu 1n..><.1 alld Slxt.) S x fect three I umIn d and Ofty feet tbree hUI dr d al I ell/:'hlce leet I\1iO hu drcd ot d cd can obtain more details by l)honmg I conditIOns 31100UII<.OO at sale Mrs Carl DeMoll 406M before May HAROLD L ERVIN Att.orlles 241h • I • Levari Fac186 No 120 Literalure Section March Term 1932 M Ph I All that certain brIck messuage and lot rs lip 0 DaVIS will ha"e charge or piece 01 lanel situate In the Borough of fOM;': six feet 1\1i I u Ired nnd Ih rty feel lYO btl dre J a d fourteen f!C1 0 Ie hundred al I lincly (lllt"ht fl'Ct a e hundl'<.'d and eighty t\1iO ft.'Ct 0 e hu drcd :II d Blxty Bix feel one hm dret.l all lOfty lecl 0 e hundn'tl and thirty fou f(.'Ct 0 e I u dre<l and e ghlee fl.'C't 01 C hUI drod II J tliO fcet c ghty six feet seventy feet nfty four fed II rl)-eight leet a d t\1ienly t\1iO fl'Ct orlh\\;csh>;uru from tho nortb "cst s de of I Ollar str oet and e~h respective lot thereof coutal I g I front or brea Itla 0 Ihe BalLI Grecn1'l0od road sixte n feel a d ex of the program for the last meetmg of Darby County of Delaware and State of the Ltterature Secllon en Thursday PeDJlbYlvania bounded and de:e!l' ~ ac cord.lng to a survey thereol made by A F mormng at ten oclock-the subject Wilt Damon Jr Borough Englneer on the he EdwlIl Artmgton Roblllson who tS a ::::r~ s:;~g.: ~~1~1 December A. D well known New York author He was awarded th P II f Beglnning at a point on the northwest-e U I zer pnze or poetry In I erly aide of Ftlth street at the distance of 1921 24 and Zl He has wntten p1ays two hundred and thlrty three feet BOUth and was awarded a gold medal hy the westwardly lrom the southwesterly corner Of the said PUth street and Spruce street American Inshtute of Arts and Letters extending thence by the northwesterly side III ]920 He has written prose and stones 01 said Plfth tstreet. south seventeen degrees th1rt., five minutes weat twenty five feet pertalUlUg to the New England States and eight one hundredths of a toot to a havlIlg been born III Maille corner of lanCls of WUUam H Phillips and Barah Louise Phillips hls wite thence by -------------· _____ ,Ithe same north slx"y seven degrees flfty tlve mtnutes west one bundred sIXty 8IX feet and forty five one hundredths of a loot to the southeasterly side 01 Moore atreet thence by the southeasterly si1e of the same north twenty two degrees twelve minutes east twenty five feet to a comer of lands now or late 01 WIlUam T Morri son and thence by the same south s1ll:ty seven degrees fifty five minutes eaat one hundred. and sixty lour feet and 10rty three one hundredths of a foot to the place 01 beginning SHERIFFS SALES Shentl Sales 01 Real Estate At. the Sheriff's OfOcc Court Houae Media Pennsylvania Saturday Hay 28 1032 At. 8 30 0 clock A If Eastern Standard Time Levari Facias Mareh Term 1032 No 14~ AU tbat certain lot or piece of ground witb the buildings and Improvementa tbereon erected situate in 'he Township of HaverfOrd County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania being known 8S Lot No 1028 on a certain plan ot Souib AJ'dmore made by Joseph W Hu Iter C if Enlrinef'.r 01 Jenkintown Penn8:Ylvauia on A~rll 25tb 1005 and reconted at Media in the (\fIloo for the recordlo,. of deed. in and tor the County of Delaware In Deed Book X No \0 pap 64iJPII, ~~J AeeonUnir t.;» Raid plun as lolrowa to wit Begmnln,. at a point on the nortbwest mde of Belle Mead Bventte Horty Ave leet wide) at the distan('8 01 two hundred feet meast:red soutb nineteen de&'l'C@s thirteen minute. west. along tbe north west Bide 01 BeUe Mead avenue from a poInt 01 t.angent which point. of tangen' Is on tho nor1bweat. aide of Belle Mead avenue a' ud I stance of one buDdred. four feet and :Oft,. two one hundredths of a foot meaBured BOuth w",wanl along- tbe northweat side 01 Belle Mead avenue on the arc of a circle h,wing a radius of one hundred thirty Beven feet. and twenty &even one hundredths of a foot (chonI heariN' to tbe leU) from tbe Interseetloc 01 the nortbweat shle of Belle Mead avenue with the southweat side of Coopertown road COli taJwQJr In fronl or breadth on t.he Bald BeUe Mead avenue twent,. five feet and extending of thaI. w:idth in lena1b or deptb northwest ward between parallel 1loes at right ang-Ies to the aald Belle Mead avenue one hundred twel ty teet (BeIIlK' House No °106 Belle Mead avenue) Under and subject to certain bUildlQg re striellous recorded in Deed Book Z No 13 page 100 which bave aince exPired. by limit .... tlon Improvements consist of two and. one half atory brick houso 18x45 feet One story additIon 10x18 teet Brick garage 24x16 feet Bold as the property of RIchard H Hom and Jemima P Hom his wife mortgagors and Martha E Maxwell and EUzabe .. h Horn real ownel15 Conditions-$2S0 00 cash or certified check on day of sale balance In tell days Fur ther conditions announced at sale ARTHUR L REESER Attorney Levari Facias No 458 Marth Tetm. 1932 AU that certain lot or piece of ground .... ith the bullcl1ngs and Improvements thereon erected situate on the south side of Fourth street in the Borough 01 Media In the County of Delaware and State 01 Pennsylvania Beginning at a POint one hundred and sixty feet east of OUve street Contalning In front on said Fourth atreet twenty fi!et and extending in depth of the BBme width between lines parallel with Jack80n street one hundred lorty feet to a twenty feet wide alley running from Olive street to JaeJtson street The easterly line tbereof passlng through the cen ter of a party wall between a clwelllng erected on the lot hereby eonveyecl and the dwelUng erected on the lot adjoining to the east Together With the right of said alley In common with the owners of other lands I)hutting thereon Improvements consist of two story stone and brick house 16x34 leet Two story ad ditlon 121:12 feet Sold as the property ot Samuel Bruskin mortgagor and Peter J Smith real owner tel d IIJ: of that w dtl n Ie gth or dOl tb lortheast1'lurd betWl'(J I arallel lines at right anl;les to said Groc \\;0 d road sevent,. five feet includ 1 g 0 I tI e rear II creal tl e BOIl of n ccrla n slxtee foct "hIe dri\ewa,. (ext nding ortlaweBt\\; 11' I from Bail I Ollar slreet ero!!s II .. a (.'Crt un t.YO t) ftel YOldo Ir vo\\ay which exlel ds MOUti "esty'ard to GI"Cf" n\\ood road to a <.'t!'rtain e gbl feel wide driveway "bleh allo exl lis 80uth1'lesl\\anl mto sa d Greenwood road) o e olher th reof beg nlng at a point. on II B rtf east H tic o! II d Grte \\ ood road at tho dista 0 of I \1i h Ired and I inoly leot n rtb"'cstvo rd from tI 0 orthwesl 8 de of I Ollar strt..'t!t hald loi I bei :: II tho nllddle uf a rertah t vo e I,. fl'tlt \'; ide driveway here I aller loscribed) tbe ee extending- north 'Welotwaro alo r; the ortl cast silo 01 sald Greenwood r ad t\\C II)' e gbt fcct to a pomt thenoo exlon II g orthea5t\\ard along a line at r ght a Igl<.'S to Groonwood road seventy five feet to a lot a tho northeast side of n certain slxtccn feet ",Ide driveway (exle dl go lorlhweslward from said Poplar street croas I go tbe said h'Oenly feet w do driveway which extends Southwestwanl IOtO said Greenwood roa I to a corlnil eight feet whle IlrhewlY which alllO exten Is somhwt'st\1iard, 1 to Green \1iood road) the ce extending southeasLward along thr. nortbeast si Ie 01 aaid s xtcc feet Wide driveway tw nil" eJeht feet to II. point in the middle 01 said twellty feet w de driveway alii thel ce extcndmg southwestward on a line at rl:ht angles to said Gr ~nwood rond along the mid lie of 8 d twent,. feet wide dnvewa:Y !!event) five feeL to the first me tioned point III I I lace 01 beginning One otber tbereof beglm I If at a I oint 0 the northeDst 8 de of 13 Id GI"t'C \1iood road at t1 e distal cc 01 two bUI dre I al I sixty t\\O feel northwest war J lrom tho north\\e8t side of Poplar streel thence ClI:tendlng ortheastward 1101 If aile at rIght ang es to sail Greenwood road seventy fiVfJ feet to a point 011 the north east s de of a eertain s Kleen leet vo de drhe way (extendh .. northwestWard from sa I Pop Inr street crOll.!l1 g a ceria n t\1;cll,. leet wide drlve"ny which enel ds south"'cstwanl into Gn-enwood roa I to 0. ceria n e gbt f et Wide driveway which also extends southYOest\\arti IUt Greenwood road) then:o cxte d g J orlh \\cstwM'1 along the ortheast Ii Ie of sa d Bixteen fl"(lt wide dr \e\\ lY twe ty+C gl t Icct to a pol tit the m ddle 01 sald ,we ty feet ;VIle tlrheway Ihence exte ding southwesl\\ard alo g a line at right nngl£"s to Grcc \1i a I road alo g tho n ld lie of sa d t"enty leet 1'Ilde tlrhcwa) !;eve Is five feel to a lot on the ° Iheas' !! Ie of Greenwoo I ro i an I the cc eXlell Img' soutbeastwanl along II e northeast side of Grce woo I roa 1 I\\c It) e ght feet 10 the first mentIOned poi t and place of begin ng And It Is bereby exp~y eerltfled and leelared that. this Is not a :purcbaso moncy Illortcap and thai It is subJC<!t both in l1e J and PllYDlent to a oorlaln mortgage to secure the payment of lort,. three bundred dollar& with illterea, given by the said mortragors to Market Street. Title and Trust Company ds.ted the twenty sixth day 01 April A D 1928 Bud Intended to be l'et'orded and that tbe lien of said mortl'age ahall noL be affected or impaired by a judicial sale under a Judgment recovered upon tbi. present indenture or upon tbe bond seeured hereby but any such sale shall be expressly adVertised and made 8ubJect to Ihe hen of tbe said morlg&lre Condttlon.&--$250 00 cash or certified cbeck on day of sale balance in ten days Fur ther conditions announced at sale ALBERT E HOLL Attorney Levari FaCias March Term 1932 All those two contiguous lots or pieces of land with the messuage thereon erected and designated as Lots Nos 63 and 64 on the plan of lots Of Chester Terrace as recorded In the Offlce for the Recording 01 DeeCls 01 Delaware County aforesaid at Media in Deed. Book No 342 page 624 and situate In the Township 01 Chester In the County of Delaware and State of Pennsyl vania and described as follows Beginning at a point on the northweaterly side of Grandview avenue {\t the dlstance of fifty feet measured northeastwardly from the northerly corner of the said GrandView Avenue and Seiger street thence extend log northeastwardly along the said Grand view Avenue fifty feet and extending In depth northwestwardly contInUing the same width eighty flve feet o e other thereof beg n nil' at a J 0 I' tbe C( r er lorllled by the I lerse I 0 northeast Side of Grcen\\ooo road til Ihe lorthwest side 01 Poplar street U 0 cc ex tCi dill: nort1 \\estward alon" the ortheast s de of Gl"ee wood road t\\e ty IWo f ~t to a lot the cc extend I g norH eastwllnl .. long a line at right a gles to Srli I GrCCI \\00 I roa I smenty the feet to a 10 nt on the ortheast Side of a ccrtall sxtCCI feel volle Ir\e\\;ay (extend ng orthyoest\1ianl fron aa I 10plar street cross JIg a ceriall twenly f~t "Ide Ir \cway WhlCh ext(lllds sou hwcst\\ianl 1 to Green\1ioo t road to a <.'('rtain cl"ht feet "Ide InH!way whleh also axte ds southweatward Improvemenls ("ona Bt 01 two and one hall story stone and rougb cast house 10x38 feet One story add1t on 6x8 leet Poreh front Garage 12x18 leet Sold as tbe property of Joseph La\1;son and Mary La~lon his wife Conditions--$250 00 cash Dr ('("rtifled cbeck on daJ' of sale balance 10 len dnys Further cond lions announced at sale HAROLD L ERVIN Attorne,. Levari Facias No 146 March Term 1032 Improvements const.st of two story ce ment block house 18x2.8 ;feet Porch front Sold as the property of Joseph R White ley mortgagor and real owner Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certUled check on day of sale balance in ten days Fur ther conditions announced at sale All t.hal cet-Iain lot or p ece of ground .... alb the bulldihP and improvements thereon erect. cd situate In the Townsbip of Haverford County of Delaware and State of PennsylvaÂhla being known as Lot No 10"7 on a certain WM B HARVEY Attorney plan of South Ardmore made b,. Joseph W JOHN J to said Gree yoood road) then e exle d ng southeastvoar I alo g the northcast s Ie of said suctcc foot. w de dr \ way th r een a 1 forly e ght one hundredths feet to a ] 0 t 0 the norlh"'est s de of POllar street II d the ICC extendl g (south t\\e ty the degrees fifty four minutes t~cllty seron Is west) alo w: the lorn ~est slle of sa I Popl r street ro e t) fhe a d I rty-elgbt 0 e bundn>(jths fcct to t1 c Orst n enl 01 cd pon t n I I plaoo or be innh ~ One otber- thereof beg nn " ilt a po nt a 11 e corllel' formed by the I terseelion of the soulbwest 8lde of Grce "00 I road With the nortbwest s Ie ot Poplar street thence extend ng north\\cslward alOl G' the l'I ull \1iest Side 01 GrooriliOO I road t"enty a d t\1ie tty two 0 e hu drcdlhs feet to a ,0 I t thence extc ding soutb1'lc tward along a J e at r ht angles to sa I GI't'C1I1'Iood road 8 xl,. Ove feet t a pomt Hunter civil en81necr of Jenk nlown Pennsyl ~1.Ie~1ff .,. ani a on April 2Dth IUOI) and !;'('COrded at 1 __________________ _ Me I a in Iho office fo the ReroN g- o[ Deeds n a d for the County of Deia\1iarc n Deed Book X No 10 page 6-14 and deiknbed acÂcording to siud plan aa follows to wit Be. Klnninl' at a point on tbe northwest stde of BeUe Mead avenue (forty five leet Wide) at tbe distame of two hundred twenty five feet measured south nineteen del'fel'8 tbirteen minutes weat along tho northwes' Slde of Bell"/ Mead avenue lrom a point 01 tangent which pOlnt 01 tangent ia OD the northweat mde of neUe Head avenue at the distance of one bun dred four feet and fifty two one hundredths of I a foot measured lIOutbwestwal'd. alODg' the Ihe ml Idle of a certa s x.cen feet w de dr \eway (externling nortb\1iestward Irom sal I Poplar street crossing a c-ertaln tv;enty feet Wide drlve\1iay whleb extends northcustv;3rd 1110 Grcen" Dod road and south\\cstwanl 1010 I aurel rna I and also cross g' a C(!rlam twelve (~t Wile Irlveway v;h eh exten Is ortheast war I min Grcen\\nod 1'0 I to 1J. cr a e ght ff't \\; Ie Ir cay v;h I ('xe S 0 tl\\et \\ art.! to sa I La. rei roa) I} e X' eXlc t.I g OUlheast\\ard alo go the mdlle oC sad ax teen feet Wide dnve~ay t\\enl,)' se .. cn and sixty O.lE! one hundredths feet to a porn' 011 t.he northwest Side 01 Poplar street and thence extendmg (nort.h twenty fi'\"e degrees fifty four nl nntes twentY seconds east) along the nortb west side of sa d Poplar street s xty fI'\"e and forty two one hundredtbs feet to the fl.raI. men toned pomt and plac-e 01 beginning o c tl r(l()( 1(' a I lh at 1(> of Grc .... 001 r 3d t Ihe ds SHERIFFS SALES Sheriff s Sale of Real Estate At the Sheriff s Offtre Court HoWJe )fed .. Saturda,. May 21 PennsyJvan a 1032 830 ocock A :M nOl1hweat side 01 Belle Mead avenue on tbe Eastern Standard al'(! of a cll'cle having a radius 01 one hundred TIme thlrtY-8eveil lee' aad lweat,r..wen ooe-bUllid- Pieri Pae1a1 ~ths of a foot. (chord bearill,l' to tbe Jell) from "he Inter&edlon of 'be northwest eide of Belle 1I~ avenue ,iUh tbe aouthwest eidll of CooJ)e11.own road eontalDing in front or breadth on the said Belle Mead avenue twenty live leet .,. ~_ 'l'l'itkll in ~ No 1051 March Term 1932 All tbose s:rty five cerlaln lot8 or P e<'eS of ground Witb thc hulld nn and Improvementa ~_""""bed~.coa ...... Twenty five others thereol situate on <tbe 8Dutbwest a de of Greenwood road at the res pecUve d stances of twent} and ,went,. two one hundredths feet -thirty six and twenty two one bundredtbs feet flft, t!Vo and twent,. two one undredtbs Jeet siny-ei!,ht and t.wenty two one hundredlhs feet elgbty lour and twentY t.wo one hundredths leel. one hUI dred leet and twenty two one hundredtbll of a fOo\ one bun dred and Slxlcen and twent,. two one bund redtbs feel, one hundred and thirty two and twent.)' two one-hundredth. leel one hundred t, ICC of fi C hun Ired a d fiUy Clght feet orlh\\est\\ard Iron the northwest s de of 101lnr street thenoo extend ng northeast ward on a J ne at nght anglea to Greenwood roa I Rl enty fI .. e feet 10 3 point on the north east side of a certain alxteen leet w de drive way (extend ngo norlbwestward from Bald Pop lar street cross ng a certa n tWenty foot Wide drn eway wI h extendlJ southwestward Into said Greenwood road to a certru.n l!1C'ht. fee" \\ h.e drn eway \\ hu~h also cxtend!! Bouthwen ward mto sa d Greenwood road) thence ex tending nortnwestwnnI alo g the northeast 8 de of tbe said s :1:10011 feet w de drivewQ twenty five feet to a po I t on the northwest side 01 sa d eight feet wide driveway thencc extend 109 southwestwanI along' u line a" rlgbt alqtlea to Greenwood road along tbe nor-lhwea' IPde 0' said eight leet Wide dn .. eway aeventy five leet to a pomt on the northeast side of said Green wOOd road and 'hence extending southeast. wan:! along ttaid Greenwood. road t"lr'e!ltT-1lve 5 feot. to tbe On .. meDUoncd PQlDt aQd place- of bee-JunlllS' Olle otber thereof beginning at B poinl. OD tho nortbeut tJlde 01 said Greenwood road at the dists 00 of hio bundred and Dwety feet lortb\\e.twartl lrom tbtl norahwest ... de. 01 POI Jar Imoet (Bald point belog in tbe middle 01 B certain &welUy feet wide drivewa, here inafter deBCrlbc<.i) thence extendinC' notthweetÂ\\ ard ulollg:' the I ortbeast aide of ea1d Green "'ood road twe Ity-eigbt feet to 8 paint then~ ~tendiDg northeast",arcl alonl' a Une a& ncb' u 1&'les to Grt'(! IWOoo road 8evClnl, flvo feet to a INlh t un tho nortbeaBt side of a certain six. Ie II feot wide tlrivewa.r (extendinlf northweat ward fronl f\aid Poplar street ern_nC' tbo aaid t\1iellt) leet Wide drive war whlth estends southVoutward Inlo sa d GI'et' wood road to a cerlal ch;hl Il."el wide drlvewa,. .blch al80 c.l:tclllIs 8Ouibweat'Miard into Gree wood road) the e extelldillg southeast",aru 3100,. tho lIorlbeasl 8 de of Baill Ilixtecn feet wide drive \\oy t"'elily-cight. leet to a loinl In tbe middle of said tyoent) (ect wide drheway and tbence xt~ d If llJiouthy.("stwanJ 0 a line at rI,.ht a Mletl to ~ail Grec \\iood road atoDg' the middle of saitl tYOell,. feet "Ide driveway ae .. e ty five fCtlt to the first menhoned Joint ru d pJace of ~gin lr g 01 e II cr thereof beg lming at a point on the <.Orr er formed bT the tntersectlon of the I ortl cut side of Gu-euwood road with tbe orlh\H.·st aide of Poplar slreet lIenoo e.x.ternl II; north\1iCRtward alol g tbe ortbeaat IIde 01 Gree \1ioud road twe ty two feci. 10 a point the :e extend IIg nortbeast\1iard alOI g a line at rlÂ¥ht a .,.11'11 to said Gree I\\Ood road seventy fhe ft'et to a point on the norabeast ahle of a l.'('rtam Blxteen feet. wide driveway (extending northyoc",tyoord from saId Poplar stroot cross: .. g a. c('rlai twcnty feet wide driveway which cxlc ds Routh", slward Illto Greenwood road 10 u cerium eight feet wide drl\owa,. which a so oxte Ils Bouth\\ est wan) Into said Greel "'uod r(lad) thence extendmg SoutheaslwanI 10 II; the I orthoa.st Bide of said sixteen feet. wid drneyouy tllrt 'ell and fort,y~ight one b I 1l"t'L1ths lcet to a loillt on tho northwest. s de of Po,lar street and thence estendinK' (Hauth tW\e I,. five degrees nny four mlnutea t\\;e I) !;Ceo d .... cst) alo g tbe northwest aide of auid 101lar street seventy five Dnd lorty eu:bt one Itu ldre<.ttba feet to tbe first menUon cd loll t. an I Ilare of b ginn ng ImprO\cme Its conalst of 6~ houses eacb 1\\0 story brick houses lux33 feet Porch fro Is 0 e story stucco addition 7x4 feet llascn Cllt garage (Firat Destrlption) 7-Two story br k I UIICS each 16x33 feet Porch frOl tB One Blory stucco additions 4.x.7 feet Basement garageS (Second DescripUon) Sol I as II c I rOI~rt,. 01 I Clarence Pcn nlngtOl balta lCC h ten days Furtber OUIiCed at &ale Attorney No 10&0 Mnrch Term 1032 All that Cf:rtain lot. or pleco of ground with tI e build I gs and Improvements to be erected thereon described according to a 8UI'V0l" and pial thereol nmde Mlll'Ch 22nd 1928 by Da m I a tl l' oster Civil E gineors na situate 011 Ihe southwest aide 01 Laurel road (forty tcct \\ de) at the distanoo 01 SIX hundred 4nd th 1"1,. threo leet I ortbwestwani from tbe orth .... est side 01 Pophlr street (fifty feet wille) 111 the Dorougb 01 Sbaron HUI County of Dela\1iare and Slate of PI:D1 sylvania Conlaini g In frout or breadtb on the said I .... urel roa J B xlco I feet and extending of thal ~ dth in 101 glh r leptb southw2~Waal "lIr t\1iee I parallel III es at r (fht angles to the Baid Laurel road Beventy five leet induding on t.he rear thereof the soil 01 a certain si:l:tcen feet YOlle driveway extending lorthwestward from sai I POJ lar street (l.1"06sillg a certain twent,. feel w Ie drive\1i8Y which extends nortbeaat. ward mto said LaUrel road) to a certain elS'bt feet YOlde dr ve .... ay which ertenda northeast wanl I to said Laurel road Iml rovements consist of two story brick louse 1 x33 feet Porch lrollt 0 e-atory atu co addition 7x-l feet Basement garage Soil as the I roperty of Frnnk F BarkP.r COlldlllO s-$"00 00 cash or certllled check o I lay of a lie bala ("0 ten days Furtber co d ti ns announced at sale A D DEWEES Attorney No 1016 Murch Term 1032 AI those t\\O rerta n Iota or pieces of 1.'1' n I \1; th the bu tding in provements thereon ('re tetl situate n the Township 01 Haverford 11 e County of Delaware and StatB 01 Penn 8) h al a k OWl US Iota numbered 165 and lu6 Blo k n Imbered 3 on a. certain plan 01 lois eaUed Oakmont made JUne 28 1920 by Robert P Green C E and described aeÂrding 'h reto as follows Belfmning at a Jot on tbe sO~lheastcrly s de of Eagle road (fifty feel \\1 'Ie) at the distance at one hUn Ired feet and eight one bundredtbs northeast "nr Ill" from the northe&slerly SJde of DelVe lere avenue (fifty feet wide) tbence extending alo g the said Eagle rand north forty nine legrccs t\\enty one mh utes east lIfty feet and four 0 e hu drcdths '0 tbe cor er of Lo' N(I 1 ... 0 said plan thenec southeastwardly alo g sai I Lot No 167 an 1 parallel WIQl Bel e Jere a .. enue ono hundred and seventy Bix fcet a I sevenly II e one hundredths to the III e oC Lot No 33 thence south flCty two )egreeR tUtCf!1I n nutes \\("st alo g 1 ne of Lots Nos 33 an I 67 fifty fcct to a cornel' of Lot No 10-1 thence orthwet!tWardly along Lot No 1a4 and parallel wilh Belvedere avenue one hundred seventy four feet eleven one hun 1 .... '( tbs to thc point and place of OOglh ng ElC ('pt g- tbereont all that. certain flU,. fcct of the real" of Lots Nos 155 and 106 DiQ(;k 3 0 a certain plan o[ lots called Oak mont mad~ by Robert P Green C E dated M y "-I 1021 recorded at Media In Deed lJook No 019 page "0-1 and descr bed accord ng to said plan as 10110W8 Bednnlng a' a I oint. n the northeasterly hno of Lot No 106 sa d po lit be ng one hundred leet south filly t\1iO degrees fifteen min ltes west from tho southwesterly Aide o( Oakmont avenue Uorty-eilfht feet Wide) thence ex:tend ng along the sa I nortbeasterly hne 01 Lot No 156 south tb rly seven degrees forty five minules ('ast fifty fe("t to a pomt nine of Lot No Ii 0 5a I I Ian the ce extend ng ro lIh fifty 1\\0 I ret!! flflcc n I tes \\e t al ng s:ud I e filty feet to a pomt form!d by the in~ sect on of I nes of Lots Nos 165 154 and 67 on sa d plan thence extending along line di vldlng Lot No 155 from 104. north thirty BeV(ln degrees forty five banUles west fifty leet. to a po nt tbence extending 1I0rtb Ofty t.wo dE-greeS fifteen minutes eut fifty leet. more or less to a point the Orat mentIOned point and place of begInning Improvements cons at of two story frame and stone ho IBe 2-1x33 feet Frame garage 9xl8 feet Sold as the property 01 Thomas J Brown Conditio &-$20000 cash or rertiOed check on day of ul" balance in ten...,.s Further cond tlon. announc-ed at eate A D DEWEES Attorney JOHN J CAIN SherIJt
---------- Page 10 ----------
THE SWARTHMOREAN MOTHERS GUESTS OF JUNIOR CLUB itage, Barbara Bassett, Irene .I...l iais.dell" elilnKeh tI nfe etht e( 3b8e8d') 0e1a sAtwdaarmdlsy afvreonmu et, hteh etnitclee Ruth Kurtzhatz, Ruth Lewis, Jane Lums~ extending north 23 degrees 41 minutes den, Elise Remont, Elizabeth Main. Eliza. west ODe hundred thirty feet (130') to a point In the line of a certain twelve fe6t Nearly a hundred mothers and daugh. beth Schobinger, Hannah Smith, Doro- wide driveway extending ftom PenWlyJ· Ihy Taylor, and Irma Zimmer. nnla avenue to Yogle avenue, thence nortb ters attended the Mother's Day supper Willian, AI.lon, E'dlnund /lmle".011./66 degrees 19 minutes east twenty-eight 'o'nnlon MAY 13; .1932 PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING IDterior aDd Exterior WallPaper Cleamnw STEPHEN BROWN MortoD P. O. Box 144 and program given by Ihe Junior Section feet (28') to a point, thence extending Together with the free and '" Swarthmore 1851 John Brownell, Hug It Calhoun, 50uth 23 degrees 41 miuutes east one hun· right, Uberty and privilege '" """ of the Woman's Club 011 Tuesday eve- CI ff "'·11· C b II I) dred thirty feet (130') to a point in the twelve feet wide driveway nirtg" at the Clubhouse. The evening's la ee, nl lam amp e," northerly side Hne of Sixteenth avenue p8S8ageway and water 'coUn,e:_~ -1--------------------------- <lU, .. Griffen, Frank Lawrence, Rohert pforesald. thence along same south 66 de- hereafter forever In common ": .. - _-:O"-"~ program was of a musical nature I>rc- Donnell Newcomb. Preston Roche, Ar- grees 19 minutes west twenty·elght feet to ers, tenants and occupiers of sented under the leadership of Mrs. the first mentioned poInt or place of be- of ground bounding thereon nold Viehoc\'er, Harvcy \Vhitaker, Rol .. ginning. Being prem16es No. 'lOI, formerly to tbe use of the Mme. ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING Located In Thompson's StoreL,MoJton. Pa. GeTohrgee pTr.o gArashmto nc.o mmittee of the club, ert Wilson. and Richard \Vray. 807, Sixteenth avenue. Improvements consist of (lst description) M Miss Margaret Amelia Ellis has re- Together with the free and ,,:!,~!no'n.'lISe 2-story brick house. 16x44 feet. Basement Permanent ",a.,inc Every Day EIeept SatUrday 3 SpedalS $1,00 consisting of Mrs. Peter E. Told, r5. turned frum H.ochcstcr, N. Y., where she right. liberty and prlvUege garage. (2nd description) two.story brlck James F. Bogardus, Mrs. Jonathan k· said twelve feet wIde driveway WI house. 16x44 feet. Basement garage. (3rd . W spent a month with her brother Fran 1m B passageway and water course at aCn;-r,ni.'/ descriptiOn) two-story brick house, 16x44 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W Open eventnls by appointment Prichard. and Miss Paulme agner, and family. hereafter 1o rever In common wI tb tbne 1e et . B Mement garage. ( 4th deser Ip tton) was in charge of the menu and the ar- I er&. tenants and occupiers of the two-story brick house, 16x44 feet. Base- D b h Dr. Arthur Jones and Mrs. Joncs, 0 lots 01 ground bounding thereon ment g.'_ge. rangements. and Miss oris Nar crt Dickinson avcnuc, will leave in J tine I or tltled to the use thereof. and Mrs. Robert E. Sharples were in the Pacific coast ilnd the II awa.n. an I s- that certain lot or piece of ground charge of decorations. lauds. the buildings and Improvements Sold as the property of Conner and Phillips and WUliam H. Conner. The evening's program consisted of a Geor"c Corse returned \Vedncsday erected: sltuute In the Borougn of visit to the musical shrines of Europe by a Park. County of Delaware and from a busincss tri]> through North 1~';;1;;;",""; Pennsylvania, bounded and de~ means of still pictures. Se\'eral of Mrs. Carolina. as follows: Condltlons-$250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale: balance In ten days. FurÂther oondltlons announced at sale. CHARLES t. CRONIN. Attorney. Ashton's pupils played selections of the .... !I.,g"!~~lln.!'. h I TI ' I • at a point In the northerly authors whose omes were s 10wll. Ie ";lj"st.i,.;;Slxteenth avenue (50' wIde) closing number was a rendition o£ "BOHEMIAN GIRL" TO ~e of fifty-four feet (54') east- Haydn's "Toy Symphony" by several BE GIVEN TUESDAY ~~~~~~f.t~!U~v~~n~C.~~'eio~~~:~~th~l\~ee ~~~ side children led by Mrs. Ashton. A poem (40' about this work was read by J. Russell The lltlsic and Drama Club's per- fe~i~nw',t~,_iiiii HaTyhees. iIIustratt.'tI talk on the great com~ I formance o~. 'r he Bo henll. ~n G·I r I WI·1 1 tak. e ~~~:.;. ·. :~i;;.: r~e~l~~;:;;~! .' e( ~J:~ln~~:~:::i'l:,r~l posers comes with especial fitness £roJIII place ncxt J uesday evenmg, May 17, III Mrs. Ashton for she is in the direct line I the auditorium of the Junior Hi g h of distinguished musical teachers from School, Garrett road, Upper Darby. Josef Hayden down. Haydn taught I Included ill the cast arc Anna Beethoven, who taught Karl CzerllY, who I Kennedy, as Arline: Ellen Richmond taught Thecxlorc Teschetizky, who taught Marshall, The Gypsy Queen: Ernest Paderewski. Mrs. Ashton was als~ .. Oahlgrcll, Thaddeus: Alfred lJUlljl oi Teschetizky and is handmg Florestine: E r I i 11 g Haabestad, down the tradition' through her recent Count; Danicl J\iatitcws, Dc\'ilshool; and present pupils, Miss Mildrid Spencer Kathrine Sheppard, Buda; Arthur PhilÂand others. lips, Captain of the Guard; and Virginia Prior to the program the election of Pyle as the Child, Arline. officers was held with the following re- The llrincipals will have the support suits: ,Miss Mildred Simpers was rc- of a fiue chorus of gypsies. soldiers, elected president, Mrs. R. C. Ammcrman noblcs and peasants and a ballct under was elected vice president, Miss Eleanor the direction of Eleanor Thompson. The Kennedy was elected recording secretary, curtain will rise at 8 :30 p. m. Miss Pauline W~gner was elected cor-responding secretary, and Miss Martha SHERIFF'S SALES Keighton treasurer. ! _______________ • I • SHERIFF SALES School Exhibit. Of Real Estate The evenings of June 2 and 3 will be At the Sheriff's Omce of interest to parents of public school Court House, Media. pennsylvania pupils in Swarthmore. On June 2 a Saturday, June 4, 1932 program of Physical &lucation work and Household Arts with accoml)al1ying ex- 8:30 o'clock A. M. hibits of work done will be given. On Eastern Standard Time the following evening the Home ami School Association annual exhibition will, Fieri Facias No. 1383 be held and a program consisting of a pageant 01 World Good Will i. to be giv~l1. • • NEWS NOTES Miss Angela Mason of ),Iyrtle avcnuc will 'be the guest of honor at a dance given by her aunt, Miss Isabelle Mason, at her home, Trois Fontaines, Cheyney, Pa., on Saturday, May 14. Those presÂent will be Ruth Ackennall, Peggy Arm· Granite Marble MEMORIALS March Term. 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvem.ents thereoil erected, situate In the Borough of Lansdowne, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. on the southeast side of Marshall rond (fifty feet wIde) at the disÂtance of one Imndred fifty-sIx feet and thirty-nine one-hundredths of a foot northÂeast from the northeast side of Belmont avenue (fifty feet wide). Containing In front or breadth on said Marshall road twenty-five feet and seventy-five one·hunÂdredths of a foot and extending of that width In length or depth southeast beÂtween parallel lines at right angles to said. Marshall road one hundred and five feet to tbe middle lioe of a certain fourteen feet wide driveway which extends northÂeast from Belmont avenue ond southwest from Eldon street. (Being No. 230 MarshÂall road). And It Is hereby expressly certified and Cemetery Work a Specialty declared that this is not a purchase money W--. J. Cartledge mortgage and that it is subject both tn aaa lien and payment to a certain mortgage to Est. 1M3 secure the payment of forty-five hundred No. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. dollars given by the said mortgagors to (Opposite Arlington cemetery) Prudential Jnsurance Company of America Clearbrook 6880 dated December 24th. 1927. and Intended to _-=::-::-:-::-:::-::-_====-=",.::-:-::-_1 be recorded; and that the lien of said PIANO TUNING mortgoge shall not be affected or Impaired by a judicial sale under a judgment reÂcovered upon this present Indenture, or upon the bond secured hereby; but any such sale shall be expressly advertised and made subject to the Hen of the said mort· gage. 20 yean experience whb all makes, Member of Nat. Auo. of Piano Tuners. All Pianos should be tuned twice each year. A. L. PARKER Mediat Pa. Phone Media 831 Together with the free and common use. right, Uberty and pl'lvllege of the aforesaid driveway as and for a driveway and pasÂsageway at aU times hereafter forever In common with the owners. tenants and ocÂcupiers of the other lots of ground bound-tng thereon and entltled to the usc thereof. Together with tIle free and common use. right, liberty and prlvllece of the aforeÂsaid twelve feet wide driveway as and for a passageway and water course at all times hereafter torever In common with the owners. tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and enÂtitled to the use of the same. All that certain lot or piece o[ ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected; situate in the Borough of Prospect Park, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and deÂscribed as follows: Beginning at a point In the northerly side line of Sixteenth avenue (50' wide) at the distance of one hundred sixty-six feet eastwardly from the Junction of the side Hne of the said Sixteenth avenue with the east side Hne of Adams avenue. which said first mentloneCi point Is also one hunÂd::- ed eighty-four feet (184') eastwardly from the title Une In the bet!. of the aforeÂsaid Adams avenue, thence extendIng north 23 degrees '41 minutes west one hundred thirty feet (130') to a point in the line of a certain twelve feet w~de driveway exÂtending from Pennsylvania avenue to Adams avenue, thence north 66 degrees 19 minutes east twenty-eight feet to a pOint. thence extending south 23 degrees 41 minÂutes east one hundred thirty feet to a pelnt In the northerly stde line of Six· teenth avenue aforesaid, thence along the same south 66 degrees 19 minutes west twenty-eight feet to the first mentioned point or place of beginning. Being premiscs No. 715, lOrmerly 819, Sixteenth avenue. Together with the tree and common use, right, liberty and prIvIlege as and for a passageway ane! water course at all times llerealter lorever tn common with the ownÂers. tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use of the same. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and ImprovementB the;eon erected; situate In the Borough of Prospect Park, County of Delaware and State of PennsylvanIa. Bounded and deÂscribed as follows: BegInning at a point on the northerly side Ilne of SIxteenth avenue (50' wIde) at the Intersection of the noJ"t11erly side line of the saId Sixteenth avenue with the easterly sIde Hne of Pennsylvania avenue, which said first mentioned point Is alSo two hundred seventy-eight feet (278') eastÂwardly from the title Hne in the bed of Adams Ave.. thence extending north 23 degrees 9 minutes west one hundred thirty feet (130') along tbe easterly side Hnc of the aforesaid Pennsylvania Ave. to a point In the line of a certain twelve feet wide driveway extending from Pennsylvania ave· nue to Yagle avenue, thence north 66 de· grees 19 minutes cast twenty-four and seventy-nine one-hundredths feet to a pOint. thence extending south 23 degreru 41 minutes east one hundred thirty feet Concert Improvements consist of two-story frame and brick house, 15x39 feet. Enclosed front porch. One·story frame addition. 5x6 feet. Concrete block garage, 9xI8 feet. The Fisk Jubilee Singers CLOTHIER MEMORIAL Swarthmore College ..A.. Sold as the property of Joseph L. Blaney and Mathllde O. Blaney, hls wife. Conditlons--$250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance In ten days. FurÂther conditions f1.nnounced at sale. E. LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. Fieri Faclas No. 9O'l Friday eve., May20, 1932 Mmh Tenn. 1932 8 o'clock Admission SOc All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected; sttuate In the Borough of Prospect Park, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deÂscribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the. !!!?"'h~~lÂ¥ Tickets mBy be purchased at the Business Office of the College side line of Sixteenth at the distance of one (no') eastwardly from the side line of the said with the east side line !a venue (40' wide) which menÂttoned polnt ts also three h\irul;;;d-~eighty- There is no cut in prices and-CERTAINLY no cut in service but-a FREE 35c shampoo with each adult haircut ADOLPH'S STATE LICENSED BARBER SHOP DARTMOUTH AVE. PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWERS PRICES RANGING FROM $3.98 to $19.50 Suplee's Store Swarthmore 105 , •• -'You caD. ~.. Lave "De for . .. Ie •• thaD. a !. . dl_e a day' Nonuser-3 FIeri Facias No. 966 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buUdlngs and Improvements thereon erected. situate on the west side of Bullock avenue at the dlstance of CIne hunÂdred and six foot northwardly from the north side of Chester avenue In the BorÂough of Yeadon. county of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. containing In front. ••• you caa ~'have oDef~r Ie •• d~aD a :. .. cll_e a day! or breadth on the said Bullock avenue N twenty-five feet and extending of that width In length or depth westwardly be- i~~o~n~u~se~r~2~~~~~~~~~~~~ tween lines parallel with the said Chester avenue one hundred feet to the center llne of a certain fifteen feet wide driveway (extending from Chester avenue to Bunt- Ing road) and being known "lS No. 1042 South Bullock avenue. Under and subject to certain building restrictions as therein mentioned. Together with the free and common use, right, lib· erty aud privilege of the said fifteen feet wide dr~veway as and for a passageway and water course at all times hereafter forever In common with the owners, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use thereof. Under and subject, nevertheless. to the above mentioned restrictiOns as to bulldlngs also certain restrictions as In agreement between Crawford Homes InÂcorporated and the West Philadelphia Title and Trust Company now of record. Also under and subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or principal sum of five thousand dollars, w~th Interest thereon. Improvements consist of two and oneÂhalf story stucco house. 16x42 feet. Rear frame addition. 6xe feet. Stucco garage, 12x18 feet. Enclosed porch. Sold as the property of narry Smith and Eunice M. Smith. Condltions-$250.00 cash or certified check' on day of sale; balance In ten days. Fur~ ther conditions announce" at sale. CHAS. I. CRONIN, Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff. MT~ER}EA MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 Nou:·-Friday and Sa'urday Double Fe&ture RONALD COLMAN in "The Unholy Garden" and Trap/Jed in (l Sltbnwrine Momlay allfl TuesddY CLARK GABLE lind MARION DAVIES in POLLY OF THE CIRCUS Weflnesday and Thunday SPENCER TRACY SALLY EILERS EL BRENDEL "Disorderly Condlt~t" STATE CHESTER TARZAN THE APE MAN· Bused on the Character Created by EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS with JOHNNY WEISSMULLER MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN NEIL HAMILTON Tops "Trnder Horn" Jor Thrills A Warner Broil. Theater LA '~e~r~Ba?"~1 N E La.nsdowne Avenue & Ba.ltimore Pike NOW PLAYING Friday and Saturday . EL BRENDEj..in " DisorderJy-Condllct" " with Sally Eilen and Spencer Tracy SpecIal for kiddies ""ALICE IN WONÂDERLAND" Sat. matinee only, 1:30 P.1\I. Monday and Tuesday, May 16-17 JOlIN & LIONEL BARRYMORE in "ARSENE LUPIN" Wednesday, May 18 PAUL LUKAS "NO ONE MAN" With Carole Lombard Thursday, May 19 ELISSA LANDI "DEVIL'S LOTTERY" With Victor H@a,. ..V. iltoR C. WO,.k FAMOUS BRIDGE EXI'ERT at St,.ath HUV@R In" Commencing Wednesday evening, May 18 at 8:15 P. M. and TuesÂday afternDon, May 24 al 2 P. M. under the direction of Mrs. Frank S. Meade, contract bridge tournaments will be held throughout the summer. Mr. Milton C. Work will be present the Grst evening to give a short talk on Tournament Play. EVENINGS 75c single $1.50 a pair Dinner and Tournament. ................. $1.50 single Dinner and Tournament ......... , ........ $2.75 a pair Afternoon Entries ....................... $.50 s.ingle Special Tournament Luncheon ............ $.35 Prizes every evening Table. provided for individual foursomes with a prize for each table. Write or 'phone for reservations as sections are limited. Strath Haven THE INN WITH PERSONALITY SWARTHMORE, PA. thmore .. Pa. VoL IV, Swarthmore, Pa., May 20, 1932 No. 20 $2.50 Per Year Swarthmore Schools Begin CHANGE BROKER OF Commencement Activities MAY RESTRICT "FOR SALE" SIGNS I TO SPEAK HERE Attention of Council Called Number of Unattractive :Signs in Borough to MAY GRANT CELIA PERMIT -";nother attempt on the part of Joseph Cella to secure a building permit to exÂtend his present building at Park avenue out to the sidewalk was made at the last meeting of borough council and was so favorably received that Council set June 2 as the date for a public hearing on the case. Th~ chief reason for council's favor. able reaction to granting an exception to the zoning law (which requires buildings in the business district to be set back HS teet from the sidewalk) was the fact th:ot ~r. Celia has employed George GillespIe and Co., builders of Swarth- Dr. Daniel A. Poling, who is lead~ more, to make the addition to the store inc the nation-wide speakin« tour and has had plans drawn which guaran- of the Allied Campaignen. Dr. ~ee an attractive improvement. Poling is editor of the Christian The addition to the front of the pres- Hcraldt president of the World's ent building would be two stories in ChriPltian Endeavor Union and a height according to the present plans and widely known radio speaker as would be on a par with the most at- well a8 a writer of note. Dr. tractive buildings in Swarthmore, A Poling will epeak here May 27. few months ago, Mr. Celia made an ef-/---------------__ Swarlhmqre College ~h.ursday, June 2-1 p. m. Luncheon to the Seniors. rlday, June 3, 11 a. m. Class Day Exercises. 1:00 p. m. College Luncheon. 2:30 p. m. Meeting of Board of Managers. 3 :30 p. m. Annual Meeting of the Swarthmore 6:00 p. 6:45 p. 7 :30 p. Kappa, Bond Memorial. m. College Dinner. m. Ivy Planting, Clark Kerr, ivy orator. m. Annual. Business Meeting of Alumni Association Bond MemorIal. ' Saturda 8 :30 p. m. Co~mencement. Play, "Love in a Mist," Clothier Memorial. y, l~~~~ 4-AlumOi !?ay, LOUIS N. Robinson, '05, Master of Ceremonies. . p. m. Alumnt Luncheon, College Dining room 3:00 p. m. Alumni Parade of Classes to Ihe Alu';ni Field. 3 :45 p. m. Awarding of Pdzes. 4:00 p. m. Baseball Game. Alumni vs. Varsity. 6 :30 p. m. Class Reunion Dinners College Dinner ::: p. m. CoD mf!1encement Pl~y, "'Love in a .Mist," Clothier Auditorium. S . p. m, ancmg. Somcrvdle Gymnasium unday, June 5, 11:00 Mi~~r Baccalaureate Address, Me~ting House. by Dr. John A. I :00 p. m. College Dinner. 4:00 p. m. Members of Faculty at home to Seniors and Friends. 6:00 p. m. College Supper. 6 :30 p. m. La:t Collection, Clothier Memorial. S:OO p. m. Phi Beta Kappa address. Meeting House. Dr. Thomas A. Jenkins, sJleaker. SCHOOL INSURANCE Sweeney & Clyde of Chester Replace Philadelphia Firm A. Chief Broker8 to The firm of Sweeney and Clyde of Chester has been officially designated by the Swarthmore School Board to act. as broke.r of aU scho01 insurance. Tins firm Will be entirely responsible for aU insurance s~hedules and for the prop(;r handling of the business. In reÂtu~ n for their work they will be perÂnutted to write the largest percentage of the insurance, while the balance will be ~ivi?ed amon~ the local agents who mamtatn offices til Swarthmore. fort to secure the permit and was reÂfused on the grounds that his plans callÂed for only a one-story front addition of unattractive appearance. DR. D. A. POUNG TO SPEAK HERE MAY 27 Monday, J tme 6, Commencement Day. . 10 :45 a. m. Managers, Faculty Parlors. and Graduating class meet In Managers The new arrangement is the outÂgrowth of the proposal of the board several weeks ago to take the business Irom thc Phila~elph,ia firm handling it at the present lime, III cooperation with the. local a~ents, and give it to another Pluladelphla firm with no arrangement for the benefit of the Swarthmore agents. The decision to substitute SweeÂney and Clyde for the Philadelphia concern was reached in view of the fact that the Chester firm is one of the larg~st in Delaware County and well qualified to handle insurance of this nature, and secondly, because Samuel D. C~ydeJ the head of the company, is a .resldcnt and tax payer of this commuÂI1lt~ and has agreed to personally supÂerVise the placing of the insurance and any possible readjustment of the schedÂule. 11:00 a. m. Commencement Exercises Clothier .. Memorial A Dr. John H. Finley, ' ddress by 9:00 p. m. Senior Dance. Another phazc of the zoning law was brought up in the form of an objection by Councilman W m, Sproul Lewis to "For Sale" and "For Rent" s i g n s Interdenominational Committee Swarthmore High School through~ut the Borough. The particular and W. C. T. U. Sponsur Friday, May 20th 9 a. m. Jr. High School Color Conte.t, H. S. field. sign whIch Mr. Lewis saId bad brought Program at Clothier Thursday, May 26lh I p. m. Good Will Assembly Pageant. the preIsent conditions to his aFttention ' 3.3 0 p. m. GI' rI s ' Baseball with Lansdowne Rutgers avenue was a arge, unusually unattractive, sign SPEAKS TO YOUTH rlday, May 27th 9 a, m. EI"!"entary School Color Contests, H. S. field (no alier. made of canvass and conspicuously placed noon session) on a property at Ogden and Swarth· All young people of Swarthmore are Wednesday, June 1st 1 p. m. All faculty picnic at Salem Country Club more avenues. . • cd d I h Thursday, June 2nd 8 p. m. Annual Exhibition in Auditorium PhY.I·cal Educatl'on Mr. l.ewis and other members 0; coun. mVlt to aUen a une eon to be given at & H h ld Arts' I cil ag«cd that a definite size f~r real Swarthmore College May 27 under the Friday June 3rd 8 m ~se 0 IE· '. . . e~tat~, Sig".5 ,;thouJd ... hc..6~ablitlhed.,- Mr. a.~~p~~~ .E!. ~t~e. !!.W~~, Â¥or~~_ !~~r ~r.o: '_ '. _" " . ,. -2. . ~Wi1i, p~n:n. ~~ltlO~ .(Contmued) In Aud., Music and Good LeWIS said that everything possible liltilhon, accordmg to an atUlouncentent .'June 8, 9, & 10 Senior Class gExat~s. me &, School :\j\SO.··A!l"U~ ~etiI!g. ~ .hould be done to cut down the number made here. today by Mr •. A. O. Red- Suoday June 12th 4'30 p m B I I . grave cba,rman of th 0 'tt' , .. . acca aureate Service at Clothier Menlor,·al.· Dean o . signs now placed on hQmes in the' e c mml ee In, WaJters, Speaker. borough. Mr. i.ewis declared that real charge 01 plan. for the luncheon. -l Tuesday June 14th 8 C estat . S h The luncheon will be held at Wh,'tt,'er ' p. m. ommencement, George 'Valton, principal of George e men 10 wart more whom he had School k interviewed were in favor of a regula- House, ColIe~e Campus, at 1:00 P. M., Friday June 17th 830 a ' s:a :r. D . tion restricting signs to a certain size. and Dr: Daniel A. Poling, chairman of Monda'y, June 27th 8.30 ~ m~ Sovmg-ups hay I~erclses, Schools Closc. The situation is to be studied and re- the AllIe? Forces and a world leader of . . ummer c 00 pens. ported back at the next meeting lor ac- yo.uth, WIll be. the ~peaker. Among other Mary Lyon Scllool tion th;ngs, he wIll diSCUSS the attitude of I~provement of the filled-in land in ~merican young people toward prohibi~ the vicinity of thc Crum Creek falls be. tiOn. : . Friday afternoon,· May 27th-May Day. Sun~ay, May 29tI1-9.30 a. m. Wildcliff Breakfast on the Porch. low the Strath Haven Inn was discussed. The list .of women preparing for the 5.00 p. m. M usical Vespers. 30th-8.30 p. m. The Glee Club presents Gilbert and Sullivan's "Patience". Authorities of the College, which owns luncheon mc1udes:. Mrs. Charles H, Monday, May the land, and F. M. Scheibley of the Inn, L.eech, Mrs. Earl KIstler, Mrs. H .. Bun-who leases it from the College, are des- dick, Mrs. S. C. Palmer, Mrs. Edwln A. Tuesday, irous of receiving the cooperation of the Yarnall, Mrs. John M,urphy, Mrs., E. F. May 315t-1.30 p. m. Luncheon for Alumnae and Graduates. 5.00 p. m. Class Day Exercises and Garden Party. Borough in changing the appearance of Cook, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth the land from an ash and rubbish filled Coleman, ,Mrs •. H. J. Hoi m e s, Mrs. dump into a sodded pJace of beauty. Frank ~rvllle! MISS Jean D.octor, Mrs. A. One of the difficulties in making this G. White, MISS Glad.rs Qumlan, Mrs. W. change is a drainage ditch which carries Hi<-Tha~ch;..r' and MISS Ann~ Roxby. surface water from Yale avenue across ~an • Morey, superIntendent of the filled-in land just this side of the puhltc schools here and one of the sponÂfalls. It is imperative that this ditch be s~rs. of the .luncheon, h~s ':lrranged to 8.30 p. m. Commoncement Play: Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". Wcdnesday, June 1st, 8.30 p. rn.-Commenc'!ment Exercises Address by Dr. Alexander Mutch: "Some Notes on True American Citizenship". mverston School M~nday, May 23, 8 to 9 p. Ill. Open House and Program for parents and friends Fflday May 27, Presentation of three one-act plays at the Woman's Clubhouse .. Sunday, May 29, Bacc~laureate sermon by Rev. J. larden Guenther at the Trinit filled in and th t . d d dismiSS the high schools III time to hear Episcopal Church. y e wa er pipe un er- Dr Polin's address ground. Mr. Scheibley howe,-er, says C· g.. . Thursday, that this should be done by the College . ontact wl~h thousand~ of MyS and June 9, 8.15 p. m. CCo~l?1eI1Cement program at the Friends' :Meeting House. Dr. PhilIp W. L. Cox, of New York University will since they 0 th I dOh h girls, and active leadership of an army speak. hand th dw'n e da·tn .h . n t e cod t be r f 4000000 I· . 0 , , t lrough hiS work as presl-e ramage I c IS caus y d f h Wid' Ch" E d ,valer I th b h Th ent 0 t e or s nsllan n eavor rom e oroug streets. e U . d hI' I . f final proposal is tI t th B h C 1. m~m,. an t e nternattona ~oclety 0 1 la e o~oug, 0 ChnstIan Endeavor, has convInced Dr. ege, and the 1.l1n, cooperatc 1.11 the total Poling that they are fundamentally expense of laymg dramage pipes under· d d d" soun. groun an Imp~~\'~ng the general ap- "Prohibition has not -corrupted them" l)earance of the VICIDlty . The matter was he says "Till.S generati.on. IS as fine a' s held over. for further. dtscussion at the any that has ever lived. They are not next meetIng of council. gin.soaked. cynical or blase, as many ~ • would have us think. They love life, BIBLE SCHOOL TO people, opportunity, vision and reality. BE SUSPENDED They will not permit lawless inle,esls to destroy their incomparable birthright of There will be no Vacation Bible liberty under law." Young people in general have in the invitation extended by the committee an opportunity to hear one of the greatest youth leaders of today on a vital and timely subject. School this year according to announceÂment of the committee in charge of this summcr activity in Swarthmore. The inability of the churchcs to provide the lecessary funds is given as the reason. The school for children between kinderÂgartcn and high school ages has been held in Swarthmore for the past tell years. The committee, which consists of J olm H. Pitman, Elliott RichardÂson, Arthur J. Jones and Scott B. Lilly, says that the school wilt be held in 1933 if conditions improve. • • GETIZ APPOINTMENT OFFICIALLY CONF1RMED Official appbintment of Frank Geltz as tax assessor [or Swarthmore to succeed Thomas A. Curran was made Wednesday by the County Board for the Assessment and Revision, of Taxes. Mr. Curran tendered his tesignat;on due to the pres:' SUre of his legal practice. Dr. Poling feels that the success of prohibition is largely dependent upon our young people, so he is anxious that they gct the facts about prohibition and a method through which they can increase support for the 18th amendment. • I • ULVERSTON STUDENTS TO GIVE PLAYS Next Friday evening at 8 o'clock the students of the Ulverston School will present three one-act plays in the Woman's Club directed by Miriam Jenkins Elsbree head of the English department of the school. The three plays arc "The Turtle Dove," CIA Night at an Inn," and the "Maker of Dreams." Mrs. A. M. Lackey, art director, and Mrs. Roy Detlefsen are assisting in ~osÂtuming and stage setting. TENNIS CLUB TO FISK JUBILEE SINGERS ELECT OFFICERS AT CLOTmER TONIGHT A meeting of officers and members of The Fisk Jubilee Singcrs, known wide-the Swarthmore Tennis Club will be held Iy as the greatest exponents of negro at the home of E. H. Taylor, 300 Har- spirituals, will give a con c e r t this vard avenue, at 8 o'clock next Monday I evening at 8 o'clock in the Clothier MeÂevening. Officers will be elected and nlO~i31.. The proceeds of the concert, plans made for the coming season. Any- which IS presented under the auspices of one interested in tennis is welcome to at- the Swarthmore .F~iend's Meeting, wi1l tend. The dub had a successful season r~c towdarbds Fa.IlkevUI3t1."g ~ $15,000 deficit I t S . h h urre y IS mverslty as ummer, Wit one ot t e largest The r t .. memberships in its history. Requests for tl' d p esen. gr?up,. a sextette, IS the " . . lIr generation In direct descent from dm' formatton and Io ther advancbe nohtt'c es 11.1 - the original exponenls of negro spl'r·lt u aI s lcate an even ar~er mem. er~ SiP thIS who founded the organization sixty years season of both seDlor and JUlUor mem- ago. The fo,:!nders went to Europe in bers, 1873 and their successors have since • I • trayeled e.xtensiyely. singing before many "5!tabJes. mcludmg Queen Victoria, the ~mg and 9~een of Holland and PremÂIer Mussohlll. They have sung with the Symphony Orchestras of Boston ChiÂcago, and Detroit and ha\'e the el~dorseÂment of Walter Damrosch, David Mannes, Frank la Forge, Eva Gauthier Alma Glu~k. Roland. Hayes. and th~ French artists, Ravel and Rabaud. BARNSTORMERS SEE LADIES OF THE JURY On Thursday and Friday evenings, the Swarthmore Players Club repeated their success, "Ladies of the Jury," unÂder thc direction of Roland G. E. un· man and J. William Simmons, before the Barnstormers in Ridley Park. The I •• Will Give Readings cast was the original well-balanced one Mrs. T. B. Ellis, who interpreted the which played five nights in their own poem. "John Brown's Body'" three clubhouse, with Mrs. 'Roland G. E. UlI- years ago with Mrs. Herbert Fraser man'in the" lead, Mrs. Livingston Bald- Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and a grOU~ winl Crane, the woman who dominated of young people, ""ill give an entertainÂt~ e jurY,of which: ·she was a membe~., menton Friday, May 27 at the Friends' Mrs. Ullman gave a fine interpretatiotl Meeting House, at 4 P. 1.1., for the of ·the cultured lady on her first jury I benefit 01 the Schofield School for NeÂduty in this screamingly funny play.· groes, Aiken, S. C. The new arrangement is nearly anÂalog? us to that existant when the late L(.!she <;ampbell, a resident of this commuDlty, handled' the business through his firm in Philadelphia. MemÂber~ of the boar~ and George Corse, chairman of the IDsuran'ce committee tXPT""ed···cuhnde"l1~e ~!1l';"'''''" .. '·~-Ii .,..,!,. • 4t lne c lange would brmg about desirable rcsults f the school district. or Although Sweeney and Clyde will be respons~ble for the proper har.dling and scheduhng of every policy, a certain percentage of the policies will be writÂ~ en directly by the local agents. This IS a changc from the present system which provides that the local agent~ ~ecure a share of the profits from the IlSUrallce, but shall not write the busiÂness. The ncw arrangement means that th~ local agents are really doing someÂthmg to earn their share of the proÂfits. Six local agents have been named thus far to share these policies, they a~e: Charles A. Smith, Charles Parker E. C. Walton. Peter E. Told. i:.oui~ Cole Emmons, and Wm. S. Bittle. At the meeting of the school board last Thursday night, ~he summer playÂgro? l1d was also taken up and it was deCIded that an attempt' would be made to operate 011 much less than the thousÂ~ Ild dollars which has been set aside m the budget. The success of the shop and t.he games for the older boys last year ~s thought to warrant a repetition of thIS part of the program this year. H~wever, the small attendance of the children between the ages of five and ten yea~s last year influenced the .board to conSider eliminating this part of the program. There will also be no sewing or handcraft classes for girls this year as was held last year. . The detaiJs of the program were left In t.he hands of Mrs. Thomas Leuders chairman of the instruction committee: • I • WOMEN VOTERS TO MEET HERE TUESDAY The Swarthmore League of Women Voters will hoI d its annual meeting Tuesday, May 24th, opening wit h a luncheon at 1 :30 p. m. At half past two the election of ofÂficers for the. ensuing two years will be held. FotlowlI1g the brief routine busiÂness, ~[iss Gertrude L. Schermerhorn, ExecutIve .Secr~tary of the Pennsylvania League, Will give a lively and pertinent talk on th~ accomplishments of the Leagu~ and Its future. aims. A snnple but appetizing luncheon at a very low. price, will be served pro:nptly at one thIrty. Reservations must be mad to Mrs. W. M. Fine, Swarthmore 52 no~ later than Saturday, May 21. ' I • M~. Robert T. Bair has motored to Flon~ to spend two· weeks with his wife an~ children whO) will return with him to their home on Cornell avenUe aboue June I.
---------- Page 11 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 MAY 13, 1932 THE SWARTHMOREAN_ _ ------~- ]\1() I liEnS (.IJES'1 S OJ<' JIINIOU I !.lIH II It-I I Irl I I 1\lIlh \"lIlzh.1, d I I 11 I 1\( 111 I, dt 1(( Il!lld! 1\.11111 IU\I I. I 111111 I I 11/. III I \1 till I 111: ltllSthlll,....1 ~t If!' I hUllflrul 1\1 ,thu lilt! 1111~h t1" I \ It 1 11111 I II lilt d .... l1l1tl II r Ins lUl.'udl.:d tlu.: :\1 .111 r... 1).\ tlppt l \\ 11111l1l \1 t 111<1 Ilf gr 1111 gl\l:U 11\ till 11111 I '-'ttll II I 1111 I I \\!ltl1 t f Ihl \\ (lIIllI" llllh II I til 1 \ I H II tlh \\ Jil 1I111g: It Iht llnl1l 11 I 111 I \t 11111,.... (1111 II llru~r un \\ I ... of 111m" I II IIltun I no. I) 111111 :\1 \\ "'liltul IIntlu th1: illitr IIII' I \1" 1 111 \ 'til (.1:orgt I \ hi II I.. I I \\ II 11 " Ih1: I'rgltlll l ,1111 II I tl (1111. \11' :\111_11\1 (1lIlslmg ,I \lr Idlr 1 I II \11 tur ~ I II III h tit 1 I lUll!; 1 Pglrfill'o \lr 1IIIIhtll I I IlIllltl\\lllhtrlltl I mh Ir I mel \11 I 11111111: \\ Ignu II I I I I \h \\ 1 III d Ir .... t ( tht 1I1tllU II I t H. Ir I), \ llur rill (lIt111 lilt I .'I,1 I) rl ,.",. Irl"1 tI 1)1 LIII \Ir I, hut I Shlf\lt .. \\ fl II] til 1 111 \ l IJUl d Irgt I du; f Itl II I hc l.'\ LlIIJI,.,'" ilf _r 1111 l I I It i I I e I I ~ t I II! II I I ( I I II I I I III , III t f I II I • 11 ~I r 111 h I I 111 • "110111' \11 \N 1,1It1" I II \ I It t tht 11111-.1 II hfllll f I II lilt I (f IJlI pU:ltllt .... tHrll \ I til" 111\11b. pi I H I lit tI 11 \lui r \\h I l 11 llIll" \\trt 11 \\1 tl I Ig 1II111]ilt r \, I I n II hi 111\(11] I\S\lIIl1hm 1\ t\ltI HI. (,1\ f N II Est) \ \ dllh\nn It I 1)\ :\1 r \ hi' \ I til Ih lit till" \\1 rk \\ n. 11 1 \ I I,u til IIIH 1 ht 11111 Irll Ii I Ik pu t:rs tilt \\ Ith { I \1 r \ hi ] I lit] I JI (11 ... 1111 .... \11 III 1 IIlth ( II J d IllHlul d \\ II Btdh \1:11 \\ h I lI,.,ltt "111 l z 1111 hi Ihud rt: 1\ til t]l. \\1 I'ldtfl\\k, \!J \hl \\1 III I dill Ir I I 111 ..... 1 t \I "I t 111 I t I JlUpl I J , I l.' ... d tllzk\ II] I h Hllhngt fl. \\ I till Ir u1l11 II tl f , h lu rl.'t.:1.'1l mel I rt"l It pupil \11 \1 Ilr I ..... 1 II IIld ( tll'r" I'lor t tII l I" .... r IIll II t h I I] n U \\1 htll \\llh tilt I II \ I ult \II :\111 In I SIII11 dl.:dt:tI )lr "1<llI11 :\1 r I, l \\ a::. dLCtu\ \Ill prt"lltlll I,tum h "I dl: tl:(1 rll: III _ ft t I \ :\11 I wIlli \\ 1l_:IlU \\ I III fl II Ilthllg l crd In 11 I \11 ('l' ..... ht In.'a tin r ______ -4.~, ... ------- S. hnol Exl"I .. I-hi \1 , I tl1 I IhC.' t\t:IlI]g ... I JUlll 1 !HI l \\]11 I f IlIttfl ttl Iltnnt I Jluhlll.: ll~ lI11pll IJl S\\ Irtl1m ft.' Oil J1tlll prt""rllll (f 111\ t: I I 1m II II \\ rl J I \I ch II \1 b \\ It Ii In 1IIJ1 \ 1\ 111 Inllt ,1 \\ rk d III \\111 hI.. ,.,I\ll Ihl 1 111\\111,..., l\1.IIIII,.., tl] II lilt Seh tl h CI 111 II 1111111 Ii \xl111 t hc hdd l1Id I )lr ~r till l I I till,..., plgc lIll I)f \\ rid (. Ii \\ 111 1 t gl\('1l • • NEWS NOTES ~II... \ngd I ~I I ,,111 I I: tht ",l1l ... t II .1 :\h rlll ( I 1\ til I, her \tI1I1 ;t htr h III IT' I I Jl S ltllr II' \11 cnt \\lllll h.Hlh \tktfllltll Granite llll\1\l III I' 1\ ..... _ \1 Marble MEMORIALS Cemetery \\ ork a Sll('cmU) Wm. J. Cartledge F!it 18-13 ~o I tnsdownc \\c Un '"()) 11111 I a «()pp ISlte \rilllJ:ton C(,lIlctcr)o) Clearbrook 6880 PIANO TUNING 20 :) C J['S cxpcrlCllrc "lilt .11 make~ l\Jt mhcr of N.I r\s~o of "JUno 11lIler~. \11 "1 1II0S ~ho .. 1d he hme(t l~If.'C cllch yenr A I I' \IIKEII l\l( dll~ 1'1 Phone Mellan 831 Concert 1 he llsk JubIlee Slll~( IS CI 0 I HII R ~11 ~IORI \1 s\\ 11 t hm.ol C '- "liege FI ula)' eve. May 20, 19,2 x 0 clock AtlnllsslOll IltkCb m l\ he IHlH:h I etl It the BuslIu.!:-;s Offu.:c ( f thc ( Illc).!,c II! lIri I n SHERIFF S SALES oHERII 1- SALES or H(' II E: tlt(' At t\H SIH~1 ill S 011 ('( C \lrt lit 1I ( 1\1 dl J 1lI1 \1\ ti Iturdu\ JUlH <I 19 ... 830 0 (10 k \ i\1 g t III HI nd Id 11111 , , l' I I HO) \ \N nODI N \t II ~1 ] h T III 1!) \ n , N ~·· .... ····· .. ·················+··················+t There IS no cut 111 prices 1 and-CERTAINLY 110 cut m Sel\ICe 1\ but-a FREE 35c shampoo \\nh e.\ch ;\ adult haircut ; +1 STATE trC~N?E~ ~~:~R SHOP il DARTMOUTH AVE :1 .......................................... :1 PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWERS "RICI S R \N"IN, I RO~I $3.98 to $19.50 Suplee's Store "'in IrlhmUl t 10'1 To re .. ,,1. your FRIENDS you neecl a TELEPHONE in yOQ.r Lothe! tIm) tv I I (Jilt in tIll' norlhtrl\ ~Id(l IIlH 18ixtttnth HIl1H (Ufl' Itld thelle( liong II t IJll 01 th GG {Jt~Il' ~ 19 mlnllt~~ WIst I\tllt\ IX htt tu thl' IIr~t m(lItlOlud II lilt or "ll< ( of hl' IIUIlll,", Being: JJ (lUI PAPERHANGING AND PAINlING I No 7U1) fornurlv 815 Slxt<:rnth It\C 11111 In\( If l Ilt~ ('un:-i1st of Osl de' criplion) 2 l r\ hrllk h II ( l(ixH f«( l HI lIuent (.: I f { (2nd d( Illllloul two ton 1)1 CK I t l(jx II h {t 13 ('nullt !; mlge (3rd cI rtJ tHnl two ;-.tol\ l)llck hou l I6x41 1 t n I III lit {I r I t 4th {h~crtj)tI()lIl \ 0 t r\ bntk hu I ( 16xH f({'( HI e It~l~t rH.'IIIl<il nr I t11\ of CtllltHI Iud COlln r r Cf I tlill d ('hl eli .. I til 1\1 nh 11 rill 193:.! No 966 [ tht P OJ M Smith 2 0 00 C I h or ("('rtlh('d elu ek Fm ak H \S I CRONIN Attorney I JOliN J CAIN I Shellil i MT~J:~JEA • MATINEE DAILY AT 230 I i HOllhl. It I11Ir( no," \1 [) I III \1 \N HI IIId : Illl/llWd "' " "'"In"tll /I'" i 1 HfJw/rn tll,,1 fll( Hirr, I I \1\1, I, \\111 111'1 "\1110:'> J) \\ II" :: III 1 "OU} OJ 1 liE (/R( liS : : ~I'I "{ I II III \1 \ • ~ \ I !, I II I II" I : I I IIm:-i1ll I 1 !),,'" .I .. , h (",,,III( /" : ........................ . Interior and Exterior Wall Paper Cleaning STEPHEN BROWN Morton POBox 144 Swarthmore 1056 ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING located In 1 hOlllll!loon s sture :\lorton .'a I'crmancllt \\aung ]< \ crs nay f xccpt Saturday 3 Sllceials $100 I'hone Sn trthmore 199.J·\V Olll II c\cnmgs In allJ)ointment _._--- In ease of FIRE you neecl a TELEPHONE in your LOlne! ••• you ean CfZI Lave one for les" tLan a clilne a clay! Nnnll"lr-2 STATE UlhSTER ARZAN THE APE MAN lilt (h lr It h r ( r( Ilt tl h, I [)(, \11 1111 I III ImOlll,lIs '\lIh JOIINN\ :-illl II \MII ION IOI'!( 'loT. mIt r Ilul II'" Jur 1 "rlll~ \ " lrn r Hru,; I h~ !II r LA ~>C\~"~"~"~~I N E Ilisdonne \\cnUc & Ulilimore I'ike I rlll,n fIIltl ~(llllr("n I I BlU NUl I HI "Dlsonl,'riy Con,I lIel " " Ilh ~ ,I)" lilt ro,; lIul Slit III (r 1 r II' Slltt:lll r)r k I( I , I( \llCf I~I \\ OIlNl ) HI I I \NIl S It III ItItlC' on)o l" :\1 lIullflfl' tIIltl Tw"tlu, lim 16 17 JOliN & I 10M I II \lIIn \111111 HI , ARSEI';E I~Ul'II';" II ,,1m stltll 1111\ III 1'\11 111,\" "1';0 01'''; UAj'~" \\ Ilh ( lrnlt I umli lrd lllllndfn ~ \ltl\ 19 I I ISS \ I \"111 "/)EJ II:.'! I~Oll'ER}" "IIh \ u Inr :lIt I _.. . It It lots ---_ .. _--_ .. - ---.------.--~- . ----~ -.... , ----~=-.--- ",",,- ."iU,,,, c. "',,,-,..ÂJ fllOUS mUD( .. I. 1~\I'LHI' St,·"tl, ",,,.,''' ,,,,, "cdn<,day evenmg May 18 at 8 15 P M and Tues Commencing", ....... f M F nk 24 It. 2 P M under' the direction 0 l"S ra day aftct noon May II b held throughout the S Meade ccntract bndqe tournaInents WI e summer Mr Mlhon C Work Will be present t h er6 st evemng to give a short talk on Tournament Play EVENINGS 75c Single Dlnnr'T and Tournanlcnt. Dinner and T ourn,uncnt Afternoon F ntrles $1 50 a pair Spc.clal T ournarnent Luncheon Prizes every evening $1 SO Single $275 a pair S SO Single $.35 Tables Plovlded for IndiVidual foursomes With a prize for each \VYlle or ,p I lOne f or re scrvatlons as sechons are hmlted table Haven , , , II •,, ,,, ,, , , ,,•, ,, •,, , , , , !,, ,,, ,,, :,, ,,, ,, , , :,, , , , I ,,I :,• .... you can ce have one for ~ Ie .. " titan .. =-_~d:=.i_=e~~a~cl"'a=y.:.!...J St.-atl. TIII~ I~~ "·ITII I· .. :IISO~.\.I.IT'· SWARTHMORE PA ,, ,, ,, , , \,i, ,, , :\onu I.:r-3 _ .. _--------- -... -.. ---~ .. --~-... -----~~----~----__ ~_~=-I • ,~ .1'. C,]. 1 .; I' .;: Library » 'Pa. J Vol. IV, No. 20 Swarthmore, Pa., Ma) 20, 1932 $2.50 Per Year I MAY RESTRICT "FOR SALE" SIGNS Swarthmore Schools Commencement 1 () SPEAK HERE Begin CHANGE BROKER OF Activities SCHOOL INSURANCE AUcllllolI of Coullc.1 Called 10 l~tllllLcr 01 lJlluttracllvc :;iglJ" III Borough S".lIlhIllOl'(' Collt,!1"<' I I hm (11\ JlIlIl 2'-1 P III I11tlt hl II to Ihl: SUI! r I rJiI\ lum i II III 1I1 ... J)" I XlT(I l" Sn,',·/I.'V & (Iv ... • "I Chesler n"I.I,It. Plul,HlcI,.hi,. ,,',rill \. ( Iud Hrokc." 10 MAY GUANT CELIA l'EUl\IIl J (1) Jl III lulll./',l I UIlt.:ltl.: II !. )() I) III \Ilthllg ,f I lrd 4 I :\IIlltgtr ... I 1)( AI SilAnE I ~ ~t) P III \1\1111 t1 :\hl tlllg (I III .... " Irll, I I l h Iph f JI 1 III I'll I \nothtr Ittt.:lUl)t Ull the part of JO::,cIJh I, PI'I I lid :\Jlll1 I1I1 fIll hrlll )f S"tlllt\ Illd (I,ul' of Cella to ~t:t.:lIrc a 11l1l1t1mg 1>crllllt to ex (, (1) It III Colltgc 1)111111:1 ItJ1t'llr IllS h\tl\ Oltllll\ dl'lgnatl:d telld III:; prnl.'lIt bmldmg at Park <.l\cnuci (I -b J) III 1\) J I tilt IJ~ tilth: I....l.:lf 1\' rlt r 1)\ thl S\\ Irtitm n St;\i t I Illlrtf to III to thc ~Idl.'\\alk \\<.l!> madc at the la:.l 7 lU p 111 \11111111 I 11 III \ltl.:tlllg \1011111 \ ... c'ltum Pund I hn kt r If ill 'it h (II IIIS11r lI]n lIlectlllg ul buruugh cuulIClI alld \\a, ,01 Memunal hrm "III h, ell I Irll, "'Ion<lhl, tl\UrIOi} fI_'CCI\CU that COUllCiI:ld June H)O" III LUlIlIlIllIU'lIltnt 1111\ \t: III 1:\11 t llJII]ltr ~1('1Il fltl I r 111111 .. nrulll t:hc..dtlils 111(1 for thl !. as thc dalc tur I IJt1h1lc hC.'arlllg: un thc I S ilurd 1\ )1111(' -I \IUIIIIII I) 1\ I til.., :"\ 1" 111] Ih ~I hf 01 (t.:TI.:IlI JIIIC 1 rIll.. r hili 1111 gel tht hu 111(;,,0,; In rt Cl:;e 1 J2 Jtlll III \lUIIIIlI I um:hl.')11 Culll,.,c.. 1)1I1111~ r tllII turl! Ilr lhtlr \\ rk tlln \\111 hc pl:r 1 hc e1l1cl re<.l!lun fur c.;OUlH;ti S la\or ') fXJ Jl 111 \lulI1l11 l' Ir uk JI Cli I.: t, Ihl.' \hllll II I 1\ 1 I 1111 Itt d It. \\ fltl.' tltt: iITg:( ... t pun lit Igc able reac.:tlon to ~ralltlllg a I exceptwll t01 J .J" Jl III \\\ lr<illlg 01 1 flzl.: I, f tht III ur IIIt.:l \lhllc Illc h 1IIIIce \\Ill Ihe ZOlllllg 11\\ {\\Iuch rC<)lIIre~ bUlh.hngs ...J 00 Jl 11I L ISlI til l.nlll.: \IU1I1111 \ \ Ir It\ III <l1\lth.(1 IIII( IIg thl: foe II Igtnts \\ho III Iltt.! Im:'llIcss (hstnd to be sci !Jack 1::)1 ( ~!I Jl lit ((IS IHIIll1U1l 1)llImr 1II111]tlll) t)/llt:l" III S" lrlhmorl tect from thc slde\\ Ilk) \\ b the fact Cullt.:gl.: IJII1Ilcr J Ii( It( \\ II r IIIgl.:III1.:1I1 h the out thai ~Ir Ceha hb 1.:1I11Jio)ocd Gl.:orgc 8301) III (ltll1llCIIC1.'1l11.'1It 1'11\ \t: III \lIt llothlll \mllt rlll1J1 gn\\lh ,f II]l Inp' II ot tiJ(' hOlr<l I. Id f S I Dr Daul( I \ Pohng, "hn IS It Ifl I LJdlcsplt..! andk CuI u·t'ldl ers 0 I ",atr t 1 III'" tI. . IUI!!.,n "lIlc ~I)( Ikmg tour 10 I t) ()fJ II 1II I) mClIlg S JIItl r\ 1111.' t.\ 11111 "'11111] "J A sc\ t r II \\ t I.. ks Igo to t Ike thl.: hllSlII1: ss mure to ilia I.'I t It,;: da u Iholl I to I I Ie s ore of~ lIu AliI( II (111111) ugucrs Dr .,Ull( l\ hlll(,:J 11 un I III B I(t: tllun ttc \ddn:s :\ht:tlll,., II 1Is(.' hy Llr ohn If 111 Ihl Phd I(llI]l11] I hrm h lIulhng' It IIld has hid pans rl\\11 \\ ItI CI guarall I'ohllor )'111ler tt thl.' pr\ Sl.. lit tllm 111 ClOPUIllolI \\Ith IS cdltur of dlc ChristIan I 00 C II J) cc Ul Ittract1\c lJUp rU\t:IIlCIl ""' II III 0 cgc IJ11l1.'r 111t( It, II 19't:llh UJ(I gnl.' It to lIlotlilr d I I 11(' r ,Id, I)rcsldcnl uf the "orIel's 1hl.I:: ad Ilion tu Itdi e I lront u1 t Ie pres Chrls"un Elldc1nnr Union and I .J flO)l III \llll1lu:rs (I J cull' It h lilt t 1 -';t;1I1 r 1111 I nllld... 1'1111(1t:11 hi I flrtn \\IIIt 11) lrr lIlgl.:llll:nt cm I )luld1Jlgd \\OU I x: 1\\0 t stoI nc" lUd 1 (, (() I. 111 C IIq;l' SUlll'l.'r II r 1111.. hl.'l1\ Itt t I Illl s\\ IrthmoTe \\1111 h kno\\11 ru(ho ~I)C Iklr as I) I II I I' I I I t t ~cll Is I "rllcr of no Ie Dr I.' ) , I I 11 \ Ill' I!;' It act.:or 1Ilg: to tIe l>re:oell 11 all!:i all ( ! I) III I I t ( I.:Ctl II C ( t lll:r .\1 till Jr I I tgtllb I ill' .It CI 1)11 10 substltut(.' S\\CI.. \\uuld be on a par \\Itl tIC 1ll0S a I .., Of II III 1111 Idl 1... .. IJlpa ul<lre:-. .\I\;ltm", I U"'l )r iOIlIIS Ilt, Illd (]\dt 1<1 thl: PlnllddpluI I. Id 0 tl \ Pollll·r Will sl.cuk here 1\111\, 27 J k k trIctl\C uUI IIIg~ 111 .....,war ltllorc, ~ til illS SI t' I er cc Ilttrn \\ I ft Ichl:<1 11\ \It\\ of the lelV 1II0nths "go ~Ir Ceha III Ide an ei ~I, n II Jlllle (, lOllllllCllcclIICllt J) 1\ III t III 1\ Il!e (h",cr linn" Olle of the lurt tu st,;:{;urc thC.' ll!rIlnt and \\as re DR. D. A. POLING TO I 1O·b I It! \lmabC.'r Ilcnl" 11111 (flclllllll .... tll~ IIIllt III \1 ml..,crs l Ilrgl.. .. t 11 I)lll\\lrc C 11111\ lIld \\1:11 J:useu on thc grounds that 111:. plans call P Irlors '1 111 1111«1 t( It IlIdlc IIIsnr lilt.:( of tins cd tor only il Olle ,tory front additIon of II 1)1) I III Comlllellwnclll I xcr", LI Ihler ,!elll nil \ddr"s h, IIl\nn 111(1 "cOII(II, hccallse Salllllel unattractl\c 1I>{ll.:armcl' SPEAK HERE MAY 27 Dr John JI 111lk\ I () th<il till htld of the COtllJllll\ b \lIother phazc of the ZOlllllg la\\ wa. 9 Illl I III SClllor D lIlee • I ""Ielll IIId t IX I"'" of 110" commll bruught up m the Jonn of 111 obJcctlon 1111, Illd 10 IS Igreed to persoll.lI) sup by LOullcI lhuan \\ II1I SpIr{o ul LC\\IS to Intcrdcllol1unahonal Committce Swarllullore Ihgb S. bool t I \ I I.. thl IIIIClIIg ( 1 the IIbllrance lIId thlrouru ghSuau tc thea nUd uruuoghr 1n hiet parSt i1c gu 1l1a 5r .llld \V. C. T. U. SI)OnSor :\11~\ Il2\0 th2 6~th I I IIIII Jr IIlgh Scll 01 Cull r C( IItlsl I ( S hdd 1111\ I .... hlC.' rt: l(IJtlslnH lit of the scind III (o)d \\ III \ ... :-.embh I <1.,.,1: lilt till "gtl \\iuch ~lr l.e\\l~ !lalll had brought PrO£!ranl at Clothier 311) (I I I II I I I I t II I ~ II III II !I ) 1:-.1.: a \\It 1 III (II\\II~ 'U ",<:rs 1\t.'IIIIl' I( 111.'\\ Ifr IIIgCIIIl:1l1 IS H( lr)o III the pr"ellt cOlldUIUII; 10 IllS attelltlon Ma) >7110 9 I III I lemellt In Sci", I ( ,lor ( 1Ii1 ,t II S I chi (II' liter 10 th II e''''allt , hell thc latc "as a large IInu,uall) ullattract"e SlglI SPEAKS TO YOUTH 1I0UII ,e,SlOII) lllllphdl • ">ldellt of tIll, III ute u1 c 111\ I S md CUlISIIlCIIOllSI) Illac~d \1 I I J I I \ II f I c· I C CI I l.'( lIeSt I) lIlIe st Jl 111 lell t\ 1"t.:lUc at . ..., I till (Ulltr, u) l 1II11111111t\ h Il1dltd thc bllSIIICss un a PIOl'crty at Ugdel1 and :;warth All )oul1g Ileople "f Swarthmore are I hUNI 1\ Jlllle 'lid H I' m \111111.1 I ,llIhltl< II III \11 hlomlll1 II" IIal I ,ll1c ItlOIl 11m IIgh 10" hrm III 1'llIlad, 1I'IIIa ~[elll lIlore a\clluc, lIl\ltcll 10 attend ,Iullcheolllo he gl\ellat & I\ou"hold \r" III" 0' Ihe hOlnl IIId (,corge Corse \Ir <.e"" alld other members of coun S"arthmore College May 27 IInder the II nda) Jlllle lrd H I' m \lIl1n II I ,Inhlllull (Contlllue I) III \uo \""Ie mol (,0< d I eh IIrnllll the ""11r mce COllllll1tle< Cli Igreed that 1 dehmte size for real \\ISI"e", of the \Ihcd lorces for Pro 1\ III I'lonlll 11011 ~ ~c1 I' ',I III, "' dlliU II! II Ihe challge t "0"' huu cue ~bh heJ ,'r lul,,"ol1 acconlmg to all allllouncement Jlllle ~ 9 & 10 Selllor 1I" 1'1111> \\ ,"ld lorllg d","t d,m 1101, n'ulh lor ~I heo\u\ l"d LSt! aiddo net htaoI cUCl \ edro)w tlnll lltgh l.: pnuusmSibbeler III IIle heIr e Iud I) If" I~I [rs A 0t t ]{ed 1 Slll1da, J IIl1e Pth 4I I IIII P III I, .c"hlllllle S"\I' II LI ,1111" \1 elllon !I Ilc III 110, e h", I ,h I net c· k I t I !llglls now 1)llccd 011 hUlIIl.'s III the gIr l\1.: C !alrI lllan f 0 tl IIe coIm UlI ee II I I J 1'1 0 I tl:r ·C.. .,It'l (r I ( II II I I" 0 \Ith llIgh S"~CIII.:\ Il1d CI,de \\111 III bOIOUgh :\1 r LC\\ 15 declared that real C1IITIg l.' Io t pI ans orII II e 1u uIrI. teOt Il\ \ I Utter lIcs(a\ Utl(' -til S0 II ' II II 1kI llll..IICtll1lll .I:jf,...,l I II pflllCI)la (I \..Ie rbc f( P(IISlhll t r the l"'l)tr hllldll1lg lilt! ~!ltatc mcn 111 ~\\arthlllorc ,,!t0m he had Ie UIlCltOn \\1 )e IC( a 1 C1JU lit I i.'f chuluhng t I t\en pohn I Cl.:rtlln IIItl.:f\IC\HU \\crc III la\or of a regula HouI s(I. ' CJoJl ltgc I C\a mpI'u sI It 1I no P ),1 f I' [n d tI\ J IJI lle 17'7th I ~ H1 01 () I III ~IS \ In~ U]Ic · II) 1\ I I 0X I.:fU I: Sdu (1 (1 t I \ f( t Ilt 1~"1 .' I Ihl.: I) )ht.:l(.' S \\ 111 he "rl' tlu I restnctlllg :;lglIs to a ccrtalll size tIhIIe( A)ilrl cd lao11rlec c ...I and OaU wlgo rlCdl allermadaelfl o0 f .\ 011< I) UIlI: It I III UlIIlIlll;"lt,: J lell Ittll dlrtctl\ h\ tilt loed agl:lIls Ihb Jhe situatIOn b to Ilc ::.Iudlt:u Illd rc I 1\1 LVOIl School I I llltllgl.' Irtllll 1111: present s)ostl.:lll ported back at thl.: next IIlcetllIg for ac \uI util \\Il lIhet1h1 csIl lcaker theA matotIntgudoetl l.o:tr l .. U) 1\\llIth Ilft\I<1ts thlt tht loell Igl.:nts tIO!:"prU\elllellt vt the lolled 111 land 111 \lIIene III , illig pe ,pIc t""ard prol"l.. SIIIIII" ~I" 2)11I--'} III I II II 111c1!11 I rc Ikl I I \I ,I, I ILII III IIr III, 10111 I! !II I .1 "nle the hll I tllngs Ie \\1 <ISCllSS Ilrtdu 11t1.'r11 1\11\ 17111-\11\ J)I\ [l(lIIt I hlft II tit Jrthh trOlllth( the \1t.:lI1lt) 0 th~ Crum Crcck tails uC Ihl.' list 01 \\0111<:11 prcl.<trmg I(r thc I. hon :l00 Jl III \11111:11 \t"'lltls illS Iht Ill\\ trrlllgtlllt;lIt lilt IllS thlt lo\\the~lrlthlla\eIlI11l1\\asth::.cussed ttJllt:iIl.!1Il IIIChldl.:~ ~Ir:o Chlrlcs II \Iolldl} :\11\ ,Oth-:-ilO, III lie (kt tl1l1 lilt 1..111:-. (,111 It \(1 Sl111I\Ul ItlHitttllgtlh Innllhdomgsoll1( \mhOrltll.::-. 01 till.' College \\llIch owns r ctch :\[r~ I trl 1... .. lstlcr ~Ir:s II BUll 1111\1 t thll g It \ Ir I thtlr ... hln 01 the prL thl.' Imd iIId I :\L Schclblc) 01 the lnll (lid :\It:.. S C Pllmer :\Irs J<I"1I1 \ Iut ... dl\ \In H I 1)0 Jl II IUlIdll II I r \itll11J1lt lIul (.rulultc lit SIX I)tt! Igt It lil\l IntH HlIlled \\ho 1l!1!l1.':-. t Irom the Cui lege arc des \ If! til :\In, John :\llupln :\lr ... J I ,(10 jl III II 1)1\ I "'lTC]SI.:'" anel (Inllll I'lrl\ tlul Ilr Lt hlft: tll\ ... t Itilnes Ihq IrUlb oi re 1.'1\ lIlg thc t:uuptralton 01 thl.' L k :\Irs I r lllk Sltllth :\Ir:-. I hz Ibeth K ~O P III l 11111 lIt:tllltlll I II, Sh Ikt pt 1ft I \\ I t til ~I,..,ht l It lilt s \ Snllth (1] lrlt I II kl.:l Btu ol1gh 1Il d 1II..,lIlg the appl.:ar IIlCC 0 f CoIelll til :\11 S II J 11 () 1m c... 11 rs I IIIlt I I H 11) IJ III l IIlllltllt.:tllll:ut I xcrCbt::-. l I t I l f I I () I<I I oms the I U1d Irum 11\ ash Iud rubbish hllc d IJ r lIIk Inlllc :\lls. .. Jt III Doctor :\Ir:. \ \ (I{I ft ... I) \ I) I \1 tX II I(Il r \1111 l h S lIlt :\ It:. (11 I rile \mtfltall llt]ZlIhlll}l L I( I 1ll1ll)1:-. Ill( I 1\ III S I Itt Il dump IIItu t sudul:d pllt.:l! 01 beaut) (\\h tc \Ii~s (.Iad}:-. (Jumlan ).(r!l \\ (Jh'-l!"lloll Schoo] \1 tht IIltltmg' .1 th (hool board One of the dlilicuitlc!l 111 11Ilklllg tillS II Ihltdll.:r lilt! )'II"'~ \IlIIII,oxh) list Ill1lr ... dl\ IIlgllt th tlllIlIIlr plt\ eli m..,e IS I <ir Illll..,C (htch \\111(::11 c .rrlc:o I r IIIk P )'Iort.') sUllerl1ltcndtnt 01 :\.1 11r11\ ),1 I\ )l HI LJ Jl III ()]l II II l 1II1 J f( gr 1111 It r p II tilt 111<1 1 flt.:llfl 1 gr IIncl \\ I t1 ... ) Ilkt 11 lip and It \\ Is :-.UI 1 ICC \\ lter 1 rom 't t1~ 1\ CI1Ue Icros::> 11ItI lit: :-.eI U)\:-. hcr~ md one of the spon I rul" \11\ 27 1 rt l'ilt Itl1 II I thn \ IH It I 1111\ II tl C.' \\ 111111 (1\11 h )\1 \ cll lull d II II til II tempt \\ 0111<1 he III Hit the 1111~d III IlIId Ju~t tl1ls !laic 01 thel 'Is ul Ilc lUlldl~ II Ita:-- arflllgl:d t ISuJlt!1\ :\11\ )9 I Htllllllt Itt trill It 11\ l\t\ I Jlnltn (1Il.'llthlr it th trlllll\ tIl III.. til IIl1lth I ~ Ihlll the thous I 111 It 1 \I Ipll Itl\ t th I till'" (htdt Ie (!J ... 1I11 thl IlIgl ch, )1 ... III tlll1\ t, he Ir I I 111 t: I II l hili dl \lid (I .11,,:-. \\ lill h 1 I:. h(\ n :.LI I lilt j Ilt:d III md till! \\ tl.'r plpcd under Dr 1'011111:::-. IddH:.... I hur 11\ Imll t) ~ b II III II 1I1111t:Jl(I.'Ill\11I pr ...,1 1111 It t1 \: 1 rttud \lldl1lg 1111 Iht J)JJ(h,.(t I 1 ht "'Ut:l~ :. t I the shOI glound :\11 ~dli':lhlc\ hu\\c\er :oil)S l Iltlct \\lth thulI ... uuls I It \S 1111 II lit I)r PI hi \\ 1 l:'\ I :'\t\\ \ rl l IIl\tl ... lI\ \\111 Hul tht gllll lithe tltl\r hu) Iisl tit It tlll~ :.huuld 1 d me 1 \ the lollt:gc ~Jt I IlHI Ictl\l' It: Hit.:r:.hll) 01 III Irlll\ ..,pt Ik I I'" th Hight t} \\ In lilt I rept:tttloH ~lI1tC thc) (\\11 the IUI(1 Oil thl.' othcr I .JUII()UUU tlr ugh 11I~ "ork l:. pH ... 1 thl:-. put .1 till Iftlgrllll tillS )t:lr hmd thc drllllagc lhtt:h I:. lit III I Iht.: \\(rld.., lhnstlll1 I IH!t: l\or I FISK JllB1LEE SINGEltS \\t\U Ih\ smll1 attuHlttlt:t: (t th\ \\ .Itr tl um the il( n u..,h :.tr~cl" LIII 1\ III I the Inttfll III )JIll SUCIl't) of 11 ENNIS CoLIIB 1 () I I.: hll,lrtll hl h\l (n the Igl S }t 11\ land lIlIti plt(> II h tilt till! llun. .H I..,lI lhn:-.tllll iwll: \01 ha t.:oll\lIlced l)r EIE(l.)F ..... J(~n~ A1 (LOTIIIEItTONIGHl ttll' Irslll\t:lrmtltllllltdthlIJlard Il,.... lilt! III illil lOI!trllt.' 111 tht: I Ihlt Ih(\ arc fl1l1dalll~nttih to ((Ihuitr thl11l1lttlllg tIll plrt ot till I: XPlll e JI 11\ II '" dr llIllgC Illpes under 1111 \ tIIll till..., /lIn r II1ti IlIl:lIlht r ()I I Itt ) I k J 111)1 I t:1.' SllIgcr:. kllO\\ 11 \\ Ide I)r gr 1111 I ht r \\ III 11"'0 he no SC\\ IIlg ~rolllld I1ld 11111))0\ mg the ,.,cl1(ral III J r 111111t n I IS III tt:l rlll tl.:d thl.'tlI I thl: S\\ Irthm n Il11l1'" lluh \\ iiI 'l hl.'ll h h tht ~It: Itl.: ... t l'XI )l]l'lIb (t IIC.'Jro or h wdLr It {I t ... t:-. 1)1 glrb Ihl.., \ l Ir 11.'11 tIlle (1 thl.' \Icm \ Ihe lIIlttl.:l \\a!l III I\~ 1111 gellerlllOlI IS as hne I:. It the h IIII.' II I II (1)llr )O() Illr l)Jrtlllti:-- \\111 ...,1\1.' l C IIccrl thb I.., \\ I hll(lll t \tar htld Hr )(r !tlltht:1 dlub ... 11l Ilthl.' 1Il\ thtthl:-.lHrll\t'(l lhe\ arl.'llot['lr<ia\ellllt: tK )(Icklll",t \I(lIdl\It:\UlIllg ItXodtkmlheClothl(r11c Illldtllib IliJlprogram\\l.'rcll.'tt IIl.'xtlHl'l.'tlll lI{;(l1Jtcll 111\ Ikul C\lIILII II blbl.: a~ man) (\t:lllng OtllCtf \\111 It lltdtl 1II11lllfili lie Ilrcl.'cb l ot l thl.' c)l)cert mthl hand..,)1 \11:. IhollllsIl..udl.:r:-. • • I ~\\ till h 1\1.' 1I t I1 111 k IIl l) Im e II f e plans madc Jur thl.' l )lIllllg ll)ll \ 11' \\I ludSl b pfII .' cntc II till( I.I'r t l~eI \UI :-.plt:es 0111 1 t II tlflll til H Ih\ lII~tructl( 1 t Il COlllllllttl.:t: I >n llld rralll) I t ll' \\ III utlorl.' rll.'ll( s t~ 1Il~ \\ 1 IlIDLI ... S( IIUOI 10 IPl pl (IP rtulII \ 'I sltl til olle IIlt(T~ lC111ll tt:IIIlI:-. Is \\(1 lIIe I ,.,' t \\anl al1c\lttlll l ~l"UUO defiCit • 81. SUSPENDED 110" "III 1111 I Crllllt ." e,> III ere,s 0 telld I he c1l1h 10 I I 1 ,IICLe"tlll >ca OIl III lIend I, I I k L 1I1\~r .h WOMEN' 01 EnS TO It: Ir,) tlln. lilt: Illlarahlt bIrthright 01 last SlIIllt11l.'r "Ith Ie tht llr....,1: I 11 pll I:llt glOtl)l I Sl.'xldlt: Is the 111 Ihlul\ ulllkr 1<1" memlcT ... hl!h 11llt III t n h.lIllIl t Ilr Ihlrl ...,tlltrltl II III <inect <ic!lt:cnt Irom l\lEE1. HERE 1UESDAY Illl t \\ 111 Il \ II It I ·11 I) t \ )1lI1.., IlC pie III gllleral h I\C III the 1IliormallOI1 lilt (thl.:r Hit lIIet n tlUS 111 tht (nglllal I:XP nllnts oj negro sJllntuals' .... (Ii ltlil ... \lll llltHdl gloLllIIHlllCl l1HIllll II I.:xltlllC.'d h, Ihec(tI1ll1ltt('ealll(hCll~ an t\cnltrgtr ntt.'lllltrh:'lp thl \\h,lfllllll.:dtheorglllllIlIOnsIXI\)Clr Ih~ S\\althmlrc 11.'IgllC 01 \'ol11cn III lit I Ih\ { IIlI11ttlt III a:hlI"gt; oj till'" htlr IlC ut the gnatest sca~on 01 hoth III I alld JUIlI I mun l~ Ihl.: toulllit:r:o \HIlt to } urope Ill l \oter:-. \\111 hold lis annUli IlIcetlllg '"111111 I \ell\l" I ~\I!rIIIlHI< Ihe ,f 1 .. 11) Oil a \Ilal alldl hers 1"73 alI<I thClr 'Ie"5>ors ha,c 51l1cc 1111"da, ~fa, '4th opelllll, "Ith " III Ihlht \ II tht tlllra:h I pnn uk (ht I traHlcd t::'\tell~t\ch slIlgm,.., helorc mam I I I 3 _ "l\ll1 I tht 11.:1 ... )11 I)r Pollllg fed~ that thl.: lICt:~ss U .11 11 tlhll.: mlntil11,.., Quccn \lctlTlt the 1l1lt:11.'1II at 0 pill tltS II \ IUIItI I .... ARN 1()I'l\IE I'~ SEt': kill" alld OUtUI )t Hollalld an I Prl.'llI \t halt 1m I t\\) the clectloll of 01 Il II ) til r I liE JlR\ II.:I :\In I III I Ih('\ I13\e :.1111,..., ",th tht ICt:rs lr til.: \1I ... lIlll,.., t\\ \t:lr:, "Ill bl; II I I, III 111,t" '\llkllll(r 1)1 luhlllonlsllrgt:h (leJltIHitllt upon Ollr l " I ~ ''-\.c t.~ r... ,.... - I f I gtJllllldlm.:h th Ilg\ \1111,..,jlllllt )hlbanXlOtlslhlttle) IADIESOF1 :-"lIllhm (hllltl t 1)1 III IHII J 11\\11 th Ir t l l1tltlchul I 1111 '-.,\ Ttl til Ilh I d t1 Ilt )IT luhtllli Hli I III I) t t ill I hl\\.: the l:1 II l II :\11:-. (.lrtrllk I St.:hUllItrh]1I I I I t th lI,....h \\llIth thn i. tn III r Oil I itUl II 1\ II I IIHI \ \\lIIl1g'" t \\ lItt:] Dlmr( ch ))a\ld I :'\l:(lltt\e Scuct In (I thl Pel1n~\hallJa I ]IIIlITI "It 11 II d I" tht ISth alll'l:lI<imtnt tht: S\\ IrthllH rl 11.\( r.., Llul) n lit.. It'l(11 :\i milt::. 1 r mk la lor.,c 1 \ l l.autiller It: IgUl \\111 gl\l.' I I"el} and pcrtmcnt 1\ \rllllll 1,111 III I~, II I IIII, I. , 110, JlIn III \11111 (,IIICk [{VIlli I I\a),> Illd the t Ilk 011 the accolIIl,hsl!lIIellb ot the 1\ Ihltlhlsllt 1\\lllhthll(IIIIII)~~lJI'ERS1()NS1UDENTS thtlr IIllt ... Itlll:-' Inllch I{ndandiblan<1 Il.'a.,ul.:andlbfulnrcalll1s TO GIVE PLAYS t1lr thl (ilnctHHl 01 I, 1IIIId (. I t.;11 •• II \I IHlttl)11 11111 n \ l lllall and J \\ Illlun SlIum )11'" 1)( lore "Ill (7hc RC3fhl1gs I \ snllple hut lPl>ctlzmg IUl1che m at ,j (, • Ii I ~lxl I rllla\ t.:\llllllg at 8 oclot.:k thIlI thl..' Barllst )rmt:rs III 1~J(II\ \ I 'ark il,,,"- \Cn 10\I\ Pflc(I' \\111 he sl.:ned promptl) "r_. 1'1 Z ,\I'P()IN1 i\11"'-·N1 I Silidults 01 Iht llH rsloll School \\1I {;ast \\as titl.' lrlg-1Il tI ",til haiallct:( I Oll~ :\Ir B I Iils \\ ho mtt:rl)rdt:<i the tl o'Ill e t \I\lr l\ 'I HI: .t.'f\ ItlOib must he made n."FI(IAIL\ (ONFIRl\IED1Irt tilt tlnl t)lIt act pIns III ttC !I.tlll lohll Bro\\lIs Rod\ thrte to.\ r~ .\ 1IIe S\\arthmore,,2 not \\ ))11111 ... llnh (liTl.'Clul I" )'hnam \\llIeh pla\ld 11\1: lIIghts III tht:llr ~~III \lar~ <I(!) \\tlh ~Ir:. H('rhcrt Fraser lateT thtH Satnru\\ ~ra) 21 I I I dl1hhoust.: \\Ith \Irs Ul I tlld (J (Hlilitl 1j)11 ntmtllt 01 I r IIIk ( l ttz a I I tl )kl1l~ II .. hn( I III HI I of I IhI( h ntgh'nl l.... :t man 11\ Ihl: II: ad '\1 rs I" lIIg:.1 II 11 a I(I :\ITs Uoland (, 1 Ullman and a group t IX I" 1.'''':' r f)r S\\ Irthm 1ft: t. sucC\cd <it partnlllli 01 : 1(. ISCI\Otl ~ ~Ight \\111 Crane tht \\( mill" 110 d ltl1lHatl..'d (If \oung p('oplt: \\111 gl\e an ('ntertalll :\Ir Rohert T Hair his 111 )tored to I h )111.... \ ll1f1 an "a ... ma It \\ I.:dut: sda\ 1 pi ,,<; Irl I hI.. l"rt ~r ak(~~ t 01 Dreams Illl Jt1P of \\ Il1ch 111: \ a:. t lilt: mht r lIllllt 011 J nela\ ),( a\ 27 at tht FrIends I I, rula to sptnd t\\ () \, etks \\ Ith IllS \\ II C 11\ thl..' lotlll1\ B nl lOr thl.. \ Sl.' ~Illt:nl It 111 Illn lilt! t It I I d I ~I r~ L IIman gaH I hll1: llItl.:fpntatlOll ),1 (t Illig BOlls1: at .J P :\f for the I and clnlciren \\ ho \\ III return \\ lth hlln to 111(1 l'l\1 IlIl (I I a Xl.' ~Ir lttrran :\lrs \ :\1 Ilekn 1rt (In:C (lr an I] I nn htr hrst Jur~ helleht of thl Schohdd School for Ne their home 011 (orncll a\l.:lHlc aho11t JUl1e hI] I( n d hh n sl~natlOl1 <inc tIl, ,Ir.'.· , I\lf:-. I~(, Ikthlst.:l1 an ass"'tlll~IIICOS I'd)IU ht ht11 1 t:tl lI1I1t'U" fst(c n aall(l\l ll~ I\ fU1l1n pia) grne.., \tkltl S ( II urI,; ot hh Iq~ II pr<l.ClIt:l tl1l1llllg 11111 ... 1 tgt stllllll-{
---------- Page 12 ----------
THE J Teachers College at Kulzt,own •. Pa. • to- at 8'30ar~lti~~~~:~.i tt~~:~:rr~;~~~:~C~h~liU;rn-lI a1\.1. er9ti:I' l9G.e w~ti,rllu s~we. n~~'ui.f?< eiu,m ~tmfe .-. rR iavte Aryloihe~a morrow. : ", ,: -. f M,·s. iJamp,; FaU"lee, Vf. . ".. .• '{ L J 5erva,'s 0 f D,' ek lI'son ave - mall 0 . . '1" {,'S5 Frane,'s B, Murph y 0 f D 'C k 10- • ~l n. . . , . Kennedy, Chairman .. of; MUSIC; sp' "n avenue enterta',ned a·t d',nner on Hue entertained- in£orma(~y .• bnrlge Ch • rt: i;l~i:~:e:i~~ I . ciaily Dance. r:alr no. h Wednesday evenillg.; . ments, Mrs.: Lewis -G tey. .' Briday cvcn\ng before the sop omore Mrs. James Bac~n, Dou~l~s of North ',ntcrmission a specia1iy dance wilt dance at the Woman's Clubhou~e. CI,.ster road ,'s entertammg at lun- by Miss Margaret V 1a ch os.. M rs. Mr. an d '{ W'II' H" have .1" rs. I lam an y Mrs. George T. Ashton, of C~dar eheon bridge today. C;eolrge Warren and Mrs. William left for a motor tdp through Canada. Lane ,'s enterta,n,'ng '\,'ss ~.{ary Strtck- At the Pennsylvania League of Wo- '11 b th t sses 5 h ' ler " b h Id Earle Kistler WI· e e pa rone The attention of wart moreans IS W'ho has won her th,'rd piano s.cho,l- Voters Council meeting to e e . 1 d S h for the dance. called to three festival concerts, IIlC u - arship from- the Juillard Foundation to Philadelphia May 20th w~rt ~10re Mrs. Pemberton hI. Dickson of iug special Wagner. programs, june 9th, New Yor~, Gue.1f ·!'I~fe invited to hear will'be represented by Mrs.· Ed';;lII ~'Ipriinc'~to'n avenue entertained her bridge I"'.h a,nd JI.th. ... at . Robin Hood Miss Stt;ickle~ pl~'f~t)tJt.e Jl9~~ ~f M.rs. Yarnall, a member of the .State ;~~' club Saturday night at a suppe~ ~arty. iIirmount park. One hundred m,uSI-1 Ashton· ··'edn·esday even,ng •. alter which 'Irs. D, C. Prince as chairman 0 e . L B II f h E K h a rece-ptV"V'o1· n· was held.' .... M :Mr. and Mrs. Homer e Ourl ler 0 cians will take part wit -rnest noc, ,1 ': state COllnnittee on- education, a, nd rs, h d' . t f Mr L' f M,'ss Betty W,'nchester of J. Passmore Cheyney as chairman f Paoli will be t e mner gues so. Juliette Ippe, amous 0 DE' f C 1 b,'a " t' t and Mrs. George • wmg 0 0 urn ne,ri3.11 soprano, 'asslstmg ar IS • ville gave a shower last Satur~ay the Delaware County League. avenue. concerts are for the benefit of the Miss Marcia Perry, whose marriage The cast of "Ladies of the: Jury'~ WIC:s~ Mrs. F. P. Byerly of Princeton ave- FO(,d Conservation Committee. Mr. Girard B. Ruddick of New York cntertained by the Barnstor~~rs nue will entertain her book club next • • takes place in the autumn. Friday e\:cni11.g following t elr pcr- \Vcdnesday cvening. ARRESTED AS The Past Presidents Club of Dela- forlllancc III R,dley Park, ,. ~lr, and Mrs. James Cochrane. Dr'I-TIfll~Y AGAINST ware County held their spring meeting ~Irs. 5. Milton Bryant of D,ckmson and Mrs. G. L, Armitage. and Mr. and CONDITIONS IN KENTUCKY and luncheon yesterday at the Ncw a\'cnue will entertain the .Summer Mrs. \ViIliam M. Harvey were atll'~?lg I Century Club in Chester. Among the Bridge Club for its first meetlllg next the guests at a party given by Miss speakers from Swarthmore were Mrs. Monday afternoon.. . f YarK' Constance Cochrane of Bywood. Edwin A Yarnall Mrs. Robert L. Miss Elizabeth Llvmgstone 0 Dr. and Mrs. J. Jarden Guenther Coates OI~ "Press ~nd Publicity" and 3vcn'ue, entcrtained a large group hove moved from Harvard avenue to MI"S. ). Passmore Cheyney on "Legis- her young friell?s I~st Saturday after: the Scott home on Elm and Maple I.. OJ noon at a sWlmnung party at the a ~?~s Jean Doclor, Religious School Springlicld Pool, followed by suppcr at av,~~~~:s~tudents from Swarthmore atÂDirector of the Presbyterian Church, her home. ~ 11 tending Duke University have been is confined to room at the Strath Ha- Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. U man honored in class elections there. Wm. ven 1"" W ',th a broken ankle. were the priltdpat speake,rs at the Ches- h 5 h Il t I Id G. Bird. graduate of t e wart more Mrs. M. A. Storey has returned from Icr High School Alum.lII. al~que le High School and the Swarthmore Prep Pittsburgh and is the guest of her at the Y. 'V. C. ~. Buddmg III Chester School, has been elected vice presid~nt daughter Mrs. R. L. Eaton. \Vedncsday evcl1l11g. W·t of the sophomore class for the commg Mr. R. Chester Spenc;er of Swarth- Mrs. Samuel C. Hanna and Mrs. I - year and Ethel Garrett has been elected more avenue will entertain at a s, tag Ii am Earle l(istl~r attended a luncheon d h 1 - M b t h r president of the co-e sop omore c as.s. party at his summer home at Waltl11g- givcn by Mrs. Edgar ar urg a C Fourtcen students whose homes are 10 ford Vt. over the Memorial Day week- home in Ardmore yesterday. Swarthmore are now attending Duke. end' , Mrs. Sewell V{. Hodge of Ogde!, av~- Mrs. James W. Laws, of Park ave- M' r. ad nMr.s Roland G. E. UllMm an Il.I le 1re tuPr ned recCenatnlayl from Cahforma nue , \\'1'0 has been seriously ill for the will be the guests of Mr. and rs. \'Ja t lC anama . eel I ft past four months is slowly improving. N wlin T Booth of Newcastle, Dela- ~lr. and ~Irs. Roy . am cy e Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett, Jr .• wae ' and wiJI help to receive yesterday by motor for Indiana to see B rhe• ,t omoIrro'w 1 h e built in 1732 on Mr Comlcy• s f at Il er w I1 0 h as bee." 'II a.,nou,.ce tl,e b"rth of a daughter ar-at t elr co oma om, •. hara Fenwick, born at the Delaware Newcastle Day May 21st. They will also for somc time. M 13 •b e guests at the dinner party gh'en by Frank L Ie we II yn D3\,'IS 0 f Amherst COllnty Hospital Friday, ay . Mr. and Mrs. Booth after the reccp- avenue wBl entertain a few friet~ds to- John S. Rutherford, who has been morrow afternoon in honor of Ius fifth spending the winter with his son, S. I. birthday. Rutherford, is leaving this week for tion. Mrs. J. R. Kline of Riverview road will attend her class reunion at State Mr. and Mrs. Beckett of Dover, Dcl- his home in Northern New York. aware were the guests of 1\-Ir. and lirs. \Villiam Rutherford is having a dance Sewcll \V. Hodge, of Ogden avenue I Saturday evening at his home on ROUND,TRIP last week end. Strath Haven avenue. FA R ES Miss Jane Hanna of Maple avenue AHss :Marjorie McClure, daughter of spent last week-end at a house party ~~ at Lafayette College. Graaile Marble Betty Morse, daughter of Mr. and M EM 0 R I A L S Mrs, Birney K. Morse. cnleriailled re- OVER WEEK-ENDS ccntly in ,honor of her fif~~ birthd~y. Cemetery Work a Specialty Her guests werc: Ann Harvey, N,mcy Wnl. -J. Cartledge Parker, Jean Dickson, jean ., ' EsL 1843 . a".,I. "ob,. in. "'arper, Roy Wtl!IS., No; Lansdowne A~e., Drexel BID. Pa. April· 29 ·to Septe~ber 3 . I,?·'.~"'Y ,," ,. ,. C(OPP ... "'-ArUqgton,C ..... IerY) Gel1riiig -'of 'KirkIYIl,: Cather1lle Clearbrook ~ Between aU stations on the PennsylÂYonie R4ilroad and generally between Downi.~!! of Overbrook, and Bonnie and --::::=-=--:-~;;:;::-~;:;;;;::;;;;~;:;;;:u:;--I Billie PIANO TUNING '. stations in the: East, Middle West and E",stern Canada. llchts ~d It: ..... jn~ from noon Friday to Midnight Saturday. Returning to leave des· tination any liRlle to .nd induding midnight trains the following Monday Good In Pull .. n om, on P4ya1cnt of rcgulu Pull""n cheraEs. liberal stop-ovcn returning. Pennsylvania Railroad Mrs. David Cramp of Park avenue is visiting Mrs. Fred \Vilson in nir~l1- ingham, Alabama. Mrs. Earl D. Weltz of College aveÂnue entertained at tca Tuesday afterÂnoon. The Spring Dance, given under the auspices of the Junior Section of the Swarthmore 'Voman's Club will be held CHURCH SUPPER May 26 TRINITY Thursday, Chicken. Salad MENU Fresh Asparagus Potaw Chips Rolls, Jelly, Pickles, Coffee, Desert . MRS. H. C, BARR. Chairman SWARTHMORE Is USING TOLLIN'S BUDGET PLAN ON WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Every electric appliance for household use m!\de. by Westinghouse is handled exclusively through Tollin's in this district. Why do withoutthat much needed electric washer, vacuum cleaner, iron ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION_ Westinghouse WASHER $69.50 $S down range, radio, fan, clock, etc., . .' . when pric;es are· lower than ever . . . and terms so 'easy' see. them at our store or Phone Chester 8241 for more details., 20 years experience with aU makes. Member" of Nal. Auo. of- Piano Tunen. All Pianos should be iuued twi.., year. PENN CREST FARMS GUERNSEY MILK Federal accredited 'herd since 1922. Ba.mes and dairy houses Inspected regularly by local and state Inspectors. , Phone MedJa 1116· W Times have changed 80 have prices, but, the Quality ofour work remains always the same. HAIRCUT 35c ..A. FRANK'S BARBER SHOP Household articles reo paired •. Things .that you would give to the rag man. PHONE MEDIA 1766.W B~Ef~~~ .In Great Variety ·MAROT FLOWER'SHOP : .. ~i{i:1~i"";;';!v": ,: Sw. 55~ "~'!-'-'-'-"--': -,' .~;-~--.-'-- -' PIERRE $~fo\' 0"': ON 69th Street Dinner 85c: and $1.00 Dancing-No Couvert Supper Dancing Jack FelTY and His Orcheltra 9 'till 1 Couvert Weekday&-SOc Saturday & Holidays 75c Extension--6 Get those Ca,terpiUars and Beetles with NICOTINE PYROX RED ARROW TREE TANGLEFOOT FLY SPRAYS LARVEX SPRAYERS ARSENATE OF LEAD Suplee' s St~re ; SWARTHMORE 105 MAY 1932 mines in·· Kentucky coat area. l1he -stuÂdents a~restcd were Howard JE'reuch, '34, David Meyers. '35;, and John<Nixon. '35; whil. tlie otherS· participating· from Swarthmore were Harold jones. '33;_ Robert Willson. '33, and·· Robert Lewis, '35. . ZOTOS Permanent Wave NO MACHINERY NO ELECTRICITY Thls wonderful invention is almost unbeUevabJe. It gives you the m(st beautiful permanent you've ever seen--deep, lustrous, natural waves -and does It without a machine and without electricity! Even bleached, dyed or baby fine hair ls safe with Zotos. It doesn·t bak&-it doesn't. burn-It·s comfortable, qutck and safe. Just the thing women have been longing for. Be the flre,t to get a Zotos Machine-less permanent! Grace· M. Smith SHIRER APTS. AND THE NEW SWARTHMORE SWARTHMORE 54:: Swarth. 761·762 Free Delivery MARTEL BROS. I Finellt Fruits and Vegetables Sea Food and Groceries FiD.es, Quality of Birdseye Fro,ted ./rfeq,8 MEATS WITH A FLA vak Rib Roast fint 2 ribs Ib~3ge Loin Pork Chops Ib.2Se Rib Lamb Chops Ib.33e .. "'UOI Roast : .lb.1ge Spring Lamb. ShouideFtl Boned· and R~lIed ·lb~ ISe. .. Golden Bantam· Com BOx 29c Red Raspberri... ,': 'Box .27c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sugar Peas ~ pk.ISe Fre.h_ Green Asparagus bun.23e Suuid Oranges doz.23e Ripe Pineapples ea. 7e Fre&h Cape May Goodies Ib.ISe Fresh Sea Trout Fresh Sea Scallops Lux Flakes Rice Krilpies Kingafovd Starch Wilbu,,'s Cocoa Ib.ISe Ib.3Se sm. pkg. '7c pkg.6c pkg. '7c % lb. 9c Brookfield Butter Ib.23e Imported Anchovy Fdeta IOc2 oz. tin; 3 for 25" COMONT COFFEE 20c lb. A Pleasinc F reab Roasted CoRee That Removes That Early Morning Grouch CERESOTA-GOLD MEDAL Flour 12 lb. bag 3ge Brookfield Eggs doz.23e STRICTLY FRESH COOKING EGGS . 19c DOZ. Monteo Evaporated Milk 4 Can. 29c f ;;.-,. ,·,,)(hb. bag ~9c can 21c MAY 20, 1932 COUNTY WOMEN AnENDLUNCHEON ~I Woman's Club Praised by County Head at Final Luncheon POEM TO CLUB READ The waning of the season That brings us springtime cheer, Reatlls our club achievements Throughout a busy year. We note this club's successes And know that you have won This day of satisfaction Because of work well done. ICE DEPENDABLE CHEAPER You will find our service convenient to your needs. Ye Old Swarthmore lee Scmc:e. 210 Dartmouth Ave. Phone 894 D. F. GERNER .BACHMANS Quality Market YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.l83 FREE DELIVERY Pork Chops Shoulde.. Spring Lamb Rack Lamb Chop. Legs Spring Lamb Center Cut Slices Ham, lb_ Ib.ISe 19" 25c Ib.2Se 37" String ends Ham lb. 1 Oe up Veal Cutlets Ib.3Se Fancy Chuck R~~ 15c Hamburg Fresh Ground Ib.ISe . Boiled Ham Sliced Y21b.23t: Beefl BoIogaa , .. ., - % lb. 6c Vogts Sliced Bacon Ib.ISe Cloverbloom Butter Ib.23e Pancake Flour Horseshoe red Salmon TALL CAN pkg. 7" 2Ie Fancy Sweet Mixed Pickle. qt. jar 2Sc For all of life's high moments There is a price to pay; There must be steady toiling Through many a weary day. For life is not all sunshine Or bright and blithesome MayÂIts test is how we weather The sulien skies and gray. So let Us help each other In times of Ileed and stress By comradeship that's loyal And free from selfishness, Congratulations, Swarthmore, On Ihis delightful day. And sometime, when you need us You may count on Hathaway. Grac~ M. Hooseman. In a room made lovely by a profusion of spring flowers and the colorful gowns of many women, the Woman's Club of Swarthmore entertained last Tuesday afÂternoon, at luncheon. The occasion was a reciprocity affair, and in addition to the members prC5ent, the r c were 46 guests, representing as many clubs in Delaware County and vicinity. Seated at th" guest table with the president, Mrs. \VilIiam Earl Kistler, her staff and other guests, were the three speakers of the afternoon; Mrs. Edgar Marburg, president of the Southeastern District of the State Federation, Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, prcsident of Delaware County Fede:-ation, and Miss Grace Houseman, president of the Hathaway Shakespeare Club of Philadelphia. In greeting the audience, Mrs. Kistler stressed her pleasure at the opportunity to welcome representatives of other clubs in her own club home. Mrs. Marburg voiced the thought that all life is kept going by hope, and that there IS no betÂter place to help build hope into realizaÂtion than in a woman's club. "Let us," she said, 'lleam to work together with more joy. simply, directly, and with betÂter understanding." Mrs. Melick paid high tribute to the work of Mrs. j. Russell Smith, a memÂber of the club, for her intensive work in the field of International Understanding, and told the audience that a pupil of Chester High School won the state award for the League of Nations ExÂamination. Miss Houseman's greeting took the form of an original congratulatory poem in honor of the Woman's C I u b of Swarthmore. quoted at' the head of this column. The Entertainment which fonowed opened with se;veral choral members, sung by the Woman's Club Chorus, unÂde- r the b.aton of ·thei[, leader, WilHam Sylvano Thunder with Mildrid Spencer at -- ili.!,;-"piano.'-- S'tillivau's:' "LOstr -Chord" and several Moskowski Spanish dances were beautifully sung. Then followed uThe Cycle of Wom- THE ALYS SHOP Dressmaking 1 Park Avenue Suite 5 SWARTHMORE 1611 EvaporatedMilk talleanSe S LIP CO V E R S Cri."o. lb. can 19" .DRAP ERIES Sw .... •• Down Cake Flour Ige. pkg. 25c I ANNA SCHALLES Chipso large pkg.Ige Phone, Sw. 1225 Flake. or Granule. Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge Commencement Is Nearly Here! Something new for you to wear to these activities. Gifts for yOlJr graduating friends Bnd relatives., Let us offer you suggestions. WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS LINEN SUITS TIES SOCKS FLANNEL SPORT COATS PALM BEACH SUITS NEW SHIRT PATTERNS BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP . Park Avenue Swarthmore ~~,-•..~.~ -.-~-.-.~.-- ~.-.~ -.-~.-..~. -.~.-.~.~-~.--~.-.~.--.~--.~.--~-.--~.-:.-~---~.-.~--.-.~.-:..~--:~---.~-;:---~-·i : I I SEE THE OIL-O -MATIC OIL BURNER , : I on display in THE SWARTHMOREAN WINDOW i , 417 Dartmouth Avenue I The Oil-O-Matic Heating Co.· Chester 2.1315. TIlE SWARTHMOREAN an's Life," as told in. poetry by Dorothy McEwan Forrest, and in living pictures. posed by members of the club, as directed by Mrs. Charles D, MitchelL Music acÂcompanied this feature, Mrs. AHred FasÂsitt at the piano, and Dr. George P. WarÂren in baritone solos. Among those who took part were Mrs. Charles Fischer and infant daughter; a group of nine children of kindergarten age; Miss Mildred Simpers, Miss DoroÂthea Phillips. Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell. Miss Doreen Mitchell, Bob Hall, Miss Katherine Warren, Mrs. George E. WarÂrell, Mrs. George Pierce Warren and two little 50115, Mr. David Ulrich. The committee in charge of the day included Mrs. Walter Fritz, chairman of Hospitality; Mrs. William Hanny, chair .. man of Reciprocity; Mrs. J. A. DetlefÂsen, Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, Mrs. LeRoy A, Mercer and Mrs, Charles D. Mitchell, I • FRANK N. SMITH TO HEAD LEGION POST Frank N. Smith was elected president of the Harold Ainsworth Post of the American Legion for 1932-33 at the May meeting of the post and will asÂsume his duties September lst. Robert T. Bair was elected vice-commander, Frank A. Paul, adjutant, and Stanley L. MacMillan, finance officer. The post will award the Legion school medals to boys of the 9th grade class in Swarthmore and Rutledge who h2.ve been selected by the respective classes and faculty as deserving this annual award. The main address on Memorial Day will be given by Rev. ]. jarden GuenÂther, rector of the Trinity Church. The services will be held in front of the Memorial tablet near Borough Hall and will be preceded by the usual parÂade of Legion members. Boy Scout Troops, Cub Pack marchers. Co. H, Legion Auxiliary, Red Cross, Girl Scouts, Community Health Society. Music will be provided by the NorÂwood D['um and Bugle Corps which OPEN EVENINGS As Little as 25c a Day Pays for a NORGE CANTER'S Cor. 4th &. Ma1'"ket 51. Chester 991 JONAS GEE Practical Lawn Mower Sharpener and Repairer Saws reset &nd all kinds of tools sharpened Work'called "or aud-deUnre4 14 N. Morton Avenue I P. O. Box 156 Morlon, penna_/ Phone-8wartbmore 1231-1 Super8uous Hair Removed by .ELECTROLYSIS Painles. - no .car.. Approved by physicians_ S. LEVIN, Electrologist 18Z Sax ... Ave., Springfield Phone Swa. 1527 74-HORSEPOWEIJ KYUNDER ENGINE • 87--HORSEPOWER STRAIGHT 8 ENGINE • LONGER WHEElBASE • ITREAMUNE muNG • ROOMIERAHD MORE COMFORrABLI FISHER BODIES • SOUND-PROOFED BODY CONSTRUCTION • RIDE REGULATOR AND DOUBJ.E..ACnON HYDRA-We SHOCK ABSORBERS • FREE WHEEUNG WITH THE IMPROVED SYNCftO.MESH TRANSMISSION • SILENT SECOND GEAR • IIIGINI DIIlAIIIIONIDR • fUU- AUTOMAno OHOKI • OIL TEMPIRATURI REGUlATOR • PIIESSUII!I LUlRIOA'IID I'lIITON 1'1111 • _CAI8UIIITION • P"du.o.ta. ..,. ..... .... attended the exercises last year. Rev. John Ellery Tuttle will deliver the colloquy at Eastern cemetery and the benediction at the Borough Hall will be spoken by the Rev, Thomas A, Meryweather. of Morton, special agent of the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Association. part in church affairs in Swarthmore and will be greatly missed by many friends. Their SOli jack is olle of the most active Boy Scouts in the Borough having won the Eagle and the Palm the two highest awards of Scouting. A second son, Vance is nine years old. • •• REV. MITCHELL ACCEPTS CHURCH NEAR BOSTON The Rev, Dr, Alexander Mitchell. of Yale avenue, who has been employed by the Board of National A:lissions of the Presbyterian church for the past week to become pastor of the Clarendon Hm Presbyterian Church, Summer~iIIe. Mass. not far from Boston. Prior to accepting his position with the Board of Missions, Dr. Mitchell was pastor 0 fa' Presbyterian Church in Baltimore. During his residence here his work has kelJt him away from home a great deal of the time but he had found time to take an active part in the Presbyterian Church here and has led the Men's Bible Class a number of times during the absence of Dr. Ellis. Dr. Mitchell's family is well known in Swarthmore. His two daughters are graduate nurses, Viotet now finishing her post graduate course in children's disÂeases at the Children's Hospital, PhiladelÂphia, while Betty is taking a llost gradu-I ate course in an3sthesia at Jefferson ColÂlege. Both graduated from the PhiladelÂphia General Hospital. Mrs. Mitchell has also taken an active ~\ ~ ~ l '" ' , '":-' ~, '-' ,~-',' ,.,'N _~,' " _"_ iEmerleneies '" ..... /:y,.'L~I!'~.,· . ... ................ • i: 1I .. ~.l['l'ENS~ON }'T.-I.EPDONE ..', :..: .:,.;. ~ .•.:....,• . •.,.•• .'. •.•.I. . ·;. ., ~ .· .,·.· .. ·.·.i.~.: .......: ... . ~ .••,...•.•.•.•.•.•., ..·•,. l.!i'! .j5{t~ l.fllN<H Extension-8 Euel"g . Mothel' Knows that Pure Water-and plenty of it-is as conÂductive to the health of her children as food and exercise. In Delaware. Chester and Montgomery Counties Pure Springfield UJdter is available from every spigot. Its health-givÂing qualities and basic mineral elements are playing a large part in the development of SubÂurban Youth. Philadelphia Suburban Water Companq COMMUTATION RATES ON ELECTRIC CARS AND MOTOR BUSES S A V E, • FOR DAILY RIDERS , ~ Good {or 30 dAY.- 50 Tickets for $3.75 Bearer Only FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN 150 Tickets. for $3.75 Good Until Used On Sale at 69th Street Ternlinal Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. AroniInink Transportation Co. c. W. WORST Opposite Court House. Media, Pa. Phoue-1460 ., I
---------- Page 13 ----------
4 THE SWARTHMOREAN .. MUSICAL SERVICE AT . . TRINITY CHURCH mendable example and Dawes scored. threatened to score i.n the lixthk' but The second inning produced another. snappy ,work by both 1Ufie~da·.que hed run when Harlow walked and Dawes the rallies. Stevens execullng a double On Sut;lday afternoon, at 4 :00 o'clock, there will be a special Musical doubled for his second hit. Both teams I play. , • ., Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharple8, Editor and PubU.her Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered as Second Cb.ss matter, January 24, 1'29, at the Post Office at SwarthÂmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY. AlA Y 20. 1932 The Summer Vacation Bible School Need8 Help be secured from other Sudrces. Certainly the fec of $1 for families sending two and three children to the school is too From man'-' sources disappointment is small, J For the vast five years the expenses of under the direction of Frederick Knapp, Organist and Choirmaster. The Choir is composed of twenty boys and men. The ·Organ numbers will include: St. Cecelia Offertory (C Minor) by BapÂtiste. and Finale (lst Sonata) by GuilÂmanto The Choir will sing Sheathed Swords" (from" ~.'~~~:n~:o~~ I Costa; "Unfold. Ye Portals", by nod; "Onward, Christian MacDougall, and "Chorus" (from lia) by Gounod. Printers JOHN SPENCER, INCOR.POR.ATED· EIGHTH STREET NEAR SPROUL. CHESTER. PENNA. , _'_ .... - .,.1 •. WHAT IS WORTH PRlNTING IS WORTH MAKING RBAD-USE SPENCER PRINTING being eXIJressed ill the announcement that the school are said to have gradually in. no Summer Vacation Bible school will bc .:rease<l. Instcad of carrying on as econÂheld in Swarthmore this summer. The Jmically as possible, the project acquired school has been held for the past tel. _lIe "grand Swarthmore manner" and had summcrs under the direction o( a com- .0 be done better and more expensively mittee representing all of the church~s il nan in other communities. More expensÂthe oorough. This year the committe, :e teachers were employed, salaries were reports that the churches arc unable h "creased as recently as last year, and the make the I1l'Cessary appropriations an. [Cill of supplies mounted. the projcct will have to be tcmporarib Now the time has comc, not for a dis- C. T. Deacon and Clifford E. Maser will sing a Tenor and Baritone Duet, "'Vatehman, What of the Night l" Sargeant. WiIliam_.Gardncr Cleaves will sing a Treble Solo, "Ave Maria" by Bach-Gounod and A. Raymond Moore will sing two Tellor Solos, "Comfort Ye My People" and "Every Valley", from "The Mt:ssiah", by GouÂnod. • I c---------....-...-..--....-.....-...-.-..- ------. •• --- sus"ended. ,olltilluallce 01 the project but lor !helJ;'rF~VE AND HAVERFORD tast summer and every summer close J.owllward swing in the costs. If an ex- FALL BEFORE POWERFUL to one hundred children between theagcs pcricnced out-of-town superintendent GARNET BOMBARDMENTS of five and twelve have been registered .:al1l1ot be secured for less than a hundred at the school and atendallcc during the or a hundred and twenty-five dollars let S t e t • 0 D and Sipler Register four weeks from carly in July to carly in the cl)mmittee employ at a smaller salary August has averaged 80 boys alKI girls. one o( the local workers who has been Superbly Pitched The program of work has included not assisting the superintendent here for sev- Shutouts only a study of the Old Testiment and eral years_ Christian principles in general, but has \-Vhat parcuts would not be willing to It was an auspicious day for old Isaac included music, art, and a \'ariety of spcnd a dollar or more per child to have Swarthmore's boys in baseba.11 when the handiwork. I)Caccful mornings for onc month of Garnet nine took the measure of The· school has operated 011 a budgct summer e\'cn if the benefit of the iostruc- ~tevens with a 4-0 decision, Captain of about $300 of which nearly the entire I' tion WCI"C removed from the_picture en- 8ipler on the mound, and then rounded amount is contributed b~ the cuhrches, '.' tirel)'. out the season with a terrific trouncing the.I ee I or atten d anc.c b clIlg on1 y.p'1 pcr I Cut the budget of the school in of Haverford, 19-0. Stetson servedd up the balls for the last ellcountet an to fanllly. I make a slight increase in the school such good effect that he allowed only It would seem that there should be l)er child make an appeal through two hits, giving Haverford three hits in leaders in Swarthmore interested enough churches ~nd The S'loortJ""QreOlJ for vol- eighteen innings. The quality of de-in this project to attempt some sort of a lIlltary contributions from "alumni" livery in the Haverford game was rem-compromise or altcrnat~ plan. Possibly parents of alumni of the school, let lI1iscent of Cookenbach who doomed the teachers \~ould be wll1~ng to \\,'Ork for I churches cut their appropriations, and the H.ed and Black to a defeat each smaller salarIes, c e r t a I n departments there will be no excuse for di:;ccintinolillig I time he was on the hill. might be eliminated in the int~rest of the school this year. The Stevens game was played in in-economy, volunteer workers llugh.t be S,"arthmorc should be asl';tmed to dement weather, the game being called available to take. ovcr part 0 I t Il C work· th,'s '.f i"e s"mnler ,'"stitution ior its in the seventh. Swarthm. horei dsta rftfe d off I f d 1d in the first inning W1t ea 0 man for a week at a tlln~, per mps un s cou dren pass out of existence without Dawes lacing a single to right field. ~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~ I struggle. Stetson and Sipler followed this com- Ii I' I • I I Jt:4LllE-As well as price is a facÂtor in Food-today-Two years al'o--back in 1930-Âwhen we opened the MeÂdia Inn" we were criticised on many sides for our attiÂtude toward moderate prices for good meals. We set our prices at SLOO for dinner - every ",-eekday evening and we commenced with a SOc and 75e luncheon. These prices slill prevail and We are conscientionsly tryinl' to improve our Food service all the time. Mrs. R. S. Lipman, of Cornell avenue, has returned from Hollywood, Florida, where she was the guest of Mr. and :\Irs_ Herbert M_ Lincoln, of Harrison Boulevard. Miss Isabelle Bronk entertained at dinner last Friday evening, her guests being ~fr_ and ~Irs. Edward 1L Bassett, :Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, Dr. and Mrs. Dresden, and Mrs. Chas. D. Joyce. E WIRING L REPAIRS Church News TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarelen Guenther, B. T. M. TRINITY SUNDAY 8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9 :45 a. m.-Junlor ChurCh. 9 :45 a. m_--Bunday School. 11:00 a. m_-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. 4:00 p. m.-MUSIOAL SERVICE_ SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS Minister We started oul to gain a reputation for serving the "Best dollar dinner to be had anywhere" and we keep thai ideal in front of us at all times. E RADIO SERVICES. SUNDAY. MAY 22ND 9:45--Sunc1ay School WASHERS CLEANERSI"pE>~ll(:oo-wo"'hlP and se;,;rm~o~n;VER'r?" Since our opening we have seen many of our critical friends in business who formerly charged more than our pricesÂno",,' cutting under in every way_ We 8tand on our reputaÂtion "Good Food - Fair J'rices-Good Living." Thank you, THE PATTONS." --0- ~ia Jnn BALTO. PIKE AT PROVo RD. Ben Phone 1280 Tel. 1896 FIXTURES AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE I Swarthmore ElectriC Shop C 411 Dutmouth Aye. Swarthmore, P •. Extension-S LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Sow OLD ENGLISH Lawn Grass Seed Plant Sweet Pea8-Fertilize tbe Lawn Vigoro - Bone Meal-Sheep Manure - Baughgro Store Open Saturday Evenlo" TID 8 P. M. Duri1llJ Spri,.. On. St ..... b Lar"e Quality Bea, Boy Now-Avoid Rosh Later On McCALL'S SEED STORE 6th & Madison Sts. Call for Catalogue Che8ter 9245 Plenty of Parkin, Space - Madison Street. Is t..o-.,.,. trallle ATTEND SOME CHURCH WELCO:MB H£RE THE SWARTlfMOBE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, MlDlster Is delighted to welcome all wllo come. If you have no other church THIS IS YOURS. SUNDAY Bible School at 10:00 MORNING WORSHIP, 11:00 PASTOR'S SERMON: FIRST IN A SERIES OF THREE ON R~G SP.DU7S TODAY: "The Spirit oorf the World The Spirit of No HeUgion" VESPER SERVICE at 4:15 Pastor's Address: "WHY WORRY?" '1:00 YOUNG PEOPLE 'PROHIBITION WEDNESDAY 8 :OO--8ervice for Memorial Day "THE,CITlZEN AND HIS COUNTRY It the Church Is Good for the Community IT IS GOOD FOR YOU. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M. - First Day School in WhittIer House_ 9 :45 A_ Y_ - Morning Forum In Meeting House. n:oo A. M_ - Meeting for worship In the meeting house. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A_ M_ to 2:30 P. M. ----seWing and QUUtÂlng In Whittier House, Box luncheon. All are cordially invited to Join In th8Sf' services. FlBBT CHURCH OF CBBIBT. SCIENTIST. OF SWARTHMORE Park Av"nue Below Harvard Se",I~: 11:00 A. M.-SundaJ 8cboal 11:00 A. M.-8ullday Le."."uu-Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting each week_ S p. m. ReacUng room open clally. eXC'ept Sundays and hOlidays. 1 P. M. to 4 P. M •. Cbur~. ~tflce: --- ' • Alnicoa.T e <Cordially lDvtted to .attend \he II and use ~the ReadlnK' Room. THE poorest person in our comm~ity . is not the one who has no bank account- .' . but the one that does not desire to ha~~' any. -111111- 1 ! Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co_ "SerrJIng SfD(Jnhmore Since 1904" L-.._.._..-...-.-.._ . _________ .-._--..,~_~_~ ______ .r. HOT WATER aU summer AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER Special offer nolO. No doum Payment . Thirty Day. Free Trial Woodward, Jackson and Black 333 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 43 Plenty! ... Anytime you want it •.. and now at new lower prices for the finest Aatotnauc Gas Water Hotzone '76 and up Penfield Heaters Road '7250 and up StazLot '6850 and up $2 Down-24 Months to Pay Priees Inelude Ins-tallation All Our Suburban Slora Or seeJ'our PI_ber orH_dna Contrador PHI L ELECTRI MAY:W.1932 THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 CLASSIFIED FOR RENT --.---------------- roB RBNT-Two attractive housekeep~ Girl Scouts Troop 16 has issued invitations to their varents and friends for a Lawn Party and Court of Award! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmer, 135 Ogden A ve_, all Saturday afternoon, May 21st Irom 2 10 5 o'.c1ock. t.o tbe middle line of • oert.eln fourteen feet wide driveway which utends northÂeast from Belmont avenue and southwest from Eldon street. (Be1D8 No. 230 MarshÂaU road). And it 1a hereby UPreMl)" c:ertlJ1ed and declared that th18 1a not a ptU'Chase money mort.a:age and that 1t Is 8ubJect both lD lien and payment to a certain mortgage to secure the payment of fortY-five hundred dollars slven by the said mortKagolB to PrudentIal Insurance campan)" of America dated December 24th. 1927, and Intended to be recorded; and. that the 11en of aaJd mortgage shall not be afrected or 1mpaired by a JUCUclal sale under a Judgment reÂcovered. upon thJa present Indenture. or upon the bond secured hereby; but any suCh sale shall be expressly aclvert1sed and made sUbject to the 11en of the &a1d mortÂsage. (130') to a j)OlDt In the northerly aide Une I vania. 011 April 25tb, 1906. aDd recorded .t. of 81xteentb avenue aforesaid, thence along J(edJa in .he omoo for the Recordlnl' of Deed8 the same south 66 degrees 19 minutes weet In and for the County of Delaware, in Deed twenty-six feet to the ftrBt mentioned Book X, No. 10. pap 644. and deecribod aeÂpoint or place of beginning. BelDl' prem- cordln .. to said plan .. follows. to .11.: Be- 1ses No. 709, formerly 815, Sixteenth ave- siunln&' al • point on the nonbwe.t .we of nue. Detle Jlead avenue (funT·d.,o feel wide) at apartments at 317 North Chester Rd. SIX rooms and bath each, electric refrigeration iLDd all conveniences. Albert N. Garrett. pennypacker.4442 or BWNtbmore 489. FOR RENT-Very large desirable room In beautiful section. Co:a.venlent to train. Large window. Private bath. Reply Box B. swarthmbrean omce. POB RENT-Attractive apartment for rent. 'phone 124-M. modem 5 room For Inf9nnatlon FOB RBNT-8econd· floor housekeeping apartment" 139 I\tItgeI8 t.venue .. 5 _~ and bath. Albert N;Garret ,'Phone Swarth- Troop 194 will hike to Camp Tall Trees on Saturday morning. They will take lunch and meet at the High School at 10 o~c1ock. Troop 6 has planned a trip to the Uppcr Banks Nursery at Media on Saturday morning. They will take luncheon and meet at th_e \VQrnan's Club at 9:3~P c.._...,.... ........". '..--.. Together with the free anel common use, rJght, liberty and prlvUea;e of the 8Bld twelve feet wide driveway as and tor a passageway and water COUl'Be at all ttmee hereafter forever in common with the ownÂers, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use of the same. Improvement8 consist of (1st description) 2-story brlelt house, 161:44 feet. Basement garage. (2nd descr1ptlon) two-story brick house. 16x44 feet. Basement garage. (300. descrIPtion) two-story brick house, lOX44 feet, Basement garage. (4th description) two-story brick house, 16x44 feet. BaseÂment garage. more 489. • Triaity . Notes Together with the free anel common use. rIght, liberty and prtvUege of the aforesaId drlveway M. and for a driveway and pasÂsageway ,at. all, times hereafter forever In common with the ownem, tenants and ocÂcupiers of the other lots of ground bounelÂlog thereon and entitled to tbe use thereof. the distance of two hundred 'iwenl,.·flve feet meuured soulb nineteen decreee. thb1een minutes weet aloD6 Ihe northweet II1de of Belle Head avenue from a point of tanpnl, which pulnt of tangent Is on the northwest eide of Belle :Mead avenue at tbe dilltance of ooe hun· dred four fee' and ftfty·two one·bUDdredthe of a foot meaaured SDuthweliward alonl' the northwest aide 01 Belle Mead avenutl on the arc uf a circle having a radiUII of one hundred thirty-seven feet and twen"'-eeYen one·hund· redths of a. foot (chord bearing to tbe lett) from .. be inlel'8ectlon of the nortbwest aide of BelJe Mead avenue with the tIOulhwest. side of Coopertown road; containing' In front or breadtb on the Bald Belle Mead avenue twentyÂfivo teet and extending of tbat widtb In lenph or depth north-westward between paraUel lines Sold as the property of Conner and at rlgh' angles to the said Belle Mead avenue FOR RENT-Very large desirable room In Phlllips and Wllliam. H_ Conner. one hundred twenty feet. (Being HoUf18 No. beauttful section. Convenient to train, large window, private bath. Reply Box B. swartbmorean Omce. Seven Officers and Teachers of the Sunday School attended the first meeting of the newly organized Southwestern FOR RENT-Nicely furnisbed airy room for S d S h I A .. S P I' a refined lady in a pr1vate home. All the un ay c 00 SSOCJatlOn at t. au s ptlvUeges of home. Board optional Swarth- Church, Chester, on Tuesday evening. more 1274. I Mr. Guenther was elected a member of FOR BENT-Media. Apartment;. Four rooms, the Executive Committee. furnished. $38.00 a month. Rural outlook_ The last of the Suppers, under the Address P. O. Box 532. Woman's Guild, wiH be held next ThursÂFOR SALE ------~ FOB SALE-Porch enclosure for sale cheap. Consists of ten large sash, transom and three doors. Call Swarthmore 571-J. FOR SALE-Pansies for sale. 20c dozen. 3 day I rom 5 :30 to 7 :30 p. m. j Next Sunday morning, at 11:00 o'_ clock, there will be the Baccaluareate Service of Ulverston School. Mr. Guenther will preach. dozen for SOc_ DIStefano. Last ~ouse on 1!'.STATE OF HERBERT MANNING De- GIrard Avenue. South Swarthmore. I ceased. • Notice Is hereby gIven that Letters Tes- WANTED TO RENT tamentary bave been granted In the above WANTED TO RENT-Want furnished house tn Swarthmore or v1clDity. 'Phone SwarthÂmore 1412. ==~~-----------------.-. WANTED TO RENT-Young man desirea room and board with private family. A. McVay, 37 East 28th St., Chester, Pa. PERSONAL PEBSONAL-Old plDe .stalrs recovered with oak. Hardwood floof8 laid and refinished. Estimates furnished. Somerhalder & schelbl~, 658 'l'cuth Ave .• Moore. PR. Phone RIdey Park 1136-W. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Woman for general houseÂwork and cooking. Bummer in mountalns. Please write stating experience and wage3 desired to Box 165 Swarthmore Post OfDce. WORK WANTED WORK W ANTED--Smart -Spring dresses made by experienced dressmaker. WUl caU for and (leUver work. Alterations. ReÂmodellng. Phone Chester 2-2128. LOST LOST-Five foot war kite, cloth covered. Return to Swarthmorean Office. Reward . FOUND FOUND-One dozen sterJlng sUver teasÂpoons. OWner may have them at 411 ColÂlege Ave. by IdentifYing. 112 PARK AVENUE Attractlve second Boor apartment. Rent $15. 6 rooms, bath. porch, electr1c refricÂerator, electric range, private oil burner, 2 entrances. Possession May 1. WM. S. BlTI'LE Notary Public Real Esta'e Swa. li1-J I have a few thousand dollars to estate, and that all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payÂment, anel tha&e havlng clalm8, to present the same without elelay. to LAURA V. 1I4ANNINO. 305 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Del. Co., Pa. Or to her attorney, SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY, 216 W. Front Street, Media, Del. Co_, Pa. 4-16·6t Executrlll:. ESTATE OF CHARLES E. FELLOWS, late of the Borough of Swarthmore. Letters of AdÂminlstralion on tbe above Eetate have beeD. granteu to the undersigned, who :'Cque&te all persona havIng cJalma or demands againsL the Elltate 01 tbe decedent to make known the same. and aU persons Indebted '0 'hc decedent 10 make payment, withom delay. to CHARLES E_ FELLOWS. JR., 611 Harvard Ave_. Swarthmore, PH.. Or to his Attorney. J. KIRK 'McCURDY. 1218 Chestnut Street, PhlladelphlR, Pa. 4-15·61 ESTATE OF CLARA BRANSON PARKER. Inte 01 the BorouC'b of Swarthmore. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have boon granted to the -undersigned. who reQuests all persona bavlng claims or demands against the Blltste of the decedent to make known the samD, and all persons Indebted to the decedent to make payment, without tlelay. to CHARLES PAl\KER, No. 21 South Cheater Road, Or 'tci~hls A'tin'oey. J. KIRK McCURDY, 1218 Cheatnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. -t·lo-0t Swarthmore, Pa. ESTATE OF ROSALIE S. PUSEY, Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been grante4 to the undersigned, who request all persODS having claims or demands agaLnst the estate of the decedent to make kno. ..-.- ;;:. the same. anel all persons Indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay, to ll. CAItlWLL PUSEY, ~y S. PUSRY, 411 North Chester Road, Swarthmore. Penna., Executors. Or their attorney. CLAUDE C_ SMITH. Esq., 1617 Land Title mdg •• PhIladelphIa, Penna. 4·22·0' loan on good localfirstmortgages. EBTATE RAY S. LIPMAN. deceased. Jacob Van Sctver Bishop, EXecutor, Real Estate Trust Bunding. PhUadelphla. Howard Kirk, E. C. WALTON Stop! Look! Listen! A real Swarthmorean Home of 4 bedrooms and up-to-date in every respect, for sale at about $12,000, including garage and nice building lot. Parties leaving town. W ortb the money. C. A. SMITH Phone Swarthmore 70S §= . All Lines of ~ INSURANCE ~ INCLUDING LIFE a PETER E. TOLD I OLD BANK BLDG. Call Swarthmore 1833 Atty., 302 County BUUdlng, Media, Penna. Notice Is hereby given that Letters TestaÂmentary have been granted in the above Estate. and that all perso~ indebted to the above Estate are requested to make t payment and those having clalms to preÂi sent the same, without del"-v. to the ExÂecutor or his attorney. 4·22-0t PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby Given that application has been made for a special permit to erect a two story addition to consist of stores and two second Hoor apartments on the property of Joseph and Mary CeUa at No. 102 and No. 104 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa_ This appllcatlon Involves a request tor a special permit to build the said properÂties out to within one to five feet of the front property Une on Park Avenue and Involves a violation of Section No_ 301 of the zoning Ordinance whiCh prOvides for a set back of twenty-five feet for all buildÂtngs In the buslneM district. A PubUc HearlDg at whiCh aU citizens interested In this matter w1ll be heard by Councll and will be held on Thursday eveÂning, June :Jnd. 1932 at 7:45 P. M., E. D. S_ T. in Council Chamber, Borough Hall. ALBERT N. GARBETT, Jr., = Borough Secretary. 5-13-3t == - SHERIFFS SALES SHERIPF SALES Of Real Estate t!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' At the Sheriff's Office UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring Court House, Media. Pennsylvania Saturday, June 4, 1932 8:30 o'clock A. M. Eastern Standard Time Improvements cons1at of two-story frame and brick house, 15139 feet. EnclO6ed front porch. Ooe-story frame addition, 5x.6 feet. Concrete block garage, 9xlY feet. Sold as the property of Joseph L. Blaney and Mathilde G. Blaney. his wife. CondItions $250_00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance in ten days. FUrÂther conelltioDB announced at sille. E_ LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 907 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buUdlngs and improvemeots thereon erected; situate in the Borough of Prospect Park. County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deÂscribed. as follows: BeglnnlDg at a pOint on the northerly side line of Sixteenth avenue (SO' w1deJ at the distance of one hundred ten feet (110') eastwardly from the junction of the side line of the said Sixteenth street with the east side line of Pennsylvania avenue (40' wide) which said flmt menÂtioned point Is also three hundred elghtyÂeight feet (388') eastwardly from the title Ilne lD the bed of Adams avenue, thence extending north 23 elegrees 41 minutes west one hundred thirty feet (130') to a POint In the line of a certain twelve feet wide dr1veway extending from PennsylÂvania avenue to Yogle avenue, thence north 66 degrees 19 minutes east twenty-eight feet (<ta') to a pOint, tb.en~ extenCllDg south 23 degrees 41 m1nutes east one hunÂdred thirty feet (130') to a point in the nortberly side line of Sixteenth avenue aroresa1a, tbence along same south 66 deÂgrees 19 minutes west twenty· eight feet to lne 1lrst mentioned POint or place of beÂgInning. BeIng premlSes No. 7Ul, formerly dl1/. SiXteenth avenue. Together with the free and common use, rignt, Uberty and prlvllege of the aforeÂsaid twelve feet wide driveway as anCl for a passageway and water course at all times hereafter forever in common with the ownÂers, tenants and occupiers of the other lots 01 ground bounding thereon and enÂtitled to the use thereor. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the butldings and Improvements thereon erected; situate in the Borough 01 l'rOBpect Park, County of Delaware and State of PennsylvanIa. bounded and deÂscrJ~ el as follows:' Beginning at a point In tbe northerly side line at Sixteenth avenue (50' wide) at the distance of tUty-four feet (54') east,Âwardly lram the Junction of the saId side line of Sixteenth avpnue with the east slele une of Pennsylvania avenue (40' wide) which saiCl first mentioned point is also three hundred thirty-two feet eastwardly (332') from the title line In the bed. of Aelams avenue, thence extending north 23 degrees 41 mlnutes west one hundred thirty leet (l3U') to a polDt in the llDe of a cerÂtain twelve feet wide driveway extending lrom Pennsylvania avenue to Yagle aveÂnue, thence north 66 degrees 19 minutes east twenty-eight feet to a point, thence exwnding soutn 23 degrees 41 mlDutes east one hundred thirty feet (130') to a point In the northerly side Une of Sixteenth aveÂnue aforesaid, thence along the same south 66 degrees 19 minutes west twenty-eight feet to the first mentioned polDt and place ot beglDntng. Being premises No_ 70S, forÂmerly 811 SIxteenth avenue. Together with the free and common use, right, Uberty and privilege of the aforeÂsaId twelve feet wide driveway as and for a passageway and water couJ&' at all tlm05 hereafter lorever in common with the owners. tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and enÂtitled to tbe use of the same. All that Cf'\"tain lot or piece of ground with the buUdlngs and Improvements thereon erected; situate In the Borough of Prospect Park, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvanla, bounded and deÂscrlbeel as follows: Beginning at a point In the northerly aide Une of Sixteen.th avenue (:;0' wide) at the distance of one hundred sixty-six teet eastwa,,:,dly from the Junction of the side IlDe of the said Sixteenth avenue with the east side line of Adams avenue, which said 1lrat mentioned poInt Is also one hunÂdred eIghty-four feet (1M') eastwardly from the title line in the bed of the aforeÂsatd Actams aveoue, thence ex.tending north 23 elegrees 41 mInutes west one hundred thirty feet (130') to a point 1n the line of a certain t\\'elve feet wide driveway exÂtending from pennsylvania avenue to Adams avenue. thenCe north 66 degrees 19 minutes east twenty-eight feet to a polnt, thence extending south 23 degrees 41 min· utes east one hundred thirty feet to a point in the northerly side line of SixÂteenth avenue aforesaid, thence along the same south 66 degrees 19 minutes west twenty-eight feet to the first mentIOned POint or place of beginning_ Being premlses No. 715, formerly 819, Sixteenth avenue. Together with the free and common use, right, Uberty and prlvtlege as and for a passageway and water course at ail times hereafter forever in common with the ownÂers, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use of the same. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the butldlnS$ and improvements thereon erected; Jjlltuate In the Borough of Prospect Park, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Bounded and deÂscribed as follows: Condltions-$250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance in ten days. FurÂther conditloDS announced at sale. CHARLES I. CRONIN, Attorney_ FIeri FaclM No. 966 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildIngs and lmprovemente thereon erected, situate on the west side of Bullock avenue at tbe distance of one hunÂdred and six feet northwardly from the north side of Chester avenue In the BorÂough of Yeadon, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, contalnlDg tn front or breadth on the aid Bullock avenue twenty-five feet and extending of that width in length or depth westwardly beÂtween lines parallel with the said Chester avenue one hundred feet to the center Une of a certain fitteen feet wide driveway (extending from Chester avenue to BuntÂIng road) and being known as No_ 1042 South Bullock avenue. Under and subject to certalD building restrictiOns as thereIn mentioned. Together with the free and common use, right, libÂerty and privilege of the said fifteen feet wide driveway as and for a passageway and water course at all times hereafter forever In common with the owneru. tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use thereof. Under and 8ubJect, nevertheless. to the above mentioned restrictions as to buildings also certalD restrictions as In agreement between Crawford Homes InÂcorporated and the West Philadelphia Title and Trust Company now of record. Also under and &ubJect to the payment of a certalD mortgage debt or prinCipal Bum of five thousand dollars, with Interest thereon. Improvements consist of two and oneÂhalf 8tory stucco house. 16x42 feet. Rear frame addition. 6x6 feet. Stucco garage. 12x.lS feet. Enclosed porch .. Sold as the property of Harry Smith and. Eun1ce M_ Smith. CondltioI1S-$2S0.00 cash or certified check on clay of aale; balance In ten days. FurÂther conditions announcert at sole. CHAB. I. CRONIN, Attomey. JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff. S.HERIFFS SALES Sheriff S:l.les of Real Eelate At the Shcriff's Office Court House. l'Iledia. Pennsylvania Saturday, Mil)" 28, 1932 At 8::m o'dock A_ M_ Eastern Standard Time Le"ari Faehts No. 144 March Term, 1032 All thnt cl'rtaln lot or piece of ground with the bui!dinga and improvementa thereon erectecl situate in the Township of lIaverford. County of Delaware amI State of Pennsylvania. being known liS LoL No_ 1028. on a ccttaitl vlan of "South Ardmore" made by Joseph 'V_ H'mter, Civil En,nnCCi·. of Jenkintown, Penllsylvania, Ott April 25'h, 1005, and recorded At Media in the office for the reconting of deeda In and for the County of DeJaware tn Dt"e<l Book X No_ 10, pngC 644, and described according to said plan as follows. '0 wit: Beginning at a point 011 thc northwest side of neUe Mead Il,-elllle (fotty-five feet wide) at the ilistance oC two hundred foot meaaured south nineteen df'g'rees thirteen minutes west along the nOl'thÂwe_~ t side of Belle Mead avenue front a poInt of tangent. whieh point of tangent Is 011 'he !.orthwcst side of Belle Mead avenue at the I:istame of one hundred four feet and fitly· two olle-hundredths of a foot measured south· westward along the northwest side of Belle llead avenue on the arc of a cirelo having a radiu!! of ono hundred thirty-seven feet and twentY'SC"cn one-hundredths Of a foot (chaM bearing to the left) from the intcl'BCetion of the northwest side of Belle Mead avenue with thc southwest side of Coo])CrtowIl road: eon. taining' ill front or breadth on the said Bello Mead avenue tWenty·five feet and extending of that width in length or depth northwest· ward between Ilarallel linea at right anglos to t he said Belle Mead avenue one hundred twenty feet_ (Being House No_ 2106 :BeUe ,Mead avenue). Under and subject to certain building- reÂstrictions. te('ordoo in Deed Book Z No. 13. nage 190. which have since expired by limita· tlon_ And it is hereby expressly certifted and deelared thnt -this is not a purchase money mortgage and that it is subject both in lien and payment to a rertain mortgage to secure the payml'nt of forty-three hundred dollars with interest, given by the said mortgagors '0 Market Street Tille and Trust Company dated the twenty·sixth day of April. A. D. 1028. and intended to he recorded; and that the lien of said mortgage sha~1 not be affected or Impaired by a judicial sale under a judgment recovered upon thie preaent indenture or upon 'he bond secured hereby: but any such we shall be exprea.~1y advcrtised and made subject to the lien of the said mortgage_ • Improvements consist of two and ollc-half .story stone and rough cast house. 10.:38 feet. One-story addition. 6x8 fect. Por~h front_ Gnro'll."c, 12xI8 feet_ Sold as the pro}'X'l1y or Jo,;eph Lawson and FRED J. HARLEY Fieri Facias No. 1383 Mary Lawsnn. his wife_ Beginning at a point on the northerly side line of Sixteenth avenue (SO' wide) AIIo'TIQUE REPRODUCTIONS at the intersection of the northerly side Awnings Oriental Bup Da'Venport Snites Lamp Shades lIair Malt......,. 'Box Sprinp Chair Caning Rash Seab Painting PapemanpnK Custom Made FUrniture Swarth. IMI March Term, 1932 Conditions--$250.00 cash or rerUfted cheek on d,ll' of salc; balance in ten days_ Further All that certain lot or Piece of ground Une of the said Slxteenth avenue with the conditions announced at sale. with the bulldlDgs and Improvements easterly side Une of PennsylvanIa avenue, thereon erected. situate In the Borough of whlch said flrst mentioned point Is also HAROLD L. ERVIN, Atto.-ney. Lansdowne, County of Delaware and State two hundred seventy-eight feet (278') east-of Pennsylvania. on the southeast slele of wardly from the tltle llne In the bed of Lenri Facias Marshall road. (fifty feet wide) at the cUs- Adal::ls Ave .. thence extending north 23 Mart!h Tenn. 1932 No. 146 tance of one huudred flfty-six feet and degrees 9 minutes west one hundred thlrty thlrty-ntne one-hundredths of a foot nortb- feet (130') along the easterly side IlDe of ...... - from the northeast side of Belmont the aforesaid PellDSylvanla Ave. to a point wi h :';;"ue (ftfty feet wide). ContalnlDg In In the line of acertain twelve feet wide All that certain lot or piece of ground t front or breadth on said Marshall road driveway extending from Pennsylvania ave- the buildings .sod Improv~ents thereon erect· twenty-five feet and seventy-ftve one-hun- nue to YagIe avenue, thence north 66 de- eli situate in the Township of Haverford, dredths of a foot and ell:tendtng of that grees 19 minutes east twenty-fOur and County of Delaware and State of PennQ'lvB· width In length or depth southeast be- seventy-nine one-hundredths feet to a nia. being known as Lot Nq. 1027 on a certain tween parallel lines a\ right angles 'tor> aald POint. thence extending south 23 degrees plan of "Soqth -Ardmore .... made by Joseph W. Marshalt road one hundred and 8ve feet 41 mlnutes east one hundred thirty feet Hunter, civil engineer of ' Jenkintown, PenllQ'l· 2104 Belle M.ead avenue). Under and subjeet to certain building reÂstriltiona. l'e(.'Orded in Deed Book 2, No_ 13, J,Jsge 100. which have eince expired by limitaÂtion. And U is hereby expressly certilled aDd declared that this is not a purchase moner mortgage aud tbat it is subject both In lien and payment to a cerlain mOrlgap to secure the {layment of forty.three hundred doUara with Interee1. given by the I!I8ld mortgal'Qrs to Market Street Title and Trust Company, da~ed tho twenty·els:tb d8Â¥ of April A. D. 1028, and Inlcnliai to be fortbwUb recorded; and th., the lien of said mortS-qe shall not be affected or impaired by a judicial sale under a judgÂment rel."Overed upon this present indenture or UPOIl the band secured hereby; but any such MUle shall be expressly adverUsecl and made subjclt to the lien of the said mortgage. Improvements consiaL 01 two and one-balf story stone and roUK'bcast hoUse, 16x36 feet: one-story addition. U][6 feet: porch front: garÂage. 12x18 feel. Sold ae: the property of Joseph Lawson and Mary Laweon, his wife. CondJUons--$260.00 cash or ccrUftf11 check Oil d3J' of sale; balan~c ill ten days. Further cunditionlJ announced at sale. HAROLD L. ERVIN, AlLorney. Levari Facias No_ 120 March Term, 1932 All that certain brick messuage and lot or piece of land, situate in the Borough of Darby, County of Delaware and State of PellllbylvanlB, bounded and descrtbed acÂcording to a survey thereof made by A. F Damon, Jr., Borough EngIneer, on the twenty-seventh Clay of December. A. D 1906, as follows, to wit: BeginnlDG at a point on the northwestÂerly side or Fifth street at the distance of two hundred Bnd thirty-three feet south westwardly from the southwesterly corner of the said Fifth street and Spruce street; extendinG thence by the northwesterly side of said Fifth street, south seventeen degrees tblrty-flve minutes west twenty-dve feet and eight one-hundred.ths of a foot to a corner of lands of Wllltam ll. PhUUps and Sarah Louise PhilliPS. his wUe; thence by the same north sixty-seven degreea tlfty Bve minutes west one hundred SiXty-siX feet and forty-five one-hundredths of a foot to the southeasterly side of Moore street; thence by the southeasterly sifte of the 61\1De north twenty-two degrees twelve minutes east twenty-five feet to a comer of lands nQW or late of Wllllam: To Mbrrl son; and thence by the same south s1ll:ty seven degrees tUty-five mlDutes east one hundred and sixty-four ffi!et and forty tbree one-hundredths of a foot to the place Qf beginnlng. Improvements consist of two and one half story brick house, 18x45 feet. one-ston's aeldltion, IOxlS feet. Brick garage, 24xl feet. Sold as the property of Richard H. Hom and Jemima P. Horn, his wUe, mortgagors and Martha E. Maxwell and Elizabeth Horn real owners. Condltlons-$2:iO.OO Cft,$h or certlfled check on day of sale: balance In tell days. Fur ther conditIons announced at sale. ARTHUR L. REESER, Attorney. Levari Facias No_ 4:;8 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the bulldlugs and improvements thereon erected situate on the south siele of Fourth street In the Borough of Media lD the County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. BesmolDg at a POint one huodred and suty feet east of Ollve .street. Containing in front on said Fourth street twenty feet and extending In depth of the same width, between lines parallel with Jackson street one hundred forty feet to a twenty feet wide alley, running trom OUve street to Jackson street. The easterly ltno thereof passing through the center of a party wall between a dwelling erected on the lot hereby conveyed and the dwelling erected on the lot adJolDlng to the east. Togeth~r with the right or said alley in common with the ownelfJ of other lancls abutting thereon. Improvements consist of two-story stone and brick house, 16x34 feet. Two-story ad dltiOn. 12x12 feet. Sold as the property of Samuel Bruskln, mortgagor, and Peter J. Smith, real ownOJ.'_ Conditlons--$250_00 cash or certified Check on day of sale; balance in ten days. Fur ther conditions annQunced at sale_ ALBERT E. BOLL, Attorney. Lcvari Facias No. 164 March Term. 1932 All those two contIgUous lots or pieces of land with the messuage thereon erected and destgnated. as Lots NOB. 63 and 64 on the plan of lots of Chester Terrace as recorded In the Omce for the Recording of Deeds of Delaware County aforesatd at Media In Deed Book No. 342, page 624 and situate In the Township or Chester In the County of Delaware and State Of PennsylÂvania, and described as follows: Beglnnlng at a point on the northwesterly side of Gra.ndvlew avenue at the distance of fifty feet measured northeastwardly from the nortberly comer of the said GrandVIew Avenue and Selger street, thence extendÂlng northesstwardly along the said GrandÂview Avenue :fifty feet and extending in dept.h northwestwardly c:onttnutng the same width eighty-five feet. Improvements COJl8Ist of two-story ceÂment block house, 18x28 feet. Poreh front. Sold as the property of JosePh R, WhiteÂley, mortgagor and real owner. Conditions $250,00 caSh or certlfled check on day of sale; balance In ten days. PurÂtber conctlttons announced at sale. WM. B. HARVEY, Attorney. JOHN J. OAm~' Bhertll.
---------- Page 14 ----------
6 THE SWAllTHMOREAN BRIEF ENGAGEMENT ENDS IN WEDDING to the tint mentioned. point and place of betllnnlng, " Improvements cons1lt of two and oneÂhaU Btory stucco hoUle. lh3D feet.· Bn- Closed. front porch. . . . . Sold AS the property Of. George P. Kempen. MAY ,20, ,1932 Conciltt~.OO CUll or certUled. check' on day o~ti":; :l&Dee In· ten dap. PurÂtber condi I os MUlounced at .... e. OEARY and RAMKIN, Attorn.,... JOHN J. OAIN • 8herUI. The marriage of a Swarthmore Col. lege freshman girl and a young man in the senior class at Colgate Unh'ersity IJrovided material for cOlwersation on Ihe college campus and in Ihe borough the fore part of Ihis week. coffee purchased if desired. Luncheon will be served by the Country Club ai a reasonable price, but reservations for this must be made not later than May 23 to Mrs. j. 'Passmore Cheyney, Phone Swarthmore S90R. Also those having extra places in their cars and those who wish to be transported, please noÂtify Mrs. j. Passmore Cheyney, SwarthÂmore 590-R. feet wide): thence estencl1D8 south alona the SQuU:ieUterly llna of aald Avenue "D" s1ny-four decreee :Ilfty-nlne mlnute8 west elgbt hundred eSShtJ'-four and. 811tJ'.one one-hundredths teet to a point In the center of Primos avenue, (01ty feet wide); thence north twenty·lour d~ tour minÂutes weat fltteen feet to a polnt in the center of u1d. PrImos avenue: "W:1eJlOO north sixty-four "degrees flfty-nlne minutes east one hundred mty reet to a point In the PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING northwesterly side of Avenue "D"; thenc:e Interior aacI Exterior ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING north twenty-four degrees four minutes west one hundred and one on8-bundredtbe Wall Paper Cleanm, ..... ted In Tllomwt",;!,- _ ... Pa. The bride, Nancy Stoddard See 1 y ent \VaY1D& Cutten, is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hoff Seely, of the Swarthmore Apartments. • I • feet to a POint In the southwesterly Bld.e or Olen avenue: thence BOUth .... ty-rour STEPHEN BROWN degrees fifty-nlne minutes west one hUD- BY..,. D.,. hoopl Bal_ dred fifty feet to a point In the center line Morton P. O. Box 1" H. S. STUDENTS SING of 881d Primos avenue thence north alODg S uthm 1151 3 Special> fl.OO ·Phone Swartllmore 19H-W The bridegroom, Francis Cutten who is a senior at Colgate, is a son of Dr. George Barton Cutten, president of that institution. AT TEMPLE PROGRAM said center line twenty-four degrees four _-,-_____ w_-,-~o-re--.:."-,,.:....--- mInutes west forty~ftve feet to a POint; ,. Open e.,eu.tnp by appollitllieDt A chorus of Junior high school puÂpils took part in the Third High School Choral Festival last Friday afternoon sponsored by Temple University. The chorus was directed by Doris Van de Bogart and Stewart TI1<.'rn acted as accompanist. tmhiennuctee sn oeartsht osnlXe tyh·ufonudrr edde g1r1efets,. fflefetty -tnoln ae ," 'H"'H"'H~"~~H"'H~"~~ poInt In the northwesterly side of said Glen avenue: thence north twenty-five degrees five minutes forty-three seconc1s west five hundred. eighty-two and thirty· three one-hundredths feet to a polnt; thence further north twenty-nine degrees twenty-four minutes west one hundred tlfty.flve feet to a poInt In the center Une of the Darby and Chester turnpike (sIXty feet wide) thence north along the same 8ixty degrees thirty-six minutes east one hundred thlrty-two and forty-seven oneÂhundredths feet to a point In the center line of said Dal-by and Chester turnpike; thence BOuth twenty-nine degrees twentyÂfour minutes east two hundred. thirty feet to a point; thence north sixty degrees thirty-six mtnutetl east one bundred twenty-five feet to a point; thence sOuth twenty-five degrees five minutes forty-three seconds east four hundred two and twenty. o."e one-hundredtbB.feet to a point; thence north sixty-four degrees fifty-nine minutes east four hundred dfty-nine and seventyÂo. ve one-hundredths feet to a point In said center Une of F'olcroft avenue: thence south along same twenty-seven degrees two minutes east two hundred elghty~flve and eighteen one-hundredths feet to the flrat mentioned point or place of beginning. A WarDer Bros. Theatre They elolled Sunday afternoon, it was learned on Monday, while returning to the Seely homc in Swarthmore from a "llrol1l" at Colgate University, l-Ialuilton, N, y, The engagement was anllounced hy Dr. aud M n. Cutten at a diullcr Friday eveÂIling at the Phi Gamma Delta house. A fter a week-end at Hamilton, the couple was 011 the way to Swarthmore with a llarty of Colgate friends. \Vhen they reached Bingh'lIlllon, N. Y., it was suggested they cIOIJC. The bride is a graduate of Emma \VilÂlard School, at Troy, N. Y., and entered Swarthmore to sllecialize ill English and journalism. Her husband, who is a CanÂadian, is active in all college affairs, and has achicyed a rcsputation almost paralÂleling Iht of his father, who was a Yale football player and coach. The couple met while the Seclys ocÂcllpied their sununer home in Hamilton. After Swarthmore closes :\Irs. CUllen will continue her studies at a Canadian university. where her husband will teach. • I • FIVE DAY CONFERENCE It consisted of the following students: sopranos. Betty Passmore, Doreen .Mitchell, Prudence Perry, Betty JohnÂson, Muriel \Vagner, Melissa l\{cÂGowan, Cynthia \Vickham, Charlotte Lohncr. Altos, Betty Lou Mitchell, Delia "Iarshall, Belty Cleaves, Helen CrowÂder, Eleanor Kolf and Virginia Beagle. Tenors, Bancroft Smith, Fred HazelÂtine, Bob Perry, Louis Shay, John Kline, Donald Lang and Ralph Rboads. Basses consisted of Gary White, Dick Sanford, Paul Paulson and Ernest Polk. I I The Horticultural Socie!y of Rutledge in which several Swarthmore residents are actively interested, will hold a FlowÂer }'-larket today from 9 L 5. I • M EDIA' T.HEATRE MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 NOlo-Friday and Saturday Togerher (or rhe firsr rime on rhe screen John and Lionel Barrymore In "ARSENE LUPIN" Mondar and TUf!lday "Hnckleberry Finn", JUNIOR DURKIN JACKIE COOGAN MITZI GREEN JACKIE SEARL If'" edne.day and Thur.day Maurice Chevalier Jeanette MacDonald "One HOIlr With Yon" LA ~!~'! 't!1 N E Lansdowne Avenue &: Baltimore Pike FridtJy and Saturday RICHARD DlX in "LOST SQUADRON" Big Kiddr Show Sat., 1.30 P. M. Monday and T"e,day MAURICE CHEVALIER in 'ONE HOUR WITH YOU' IJ' edRelldar WILLIAM HAINES in 'ARE YOU LISTENING' • • • • • Also awarding Leonanl EIecÂtrieal Refrigeraror (rom the stage, 9 P. M. Thu"day WALTER HUSTON in "BEAST OF THE CITY" OF WOMEN VOTERS . Mr. and Mt:g: George A. Weinhold of \Vycomb avenue, Lansdowne, announce the birth of a son on Monday, May 16, at the Lying-In Hospital, Philadelphia, Subject to the easement. If any, in any part of Folcroft terrace. whlch terrace 18 located approXimately two hundred stxteen feet northeast from the middle of Primos avenue. being forty~four feet In width and two hundred feet more or less in depth from Darby and Chester turnpike and es.Âtends thence further In depth In a general southerly direction to Olen avenue; SUbject also to the easement if any. in any part of said Glen avenue. which said avenue lB at the distance of approximately one hundred. feet northwest from avenue .aD" and exÂtends from Prim.08 avenue to TrIbblt ave-I .... H~ .. ~ .. ~ .. H~H~ .. ~ ... ~'I nue. The five day confercnce of the Dela- I I • Excepting and reserving from the above -=================================::; described premlses the following described .' ware, Bucks, Chester, ~Ioutgomery, TRACK AND LACROSSE olof t Doerl agwronuren.d ,c oBmomroeungchI nogr aFto lac rpofoti.n Ct obuenintgy and Philadelphia Lcagtlcs of \Volllcn TEAMS IN MEET Intersection of center llne of Folcroft ave- Voters will meet Friday, May 17th, at sDouuet he(6asftteyr lyfe elitn ew iodfe )A vaenndu e pr"oDje" ct(ifoifnt eeonf the Doylestown Conntry Club, Doylcs- The week before examinations finds feet wlde) U same were extended. to center lown, Pa. Une of Folcroft avenue thence south sixty- the sports almost at a standstill with only four degrees 11fty-nlne minutes west eIghty The morning session at 10 :30 A. M. two teams going into action, and no mid- hundred and eighty-four and s1ll:tyÂwitl include "Snap Shots from the week games at all listed. The track eoanset eorlnye -shiduen dorfe dAtvhes nfueee ~" 0a"l ontog cthene tesor ulitnhe- Counties" by chairmen of the various squad will conclude its meets by_ enter- of Prim.os avenue (11fty feet wide) thence county leagues. A talk wilt be given by taining Haverford at home on Saturday, ~~hal:~:~;{~~te~eFt::Sflf~~ f~~~te: ~I rs. Helen Glen 1~ySOll, Deputy Secre- May 21. The lacrosse team wilt round polnt In northwesterly side of Avenue "D" t f II St t D t t f \" I out a successful season by journeying to thence north sixty-four degrees fifty-nlne ary 0 IC a e Cllar men 0 ;\ e - Ch 'I I d h h' I mtnutes east along northw .. terly .,de or f arc 011 .. P ub II,C \\' e Iafrc 'II I the C OUIl- estcrtown, .. aryan , were t elr ast Avenue "D" one hundred and fifty feet to ties." The afternoon session, opening eror ame '''''ill be played against Washington a. po In t nor th t wen t y-r our d egrees r our College on Saturday, May 21, also. mInutes west one bundred and one one-at 1 :.fS P. 1\1.. will he addressed by 1 ________________ 1 hundredths feet to a point in the south- Franklin Spencer Edmonds on "The easterly l,ne of Glen aV,enue (forty-~ve f~t H IFFS SALES wide) thenea sOuth alxty-four degrees 11fty- Taxation Problem" which will be fol- S ER nlne m~nutes west ai-ong said southeasterly I d I I, u . Une one hundred and flfty feet to a polnt owe Iy (ISC 5S1011. In aforesaid center ltne of' Primos avenue: Box luncheons Jllay be brought and SHERIFF SALES thence north twenty-foUr degrees foUr minÂExtension- 7 Of Real Estate At th& Sheriff's Office Court House, Media, Pennsylvania Saturday. June 11. 1932 8:30 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Levari Facias No. 632 March Term. 1932 All that ceTtaln lot or piece of ground situate tn Folcroft. County of Dela.ware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deÂscribed according to a survey made by Alonzo H. Yocum. Borough Engineer, Darby, Pennsylvania, dated January 16. 1928: Commenctng at a point formed by the intersection of the center line of FoI- I croft avenue (fifty feet wide) with the southeaaterly line of Avenue "D" (flfteen utes west along said center llne forty-five feet to a point In northwesterly side of Glen avenue thence north sIXty-four deÂgrees 11fty-elght minutes east along said northweftterly side of Glen avenue eight hundred. and seventy-six and twenty-seven one-hundredths feet to the center line of Folcroft avenue; thence south twenty-seven degrees two minutes east along the said center Une one hundred and sixty and six one~hundredths feet to the .southeasterly sIde of Avenue "n" the place Of beginÂning. No improvement. Vacant ground. Sold as the property of John n. Mercer. mortgagor. and Allen & Reed, Inc., owner or reputed owneT. CondltioIl&--$l.OOO.OO cash or certIfied check on day of sale; balance In ten days. Further conditions announced at sale. C. WILFRED CONARD. Attorney. .. '. POSITIVELY IVIU NOT 8E SHOPIN IN ANY, ' OTHER TIIEI/TIlE IN TIllS CITY THIS SEASON ALL SEATS RE£ERVED EVES. 50\ ,m .11.00. IL5«J-MATS,5<* ;751,$100 2130·TWICE DAILY'B'30 " \ Mail Telephone Orders Now STATE 3 DAYS POSITIVELY ONLY Beg. Monday Mat. May 23 Dining Out? No. 1489 March Tenn. 19~ I~;;~;;~;;~~;;~;;~;;.;;~;;~;;~;;~~;;~;;~~;;~;;~;;;;;; All that certain lot or pIece of ground I I I II II III1III I • II t III I II II I I II • I II III I II II II I I • 1 II I I Fieri Facias Stop in at the Inn. Beautiful surroundings. Genial friendly atmosphere. Delicious Sunday Dinner, $1.00 or $1.25. StratL.Haven TOE INN WITH PERSONALITY Swarthmore. Penna. Decoration Day Starts the Parade SUMMER TRAVEL SERVICE Safety Brakes Tires etc. Appearance Wash Top Dressing Paint Chassis etc. Performance New Spark Plugs Inspect Ignition Grind Valves etc. BE PREPARED OUR WORK GUARANTEED HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVENUE SWARTHMORE 1250 with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected. situate In the Township of Haverford.. .County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and deÂscribed accordlng to a certain survey for H. Harri.&on. by Over and Tingley. C. E·s., upper Darby. Pa., on February 25th, 1926. as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the northwestÂerly side of Wynnewood road. (fltty feet wide) at the distance of two hundred thirty-one and thirty-two one-hundredths feet meaaured north flfty·stx degrees twenty minutes east along the said stde of Wynnewood road. from Its Intersectlon with the center line of Haverford road; thence I north thirty-three degrees six minuteJ west. passing through the center of the party wall between these premises and the premÂises adjOining to the southwest. one hunÂdred twenty-five feet to a point; thence north fifty-stx degrees twenty minutes east twenty-five feet to a poInt; thence south thirtytbree degrees six minutes east one hundred twenty·flve feet to a polnt on the northwesterly side of Wynnewood. road. and thence along the same south fifty-six deÂgrees twenty minutes west twenty-five feet Tonight Friday Clothier Memorial Fisk Jubilee Singers 8P.M. Greatest exponents of Negro spirituals today . Admission SOC It's Too Bad About The Lawns In Swarthmore I I I I I I I I I YOU HAVE A LAWN. LET'S MAKE IT PLEAS· ING TO THE EYE. We have a formula prepared by two leading greena' keeper. at nearby country clubs. This grass seed mixed in proportions which they recommend, we have in atock. We also have the fertilizers wbich they recommend, namely: Bone Meal, Hydrated Lime, Ground Limeatone, Sheep Manure, Baugbro and the famous HYPER·HUMUS In otber words we have everytbinc nece.sary to produce a beautiÂfullawn. We furniah worthy men who are without jobs, fully instruct them and then superviae the work. The JAPANESE BEETLE is now near the top of the ground. KILL HIM. We have arsenate of lead and sand. Let's make Swarthmore the most beautiful town, not only in Delaware County but in Suburban Philadelphia. III1IIIII H. D. GREEN NO.1 PRINCETON AVE. Swarthmore 1234 P_ S.-If your coal bin i. empty, 611 it. Tha~t. our .peci.aJty. ,JHt VoL IV, No. 21, Swarthmore, Pa., MaV 27, 1932 ,z.so Per Year ANNUAL SCHOOL "EXHIBIT JUNE2-3 Works of Pupils During Past Year On Display, Program In Auditorium ANNUAL H. & S. MEETING Plans have been completed for the "WVE-IN.A.MIST" IS COMMENCEMENT PLAY HLove in a Mist" will be given in the I Clothier Memorial auditorium next Fri· 'day and Saturday evenings, as the at1nual Commencement play at the College. The production is being directed by Charles D. Mitdiell, president of the Swarthmorc Player's Club, and will be given by the Little Thealre Club 01 the College, • Ii Legion Opposes Bonus Annual 'Exhibit of' the Swarthmore The Harold Ainsworth Post of the Public Schools' 10 be held Thursday and American Legion at its last meeting Friday nights, June 2nd and .lrd. Two unanimously went on record as being nights are being devoted to this p\1r-pose this year in order that those opposed to the payment of the so-called parents who want to see the exhibits Soldiers' Bonus Bill. Copies of the ReÂand attend the Auditorium program, solutions were sent by the adjutant to may have more time to do so. Senators Davis and Re'cd and to Con- an Thursday evening 'thc exhibits of. gressman Wolfenden of Delaware the work of the pupils will be held in C all the rooms of all the bui1dirig~. The: ounty .. Also to .. the chairman of the Ways and Means committee. exhibits should be partiC'Ularly interest-: The meQ1bers of the Post were espeÂing in the elementary grade reoms dally vigorous in their denunciation of where the results of the activity pro-· the various schemes and rackets which gram of the,year, developed illlinc with raid the public treasury under the guise progressive 'education ideals, will be on of bencfitting veterans of" the World display. These exhibits will be open all Thursday evening from 7 :30 on. W'~~;e approval of the resolution is in · On Thursday evening in the Audi- line with a similar action taken last torium there wili be a presentation of year when the Post protested to the ~~~t;~~~~s~ft~;e ~~~~~h~;~h l~~~oIG?~;: National Legion Convention at Detroit against any further demands for public · Physical Education and Boys Physical funds. Community Baseball Team Starts Season; Plays on Memorial Day New Uniforms Provided For Players; Diamond Turned Around; Prospects Good For First Class Team Swarthmore's summer baseball season Other men who have responded to the was scheduled to open last night with a call for candidates include: Wills BroadÂgame between the local nine and the hea~, Joseph .Kahl~r, Tow~send, Russ , . WhIte, FreddIe Pme, EddIe McCall, R~dley Park ~overs, The first bIg 'game Mumford, Fred Boughton, and Nick Will be held on Memorial Day, Monday Carter. afternoon at 3 o'clock when the Swarth- Games are being scheduled· by Jolm more team meets the Jefferson Field Powell who has always done so much Club aile of its most interesting' oppon- for the team as secretary of the Club and ents of previous years. will be played on the home diamond The baseball season this year is start- every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at iug off with every indication of an in- 6 :30 with a few possible exceptions. teresting schedule made up of weU play- Special games will also be played on ed games. Fred Pine, manager of the holidays.· club again this year, announced yesterday The College has moved the diamond that twelve new uniforms for the first around so that instead of batting into the string men had been ordered and would setting sun, the home ,plate faces toÂbe here for the Memorial Day game. wards the center of the town and the During the past week practice has spectatators' stands will be erected over been held on the new diamond and near the old Chautauqua barn. A new practically all of last year's players and wooden backstop will be completed beÂsome new ones have been present. Bob fore Monday's game. Reed .will be at first base again and for E. C. Walton will act as treasurer of pitchers the manager will chose among the club again this year .and is already Manning, Korndoffer, and Ziegenfus for trying to secure some five dollar memÂthe first two gam e s. While Albert berships to meet the expenses of new Gwynn" last year's catcher, will not be equipment and the new backstop. For with the team the first few games, he those who do not buy season tickets, the will probably be back in his old posi- hat will be passed a\ each game as in tion week after next. previous years. MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM READY Rev. J. J. Guenther To Be Principal Speaker At . Borough Ball PARADE STARTS AT 10 A. M. Memorial Day in Swarthmore next Monday wHi consist of a simple but impressive program and parade in the morning sponsored by the Harold AinsÂworth Post of the American Legion and a baseball game on the home field just west of the underpass at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, rector of the Trinity EpisÂcopal Church, will be the main speaker at the services in front of borough hall in the morning. Col. John A. Murphy, commander of the Post during the past year, will act as n.arshal of the parade and chai.rÂman of the meeting. Music will be furÂnished by the Norwood Post Drum and Bugle Corps which also played last year. The program for the morning is as follows: Members of Post, Norwood Post Drum and Bugle Corps arid' Navy FirÂing Squad assemble at Borough Hall, 10 a. m" Monday, May 30th. Education. The girls of the high school It was pointed out that the War clothing classcs will prese!}! a one~act Veterans Administration, exclusive of play called ·'The·Dream That Won", in- appropriations for th~ . .Interior DepartÂwhich they will display dresses made mellt, is already expending funds at ·by the girls in their classes. The Girls the rate of $3,000 per war casualty; and Physical Educaiion classes will present these casualties in many cases were ------------------;------------------ a program 01 costume dances by the little more than scratches or cuts, since BENEFIT PROGRAM TENNIS CLUB Post, Boy Scout Troops, Cub Pack Marchers will parade to East1awn Cemetery, where Rev, John E, Tuttle will deliver the coloquy. Volleys' by Firing Squad and Taps Sounded. Pro.ceed ·to Memorial Tablet at Borough Hall via Park Avenue to HarÂvard, on Harvard to Chester Road, norlh on Chester Road to Park Ave-girls of the various junior high school the army records included all reported AT MEETING HOUSE ' grades iileluding elog dances, character injuries as well as death by natural dalices, f01k dances and square dances. causes or in battle. M Th B'ddl Ell' I 'II REDUCES DUES There will also be a Colonial Minuet by rs. omas Ie' IS, W 10 WI the senior high school girls, which was I I • give the entertainment at Friends' nue. , At Park and Yale,' Company ·'H", Legion Auxiliary, Red Cross, Girl Scouts, Community Health Society will join the procession, continuing to exÂercises at Borough Halt. present c< I at PhI'l a d e Ip hl' a m, conneclt'oDn R• D• •A POUNG TO Meeting House this afternoon at 4 P. with Ihe Convention 01 the American SPEAK .. HERE TODAY M, is well known lor her very interest- Physical Education Association The ing recital work. Lelia Radcliffe Harris, B?ys Physical Education depa~tment A luncheon and meeting for men and p!a.nist of the Phil~d~lphia M~sical Art Will present stunts and .. tumbling acts. . . . 'Ino under Mr. WIlham f?chmldt, often _ , _ .'I'ht" AuditOJ:ium . program .on .Friday. .~o~en. ~llIc? It.~ .~pons.ors . ho~~ ,w.I,1l ~e ~~<r.qmp~Q.ie~. Â¥r$~ ~1I~s •.. P~~ts : ,?f . ~J1e nig1)t J 3 d '11· I d • b one of the largest (jf'tfte kmd t!ver"held score·"John Brown's-Body"-wliich Mrs tl ., ~ne r I' WI 10Ch u e hl1lUSIC hY here will be given 'at Swarthmore CoI- Ellis read three years ago' in Swarth~ Ie various c asses t roug out tel d d . h ' f h gra d es. 'It WI'I I a Is o Ie ature t II e G 00d ege• toF ay un er t e ' a"uspIcesA 0 t e mo're were written hy Miss Harris • \ViIl Pageant developed under the di- Allted orces for ProhtbItlOn. rrange- Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman. who will rcctt· ono f 1\1 rs. H eIe n l\{ . H a II I orthe medntsb fo r thh e Il uncIh eon w'e re comIp'lhete'd tell some delightful stories is well b f W Id G d W' 'II D to ay y t coca committee, W lie IS known through her Chautauqua work. o servance 0 or 00 1 ay h d d b MAO Redgra . and rcpeated especially for this occa- ca e y. rs. . .' . ve. Mrs. Herbert Frazer wdl accompany ,.' Dr. Dame1 A. Pohng, ChaIrman of Mrs. Ellis. They and the young people "I~rnl' I t' I th H & the Allied Forces for Prohihition, and who will give the play "Lady 'Vashing- 1e anllua mee mg 0 e orne Id I d I h 'II k S I I A 't' 'II b h Id . wor ea er 0 yout J WI spea at ton's Ba:J" need no Swarthmore intro- · 'ct 1'0 0 S;.i OIC Ja h10 11 FW I' d e e' h IIIA c odn' - t Iu's lIIeet1' 0g at 2.3 0' CI h' M nec Ion Wit 111 ot ler em- duction . 1 ten ay Il•l g t u 1- on. aI, an d a II w h 0 arc 1'0t e rest e d .m ' torlUlll program. Everyone IS welcome I ·1 "f ··t d t d I~ al! activities on these two nights. ~~:~:1 ;:i~~~1 are mVJ e 0 come an Dr. and Mrs. louis Robinson cnter- . II • Thc luncheon will precede the meet- tained many of their friends, young and FORTY GRADUATE FROM ing and will be held at Whittier House, old, at a charming supper in their garden , MARY LYON SCHOOL College Campus, at I P. M, Dr, Jesse on Sunday evening, May IS, H. Holmes will preside. Dr. Holmes is Mrs. Albert Stctser and son, Dana, of • I " C professor of philosophy at Swarthmore Buffalo, New York, have been the guests o1l1menceme,nt.",activities will be held and has long been a worker for pro- of Mrs. Rl1ip~l Djllsmove of Kenyon ave., over this week-eI!d .at the Mary Lyon hibition and law enforcement. the past week. school. This yea~'s ~rflduating class ________________ ---.! _______________ Girl Swarthmore To Be Represented By Team To Play Other Communities E.· Ro' T>"'YWR~ PRESIDENT· Because of thc sound financial condiÂtion of the Swarthmore Tennis Club, dues have heen reduced to $6 for men members and to $12 for family memÂberships. Women~s and junior memÂberships remain at $5 and $2 respecÂtively. The club will again have use of the men's cOllrts at the college. At Park and Harvard the Fire ComÂpany will join the' procession. cE~erdges . at 1',feJl~Oriar· Tablet will consist as follows: Invocation, Rev. Lloyd P. Stevens; "America", The AuÂdience; Placing of Wreaths, Post 427; Placing of Flags, .Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts; Address, Rev. J. Jarden GuenÂther; Volleys, Firing Squad; Taps, NorÂwood Post Bugles; "The Star Sp~ngled J3anner", The Audience; Benediction, Rev. Thomas A. Meryweather. I • ULVERSTON PLAYERS IN PROGRAM TONIGHT It was decided to have a club team, which will play a limited number of matches with outRof-town tennis teams. Positions on the team will be determ-ined by competitive play and are open The Ulverston Players are presentÂto any member of the club. Anyone iug three one-act plays, "The Turtle wishing to try for the team can make Dove," "A Night at an Inn," and liThe arrangements by notifying John Kent, Maker of Dreams," at the Woman's Swarthmore apartments. The interests Clubhouse this evening, May 27. This of non-members of the team will be in is the first dramatic production given no way subordinated, all expenses be- by members of the school. The plays ing borne by the team and plenty of are bei~g directed by Miriam Jenkins courts being left open on match dates Elsbree. .for the use of others.. The 'policy of the "The Turtle Dove" is the story of consists of thirty-fo·lI~·'gfrls from High School and six fromil!'\VildclitT, the GradÂuate School. On Monday, :May 30th, at 8 :30 the Glee Club will llresent "Patience" by Gilbert and Sullivan. The commenccÂment p I a y, Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" will be given in the auditorium at 8 :30 Tuesday ~vening. CommenceÂment exercises will be held W I.."<lnesday cvening, June 1, at 8:30 in the AuditorÂium. The address will be given by Dr. Alexander Mutch whose subject will bc "Some Notes 011 True American CitizenÂship." Scout Cabin Painted; Mrs. Ashton Offers I b '. I the famous· "Willow Plate", its glorious Fl'replace pc aus t trwemo ayllelsa rass- toIt phraosv idbee enan oorp ptohre- lovers and the villanious Manderin faÂtunity for those who play tennis for the ther. In keeping with the play it is bdng produced with the Chinese manÂMary Higbie is president of the High School senior class and the members of the class are as follows: Elsa Weatherly Beamish, Katherine Bell, Evelyn ElizaÂbeth Bolm, Edith Louise Cannell, MargÂaret Swan Clark, Phoebe Leavitt Cox, Mary Ann Cracraft, Eleanor Budd Craig, Helen Jean Davenport. June Duckworth, Mary Charlotte Farnham, Mary Elizabeth Farrington, Betsy PhylÂlis Frankenh;:;rger, Ruth Ferguson Glenn, Mary Jane Goodman, Louise I-lager, and Helcn Hardy. Margaret Virginia Hayhurst, Mary Higbie, Frances Maric Heming, Helen Mae Ingalls, Catharine Chapman MacÂadam, Doris Adair Mead. Dorothy Katherine McKinley, Margaret Polk, Gloria Hendrick Quaw, Helen DickinÂson Salmon, Louise Nall Spencer, Claire Sartorius Strauss, Mary Jeffrey Tonkin, All Allison Uhl, Frances Ruth \\ alralh, Audrey Watson, Elizabeth Ita Woolman. ' Witdaliff graduates are as follows: Eleanor Rosemaire Haas, Mary Eleanor Hite, Aim Dravo· Parkin, Alice Rut h Sherman" Jean Haviland"· Stetzer,~· and Eleanor Williams Taylor.' - At the meeting of the Girl Scout House Committee on Wednesday, Mrs. I£Jliolt Richardson, the chairman, anÂnounced that the Girl Scouts would have a firel)1ace in their Scout House before fall. This fireplace, which will he of stone, is the generous gift of l\lrs. Leonard Ashton. It is a most welcome addition to the Girl Scout House and a gift which is greatly apÂpreciated by the Girl Srouts and their committee. • • • The work 011 the Girl Scout House is progressing rapidly. For three SatÂurdays the fathers of the girls have been busy priming and painting and Mrs. Arthur Redgrave, chairman of the Grounds Committee, is waiting for this work to be completed before plantÂing the shrubbery. The plumbing will he installed during the summer and in September the Girl Scouts will hold a Bazaar and exhibition of their work. Each girl will contribute something which she has made herself and with the proceeds of the bazaar the girls hOJle to add to the furnishings of the little house dishes, draperies, etc. Mrs. E. A. Gillespie has given a piano whic~ has delighted the.girls and the PresbyÂterian Church, an icebox which wilt be most useful. • • • Troop 16 entertained their parents and friends at a Lawn Party last SatÂurday afte'"rn~n at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmer. The gardens made a beauliful setting for a pageant which the girls presented and also for their Court of Awards. During the year Ircne Blasdel and Irma Zimmer reÂceived the Golden Eaglet, the highest award offered a girl Scout. Mrs. ZimÂmer and June Avery attained First Class rank and the following girls: Elizabeth' Hessenbruch, Prudence Perry, Dorothy Guenther, Alice NickÂerson, Caroline Underwood, Eudora Sproat, Ruth Detlefsen and Edith \Voodruff received Second Class badges during the past year. • • • At the Court of Awards, Proficiency Badges were awarded to Jane RichÂardson, Prudence Perry, Betty McÂGarrah, Doris· MacIntyre, Dorothy Guenther, Ruth Detlefsen, Margaret Annc Badger, Junc Avery. Irma Zim- 111(:r, Helen CTaemer and Irene BlasÂdel received service stripes for conÂtinued Scouting. These girts have been members of Troop 16 for five conseÂcutive years. pleasure of the game. The club tournam~nt, to terminate in ner of staging and music. Those taking Part in this play are Thompson LI'ttleÂthe finals matches on july Fourth, will begin immediately after the club takes fie~d, Ted Hannum, Hugh Berry, MiÂriam Terman, George Colesworthy, EuÂover the courts june 7. Entries for the tournamcnt, which wilt consist of men's gene Underhill, and John Delaplaine. The Chinese orchestra wilt consist of singles and doubles, witi close June 15. The club ranking list will be based on Dorothy Guenther, Sarah Jean Fraser, Miriam Barnes, and Katherine Murch. the outcome of these various matches. The second play, "A NI'ght at an Anyone wishing to enter the tourna- Inn," is a gripping mystery dealing with ment can do so by notifying William T. Brown, 320 Cornell avenue. A sched- the theft of an idol's ruby eye by a u1e of the tournament matches will be band of English crooks and the veng-eance which the Gods visit on the placed in Shirer's Drug Store and at thieves. Those in the cast are Mason the club grounds. Club cards will be issued to all mcm- Sh~etz, Kendall Mumford, Jackson Hellner, James Anderson, Arthur MitÂbers this season and no one will be al-lowed to play on the courts unless ac- chell, Billy Ashton, Hugh Berry, and Francis Miller. companied by a melllber or by a writ- The third play. "The Maker of ten request from a member. Visitor's D reams'~ is the fanciful love story of dues will remain 25 cents a person, as the popular Pierot and Pierette. Those last season. T in the ,cast are Robert Shackleton, he club's officers, E. H. Taylor, S a II y '~\{ Itch ell and J. Dayton Gibson. president, Nathan Simpson, vice presi- Th e b usm' ess staff of the evening's dent and William T. Brown, secretary- entertainm(;nt includes Martin Singer, treasurer, were unanimously re-elected. stage manager; Jack Heitner and RichÂAll persons wishing to obtain member- ard .UnderhOt" a:ssist~nt· stage managÂship in the club should communicate ers; Mrs. A. M. Lackey and Miriam • • * with Mr. Brown. T erman,. properties .and costumes; Mrs. Troo 6 will hold its last regular I I • Robert Carets, jncident songs. meeting for the yeat" at the home of ~Jr. and Mrs. J. Everton Ramsey, of I I; Mrs. Frederick Child, 314 Vassar Ave. Norlh Chester road, are at their cot- MI'S S M· ary. EIl' zabeth Noyes, daugh-on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. tage in Ventnor. t er 0 f ''"I r . and 'Mrs. -Carlos Noyes, of • • • Mrs. Charles Christie, of Providence Og. den, avenue, ent«;;rtain, ed a ....... OlJP of Girl Scouts who are marching in the and ~{r. and Mrs. Valentine Zahn, of . f f1e~ ds ia~St a turday evening&.. Memorial Day Parade will wear full New York City, spent the week-end MISS :Mtldred Simpers "of Westdale uniform and meet at Yale and Park with Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Giles, of ave~ue entertained at supper before the aves. at 10 o'clock Monday· morning. Rutgers avenue. J untor Club cia nce last Saturday evening.
---------- Page 15 ----------
1 THE SWARTIlMORBAN MAY Z7, 193Z Commencement· Activities join them arriving on the yacht of Mrs. LeRoy Mercer, Mrs. John MarÂGraydon Perry of Baltimore, aDd Mi55Isn~~~IIt:Mrs. William BuDocki Mrs. J'rank Jane Rydstrom, also of Baltimore, Mrs .. Benjamin Collins,' Mrs. be Keta Brower's guest at the Robert Bair, Mrs. Caleb Burchenal, Mary Lyon School tage. Mrs. Sewell Hodge and Mrs. Elrie Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith arid Mr. Sproat. The last of this season's Swarthmore Series Dances wilt be held Saturday eveÂning. J nne llth~ at the Arollimink CounÂFriday allernoon, May 27th-May Day. Sunday. May 29th-9.30 a. m. Wildcliff Breakfast on the Porch. 5.00 p. m. Musical Vespers. and Mrs. H. Ellioll Wells of Buek ~~~I;.=========:::=== I will entertain their bridge club 0 Monday, May JOth-8.30 p. m. The Glee Club l>resents Gilbert and "Patience". Su1livan's . this week end. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Fussell of River· view road will entertain at tea SUlnday I afternoon in honor of Dean and Raymond Walters. try Club. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jessup and Mr. 'and Mrs. Caroll Thayer will spcnd this week-end at the Jessup's summer home May 315t-1.3O p. m. Luncheon for Alumnae and Graduates. 5.00 p. m. Class Day Exercises and Garden Party. 8.30 p. rn. Comrnoncement Play: Shakespeare's uTwelfth Night". at Wallingford, Vermont. Wednesday I June 1st, 8.30 p. nt.-Commcncement Exercises Address by Dr. Alexander Mutch: "Some Notes on True American Citizenship". Mrs. Charles Petran of has come to be with her daughter Edward Dennison, who has been very ill for some time. - The Chorus of the Swarthmore WomÂan's Club, under the direction of Mr. \\'illiam Sylvano Thunder. gave a recital (or the patients at the Home for IncurÂables at Overbrook Jast Sunday. Mrs. Gerald 11. Effing sang several 50105. Miss Mildrid SIlencer accompanied the chorus on the piano. Mrs. \ViIliam Earle Kistler will ellÂtertain the members of this year's board of directors of the \Voman's Clult at her . horne 011 Tuesday afternoon. Miss Janet Smalley -will cntertain at a sllPllcr amI dance tomorrow evening at her mother's studio in Philadelphia. Mrs. Octavius Narbeth entertained at Ulverston School "r;.b. ?I.-fay 27, Presentation oC three onewact 11lays at the Woman's Clubhouse. • I , Sunday, May 29. Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. J. Jardcn Guenther at the Trinity Episcopal Church. Summer Bridge Club Swarthmore High School Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, of Dickinson Friday, May 27th 9 a. Ill. Elementary School Color Contests, H. S. field (no afterÂnoon session) Wednesday, June 1st 1 p. ID. All faculty picnic at Salem Country Club Thursday, June 2nd 8 p. m. Annual Exhibition in Auditorium. Physical Education & Household Arts. Friday, JUlle .lrd 8 p. 111. Annual Exhibition (Continued) In And .• Music and Good Wilt Pageant. HOllle & School Asso. Annual meeting. avenue, was hostess at the first meetÂing of the season of the summer Bridge Club Monday. The other members of this club are: Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. Harold Grifw fin, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. John Fawcett. Mrs. Roland Ulman, M.rs. EI-luncheon \Vedncsday afternoon followed Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes entertained at .ilud Mrs. Albert Gary White oC by th'e regular monthly meeting o( the IUl1cheon last Friday in honur of Mrs. avenue. C a IIe ge r w__o_o_d_ _G_a_r_r_et_t_. __M_r_s_. __C_h arles Thatcher ~ __________ _ Woman's Foreign Missionary'Society oj W 1 the Swarthmore Methodist .Church .. ' Tho.'! Raymond a ters. 1\1 iss Edith Bunting, Mrs. Rosalie Rob-tOllie discussed was "\Vorl~ Fellowship". ~f rs. HarJld Griffin will be the hostess crts, and M iss Ruth Reynolds spent last Miss Susan Lodge o( the 'Philade11Ihia to the Summer Bridge Ctub at its next week-end a~ the Reynolds cottage' in OPEN EVENINGS As Little as 25c a Day Pays for a NORGE I J 'm,ecting 011 June 8th. Ocean City. 1 cthodist Headquarters, and llrs. . P.I' McNaugl,l~on of the Swarthmore Prcs- Reverend and Mrs. Lloyd P. 'rite Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae CANTER'S b),terian Church were the guest speakers. spent last week in Atlantic City a:osociation held a supper meeting .at Mrs. !Edwin A. Yarnall of Kenyon tlley attended the meetings of the the home of Mrs. Sargent Walter after Cor. 4th &. Market St. Chhter 991 avenue, SPcllt Tuesday in Harrisburg in Conference of· Methodist Churches. I which the members visited the Scott ----------------- the inten:st of the Pennhllrst School of 11r. and Mrs. J. F. Meschter of Dick- gardens in Wallingford. JONAS GEE which she is a member of the board of inson avenue .entertained at Lridge last ~fr. and Mrs. Charles de Hart Practical directors. Saturday eve01ng. . Brower, of Guernsey road arc spend- Lawn Mower Sharpener and Repairer Mr .. an~ Mrs. Eugene S. Farlcy of ).Ir. and Mrs. Fa'Ycett of Baltimore lUg the week end at their Gibson Is- Saws r;:O~:ne'!lr.::. ~a::l =-:~ned Westfield, N. l., visited 1n Swarthmore a!c the guests of their sons Mr. Abram laud cottage. Miss Dorothy, Miss Mary 14 N. Morton Avenue 011 V/edllcsday of this week. !'awcett of College avenue and Mr. John B d M w·tr H k' 'n P. o. Box 156 Morton, PenDa. Mrs. Arthur Melick and Mrs. RODert Fawcett of South Chester road. rower, an r. 1 lam op illS WI Phon~warthmore 1231 .. " L Coates will attend a tea this afternoon :Mrs. Charles Israel spent last Satur- i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ at Strawberry Mansion given by day in New York. Philadclilhia Federation of WOlliants Mr .. and Mrs. James Bogardus entcr- Clubs in 'honor of Mrs. Grace Morrison tailled at dinner and bridge last Friday Poole of. Massachusetts. evening. Richard Dc1a1)lain. son of Mr. and Gladys Palmer of Collegc avenue is Mrs. ,J{oy 'V. Delaplaine, entertained at quarantined with the measles. a birthday party last Saturday·afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ilhilip Mown of New at his-.home on Cornell avenue. Among York will be the week-end guests of Mr. his guests Wf're Alice and Elizabeth Den- _______ ~-,...c--.----- nison, I)'-Yeen Lingle. Pcggy Glenn, and Morris Terman. Mr: . aild Mrs. Roland L. Eaton and Granite Marble MEMORIALS family of Dickinson avenue left on Cemetery Work a Specialty Thursday for Bath, Maine .. M:rs. Eat9n's Wm J Cartledge mother, Mrs. :M. A. Storey. accompanied •• them as far as \Vorcester, Mass. Mr. No. Lansdown:SlY:.~~rexel Hm, 'pa. Eaton's father will return with them (OpposJtCel eAarrblIrnogotko n Cemetery) 6880 next luesday. --:;:;;c-;--:;;~:;:;:-r;;;~;;;-... ;; ,..,.-'-- Mr~::h Malcolm Hndgc of Strath PIANO I:Iave~ . !i.venue entertained her bridge . club on ,.Tuesday of this. week. . 20 Y4:!ars experience ~lh all makes. Dr. and Mrs. N. P.· Vlachos will s~en"1 Member of Nat. Asso. of Piano Tuners. this week..end at their slimmer home at All Pianos should be- tuned twice eaeh Avalqri. . 1(,. .. ani! Mrs. J. F. Meschter anel ' .. :'daoghter Katherine and Mr. and Mrs. ]. year. A. L. PARKER Media~ Pa. Phone Media 831 Howard Taylor and two children will 'Ilend thj~ week·end at Ocean City, N.]. pEN NCR EST Mrs. William Vlachos will entertain at ·F AR M S tea Fric;l..ay afternoon (or Mrs. Bayard Morrison, Sr., and Mrs. Bavard Mor· G U ERN S E Y MIL K rison. ~Jr. •. Federal a~credlted herd since 1922. Barnes Mrs. C~ A. Stern of Baltimore Pike and dairy houses Inspected regUlarly by local and state Inspectors. was the, guest of her nCIJhew William Phone Media 1116-W CoarsJor· the pageant at Lafayette Col-I;::===============; -lege last Thursday. . ' . PIERRE .1l~G~~ ON 69th Street Dirmer 85c and $1.00 Dandng-No Co_ert Snpper DaDciag . Jack Ferry and Hi. On:heatra 9 'till1 Couvert Weekdays SOc Saturday &: Holidays 7Sc Household articles re-paired. Things that you would give to the rag man. PHONE MEDIA 1766-W MT~ER}EA MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 TO<Ia~ ~Frida~) .... d Saturday RICHARD DIX in "THE LOST SQUADRON" with Eric Von Strohelm-Mary Aator Robert Annstrong Big 3~ hour show Saturday only Starts at 1:30 P. M. l_uThe Lost Squadron." Z-Bing Crosby in "The Billboard Girl." 3-Hearst Melrotone News. 4-Krazy Kat Cartoon. 5-Extra added a\traction Satur .. day ·M .... nee only KEN MAYNARD in "THE POCATELLO KID" No advance in prices Monday and "'u_a,. < EDWARD Go ROBINSON in ... "THE HATCHET MAN" from the Dovel "The HOllorab1e Mr. WODR" For Commencement Activities and your Memorial Day Ouling see our 'TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS $15 and up WHITE LINEN SUITS Tailored to Mea8ure $17.50 White or Striped FLANNEL TROUSERS $5 to $8.50 FLANNEL JACKETS NEW WASH TIES 3 for $1.00 JANTZEN BATmNG SUITS $5 BUCHNER'S TOGGERY.SHOP PARK AVE. WARNER BROS. CHESTER THEATRES WASHINGTON Friday & Saturday KEN MAYNARD in ''The Texas Gun Fighter" Monday &: Tuesday BEN LYON in ''The Big Timer" 3 Days Starting Wednesday ''THE TRIAL OF VIVIAN WARE" STANLEY Friday & Saturda,. Jack Oakie and MIRIAM HOPKINS "Dancers iu the Dark" THE ONLY BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE IN DEL. COUNTY EVERY SATURDAY LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Sow OLD ENGLISH Lawn Grass Seed Plant Sweet Peas-Fertilize the Lawn Vigoro-Bolle Meal-Sheep Mannre-Baughgro Store Open Saturday Eveninc Till 8 P. M. During Sprinc Our Stoe!< i. La,..e Quality Beer Bay Now-Avoid Rash Later Ou MeCAJ.JlS SEED STORE 6th & MadisOn SlII. Can for catalogue Che&ter 9245 Plenty of ParkIn. Space-Madlson"'Street Is 'wo-wa,- 1n.lIle ZOTOS Pennanent Wave NO MACHINERY NO ELECTRICITY Th18 wond.erful invention 18 alm.oat Unbelievable. It atvea you tbe most beautlful permanent you've ever seen-deep, lustrous, natural waves -and does It without a machine and without electricity, Even bleached. dyed or baby fine halr 18 safe with Zotoe. It doesn't bake-It doesn·t bum-It's comfortable, quick and safe. Just the th1n& women have been longing for. Be the :Ilr8t to get a Zotoa Maehlnew1eu permanent I Grace M. Smith SHIRER APTS. AND THE NEW SWARTHMORE SWARTHMORE 54~ Swarth.761-762 Free Delivery MARTEL BROS. Sirloin Roast Shoulders Lamb· Rib Lamb Chops Loin Pork Chops Fre.h Ib53c Ib 18c Ib33c Ib24c Sugar Peas ~pk18c N....-b,. Asparagus buu 19c Sweet Ripe Cantaloupes 2 for 29c Pineapples I,. 2 fo~ 25c F .... oh Porgi~s Ib18c Fre.h Haddock Filets Ib 19c Jene,. Steak Cod Ib19c Crisco Ibcan 15c BLUE ANCHOR PALE DRY GINGER ALE 3 Qt. Bots. SOC Plu. Dep. Thin BuHer Pretzels 2Sc lb. Brookfield· BuHer Ib23c N. B. C. ENGUSH STYLE ASS'T BISCUITS 29c lb. pkg. Brookfield Eggs doz20c Cooking Egg8 17e doz. Blue Ribbon-Kraft-Scblorer MaYODDaiae 8 oz. 15c 16 oz. 29c qt. sSe Comont Coffee Pure Preserves Potato Chips Qt. Jar Pickles Peanuts Sugar Ib23c jar 19c 111 lb. 13c 25c lb. lOe 10lbbag37c Ev~ for. the' Picnic s AD-Br •. )!kg Be - - ---- - ~ - ~-- . ...-- MAY 27, 193Z FINAL MEETING OF WOMEN VOTERS M1'8. J .. Patl8mOre Cheyney SueÂceed8 MrtI. Beniard Walton . As Pre&ident HEAR STATE SECRETARY 'A~ the annual meeting of the Swarth ... mor'c Le~gue of Women Voters on Tuesday, officers were elected to serve for the next two years. Mrs. J. Pass .. more Cheyney succeeds Mrs. ]. BarÂnard Walton as chairman. while Mrs. Walton takes the vice chairmanship. Mrs. Blanche Devereux was re-elected rccording secretary j Mrs. Harold Barnes corresponding secretary. and Airs. Bernard \V. Isfort, treasurer. Mrs. Carl DeMoll, Mrs. Herbert Sanford and Mrs. William :Middleton Fine werc elected to the executive board. The speaker of the afternoon was 1[iss Gertrude Schennerhorn, executive secretary of the State League of WoÂmen Voters. ,Vith headquarters in PhilÂadelphia. Miss Schermerhorn was .one of the seven state delegates to attend the recent convention of the National League of Women Voters,. held in DeÂtroit, Mich. In 'her talk before the Swarthmore League. she presented the high lights of the convention, and outÂlined the program which will bei::ome the working basis of .league activities for the next biennial period. ; In considering the program, Miss Belle Sherwin, national president, reÂminded the convention that plans were being laid; "not for· now, but 'from now on," and that a new kind of thinkÂing must be developed' to keep pace with changed conditions. Because priw vate relief is being exhausted, thought is ttirning. to the place oC the federal government in public relief: To this end. the national league is basing its program largely on fed.eral responsi .. bility, and how it must function through the state and county until it reaches the individual. • , I PORTRAYS ROLE OF MARQUI.S LAFAYETTE William T. Brown, of Cornell avenue nIB SWARTHMOREAN fayette in the annual opening of the old Many of the original costumes were mansions in Fairmount Park, which was used as well as the Lafayette Coach held Tuesday and .Wednesday of this which dates from 1800. A tour of the week. The celebration this year was a nine Colonial houses in the Park was revival of the incident after the Revolu- made and at each Washington and LaÂ~ ion when Lafayette with Washington, fayette were received in many cases by .mpersonated by Robert Yerkes of direct descendents of th",e wbo lived in Fra~ford, made a return visit to Phila- the houses at the time of Lafa ette' re-delph, a. tum. Y • BOROUGH OF 8WAR'l'HMOBE DELAWARE COUNTY, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AUDITORS' REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31. 1931 ~. To the Borough Counell and Burgess Borough of Swarthmore. ' Delaware County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvanla. Gentlemen: February 23. 1932. tl The f~rou:: Auditors of the Borough of Swarthmore have completed their examina- 0dnl ° necee ancial records of the Secretary, Trea8urer and Tax. Collector for the year en ng mber 31. 1931. I The scope of this examination consisted of a verification of the assets and llablllties n the manner set forth in the comment 01 this report. We also ascertained that the ~~3t u:a:.he Secretary, Treasurer and Tax. Collector were In reconcll1atlon as of Decem- Respectfully SUbmitted. CASH COMMENT ASSETS S. W. JOHNSON. WALLACE M. McCURDY, WM. R. MAIN. Borough Auditors. All cash balances were reconciled with the balances 88 set forth on the bank stateÂmen~ and further ver~ed by direct correspondence with the depository. All recorded cash receipts were deposited and receipts transmitted to the Secretary in the manner prescribed by the Borough Council. The recorded cash disbursements were checked In detail with the minutes to deterÂmine If all payments had been approved by the Council and that eaCh payment W88 SUPPOrted by a properly approved bill. A 8Um.tnary of all cash funds of the Borough follows: Cash Balance ~celpts January During 1,1931 Year General Fund ................... $ 22.761.15 Sinking Fund....... ... . .. .... .. 4.596.16 Hall Fund................... .... 99.23 Special Deposits and Retained IteDlS ......................... 268.'11 Special Fund....... •.....• ..•.•. 92.36 --- $ 27,817.61 $128.582.16 5.326.19 99.23 268.'11 5.511.69 $139.052.10 Disbursements During Year $130.004.45 6,S36.oo 5.403.99 $141.944.44 Cash Balance December 31,1931 $ 21,338.86 3.388.35 200.06 $ 24.925.2'1 During the year the 8&11 Fund and Speclal Deposits and Retained Items were transw ferred to; the General Pl,1nd. :: SINKING FUND A summary of the cash transactions in this fund follows: Balance, Decemb.:r 31. 1930 ....••.....•.................................... ".596.16 ;Receipts: Taxes ..........................•..•.•...••..••.•.••.••.•................ $4.624.83 Interest .....................•.....•..•...............•.......••.•........ 201.36 One Borough of Swarthmore Bond Redeemed.... .... .•. .•......•.•. ..•. 500.00 Disbursements: RedemptIon 01 Borough Bonds.... . . . . . • . . ..• . . . . . . . • . . • . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... 2,500.00 State Tax .........••...•.•.....•••.••••••..•..••••••••••••.• ~ • • . •. . . . • . . 331.00 Interest on Bon:ts ....................................•..•............... 3,705.00 5.326.19 9.922.35 6,538.00 Swarthmore BBtate 18,020 @ 8 111111 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Leos: CommleeloDO PaId Tal< CoUector ••••..•••••.•••.••...•.••.••...• $ 1,313.55 Discounts, TaxpaJ'en' 5% on PaJDleDte Made Prior to Sep- 588.78 88,312.02 \ember 30. 1831 ............................................... • •• 48.93 ~=:"::_=3.sa~.48 Total Taxes Due Borough 1831 .......••...•....••.••.....•...•••.••... Total Taxe. Unpaid as ot December 31, 1931. .....••.......•..••.••••. Taxea---I931-Collected ••••..•....•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••..•...• 1930 " ..•.••.............••.••..•.•••••......•..•.. 1929 ........•...............•..•....•..•.•..•..•... Permits t~ ...... " ..... : : :: :: : : : ::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::: :::: : : :: : ::: : :: : Ilepoel tIJ; ............................................................. . ~.:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: AMessmen ts •...•.....••••••.••••.•••.••...•••••••.•.....••..•....•... Pole and Main Tax. ..............................................•••••• Refund of Insuran~ ••..•••..••..•••••.•..•.•..•..••..••..•...•••••••• Refund of Supply Bl:pense •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Refund of :Repair Expense ........................................... . Restorations ..•................................••..........•.....•..•• Rebate of Prepaid Interest ...•.........•....................•......... Interest on Deposita •....•..... : .............••.••..•.................. ~~~t on Bonds .......................................... _ ......... . Proc.e::t:nt of 'l'reaaury Bonds ...........•............................ Proceeds of Notes (.18.000.00) ........................................ . of Bond l88ue ($55.000.00) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•• a:rU.5t 51.221.18 5.1811.88 :n:n 4.09 41.00 8'14.00 13UO 367.03 485.00 1.983.118 1.116.44 151.83 42.10 29.6a 641.40 35.00 358.60 60.00 500.00 17,769.72 5'1,952.23 TOTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $139.052.10 Credited to the following Funds: :;I~ral Fund .........•••••••.•.....•••••.......................... Ing Fund ••••.••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..••.•.••.•••• Special Fund .••..•..••••••••.••..•...••...•••••••.•••••••••••••••• $128.214.22 5.326.19 5,511.89 $139.052.10 NOTE: Subject to accompanying comment. SCHEDULE 0 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE STATEMENT OF CASH DISBURSEMENTS FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1931 GENERAL AND ADMDIlSTRATlVE ::!ttlrtng ot Notes ...............•............•.•••....•........•..... $ 18.000.00 ar ea. Secretary and Stenographer............................... 3.340.00 Salary. Treasurer ...••........ ..........................•...•...... 200.00 Salary. 8011cltor ........•........................................... 100000 Auditors' Fees .•••...••••••••••••••..•••••••••••••••..•.••••..•••••• '100:00 Advert1alIlg ..................•................••.............•...•.. 19-7.10 PrlDtlng. l'oatage and Stationery.................. •••...••.•••..••• 84.52 Insurance ........•.••...•..••••••..•.........•..•••....••..••...... 99.15 Supplies ..................•.............................•......•.... 73.59 Rents .....................••.........•.............................. 4.20 Professional Fees and Expenses.......... ...... ......... ....•... .. .. 464.65 InapeetlOIlll and Plans..... .. .•.......•..•... .................... .. .• 103.45 Repalr& .........•...............•.•..•...•.•...••.••...•..••.•••.••• 5.00 New Equipment.......... .. .....•....••••..•..•...••.•..•••..• .. . . . 85.00 Sundries .•.....••••..•..••.••••••••.•...•.••.•.••.•••••••••..•.....• 313.24 $ 24.069.90 HIGHWAY Salaries and Wages .•.•.•....••••••..••......•..••.•.......•...••.•. $ ~~~1~.:: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::::::: :::::::::::::: Gas and Oil .•..••..•••..•.•.•........................•............. ~p~~ . : :: : : :: : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : :: : :: :: : ::: :: :: : ::: :: :: : : : : : : : : : : : :: Refund of Deposits ............••...•...........•.....••............ Advertising ........................................••............... "R'ater •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sidewalks •........ ~ ..•........••.........•...........•.•••....••.•.• New EQuipment .•....•.••..••...•.••.............•......•.•..•..•.. Inspections and Plana •••..•••.•••.••••..•.••.•..•..•.••.•...••.•.••• gSunrdries ........................•...•••......••.....•......•........ ts •.......••.......•....•......................•..•..•..•....... ess.onal Pees and Expenses •...•....••...••.••......•...••..••.•. Construction of Underpass .....................................•.... .• Of this amount, $5,016.95 was Bpproprlated from unused portion o~ Underpass Bonds by specl1lc resolutton of council. 4.300.00 457.82 63.00 243.45 105.58 523.10 40.06 34M2 112.92 94.88 312.05 413.25 169.50 24.800.81· 460.00 38,332.39 '10.829.43 portrayed the part of the Marquis de La- Balance, December 31, 1931. .............................................. . $3.386.35 POLICE ICE DEPENDABLE CHEAPER You will find our service convenient to your needs. Ye Old Swartlunore Ice Service. Z10 Dartmouth Ave. Phone 894 D. F. GERNER M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON HEIGHTS Madison 110 ROUND·TRIP FARES· ~~ OVER WEEK-ENDS April 29 to September 3 Between all stations on the PennsylÂvania Railroad and generally between stations in the Edst, Middle West dnd Eastern Cmada. Tickets 500d l~vb, fram noon friday to midnight S4ttJd"y. ReturnIng to lellve des. IiMtion <lny time to <lnd including mldnlsht tro!lins the following MondllY Good In Pullm.sn Co!In on paynlent of ft:gular PulhMn charsc:s. liber<ll stop.oyUS returning. Pennsylvania Railroad Nonuser-8 The securities in this tund were reduced by $500.00, due to the redemption oi a Treaw Bury Bond. . BONDED INDEBT.E DNESS The changes In the Bonded IndebtednE:SS during 1931 were as follows: Balance. December 31. 1930 ..................................................... $ 83.000.00 Floating of New Loan.... . ... .............. ... .. .......... ..................•. .. 55.000.00 138.000.00 Borough Bonds Retired ..••.••................................................. · 2,500.00 Outstanding, December 31. 1931. ••.•••••••••..•...•..•.••.................... · .'135.500.~ The amounts of outstanding Bonds of the various laaues on December 31. 1931. were as follows: Bonded Indebtedness Loan 4-Roads-Interest Due April and October 1st SeriaL ....................• 1.000.00 1,500.00 5.500.00 22,500.00 50,000.00 Loa.n 5-Sewers-lnterest Due April and October 1st Serial ................... . Loan 8-Equlpment-lnterest Due J~nuary and July 1st Sedal ............... . Loan 9-Roads-Intereat Due January and July 1st SeriaL ................... . Loan l1-Refundlng-lnterest Due May and November 1st Serial ............. . Loan 12-Underpass & General Street Improvement & Upkeep ot Highways- Interest Due Aprll & October 1st Serial.. .. . ... ........ ...... ..... ... -55-.000-.00 'l'otal ........................................................................... $135.500.00 BOROUGII OF SWARTHMORE BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1931 ASSETS SCHEDULE A Cash Avatlable tor CUrrent Needs: General Fund ...••........................................ $ 21,338.86 Spectal FUnd ................................... ,· .. ······· __ ..:2:::00.::.:::06=. Sinking Fund: •• ~ •• ~ .......... c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• securities ............................................••... Accounts Receivable; 1931 Taxes Unpatd .•.............•...•.................... $ 11,521.78 1930 Taxes Unpaid .......•..........•••.••.••........ ~ . . . . 2,224.82 Lle~Roads: Harvard Avenue ...... , .............. ... . .. ....•. .. 1.249.74 Swarthmore Avenue ............. .... ... ... ...•. . .. 560.83 Princeton Avenue............. ........ ..... ... ... .. 278.36 Westdale Avenue............... .•.................• 717.15 Dartmouth Avenue......... ••.•....................- -7-.68 ~ CUtting of Grass: Chester Road and Yale Avenue ................... . Assessments .............•.•.............................. Pole and Main Tax ................................ ~ ...... . Permanent Improvements and EquIpment: Railroad underpass (Cost to Date) .............. , ........ . Road and Sewer Improvements .......................... . PUblic BulldlDgS and Grounds ..........•••...•..••...... · EqUlpment-Plre, Pollee, Hall, etc ....•................... TOTAL ••••••••••....•.•...••.••••.•..•.•.•••....••••.•••••• LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Notes Payable-Flre Engine ................................ . Accounts Payable ................... ························ Retained Amounts on Contracts ...................•........ Bonded Indebtedness ...................................... . Swplus. Representing Excess of Asset Valuation over Liabilities .....••.•....................................••. TOTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.•••..••• NOTE: Subject to accompanying comment. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1931 . Taz Duplicate 1931: .Aesecred Valuation $5,449.430 @ 12 mills ............................. . Ktmmell 'l"ract 109.700 @ 3 mUls .............•••.............. * 21.538.92 3.386.35 1,000.00 13,746.60 2,813.76 6.00 10,917.26 1,220.80 38,332.39 193.118.08 42,000.00 34,971.99 4.386.35 28.704.42 308.422.46 $363.052.15 $ 3.460.00 3'11.49 1,001.35 1 135.500.00 222.'119.31 $363.052.15 SCHEDULE C ,65.393.16 329.10 Salaries and Wages .....•......•••.••.••..••.•• · ••.•••.• · .• · ...•.•.•. f Supplies .................................••.......•........•.••..... Ll,ht and Power ................................•..•...•.•.•.•...... Pr nttng, Postage and StatJouery ........•.....•..•.......•..•..... ·. Telephone and Telegraph ..................................•........ ~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::: New EQuipment ...................... , ........................••..• Rents .........................................................•..... Professional Pees and Expense ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Sundries ...•...•...••.•••..••...•.••...••..................•..•.•..• FIRE Insurance •.................•...•.•.................................. $ FIre Hydrants ., .................................................... . Maintenance of Equipment ........................................ . Light and Power ................................................... . Telephone and Telegraph ...•...•.....•.........•...•..•..•....••... Interest ............•...•.•........••..•.............•....•.•..•...• Payment of Notes for Purchase of New EQuipment ..•..•.•......... New Equipment ................................................... . Oas and Oll ........................................................ . Advertising ................................•..............•.•....... Supplies ........................................................... . HEALTH 9.650.61 2t4.79 91.66 . ~!) 642.19 583.98 22M1 248.76 32.84 8'14.58 40.00 15.00 226.03 900.91 2.422.50 325.00 16.57 91.12 415.20 3,460.00 629.48 38.6"1 10.81 22.40 358.85 Salaries and Wages ..........•..•..•••••••••.•••••••••...••••....•... $ 451.0'1 Garbage Collection ......................•...•....•................. 1.500.00 PrInting. Postage and Stationery.............. ..•.. .......... ....... 71.55 ~J~~J::'g':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: 1~:;i New Equipment.. .... . .... ....................................... .. 8.48 Sundries ............................................................ .85 Supplles .........•...•.............................................. 9.50 PUBLIC PROPERTY --...::.::..:: Salaries and Wages ................................................ .-.$ 900.00 Supplies... ........ .. . .. .. .. ....•...................••.••. ..•... .•. . 113.03 Repairs .................••..........................•...•..•........ 2.0'15.20 Light and Power.................................................... 178.14 Coal and Furnace Operation ..•.•.•.•...........•••.•.... :... . .. . .. . 498.00 Insuran.ce ............•.•.•..••...•.••..•..•...•..•..•.............. 634.'14 Advertising ..........................•........•................... ~ . 2.94 Water .•........................... .............. ................... 47.76 Sundries ••......•....•.••...•....••.•..•..•...............••..•.•.. 87.26 LIGHT --== . Ltght and Power •••........•.•.•.•......•.........•....•............• 4,776.08 SEWERS Repairs ..........................•.........•..................•...•• , lflspections and Plans ..........................................•.•.. Professional Fees and Expense .............•..•..•.................. . New Equipment ..............................•..................... 606.00 300.'11 70.00 158.40 12.8'11.81 8,691.~5 2.221.8'1 4.537.07 4.116.08 =E:~~·:~·:·~·~·:·:·: .:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: . :.:.:.:.: ::: : :: : :: :: : :: 2.94 817.2'l. 430.43 MISCELLANEOUS LIght and Power ...................•.•....................•......... $ Advertising ..................................•............•....•.... Professional Fees and Expense ...........................••......... Inspection ancl Plans .....................•......................... Supplies ••.............................•..•......................... Sundries ...•.•.•.•........•••.••••.•.•..•..•...............•......•• SINKING FUND Redemption of Borough Bonds: Loan No.4 Bong-"No. 19 .................................. $1.000.00 I.oan No.5 .Bond No.9.................................. 500 00 I.oan No.8 Bond No.5.................................. 500'00 t.oan No. 9 Bond No.5.................................. 500:00 ~~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $ CHARGED TO THE FOLLOWING t'UNPS SGiennkeirnagl FPuonndd ..•••.••..••.•••••••••••••••..••••••••.••••••••••••••. Special Fund .•.•.•.•.•...•.•.•...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...•.•.•.•...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...•.•...•...•.....•...•.•....•. 18.'11 52.22 1,130.25 '11.75 18.00 3,'134.25 2.500.00 331.00 3.705.00 2.385.15 5,025~18 6,~00 $141.1144;44 ,130.004i4s 6.538JlO S.403;B9 $141.9M,'44
---------- Page 16 ----------
THE SW ARTHMOREAN ", . Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples, Emlor and PubU.her Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered as Second Class matter, January 24 •• '29, at the Post Office at Swarth. more, Pa., under the Act of March J. 1879. Fl{]DAY, l\IAY, 27, 1932 A Community Program For Thi. Summer 'Vilh ~h.·fIIurial Day almost here and the Colil'gc closing lIext week it may be gallles are always full of action and good spirit. It is to be hOJ)cd, howcver, that the COllutluuit.r activities will not be limited to baseball and such holiday programs as the fuurth of July, Decoration Day and said that Swarthmure's quiet SlIlIImer Labor Day. We hope that the Player's Sl'aSOIi is oncl' lIIurc at hand. Most of CluJ, will fiud it agreeable to produce the organil.ations that fUllction during some 1)lays <luring the summer or brin~ thl' f<lll winter and sl)ring ha\'c held some entertainmcnts hcre. We hope that their fin~1 llrograllls and the tJucstiull of th~ Public School Playground w~r~~r~ what we shall do this sUlIlmer is now I wII! iurange some summcr act!VltiCS lIJJllcnnost in cvcryonc's mind. which may be observed .by the re~ldcn!s 'Vilh (hl' beginning of the slimmer 50 of the borough. All had to the remus dose at hand, it hdlOu\·C5 us to luok Club ami its IJJans for exhibition matches. around <lnd sec wh;'lt those of us who SOllie sUlluuer tours to nearby points of slJl'lltl the major portion of our time at interest and beauty might well be taken hOlllc can '111ld ill the way of incxIJCnsive hy Swartiunorcans ill a group. cntl'rtaiulllent huth for ourselves and llay Swarthmorc's summer program children. It was with this thought ill develop to such an extent that everyone mind that The S",ortll1lwrco1l last week , .... 110 mllst stay hOll1e this summel' for H'clIlIlIllcmlcd that additiunal steJls be fiallcial rl'asons will say when autumn taken before the SUlllmer Vac<ttion Bible comes that he has spent one uf the plcasÂschoul he given up entirely. J-Iowc\'er .illltest SUlIIlllers of his life. tht'rc has hcen no aplmrcnt response to • l • this plea and the Bible Schuol is defin- Engagement itl'ly uut of the picture for the summer of 1932. Not so the community baseball team howl'\·er. This SlIlIIlller activity is get· ling away to a late but enthusiastic start. The cltllcge has changed thc location I.:f the diamond, new uniforms have been sccurl,<1 for all the lliaycrs, and the scheÂdulc of Tuesday and Thursday night games is already filling till. Here is a summer activity which desen'cs the ';:011- sistant Slll)I)Ort 'of the community. It is representative of the borough and thc Control thePests Arsenate of Lead, Antrol" Nicotine Pyrox, Aphiatrogen, lnaectrogen, Red Arrow, Fairmount Weed Killer, Black Leaf 40, Fly Sprayers, Sulphur and Lime. Suplee's Store Swarthmore 105 The engagcment of Miss Mary BeauÂI11Ullt Tcmple daughter of Mrs. Florence May Temple of Park avcnue to Mr. l.ewis \Valton of Concordville, Pa., was anllounced at a KaplJa Sigma dance May 1... Mr. Walton js a member of the ]Iresent senior class at Swarthmore Col· lcge. • • Woman's Guild Meet. ''rhe Young Woman's Guild of the Presbyterian Church held its annual halHluet at the Strath Havcn Inn last Friday e\'cning. The prcsident, Mrs. "'alter I .. uff prcsided. Dr. William T. Ellis was the speaker. The other gllcsts of honor were Mrs. 'Vi1Iiam T. ElJis, Miss Margaret AmÂc1ia lWis, Mrs. John E. Tuttle, Mrs. Frederick Child. Among those attending were: Mr. and hlrs. Russell Philips, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. \Vhitakcr, Miss Charlotte Le· '1iI.'~ot..""", .. ,,< ACCIDENTS' yo. need 'a. TELEPHONE ill yonr hOllle! Nonuser-S THE SWAR11IMOREAN deric, Miss Cornelia Van Aleo, Oakley Van Alen, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams, Mr. and Mrs. William Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. George Van Alen, M iss Catherine Hcrshay, }. V. Hershay, Mrs. Henry Mack, Mr. and Mrs. A. Griffin, Miss Mac Lynd, Miss Annie Hayes, Mrs. Clara 'faylor, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luff, Miss Jean Doctor and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clark. • I • Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker, of Riverview road, entertained inform· ally on Saturday evening when their gllests were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas H. LueÂders, Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. J ohnsoD, Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dodd. gjlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnJlllllllllllllllllllllI\ii B ChurchNews = a ;: Po, •• j 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i5 TRINITY CHURCH Piotestant BPl.seopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the COllege Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S. T. M.. 8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m.-Junlor Church. 9:45 a. m.-Bunday School. 11:00 a. m.-BACCALAURBATS SERVICB OF ULVERSTON SCHOOL. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle",. Minister GIVES THE HAND OF WEL"""OME TO ALL sunday Morning at 10:00, Bible School MORNING WORSWP AT 11:00 THE PASTOR PREACHES "THE SPIRIT OP PHARISAISM OR THE SPIRIT OP FALSE RELIGION" VESPI!RS At 4:45 SERVICE OF MUSIC At 7:00 THE YOUNG PEOPLE Mr. Spaeth of the High School LEADINO Wednesday evening 8:00 Come and talk over THE IMPERFECT CHARACTERS OF SCRIPTURE SWAR.THMOBB METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS Min1ster Services, Sunday, May 29th 9 :45--CHlJRCH SCHOOL 11 :DO-Worahlp and Sermon "TO WHOM SHALL WE GO?" 7:45-Worshlp and Berman "A CBRlSTIAN MEMORIAL" ATTEND SOME CHURCH WELCOME BElIE THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRlBNDS "The constant standard of truth and goodness Is God In the coru;c1ence, and liberty of conscience Is therefore the most sacred right and the onl, avenue to reÂligion." - WilHam Penn. SUNDAY 9:45 A. M;. - FIrat Day School in Wblttler House. S :45 A. M. - Moming Forum In Meeting House. n;oo A. M. - Meeting for worship In the meeting house. All are cordially invited to join in these services. FIRST CHURCH OF CBRIST, SCIENTIST. OP SWARTHMORE Park: Awmue Below Harvard Services: 11:00 A. M.-sunc1a7 BdlooL 11:00 A. M.-Bunday Lesson-Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting each week. 8 p. m. Reading room open dally. except Sundays and hOlidays, 1 P. M. to 4 P. M., Church edUlce. AU are cordially Invited to attend the servlces Il.nd use the Reading Room. Thousands OF Dollars IN GIFt'S Given Away - $ $ $- Better Business Campaign Merchants of Media Greatest Event In Media In Years Campaign Starts Saturday, May 28th Awards Given Every Tuesday, Beginning June 7th . AT MEDIA THEATRE Campaign Ends July 5th COUPONS Given With Every Purchase of SOC at Stores Participating in Campaign. -Be Sure to Ask for Coupons- MAY 27.1932 COMMUTATION RATES S A V E ! ON ELECTRIC CARS AND MOTOR BUSES FOR DAILY RIDERS { 50 Tiek"te (or ta.75 Good (or 30 da,_ Bearer Onl, FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN 1SO Tlckete (or ta.75 Good UntUU .... On Sale at 69th Street Terminal Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. Aronimink Transportation Co. MISTER SMALL BUDGET keeps in step with these New AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS Down 2 Year. to Pay Prices .... rt It $63.50 Even .mlll budgets can now provide Hot Water lor everything anel everyboely In your home. Includln,ln,IIII1.00n <Stiehrb More on BudJo .. PI4n) The new low cost 01 operation 01 these elflcient Automatic GI. Water Helten and the new low coot 01 the helten them.elve. now give you Hot W Iter Service atouch small COlt thlt you'll congralullte younell every time you tum a hoi wlter Ilucet. Come in and 'ee them, in various mIkes end III.i.es, during this speclel olfer. Ruud ••• Hotzone ••• Penlield ••• S .... hot All Our SUb .... ban Stores Or see ,.0 .... Pla_ber or Heatin. Con-traetor p. HI L PH IA. ELE CT RIL..",",,1 OMPANY ~-----------------------.---~---------------------------------------------------_._. I,Iii ' il HOT WATER all summer AUTOMA TIC GA,S wATER HEATER Special oHer now. No down Payment Thirty Days Free Trial Woodward, Jackson and Black . i\ 333 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 43 Ii Il_ ___ ~.~ _______________ • ___________________________________________________________ Iail ------ . I===~=l ~ appreciation to those who died that future generations 1 1 might better live. Let us so live that those who come 1 after us may, keep our memories green. I Swarthmo~:'~.:~!!.~m!a:~ ~" Trust Co. t. .... ____ ~~_ __~__ . _~ . .. ~_ ~_.~ .. .. .w~"'. ._ _ ~ ______" '. ...~ "' __. .~ , MAY 27. 1932 Give T.,latoi Play On Monday evening at the A. M. E. Church the World Friendship Club gave the play of Toistoi, "Where Love is, there God is also." The cast was as follows: Martin, a cobbler-Helen BunÂdick; An old friend-John Quinlan; SCHOOL cmlnREN BURN CATERPILLARS 'fhe Swarthmore School children unÂder the leadership of Miss Elizabeth K. Barten, Teacher of Nature Study and Science, have waged a campaign against the tent caterpi1lars which are unusually numerous this year and proving very Stephen-Mr. Bundick; A poor woman destructive. School children have been -Helen Johnson; An apple woman- urged to destroy the tents and the older Gladys Quinlan· and A mischievous boy children who can handle torches, have I H'II' been asked to burn them out. This cat- -Stan ey I. erpi' 1a1r 'IS very d estructl. ve to f0 I1' 3ge and Mrs. Maddox presided, and presented builds its unsightly tents in the forks of Mrs. Jenkins, who spoke on World the trees. It is hoped that everyone in Peace. Mrs. Bonsall showed a painting the community will join the school chil-by Mrs. Waring of the Cheyney School dren in destroying these pests. ... . which is to be hung in the office of the The matter of destruction is easier ill Women's International League for Peace winter time wlJ,en the egg masses on and Freedom. slender limbs of the trees can easily be CLASSIFIED FOR RENT removoo. The caterpillars seem particÂularly partial to cherry, apple, quince and willow trees. • I ; Win EIllIY Awards FOR RENT-Two attractive housekeeping apartments at 317 North Chester Rd., Six The following children have been given rooIDIJ and bath each, electric refrl.geratton awards for their essays on Temperance and all conveniences. Albert N. Garrett, I b h S h W 'Ch" pennypacker 4442 or Swarthmore 489. y t e wart more oman s nSl13n Faa RENT-Attractive apartment for rent. 'phone 124-Jrl.. Temperance Union: Eleanor Miller, ~o;te~fO~~O~ Kitty Brill, Jim Smith, Walter Jones, Robert Delaplaine, Leroy Evans, Doro-ÂFOR RBNT-8econd floor bousekeeplnB apartment, 139 Rutgel'8 Avenue. 5 rooma and bath. Albert N. <lanett, 'Phone SwarthÂmore 489. thy Jones, Clyde Shank, William Polk, Lydia Maddox, Elizabeth Thorn, Alice Snyder, Elaine Eachus, Charles Sey. mour, George Schubruck, Rose McCann, FOR RENT-Garage. $5 per PJ,onth. 304 Cor- Fred Drew, Jack Clayton, and Jane nell Avenue. 'Phone Swarthmore 22. Gregory. FOR RENT-Four room furnished apRft. ment. central location. G8I'8Be. June 15th to September 15th. Swarthmore G21-W. I I I Anti-Toxin Treatments FOR RENT-Nlcely furnished Cottage at Beginning Thursday, May 26th, those Spray Beach. Beach Haven, N. J. Five bedrooms, garage. all modem conveniences. children of the schools whose parents deÂ$ 600. Open Sunday and Monday. Phone sire to have Toxin Antitoxin treatment Bw. 186. provided. will receive these injections FOR SALB-Slightly used Crex ruga, wool from Dr. Franklin S. Gillespie, Borough rug, sofa cushIons and sundries. 233 Cor· Health Officer, and Miss Anna Burk. nell Ave. 'Phone Swarthmore 206. =::'''-----------------1 hardt, School Nurse. The fresh mateÂFOR RENT-Attractive Furnished. bungalow rial for these injections and Schick test with growuis for summer. Swarthmore are provided by Ihe State Department of ::566-:.:...:M=..' ____________ .1 Health. Thus far about 3() children have WANTED TO RENT planned to receive the treatments, as part WANTED TO BENT-Yearly lease. House In Swarthmore. 3 or 4 bedrooms, gBl'8.Be. Rental between $65 and t85 per monUl. Box W. Swarthmorean O1Ilce. PERSONAL PERSONAIr-Old pine stairs recovered. with oak. Hardwood D001'8 laid and re1ln1shed.. EstLmates furnlehed. 80merhalder & Scheible, 658 Tent.h Ave.. Moore, Pa. Phone Rldey Park 1136-W. WORK WANTED WORK WANTBD-Smart Sprln!!. dresses made' by experienced dreismfLer. Will call for and deliver work. Alterations. ReÂmodeling. Phone Chester 2-2728. 112 PARK. AVENUE AttracUve second Boor apanment. Bent $15. 6 1'OOIDS, bath, porch. electric refrlcÂerator, electric raDge, 'p'rivate 00 burner, 2 entrances. Possession May 1. . WM. S. BITrLE NOlary Public Real Eorale Swa. 111-.J I have a few thousand dollars to loan on good local first mortgages. E. C. WALTON Stop! Look! Listen! A real Swarthmorean Home of 4 bedroom. and up,:,lo-dato ia overy respect, for we at ahoul $12,000, including garage and nice building loL Partie. leaviDB town. Worth the mono,.. C. A. SMITH Phone Swarthmore 705 of the school's health program to develop 100% immunity to diptheria. These in· jections will be administered both at the College A venue and Rutgers A venue buildings. Final Musi",,1 The choir of the Presbyterian Church has prepared a beautiful program of music of the great masters to be sung Sunday at Vespers at 4.45 P. M. This will be the final musical service of the season and is a reCluest program as follows: "Organ Hymn of Glory", by You, and the "Bells of St. Anne de Beaupre", by Russell, played on the organ by Mr. Kneedler. Anthems, "By Babylon's Wave", by Gounod, "0 Lord Most Holy", by Franck. USanctus and BencÂdictus", by Gounod, and "Hallelujah ESTATE OF ROSALIB S. PUSEY. Deceased. Lettel'8 Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the underalgned, who request all persons havlng claims or demands agalnat the estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persona Indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay, to H. CARROLL PUSEY, MARY S. PUSEY. 411 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Penna., Executors. Or their attorney, CLAUDE O. SMITH. Esq., 1617 Land Title Bldg .• PhUa.delphla, Penna. 4·22·0&. ESTATE BAY S. LIPMAN, deceased. Jacob Van Sclver Blphop, Executor, Real Estate Trust BulldlnB, Philadelphia, Howard Kirk, Atty., 302 County Bulldlng. Media, Penna. Notice Is hereby given that Letters TestaÂmentary have been granted In the above Estate. and that all persona indebted to the above Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to pre· sent the aame. WIthout delA.Â¥. to the SX:Âecutol' or his attorney. 4·22·6L PUBLIC HEARINO Notice Is hereby given that application has been made for a special permit to erect a two story addition to consl$t of stores and two second floor apartments on the property of Joseph and Ma.ry Cella at No. 102 and No. 104 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, All Lines of - PB. This application Involves a request for INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE PETER E. TOLD OLD BANK BLDG. Call Swarthmore 1833 a special permit to build the said pro~r· - tIes out to within one to five teet of the -= front property line on Park Avenue and = Involves a violation of Section No. 301 ot the Zoning Orcllnance which PrQvides for a set back ot twenty-five feet for all buUd· = lngs In the business district. A Public Hearing at which all citizens =I nterested. In this matter will be beard by Council and w11l be held on Thursday eve· :;. nlng, June 2nd. 1932 at 7:45 P. M •• E. D. it+;;;;;;;H;H;;;;;;H;H;:~IS' T. In CouncAilL BCEhRamT bNe.r ,G B.AoRroRuEg'I"h'l 'H. Jarll.,. Borough Secretary. UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring FRED J. HARLEY AlIo"flQUE REPRODUCTIONS Awni.... Oriental R .... Davenpol'l Suiles Lamp Shades Hair Mallreases Box Sp·ri ..... Chair Cani... Ruoh Seato Painlina Paperhanain .. Cnelom Made Furniture S ... .,h. 1441 S·13-3t Nonuser--6 THE SWARTHMOREAN Chorus (Mount of Olives)" by BeetÂhoven. Mrs. Cross, SOl)rano, will sing "I Will Extol Thee, 0 God,'· by Costa. An interesting topic will be cOllsidered at the midweek sesrvice next WednesÂday evening at eight. The Imperfect Characters of Scriptures. The services of Children's Day will be held at morning worshsip, June 12th. • I MUSIC SUPERVISOR WINS APPOINTMENT Miss Doris Van de Bogart, Music SUl)ervisor of the Swarthmore Schools, has just been appointed by Dr. James N. Rule, State Superintesndcnt of Public Instruction, a member of a committee to revise the State Course of Study in Music. Miss Van de Bogart has been asÂsigned the resl)onsibility for developing the portion of the Music course relating to the appreciation of the Music pro· gram. This material is shortly to be printed as the new official Course of Music Instruction for l)ellllsylvania. • • Lawn Fete In conncction with the Lawn Fete being givcn for the Delaware County Hospital on JUlie 3r<l and 4th on the Hosvi~al grounds, Connie Mack has donated for sale a season tickct to the Athletic Ball Park. Here is a chance lor a year's bascball at thc cost of a dime. SHERIFFS SALES SaERIFP SALES Of Real Estate At the Sheriff's Office Court House. Media, Pennsylvania Saturday, June 11, 1932 8 :30 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Levari Facias Ma.rch Term. 1932 No. 632 All that certain lot or pIece of ground situate In Folcroft. County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deÂscribed according to a survey made by Alonzo H. Yocum, Borough EnBIneer, Darby, Pennsylvania, dated January 16, 1928: Commenclng at a point formed by the intersection of the center line of FolÂcroft avenue (fifty feet wide) with the southea.sterly line of Avenue un" (fttteen feet wide): thence e:rt.ending south alo~ the southeas'terly line ot said Avenue "n' sixty-four degrees fltty·nine minutes west eight hundred eighty-four and slxty-one one-hundredths feet to a POint In the center of Primos avenue, (11fty feet wide); thence north twenty· four degrees four minÂutes west fifteen feet to a polnt in the center of said Primos avenue; thence north sixty-four degrees fifty-nine minutes east one hundred fttty feet to a point In the northwesteriy side of Avenue "0"; thence north twenty-four degrees tour minutes west one hundred and one one-hundredths feet to a point In the southwesterly side of Glen avenue; thence south shr:ty·four degrees fltty-nlne minutes '\Vest one hunÂdred fltty feet to a point In the center line of said Primos avenue thence north along said center line twenty·tour degrees four minutes west forty·flve feet to a point; thence north slxty·four degrees fttty·nine minutes east one hundred fifty feet to a POint In the northwesterly slde of said Glen avenue; thence notth twenty·flve degrees five minutes forty-three seconci& west five hundred eighty-two and thirty· three one·hundredths feet to a point; thence further north twenty·nlne degrees twenty-four minutes west one hundred fifty·five feet to a. point In the center Une of the Darby and Chester turnpike (sIXty feet wide) thence north along the same sixty degrees thlrtYooSlx minutes ea.st one hundred thirty-two and forty-seven oneÂhundredths feet to a point In the center llne of said Darby and Chester turnpike: thence south twenty·nlne degrees 'LwentyÂfour minutes east two hundred thirty feet to a point: thence north SiXty degrees thirty-sIX minutes east one hundred twenty·fl.ve feet to a point: thence south twenty-five degrees five minutes forty-three seconds east four hundred two and twenty· fh'e one-hundredths feet to a point; thence north slxty·four degrees fifty·nlne minutes east four hundred fifty-nine and seventyÂfive one·hundredths feet to a point In said center llne of Folcroft avenue: thence south along same twenty-seven degrees two mlnutes east two hundred eighty-five and elBhteen one·hundredths teet to the first mentioned point or place of beginnIng. Subject to the easement, if any. in any part of Folcroft terrace, which terrace is located approximately two hundred sixteen feet northeast from the middle of Prlmos avenue, beIng forty-four feet in wIdth and two hundred feet more or leas In depth from narby and Chester turnpike and exÂtends thence further in depth in a geneml southerly dIrection to Glen avenue; subject also to the easement If any, in any part of said Glen avenue, which said avenue is at the distance of approximately one hundred feet northwest from. avenue un" and eJ:. tends from Primos avenue to Trlbblt aveÂnue. Excepting and reserving from the above described premises the following described lot of ground, Borough of Folcroft. County of Delaware, commencing at a point being intersection of center Hne of Folcroft ave· nue (ftfty feet Wlde) and proJectlon of southeasterly nne of Avenue "D" (fifteen feet wide) If same were extended to center line of Folcroft avenue thence south sIXtyÂfour degrees fifty-nine minutes west eighty hundred. and elghty-four and sixty· one one~hundredths feet along the southÂeasterly side of Avenue "nit to center Une of Primos avenue (fifty feet wide) thence north twenty-four degrees four m.lnutes west along said center line fifteen feet to a point In northwesterly side of AvenUe "n" thence north slxty.four degrees ftfty·nme minutes east along northwesterly slde of Avenue "n" one hundred. and Ilfty feet to a point north twenty· four degrees four minutes west one hundred. and one oneÂhundredths feet to a point In the southÂeasterlY line of Glen avenue (forty-flve feet wide) thence south sixty-four degrees flttyÂnine mlnutes west along saId southeasterly Une one hundred. and fifty feet to a polnt In aforesaid center Ilne of Primos avenue; thence north twenty-four degrees four minÂutes west along saId center line forty-five feet to a point in northwesterly side of Olen avenue thence north sixty-four deÂgrees 1ltty-etght minutes east along sald northwesterly side of Glen avenue eight hundred and seventy-six and twen"ty-seven oue·hundredths feet to tbe center llne ot Folcroft avenue; thence south twen"ty-seven degrees two minutes east along the Bald center line one hundred. and .!sty and. als one-hundredths feet to tbe southeasterly aide of Avenue "0" the place ot beginÂning. No lm.provement. Va.cant ground. Bold as the property of John D. Mercer, mortgagor, and Allen &; Reed. Inc.. owner or reputed owner. Condltlons--tl.OOO.OO cash or certlfted check. on day of sale: balance In ten days. Further conditions announced. at sale. C. WILPBlID CONARD. Attorney. Pieri Facias No. 1489 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buIldings and improvements thereon erected, situate In the TOwnship of Haverford, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded 8D..d deÂ& erlbed according to a certain survey for H. Harrison, by Over and Tingley. C. B's .• Upper Darby, Pa., on February 25th, 1926, as follows, to wit: BeginnIng at a polnt on the northwestÂerly side of Wynnewood. road (tlfty feet wide) at the distance of two hunclred thlrty·one and thirty-two one·hundredths feet measured. north 11fty·six degrees twenty minutes east along the said side of Wynnewood road from Ita Intersection with the center line of Haverford road; thence north thirty-three degrees six minutes west. l)N8ing through the center of the party wall between these premises and the premÂIt!; es adjoining to the southWest, one hunÂdred twenty·five feet to a point; thence north fttty-six degrees twenty minutes east twenty-Ave feet to a point: thence south thlrtythree degrees six mlnutP.s east one hundred twenty·five feet to a &JOint on the northwesterly side of Wynnewood road and thence along the same south fifty.slx deÂgrees twenty minutes west twenty-Ave feet to the llrnt mentioned POint and place of beginning. Improvements consist of two and oneÂhalt story stucco house, 18x39 feet. EnÂclosed front porch. Sold as the property of George 'P. Kempen. Conalttons-$250.00 cash or certLOed check on day of sale: balance In ten days. FUrÂther conditions announced at sale. GEARY and RANKIN, Attorneys. JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALES SHERIFF SALES Of Real Estate At the Sheriff's Office Court House, Media, Pennsylvania Saturda.y, June 4, 1932 8:30 o'clock A. M. Eastern Standard Time Fieri Facias No. 1383 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with . the buUdIngs and improvements thereon 'erected, situate In the Borough of LansdoV{D.c, County of Delaware and State of PennsylvllDla, on the southeast side of Marshall road (fifty feet wide) at the dis:. tance of one hundred fttty·six feet and thlrty·nlne one·hundredths of a foot north· eMt from the northeast sIde of Belmont avenue (fifty feet wide). Containing In front or breadth on said Marshall road twentYM llve feet and seventy·five one·hunÂdredthB of a foot and extending of that wIdth In length or depth southeast 'beÂtween paraUel Ilnes at rIght angles to said. !4.anJhaU road one hundred. and five feet to the middle llne of a certain tourteen feet wiele driveway which extends north· east from Belmont avenue and southwest from Eldon street. (Being No. 230 MarshÂall road). And it 1& hereby expressly certlfled and declared. that this Is not a purchase money mortgage antt that It Is subject both in lien and payment to a certaln mortgRBe to secu..--e the payment of forty·flve hundred. dollars given by the said mortgagors to Prudential Insurance Company of America dated December 24th, 1927, and intended. to be recorded; and that the 11en ot said mortgage shall not be afrected or impaIred by a JudicIal sale under a judgment re· covered upon this present Indenture, or upon the bond secured hereby; but any euch sale shall be expresaly advertJaed and made subject to the Uen of the said mortÂgage. Together with the free and common use, right, liberty antl privilege of the aforesaid driveway as and for a driveway and pasÂsageway at aU times hereafter forever in common with the owners, tenants and ocÂcupiers of the other lots of ground boundÂing thereon and entitled to the use thereof, Improvements consist Of two.story frame and brick house. 15x39 feet. Enclosed front porCh'. One·story frame a~dltlon, 5xG feet. Concrete block garage, 9x18 feet. Sold as the property of Jcseph L. Blaney and Mathilde G. Blaney, his wife. Condltlon..s-$250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance In ten days. FurÂther conditions an~ounced at sale. E. LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 90'1 March Term, 1932 All that certatn lot or piece ot ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.; situate In the Borough of Prospect Park, County of Delaware and State of PenIlQlvanla, bounded and de· scribed as follows: Beginning at a poInt on the northerly side line of Sixteenth avenue (SO' wide) at the distance of one hundred ten feet (110') eastwardly from the junction of the side llne of the said Sixteenth street wIth the east side loop of Pennsylvanla avenue (40' wide) WhIch said first menÂtioned POint Is also three hundred elghtyÂeight feet (388') e8&tWardly from. the title lIne in the bed of .Adams avenue, thence extendIng north 23 degrees 41 minutes west one hundred thirty feet (130') to a point In the line of a certaln twelve teet wide driveway extending from PennsylÂvania avenue to Yagle avenue" thence north 66 degre..'!:S 19 minutes east twenty-elgbt feet (28') to a point, thence eJttendlDg south 23 degrees 41 minutes east one hunÂdred. thirty feet (13G') to a point in the northerly side Ilne of Sixteenth avenue aforesaid, thence along same south 86 deÂgrees 19 minutes west twenty-elght feet to the firBt mentioned POlnt or Plaee of beÂginning. Being premises No. '101, tormerly 80'1. Sixteenth avenue. Together with the free and common use, right, liberty and privUese of the aforeÂsaid twelve feet wide driveway as and for a passageway and water course at all ~es hereafter fcrever in common with the ownÂern, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground boundlng thereon and enÂtitled to the use thereof. 5 All that certa.1D lot or 11ece of pound with the bullcl1nge an lmprovem.en1ll thereon erected: situate in the Borough of Prospect Park. CoUDty 01 Delaware and State of PeDDIYlvaula, bounded. and deÂacr1. bed 811 tallows: Beglnnlng at a point 10 the northerly side line of 8lx~th avenue (50' v.1deJ at the d18taDce of fltty-four feet (54') eastÂwardly from the Junction of the aa1d e1de Une ot Sixteenth avenue with the eut elde line of Pennsylvania avenue (to' wide) which said tlr8t mentioned point Is also three bundred. thirty-two feet eutwardly (332') from the title Une In. the bed 01' Adams avenue. thence extending north 23 degrees 41 minu~ west one hundred U11rty feet (130') to a polnt In the lIDe of a cerÂtaln twelve feet wide driveway extend.ing from pennsylvania avenue to Tagle aveÂnue, thence north 66 degrees 19 mlnutes ea.st twenty·eJght feet to a point, thence extenCUllg soutn 23 degrees 41 mlnutes ea.st one hundred thirty feet (130') to a polnt In the northerly siae llne of Sixteenth ave· nuo aforesaid, thence along the aame south 66 degrees' 19 m.1nutes west twenty-eight feet to the ftrst mentioned polnt and place 01 beginnlng. Being premises No. 705. forÂmerly 811 SIXteenth avenue. Together with the free and eommon use. right, llberty and prtvuege of the aforeÂ& 814 twelve leet wlae driveway as and for a passageway and water course at all times hereafter forever In common with the owners, tenants and occupIers of the other iOts ot ground bounding thereon and enÂtitled. to the use of the same. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and lmprovements thereon erected: situate in the BoroUBh of Prospect Park, county ot Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and deÂscribed as follows: Begtnnlng at a point tn the northerly slUe Hne of Sixteenth avenue (50' wide) at the distance of one hundred sixty-sIX teet eastwardly from the junction 01 the slae line of the sald Sixteentb avenue wltn the east side line of Adams avenue, which said ttrst menttoned POlnt I.s also one hunÂdred elghty·tour feet (184') eastwardly lrom the tn.le line in the bed of the &toreÂsaid. Auams avenue, thence extendlng north 4!3 degrees 41 nu.nUte8 west one hundred. thirty feet (130' J to a POlnt In the line 01 a certaln tweive feet wide driveway ex· tenalng from Pennsylvania avenue to Ad8Dl8 avenue, thence north 66 degrees 19 mw.uteB eat twenty-eight :eet to a poInt, Ulence extendlng souto. 23 degrees 41 mm· utes east one llundred thln.Y leet to a point 1n the northerly SIde Hne of Six· leenth avenue aforesaid, thence along the same south 66 degrees lU mlDUtes west twenty-eIght feet to the' tlr8t mentioned. polnt or place of beginning. Belng premises 1'40. 715, 10rmerly 81Y, Sixteenth avenue. Together with the free and common use, right, Uberty and prlvUege as and. for a pB.6B8geway and wawr course at all tlme:s nereaItPr lorever In common with the own· era, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and. entitled to tne use of the same. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buIldings and improvements thereon erected; sltuate in the 1I0roUBh of l'r08pect Park, (;{)unty of Delaware and Btate of lI'ennsyIvanl&.. Bounded and deÂscribed as follows: BeglnniDg at a POint on the northerly slae line 01 Sixteenth avenue (SO' wide, at the intersection of the nortJlerlr stde line 01 the said Sixteenth avenue with the easterly s1de ilne 01 Pennsylvania avenue, whiCh said. first mentioned. point hi also two hundrec1 seventy-eight feet (278') eastÂWardly from tho title Une in the bed of Adams Ave .• thence extending north 23 fJegrees 9 mInutes west one hundred thirty feet (laO') along the easterly sIde line 01 tbe atoreaa.ld Pennsylvania Ave. to a point in the Une of a certaln twelve feet wide driveway extending from Pennsylvania aveÂnue to Yagle avenue, thence north 66 de· grees 19 minutes east twenty-tour and seventy·nine one-hundredths feet to a polnt, thence extenC11ng south 23 degrees 41 minutes east one hundred thirty fet (130') to a point In the nOrtherly siele line of Sixteenth avenue aforesaid, thence along the BlUUi; aouth 66 degrees 19 m.1nutes west twenty-six feet to the flrst m.entloned point or place of begInnlng. Being premÂlSes No. 709, formerly 815. Sixteenth aveÂnue. Together with the free and common use, right, Uberty and privIlege of tue said twelve feet wlde drlveway as and for a passageway and water course at aU times hereuter forever In common with the ownÂera, tenants and occuplern of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and enUtled to the use of the SaIne. Improvements consist of (1st desCription) 2-story brick: house, 16x44 feet. Basement garaa:e. (2nd description) two-story brIck nouse. 16X44 feet. Basement garage. (3rd description) two~tory brick house, 16x44 feet. Basement garage. (4th description) two-story brIck: hOuse, 16x44 feet. BaseÂ~ ent garage. Sold as the property of Conner and PhUUps and W1ll1am. H. Conner. Condttions-$250.00 cash or certified Check on day ot sale; balance In ten days. Fur~ ther conditions announced at sale. CHARLES I. CRONIN, Attorney. Pieri Facias No. 966 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and lmprovements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Bullock avenue at the distance of one hun. dred. and. six feet northwardly from the north side of Chester avenue in the BorÂough of Yeadon, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. containing In front or breadth on the said Bullock avenue twenty-five feet and extending of that wIdth In length or depth westwardly beÂtween lines parallel with the said Chester avenue Que hundred feet to the center Une of a certain fifteen feet Wide driveway (extendlng from Chester avenue to Bunt. lng road) and beIng known as No 1042 South Bullock avenue. . Under and subject to certain bullding restrictions as therein mentioned. Together with the free and common use, tight libÂerty and privllege of the said fltteen' feet wide driveway as and. for a passageway and water course at all tllnes hereafter forever In common with the owners, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use thereof. Under and subject, nevertheless, to the above mentioned restrictions as to buildlngs also certain restrictions as In aa:reement between Crawford Homes inÂcorporated. and the West Phlladelphia Title and Trust Company now of record. Also under and subject to the paYment of a certain mortgage debt or PTincipal sum. of five thousand dollars, With Interest thereon. Improvements consist of two and oneÂhalt story stucco house. 16x42 feet. Bear frame addition, 6d feet. Stucco garage 12&18 feet. Enclosed porch. ' Sold as the property of Harry Smith and Eunice M. Smith. Conditions *,50.00 cash or certlfled cbeck on day of sale: balanCe in ten days FurÂther conditions announcerl at sale. . CHAS. I. CRONIN, Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff.
---------- Page 17 ----------
6 THE SWARTHMORBAN FORMULA PREPARED Theatre company from Dublin, will be The funeral was held Saturday, May Guenther to the meeting of Convoca- • _____________ _ FOR TREE FEEDING given next Friday night. The last new 21st, from his late residesnce in Rutledge. tion at St. Mary's Church, Wayne. Mr. E production to be added to the reper- Interment at Arlington cemetery. "Guenther was appointed to the Com-" . WIRING A formula for feeding Swarthmore tory, "Chekhov's "The Sea Gull" will Mr. Morton was actively identified mittee to arrange a series of P.reaching shade·mes "that have ."nev.er recovcfed be presented on next Saturday night; with the affairs of his home .community, Missions in the Fall The Chairman is L RE'D from the drought of 1930 or that appear and it will be repeated on Monday and for m~ny years was P~esldent ,of the The Rev. Canon E. C. Earp. r'AJRS to be undernourished" this spring has been night, June 6, as the first of the sum- Gara-McGmley Co. of Phtladelphla. Mr. Guenther was the speaker at the presented by the Tree Committee of mer Monday night plays at lower .... Memorial Service of the Kiwanis Club, E RADI"O Swarthmore headed by Ellwood B. Chap- prices than the scale throughout the Trinity Notes of Chester, and made the address. ":il man. The formula was secured from the remainder of the week. Sunday night • • .." " Pennsylvania Department of Forests and now remains the only night of the Choir Medals were presented at the Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger, of WASHERS ~LEANERS Waters at Harrisburg. week not included in the Hedgerow special Musical Service last Sunday. Swarthmore avenue, entertained at ...." 2 parts nitrate of soda performance schedule. The Award for IJUllctuality and interest, cards last Friday evening when their T I 1896 2 parts acid phosphate Tonight's show at Hedgerow is lb- to be given once a month, was pre- guests were: Mr. and Mrs. James Mi- " "e. 1 part muriate of potash sell's 'Hedda Gabler" and tomorrow sented to David Shoemaker. This is a ncr, Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Johnson, 2 parts bonemeal night·s the first performance this year new Award and was given by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Richardson, Mr. F I X TuB E S Directions for alJplying this compound: of Shaw's "You Never Can Tell". lona G. Putnam. 'fhe Weston Mem- and Mrs. R. 'Chester Spencer, Mr. and scatter the powder at the rate of 2 ounces ••• orial Medal for Attendance was award- Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcrest, Mr. and "Mrs. I to 8 square feet of area, keep several feet Annesley Newlin Morton ed to William Gardner Cleaves and j. Donald Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE away from the trunk so· that the smaller Donald Lange, who had the same re- M. Dodd. r~ts re~eive the benefit of the appl!ca. Annesley N. Morton, passed away cord. The Westoll Memorial Cross {or William Rutherford, son of Mr. and t~on. Jt IS not ne~essary to make a!,phc~. Thursday afternoon, May 19th, at his special merit was presented to Arthur Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, of Strath Haven hon thr~ holes 111 the ground; If thl' residence, 117 Linden avenue, Rutledge, Haynes Mitchell, Jr. Arthur has had avenue, entertained at a dance on Sat- Swarthmore Electric Shop C 411 DubIo.tIt AYe. SwsrtJ.aore, P •• method IS used ca.re should .be taken tha,~ Pa. a perfect attendance at Choir for two urday evening, too much llOwder IS not put IIIto one hole. Mr. Morton was a direct descendent years. e. , D MONDAY MATINEE of J~hn Morton, a Signer of the e- An informal smoker was held in the AT HEDGEROW c1aratlOn of Independence, and a grand- Parish House on Tuesday evening. son of Judge Sketchley Morton, founder Louis W. King Phili) Oudre Da' of the borough of Morton, and for whom dAB C '. 1 ?' VIS A three o'clock matinee of Susan the borugh was na"led. an . . hapm accompamed Mr. Glaspell's "h~heritors" 011 Monday and He is survived by his wife Alicia WitÂan evening performance of Shaw's son Morton, four sons and' a daughter; "You Never Can 'fell" opens the week two brothers, John F. Morton, of NorÂat the Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Val- ristown, Pa., and Crosby P. Morton, of Icy, where the summcr schedule is in Swarthmore, Pa., and a sister, Mrs. full swing. Eugene O'Neill's "'fhe Em- George S. Stewart, of Haverford, Pa. peror-Jones" will be played un TuesÂday night and then will not be given again for another month. "Sweeney" by the authors of "The Solitaire Man" and written with the same skill in wit deÂsign, is the comedy for Wednesday night, with Cele McLaughlin and Ferd Nofer in the leads. In "Pinwheel" on Thursday night the entire Hedgerow COmlJany appears in mask-like makeÂups \vhich symbolize ill their similarities the standardization of modern metroÂpolitan life. 1'be characters are desigÂnated by Francis Faragoh, the author, as "The Jane", "The Guy", and others just as impersonal. "The Whiteheaded Hoy" by Lennox Robinson, who is now t~uring in th~s, country with the Abbey BACHMANS Quality Market YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.l83 . FREE DELIVERY - Open Decoration Day- Keeblers Saltines 25 lb. Pails Tartan Grape Juice 2 for 29 pt. hota. Lippincotts Apple Butter 2 jars 15 Frenchs Mustard jar 12 CampbeDs Baked Beans 5 Booth's or Hoffman's Ginger Ale 20plusdep. Cooked Corn B"eef 19. 24 oz. can Beef Bologna % lb sliced. Boiled Ham % lb sliced. SandwiCh Cheese * lb sliced Luncheon RoU ~ lb sliced. Habbersetts Bacon "% lb. pkg. Fancy Chuck Roast Cross Cut Roast Shoulders Lamb "Rack Lamb Chops 25 11 23 15 17 10 15 23 19 25 FresbGroundHamburg 15 (Limited .S.u pply at "this price) " Lansdowne Avenue" Baltimore Pike Friday &: Saturday Edward G. Robinson in THE HONORABLE MR. WONG (The Hatchet Man) Big Kiddie Show Sat. 1:30 P. M. Monday and Tuesday Wamer Baxter in "AMATEUR DADDY" Wednesday Barbara Stanwyck in "SHOPWORN" 100 free dinners to be given as prizes from the stage Wednesday June I, 9 P. M. Thursday POLA NEGRI in "A WOMAN COMMANDS" Hear her sing Paradise, the song that haa become a radio bit. Coming--Watch the date--Coming ."; "Ta.r'lI&iJ" MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. PHONE MEDIA t 74 "SERVING SWARTHMORE SUCCESSFULLY SINCE t 900" FINISHED LAUNDRY SERVICE WANTED Solicitor. Spare or full time. Call Kennett Square 417 T~E "ALYS SHOP Dressmakin.g 1 Park Avenue Suite 5 SWARTHMORE 1611 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Phone, Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge ELIZABETH" KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING Loeated In Thompson's Storet..Morton. Pa. Pennanent waving Every Day heept Saturday 3 Specials $1.00 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W Open evenings by appointment Nonuser-7 ~.,f:.lIM'EBJURllt! ~~ 1lJ1, DISPENSING OPTICIANS ~I!JIO) malls CHESTNUT ST .• PHILADELPHIA. '--------------------------------- Specialis~s in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES, President. ... Weloome to Our Table Genial, hospitable, friendly surroundings. Good things to eat, In a beautiful environment A p P 8 t i z i n g Dinners, 85 cents to $1.25. StratLHaven THE INN WITH PERSONALITY Sw.rt._OI'e~ Pe .... Sam Drayman's Shoe Store and Shoe Repair Shop Park Ave"nne ._-_.-._-------------------------------------------------------------.-------------~ Dress-up for Commencement Let us dry-clean your white flannel trousers, jackets or your worsted suits. Have your winter garments dry-cleaned and stored. Furs cleaned and stored. Prices reasonable. Phone: Swa. 504 HARRIS & CO. PARK AVENUE ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1': ! I There Is No Substitute for Cleanliness! Qualiiy Has No Sul,stitute! "The preference, howeyer, should be given to MILK which is so clean and so fresh as not to require any heatÂing/'- L. Emmett Holt, M.D., LL.D., Col~mbia UniverÂsity (page 112, "The Care and Feeding of Children"). REVISED PRICES for RIVERVIEW FARMS GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK 1 qt. 2 qts. Eft'eetive June 1st daily daily .. '" .22e .20e ,l8e Fresh Natural Milk·" contains all the goodness of the tender green pastures, the golden grains of the fields, the crystal water, and the pure air of sunny open spaces. We bring to your door" steps" daily this "Bottled Sunshine" as it brings the glowing health and vigor to your very table from the outdoors. ~ We recommend it to you unadulterated, unpasteurized, unstandardized. In other words, just as the cow gives it to us, produced in barns clean enough for you to eat in. lts flavor and natural ri.::hness make it a delightful addiÂtion to any menu. For service or a sample call our milkman, George SulliÂvan, Swarthmore 102. Riverview Farms Louis Cole Emmons, Owner ~---------.--------.. --.--------- ---------_ ... ----------------------_.